Four Page Colored The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere-Pay no more 12 Pages Today Comic Section Two Sections VOL. XI, CARTERET PRESS CARTKKKT, N. .1., FRIDAY. NOVKMHKR t, l<):\:< PRICE THREE CENTS unior C. E. Elects Small Boy Hurt When Turk Believes In Fair Play; New Staff Of Officers Legion Card Party He Runt Into Truck The following officers have been Toolan Urges Voters To Is Friend Of_The Unfortunate lected by the Junior Christian En- Is Big Success Ccnrfro Govelotz, ntfwl 7 yearn, leavor Society of the Presbyterinn son of Mr. and Mm. George Gove- Cartertst Man Never Refused Aid To Those In Need — Has hurch; president. Irene Hemsel; Large Attendance At Affair W-tz, cif fill Atlantic street, rmn acrow Elect Jo& A, Hermann Had Long Successful Business Experience — Always A ce-president, Enka Wulf; secre- WnphitiRton avenue Saturday eve- tary, Jean Way; treasurer, James Sponsored By Local Post and Democrat He Was Active In Newark Politics Before Mov- ning about 6;30 o'clock «nd was Former Prosecutor Recalls Time When Carteret Was The &**l Uiddell; refreshment committee for Auxiliary Held In Borough struck by a delivery truck twlonfrinjt ing To Carteret. ;he year, Emma Lorentz, Gloria to Alex Ijebowiti, grocer, John Sii- Governed Municipality In The County And One Of Tha Stein, Marjorie Hausler and Helen Hall. t*r, of % Maple street, driver of the Best In The State—Says Hermann Is The Only Man Equal Irdelyi. The annual Hallowe'en party Phillip Turk who is one of the to talk far more intelligently about truck, Mid th« boy wtes so clone that To Problems Of The Day — Say* Hoover Has Been Con- counqilmanic candidates on the Dem- them than many a man who has liv- f tha grrfup will be held on Wed- The annual joint curd party of the he, SziUr, did not have time bo stop ticket has had plenty of ex- ed here a lifetime. In some respects nesday night in the 8unday school barteret Post of the American Le- Dr. Louis Ilown.i treateil the br>y for sistently Wrong — Other Speaker* Heard At Maw Meet' es in politics although this i» Turk resembles Mayor Hermann in "oom of the church. Mrs. Cornelius gion and the auxiliary unit w»was* held a out on th<th > leftlft , hnn.hl l and a bruisbi e it time he has nouffht a bor- theories of government. He believes )oody, superintendent, will be in Tuesday night in the Borough hall., on the head. like. Mr. Turk was born and in a pay as you go j»olicy* in munici- harge. Refreshments were served and there oughj Form*r Prosecutor John E. TooUn Tho. tax r»te. began to climb and the raised in Newfcrk. He attended the pal government. He is an advocate were many awards. The committee of the doctrine that a government representing the poet consisted of uns tho principal uneakpr ThurwUy Imnded indeht^lnrtw grew until it public school* there andd llater at- night at * greatt bi tended the Newark Academy. should be run as a man would run Clifford Cutter, William Hagan, bemofratit- maw twrhed th* million mark. A million Ignores Red Light meeting in the hiiggh school auditordt - Hollar mortgage on your town, Too- his private business, and that the Man With Steady Job Harry Gleckner, John Katusn and i hih After his graduation Mr. Turk was same attention to economy must be ium which w»s packekdd to thhe doors. Inn put it. He said that Carteret will associated with his father, the late Edward J. Walsh. On the committee given to make either a success. It of the auxiliary were: Mrs. Wm. I). Toolkit told of his early recollections bo paying for years fur thu experi- Phillip Turk, Sr., in the baking busi- was these similarities that establish- And Injures Two of Carteret when it was the best gov- ment tried wh<«n the administration ness in Newark. After learning1 both Had No Passport Casey, Mrs, John Katusa, Mrs. Harry erned municipality in the utate with ed a friendship between the Mayor Gleckner land Mrs. Walter 9ak. IIA changed about 'en years »go. the fundamentals of the biking busi- Joseph A, Hermann as mayor and a Referring to a graph which tha and Mr. Turk and that made Turk The door award, a fern donated Woodbridge Man Goes Againtt ness and business in general, Turk agree to run when he was asked to Chrome Man Entered This Democratic council in control. For Democrat* have put into circulation became associated with The Pie Bak- by Mrs. Julius Kloss went to Wil- Signal In Washington Ave- sixteen years, he Raid, Cartcrvt was jhuwinjr the »te»dy increase