Early parasitoid recruitment in invading cynipid galls K. Schönrogge1, S. Moriya2, G. Melika3, Z. Randle1, T. Begg4, A. Aebi4 , G. Stone4. 1. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, CEH Dorset, Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester, DT2 8ZD, UK 2. National Agricultural Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8666, Ja- pan 3. Systematic Parasitoid Laboratory, Vas County Plant Protection and Soil conservation Service, Kelcz-Adelffy St. 6, Köszeg 9730, Hungary 4. Institute of Evolutionary Biology, The Kings Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JT, UK Summary: Biological invasions are widely seen as the biggest threat to biodiversity after the loss of habitats. One aspect of considerable interest is the recruitment of natural enemies after the establishment of the invading species and how such enemies link invaders to native communities. How- ever, not all invaders are invasive. Eight cynipid species originating in south-eastern Europe invaded Britain over the last 200 years. Presently they cause no economic concern or have any detectable detrimental effect on the native cynipid fauna. Since their invasions have been allowed to progress without intervention, they provide an excellent opportunity to study the recruitment of natural enemies and their integration into native communities. In contrast, the invasion of Japan by Dryocosmus kuriphilus from China caused great economic concern, because considerable damage to its host trees, Castanea spp. a valuable fruit tree in Japan and elsewhere in the world, is caused at high infestation rates. Here we review the early recruitment of parasitoids to the alien species in the UK and D. kuriphilus in Japan, their role in the invaders population dynamics, and how they link the invaders to native cynipid communities. Biological Invasions, Biological Control, Parasitoid Recruitment, Commu- nity Structures 2 K. Schönrogge1, S. Moriya2, G. Melika3, Z. Randle1, T. Begg4, A. Aebi4 , G. Stone4. Introduction Among cynipid gall wasps there are at least three independent examples of biological invasions that have resulted from human activity. Two cases represent introductions of individual species that are significant because they affect economically important host plants. Introduced European cork oak, Quercus suber, in California has been colonised by a European cynipid, Plagiotrochus suberi (Bailey and Stange 1966), and Chestnut (Castanea) in Japan, North America and Europe has been colonised by Dryocosmus kuriphilus, a native of China and Korea (Brussino et al. 2002; Moriya et al. 1989a; Payne 1978). The most significant example of cynipid range expansion is associated with human dispersal of Quercus cerris in Europe. This section Cerris oak is native to Italy, the Balkans and Asia Minor, and is the host for one or both generations of a wide diversity of cynipids (Melika et al. 2000; Stone et al. 2001). The natural distributions of all European section Cerris oaks correspond closely to glacial refugia for oaks during the Pleistocene ice ages, and following the retreat of the ice sheets only oaks in the section Quercus (particularly Quercus robur and Q. petraea) were able to escape the refugia and recolonise northern Europe (Stone et al. 2001). As a result, no cynipids dependent on Q. cerris (or any other section Cerris oak) for one or both generations in their lifecy- cle, occur naturally in northern Europe. Over the last 400 years Quercus cerris has been planted widely north and west of its native range (Stone and Sunnucks 1993), creating a mosaic of Q. cerris patches within the natural distribution of section Quercus oaks. In contrast to the situations with D. kuriphilus and P. suberi there are no geographical barriers between the native and invaded range for cynipid gall wasps using Q. cerris. As a result at least 10 species have sub- sequently invaded north-western Europe, including eight host-alternating Andricus species (A. aries, A. corruptrix, A. gemmeus, A. grossulariae, A. kollari, A. lignicolus, A. lucidus and A. quercuscalicis) and two species currently thought to be wholly dependent on Q. cerris (Aphelonyx cerri- cola and Neuroterus saliens)(Stone et al. 2002). A. aries, A. corruptrix, A. grossulariae, A. lignicolus, A. lucidus, A. quercuscalicis and Aphelonyx cerricola all reached Britain between 1950 and 2000, 2000km from the nearest natural Q. cerris stands, apparently without direct human assis- tance. Andricus kollari has spread naturally across most of northern Europe, but was also deliberately introduced into Britain from the eastern Mediterranean in the first half of the nineteenth century (Askew 1984; Stone et al. 2001). Range expanding cynipids have proven to be valuable Early parasitoid recruitment in invading cynipid galls 3 model systems for studies on the recruitment of communities of natural enemies (Stone and Schönrogge 2003; Stone et al. 2002). We first review the studies on parasitoid recruitment to the galls of An- dricus quercuscalicis, the most extensively studied species in Europe. Sec- ondly we consider the invasions of A. corruptrix, A. kollari, A. lignicolus, and