A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Isis, 1930{1939 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 21 September 2017 Version 0.06 Title word cross-reference b [518].π ` ´ισηµoι [57]. πoλις´ [57]. -1455 [201]. -1619 [479]. 1 [359]. 12th [866]. 1361 [799]. 13th [866, 465]. 1450 [1003]. 1583 [562]. 1642 [51]. 1650 [562]. 1670 [1147]. 1672 [759]. 1673 [1223]. 16th [623]. 1708 [943]. 1739 [432]. 1740 [397]. 1744 [764]. 1752 [880]. 1787 [586]. 1794 [985]. 17th [623, 1214, 1213, 642]. 1800 [1191, 167, 1036]. 1831 [686]. 1850 [1068]. 1855 [64]. 1860 [561]. 1865 [16]. 1875 [1039]. 18th [1019]. 1900 [531]. 1904 [622]. 1905 [1038]. 1925 [1067]. 1928 [40]. 1929 [64, 729]. 1930 [191, 193, 374, 246]. 1933 [409, 453, 435, 504]. 1934 [512, 532, 595, 987]. 1935 [636, 664, 852]. 1936 [731, 793, 829]. 1937 [1203, 1145, 1065]. 1938 [1149]. 1939 [1240]. 27.XII.1931 [261]. 1 2 31.X.1874 [261]. 3457 [1089]. 444 [647]. 4966 [470]. 6 [64]. 700 [522]. 817 [681]. 82 [356]. 860 [415]. 90 [77]. ^age [994, 658]. Aryabhat^^ ıya [101]. Aryabhata^ [101, 101]. Otani^ [774]. A.D [572, 681, 1003]. A.D. [866, 522, 799]. Ake˚ [1235]. Akerman˚ [1235]. ˚arhundre [1029]. Arsbok˚ [764]. Abacus [178]. 'Abb^as [1226]. Abbott [628]. Abel [434]. Aberration [174]. Abilities [1027]. Aborigines [575, 1074]. Abraham [1041]. Abram [779, 1221]. Abridged [388, 585]. Abteilung [157]. Abu [683, 1093, 230, 304, 359]. Abu'l [388, 579]. Abu'l-Farag [388]. Abu'l-Rayhan [579]. Abyssinia [1181]. acad´emiques [237]. Academy [603]. Acanthaceae [106]. Acarologie [131]. accademia [603]. according [302, 1023, 254]. Account [613, 117]. Accounts [439, 568, 294]. ach`evement [796]. Achievements [847, 853]. Acidum [836]. Acta [580, 580]. Action [1056]. Activities [803]. activity [201, 960]. ad [609, 1072]. Adam [819]. Adams [714]. Additional [544]. Additions [262]. Adelardus [712]. Adipocere [379]. Administrative [1204]. Administrator [61]. Admiral [521]. Adolf [528]. Adolphus [934]. Adoption [971]. Adrian [1193]. Adrien [182]. Advances [240, 1118]. Adventure [159]. Adventures [1112]. aedificatoria [1180, 755]. Aegypter [147, 146]. Aegypti [661]. Aerzte [1203]. af [757]. Affairs [998]. Afield [1154]. Africa [1004, 962]. Africae [661]. after [1015]. Aftermath [1073]. Afterwards [14]. Again [378, 651, 702]. against [110]. Age [1035, 984, 433, 353, 677, 769]. Ages [688, 648, 595, 1189, 556]. Agnes [1147]. Agricola [741]. Agricultural [617, 1067]. Agriculture [560, 561, 1065, 961, 953]. ¨agyptische [348]. ¨agyptischen [75]. ahbab [496]. Ahmad [45, 388, 579]. ahr¯am [1128]. Ain [45]. Ainsworth [189]. Air [1033]. Aires [1202]. Al [359, 525, 358, 474, 230, 304, 360, 387, 388, 579, 815, 1226, 1128, 1002, 837, 119, 474, 539, 602, 671, 835, 866, 641, 1128, 10, 360, 496, 815, 360, 608, 906]. al-ahbab [496]. al-ahr¯am [1128]. al-ashraf [815]. al-Awwal [1226]. al-Baladhuri [815]. al-Bann¯a' [866]. al-Biruni [387, 579]. al-dakh^ıra [10]. Al-Farabi [359, 304, 608]. Al-fihrist [360]. al-Ghafiqi [388]. al-Ghazz¯al¯ı [671, 835]. Al-Hak^ım [837]. al-Hukam¯a' [474, 539, 602]. Al-I`tib^ar [119]. Al-Khowarizmi [358]. al-kir¯am [1128]. al-M¯a' [641]. Al-morchid [525]. 3 al-Nadim [360, 360]. al-Qift¯ı [474, 539, 602]. al-Qifti [474]. Al-Razi [906]. al-Tam¯ım¯ı’s [641]. al-`ulum [304]. al-Waraq¯ı [641]. 