in the be a candidate by the Mayor. liam Hagan. Miss Margaret Hermann the envy of other communities, Tho ers Of America in the Wagner Country By Way Of Canada nue—Victim* Hurt On Legt. Ux rate during ih* Republican re- branch in Newark. With this con- In politics Mr. Turk is partisan received the dark horse award, a tax rate w»s low and there was no Kime rule from 3.7-1 to !i,97 and thea but only to a certain degree. He be- —Taken To Ellis Island. wine set donated by Commander bonded indebtedness grew until it cern Mr. Turk held the three most Stephen Babies, Jr., of 6R Roose- the sharp dmp on sixty-eight point* important executive positions. He ieves in fair play at all times, In Morris Cohen of the post. when the Republican* camo into during the, second Democratic ad- fact it ia a hobby with him. His George Beranda, aged about 30 , , velt avenue, was driving his car power here, the speaker said, there ministration. The spenker "aid no was sales manager, manager of pro- The guests were: Mrs. Louis Peter- southward on Pershing lavenue Sun- was only about J1H,000 in lx>n<|s >ut- duction and credit manager. It was strong convictions on this point has years, who has been rooming at 39 ( ether Rpcument is needod to convince led to many an interesting discussion Essex street and who sought social son, Mrs. Elk Gleckner, Valentine day at 10:15 a. m. and was crossing standing—money that had been uwl in these positions that he developed y G, Washington avenue on a green light to motoriie tht» tire department. it thinking man, that Hermann is the n hit diner. enjoyments in Port Reading, was Gleckner Mrs. Henry Green, Mrs. Washington avenue on a green light only hope of the Carterrt people in the business ability that has brought John RurkdeigelRurkdeigel , Irfmls FabianFabian , John ththe car was structk k by a car Then the RepubllcHns came Inti: him success in all his otiher ventures. When the Ux bills came out some locked up Wednesday night on a wnen regard to Ux problems. He urged the months ago with the siirty-eight point ;harge of illegal entry into the Unit- Katusa Mrs. Joseph Mittuch, John owned and driven by William J. Con- power and Cnrteret's troubles bctrnn, people to return Hermann to office After spending many years with y, , y, nouVi of 490 Rahway avenue Wood. the Wagner Pie concern Mr, Turk drop Turk was impressed and said ed States. Beranda is Slavish and Pelczyk, Freida Green, Edwin Casey, nouVi of 490 Rahway avenue Wood. fur their own benefit »nd pocket- entered this country by way of Cana- Miss Jane Cook Mrs, W. Lasner, Ed- t,rid|fe( who> the poli(;e alle?e droV6 launched into the restaurant busi- so. He declared that the tax rate was Miss Jane Cook Mrs W Lasner Ed tid h ll d he acid test of the value of an ad- da. In common with every man who ward Quinn, William Donnelly, Mrs. ^ainst a red light. Babacs was bruis- ness and at one time had ai chain of 0 Mrs Wa t r ah ed on the ri ht Tmilan then turned to national is- ministration. lias been arrested in Carteret for il- « ,£? v "' »o J l ,? L X°5 ' B 1<* below the knee, eight restaurants; three, in Newark, legal entry into the country, Beranda and A g IPS. Ho told of how the public had two in Elizabeth, one in Rahway, one This brought him plenty of occa- Mrs. William "Brandon, Michael hBarm - anin dth Andree Babaw Lokatoa who was riding lieon t«li) four years ago that Her- liions for debate. There were those was employed at a steady job in a lo- K¥?, ,^!5 m B£Vler M' r- Xh?m " i th Bb cs car was bruised on in North Arlington and one in Irv- cal plant. K¥?McNally ^'"!5, Mrs. £VEdward Jr. XWalsh? , both legs belo w the kneesbi. Thedy wore l>erl ilonver is a sort of superman ington. Theae businesses prospered who tried to tell him that the admin- ed Ludwig, Mayor Joseph A. Her- treated by Dr. Irme Kemeny. wild suim> sliiuiKU [lower to put but became too big a proposition for stration did not deserve credit for Beranda's troubles began, police nann, John Polens, Stephen Palin- John Lukash, 5, of 84 Warren iverything to rights, That hp knew one man to handle. They were sold the drop; that in some way the oppo- say when his actions in Port Reading ash, Stephen Czakowski, Misa Mar- street, ran across RooseVe-lt avenuu nil alxmt nnntKes, all about foreign sition party was responsible. Turk's during tihe boom years after the war aroused a husband's ire and the im- aret Hermann, Mrs.
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