A. quercuscalicis and how parasitoid species link the aliens to the na- tive cynipid community, asking why these communities are invasible. Lastly, we will draw on evidence from these gallwasp invasions including that of D. kuriphilus in Japan to assess the role of parasitoid recruitment in the invasion process. Parasitoid recruitment to the galls of Andricus quercuscalicis Andricus quercuscalicis is a host-alternating invader in Western Europe (described above), establishing populations along a 2000km invasion route from the Balkans to Britain (Schönrogge et al. 1995). First records outside the native range date as far back as 1631 from the southeast of Germany. Since then the species was described from the area of Berlin in 1787, and Bejerinck in the Netherlands described its life-cycle and the switch from Q. cerris to Q. robur between generations in 1882 (Schönrogge 1994 and therein). Claridge (1962) first recorded the species in Britain in 1958 and in 1986 the galls were first recorded from Ireland (Schönrogge 1994 and therein). These and some additional natural historic records provide a rough timeline of the spread of A. quercuscalicis across Europe. With the above dates and data on the parasitoid assemblage richness from the asex- ual galls from sites along the invasion route, it is possible to estimate the residence time of A. quercuscalicis in the regions described by Schönrogge et al. (1995). A simple regression of residence time against the residuals of a log-log regression of species richness against sample size (correcting for variable sample sizes) explains 91% of the variability in parasitoids spe- cies richness across the invaded range (F1,3=30.5, p<0.05). Thus parasitoid species richness is increasing with residence time and, possibly more sig- nificantly, the parasitoid assemblages associated with the asexual galls of A. quercuscalicis in the invaded range were subsets of those known from the native range (Schönrogge et al. 1995). After A. quercuscalicis arrived in Britain the galls of the asexual gen- eration remained virtually parasitoid free for about 20 years. Despite ex- tensive rearings the first parasitoid records (Torymus cyanaeus and Mesopolobus amaenus) were only obtained in the late 1970’s. T. cyanaeus has never been reared again from A. quercuscalicis, while M. amaenus at- tacked inquilines soon after their appearance in A. quercuscalicis galls, but has since remained rare. In this regard it seems to represent an early suc- 4 K. Schönrogge1, S. Moriya2, G. Melika3, Z. Randle1, T. Begg4, A. Aebi4 , G. Stone4. cessional species in community development in the U.K. Curiously, though native to europe this parasitoid has not been found in rearing of galls from the European continent (Hails et al. 1990; Schönrogge et al. 1995). Other opportunistic parasitoid species included ichneumonid para- sitoids, Mastrus castaneus and Gelis formicarius, and the diapriid Spilomi- crus stigmaticalis (Hails et al. 1990). The only inquiline species recorded during the 1980s was Synergus pallicornis and attack rates for both inqui- lines and parasitoids were generally low (<10%). However, subsequent re- cruitment of species such as M. sericeus, Sycophila biguttata, Eupelmus urozonus represents the addition of taxa a. known to attack hosts inside cynipid galls, b. later found to attack hosts in the asexual galls of A. quer- cuscalicis in its native range, but c. were all part of the native British para- sitoid fauna (Askew 1961; Hails et al. 1990; Schönrogge et al. 1995). Between 1990 and 1995 there was a sharp increase in the abundance of some parasitoid species and others were recorded for the first time. Both were closely associated with the recruitment of inquiline Synergus, and particularly Synergus gallaepomiformis, to the asexual galls of A. quercus- calicis in the south-east of Britain. Both the geographical pattern of inqui- line infestation and parasitoid recruitment followed the invasion route of the host (Schönrogge et al. 1996). Thus the recruitment process observed across Europe was mirrored on a smaller scale within Britain. The fact that parasitoid assemblages in the invaded range were almost perfect subsets of those recorded from the native range leaves in our view two non-exclusive hypotheses: (a) The recruited parasitoid species are from the native com- munity and are pre-adapted to exploit the new host at the species level (native recruitment hypothesis), or (b) the parasitoid species attacking the host in its invaded range are “strains” that have pursued the host from the native range and represent invading genotypes (pursuit hypothesis). Recruitment of parasitoid species to sexual generation galls of A. quer- cuscalicis was similar to that of the asexual galls in that assemblies re- corded from Britain represented a subset of those recorded from the conti- nent (Stone et al. 1995). However, we are not aware of time lags between the arrival in a new range and the recruitment of parasitoids to this genera- tion. This is perhaps surprising, since the sexual generation galls are formed on an introduced tree, Q.
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