'Al^ı [1226, 143]. Alan [718]. Alaska [1184, 1007]. Alaune [682]. Albert [1077, 1143, 321, 494, 557]. Alberti [755, 1180]. Alchemical [937, 1153, 1085, 750, 1089, 45]. Alchemie [416, 369, 187]. Alchemy [236, 700, 977, 277, 416, 847, 627]. Alchimy [417, 278]. Aldo [657, 1160]. Aldridge [816]. Aldrovandi [466]. Alen [837]. Alexander [1063]. Alexandra [79]. Alexandre [655, 64]. Alexandrien [1093]. Alfarabi [386]. Alfred [856, 218, 403, 613, 585, 1102, 1067]. Algebra [334, 683]. Algebraical [471]. Algorism [541]. Ali [230, 1230, 360]. Allee [1119]. Allen [408]. Allerton [988]. Allier [1166]. Allison [12, 244]. Allmittelpunkt [1142]. allocation [179]. Almquist [272]. Alois [80]. Alone [612]. Alphabet [42]. Alphonse [607]. Alpin [958]. Alte [749]. alten [951, 147, 146]. Alter [520, 353]. Altertum [786]. Altertumskunde [166]. ¨altesten [23]. Amateurs [1213]. Amazon [478]. Ambard [109]. America [531, 1077, 1191, 1053, 81, 1185, 613]. American [997, 481, 504, 630, 961, 155, 323, 407, 662, 16, 130, 1195, 575, 70, 808, 1129, 96, 783, 239, 491, 1078]. Americana [167]. Amethe [1058]. ami [553]. Amin [304]. among [1005, 1008, 1190, 323, 1028, 1074]. Amp`ere [258]. 'Amra [337, 337]. Amstelodamensium [1223]. Amsterdam [759]. Anagrammatism [751]. analyses [622]. Analysis [177, 722, 520, 762, 401, 422, 1089]. Analytic [838]. Ananda [591]. anatomicae [1223, 980]. Anatomist [120]. Anatomy [941]. anciens [921, 39]. Ancient [1076, 847, 993, 511, 1179, 443, 554, 936, 147, 544, 748, 277, 146, 189]. Ancients [217, 760]. Andalusi [230]. Anders [764]. Anderson [1048]. Andersson [555]. Andes [189]. Andr´e [258, 1037]. Andreae [980]. Andreas [980]. Andrew [663, 584]. Andrews [919]. Anf¨ange [484]. Anf¨angen [1165]. Angel [386, 107]. Angelo [511]. Anglo [541]. Anglo-Norman [541]. Animal [1119]. Animales [35]. Animalium [762]. Animals [886, 431, 960, 679]. Anna [511, 266]. Annals [720]. Annam [494]. annamite [494]. Anne [1029]. ann´ees [340]. Anniversary [76]. Annual [116, 251, 293, 567]. Ansab [815]. Ansch¨utz [1104]. Antarctic [177]. ant´ec´edents [781]. Anthropological [887]. Anthropology [856, 788]. antico. [587]. Antike [841, 162, 1188]. antiken [615]. Antiquarische [507]. antique [826]. Antiquit´e [657]. Antiquity [512, 909, 814, 693]. Antoine [765]. Anton [507]. Antonini [825]. Antonio [743]. Antony [431]. ao^ut [64]. Apologia [389]. Appel [796]. Application [672]. Applied [725, 163, 263]. April [435, 532, 793, 1122]. Apuleius [854]. Aquapendente [479]. Aqueducts [589]. Arab [1141, 11, 866]. Arab-jin [1141]. Arab-Syrian [11]. arabe [866, 359, 1160]. Araber [262]. arabes [658]. Arabia [1049, 543]. Arabian [127, 15, 178, 967, 522]. Arabic [338, 45, 608, 358, 5, 474, 539, 602, 36, 143, 978, 253, 750, 171, 807]. Arabic-Latin [608]. arabicae [1072]. Arabische [474, 539, 602]. Arabs [995, 1028]. Aramaic [1090]. Arber [1147]. Archaeology [507]. arch´eologiques [340]. Archeology [1007]. Archibald [1043, 52]. 4 Archimedes [221]. Architects [1161]. archives [108]. Ard [641]. Arduinus [1072]. Arepo [279, 279]. Aristotelian [269, 1132]. aristot´elicienne [642]. Aristotle [34, 49]. Aristotle. [546]. Aristotlean [642]. Arithmetic [852, 1199]. Arithmetical [470]. Arithmetick [1212]. Arithmetik [75]. Arlindo [785]. Armand [921]. Armando [1181]. Armistead [245]. Armitage [623]. Army [812]. Arnold [52]. Arnost [780]. Arrhidaei [738]. Art [1024, 1145, 122, 579, 6, 591]. Artemision [973]. Arthur [110, 446, 859, 993, 663, 489, 767, 762, 401, 1009, 337, 433, 693, 627, 975]. Article [8, 43, 71, 931]. Articles [435]. Articuli [178]. Artifical [415]. Artificial [543, 1212]. Artificialis [518]. Arts [473]. Arturo [924, 190]. ¨arztliche [219]. as-sana`ah [45]. as-san`ah [45]. Ashley [1074]. Ashley-Montagu [1074]. ashraf [815]. Ashur [415]. Ashur-Nasir-Pal [415]. Asia [613, 636]. Asiatic [1237]. As´ın [214]. Aslam [683]. Aspects [475, 1054]. Assaig [270]. Assyrian [822]. Assyrie [1227]. Astrolab [172]. Astrolabe [47]. Astrolabes [372, 402, 402]. astrologiae [1218]. astrologischen [581]. astrologorum [825]. Astrology [297, 1218, 579]. Astronomen [262]. Astronomers [1098]. astronomia [757]. Astronomical [548, 337, 62, 252, 803, 1214, 1001]. astronomie [213, 780]. astronomische [1214, 83]. astronomischen [111]. Astronomy [68, 975, 964, 1023, 1233, 309, 1000, 186]. Asyut [199]. at-Tabar^ı’s [143]. Athar [338]. Athar-i-Baqiya [338]. Athos [473]. Atlantica [1140]. Atlas [506]. Atoms [398]. Attitude [656]. Audubon [1185]. Auffassung [721]. August [991, 40, 325, 1104]. Augustus [244]. aun [45]. Aureo [1072]. Ausbreitung [187]. auspici [915]. auspiciis [609]. Australia [947]. Australian [1074]. Austryn [527, 49]. aut [585]. Author [28, 87, 114, 135, 195]. Authority [963]. Authorship [278]. Autobiographical [614]. Autobiography [1038]. autographe [224]. av [764]. Avant [232]. Avicenna [416]. Awwal [1226]. Axel [1140]. Axis [225]. Ayres [367]. Aza¨ıs [340]. Azande [1008]. B [157, 998, 1006, 1007, 1101, 719, 121, 155, 827, 944, 14, 45, 952, 518, 1033]. B. [982]. b.'Ali [1093]. B.C [415]. B.C. [1169]. b.'Iraq [1093]. b^etes [1175]. Babel [717]. Babylonia [544, 748]. Babylonian [746, 707, 747]. Babylonie [1227]. Bachelard [317]. Back [25, 30, 58, 89, 275, 282, 289, 326, 332, 344, 375, 411, 437, 454, 460, 513, 534, 569, 597, 637, 667, 697, 735, 794, 831, 863, 895, 928, 965, 1012, 1082, 1124, 1150, 1170, 1207, 1241]. Background [447, 700, 760, 662]. Bacon [362, 254, 207, 349, 867]. Bagehot [805]. Baghdad [681, 1028]. Baker [403]. Baladhuri [815]. balistique [129]. Ballad [257]. Bammel [814]. Band [615, 106, 124]. Banks [947]. Bann¯a' [866]. Baqiya [338]. Barber [754]. Barbour [552]. Barcelona [799]. Barlow [634, 485]. Barnett [1221]. Barnette [235]. Barock [404]. barom´etrique [781]. Baron [359, 1051, 1105]. Baroness [1105]. Barrett [1053]. Barry [55]. Bartels [692]. Bartholomew [816]. Barton [240]. Barton-Wright [240]. Bartram [481]. Basil [240]. Basile [390]. Basis 5 [1193, 474, 539, 602]. Bate [846]. Bateson [889]. Bath [712]. Battista [1180, 755]. Battle [760]. Baumgartner [654]. Baxa [1068]. Baxter [616]. Bayet [321]. Beagle [485]. Beast [480, 1183]. beate [580]. Beatty [718]. Beaver [503]. Bede [898]. Bedford [148]. Bedouins [80]. Beebe [1238]. Beebe-Center [1238]. Beer [337]. before [531, 708, 486]. Beginn [23, 53]. Beginning [677, 1121]. Beginnings [726, 420]. Begriffsbildung [1220]. Behaviour [886, 963]. Being [1074, 859, 1009]. Beitrag [369]. Beitr¨age [759]. Bek¨ampfer [836]. Bell [999]. Bellingshausen [631]. Belon [466]. Beltr´an [1202]. ben [683, 1136]. Benedetto [390]. Benevenutus [46]. Bengali [912]. Benjamin [498, 909, 159, 1114, 1115, 1224]. Bentley [401]. Berengarius [418]. Bergsoe [1190, 1005]. Bergson [320]. Bergstr¨asser [776, 675]. Beri [1107]. Beri-Beri [1107]. Bering [613]. Bernard [1103, 875, 758, 124]. Bernardin [550].
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