HRYSLER MOTORS, with all of irs great In the great Chryslcr Motors engineering lab( C properties united under one management, ratories, ultra-scientific devices accurately gaug has placed every phase of irs:remcndous manufac- the strength, efficiency acd wearing cluality c turing acrivities on the basis of an exact science. every part the most abnorm; No:hing in modern industrial practice could be conditions. Delicate instruments check dimer mo;e c:iacting, or more scientific, tllan the prc- sions and measurements to split-hair fraction: caucions which Chrysler motors Scales sensitive to a pencil mar takes to make sxe of flawless on a piece of paper determin quaIity and fine precision through weight standards. The natural, ir every stgp from blueprint to evitable outcome of all this car finished product. and precision is that ever The Chqsler Motors system of Chrysler Motors product-fro1 inspections and tests is at once the highest priced to the lowe! extensive and jtztetlsi~,e. There arc priced-is a finer and more val~ able product in evcry phxe c memllurgical tests, chemical tests acd mechnr.ica1 tests. Every bar performance, safety and long lif; of steel, every pane of glass, every A11 cf which is fully borne 01 yard cf upholster): -everything acd reflected in the ever-increa! that goes inco the making of ing prestige and popularity c Cbryle~Afomrs engineerr but every ~h rysler Motors products in a Chr~slerMotors products-must nuke of b~ttery10 exhrr~rstive prove up exactly as specified. tr:t~,btfore rh~~are.reIrd of their respective price field for Chryler4rtilt can. CHRYSLER MOTORS FOR BETTER PUBLIC SERVICE 1929 Page 1 I 6'~~~~~~~~~~TO I-LOWRY LUMBER CO. .,* MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS v IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" hhange Building MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone 6 - 2312 i The Mount Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. ..- Repair Shop, 500' z 150' Capacity Per Annum: 10,000 Freight Cars; Fully equipped with Crones, Electric 150,000 Chilled Tread Riveters, etc., enabling Wheels; us to work in all kinds 20,000 Tons Forgings. of weather. BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS OF ALL KINDS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS Page 2 W. HORACE WILLIAMS CO., INC. ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS ANY CLASS- CONSTRUCTION -ANY SIZE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or Construction of Dock Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. A11 classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. HOME OFFICE BRANCHEI Fith Floor Southern Building Pensacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala. Houston, Tu. 833 Howard Avenue NEW ORLEANS, LA. ttepresentativer in Principal cities of AII Southara 8tata FRISCO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR RIVER BRIDGE 1 and Other Important Works for Frisco Lines BUILT BY THIS COIWANY OXWELD RAILROAD SERVICE CO. REPRESENTING : LINDE AIR PRODUCTS CO. The PREST-0-LITE CO., Inc. (Linde Oxygen) (Prest-o-Lite Acetylene) OXWELD ACETYLENE CO. (Oxweld Apparatus) UNION CARBIDE SALES CO. (Union Carbide) CARBIDE & CARBON RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING BUILDING NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO, ILLS. Page 3 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOM 927 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS, Jr., Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Associate Edltor WM. McMILLAN. Adocrtldng Manapr C WHITING Spcclal Repruentatlm J. J. KAPLAN. Adocrtlslng Sollcltor Vol. VI JULY, 1929 No. 10 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. in part or in full, any articIe appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Frisco Veteran Employes' Ass'n Reunion, Held June 17-18, at Springfield............................ 4-9 Translating the O'Fallon Decision .............................................................................'...................... 10-11 By S. 0.Diotn. Iiditov, Railway Agc Sews of the Frisco Clubs.................................................................................................................... 12-16 Sidelights on thc Vcts' Reunion ............. ....... .......... ................................................................................ 17 Sew Equipnren: at St. Louis Frisco Hospital .................................................................................. 18 For bferitorious Service.............. .. ....... ......... ............................................................................................19 Car Damaqc Drcreases 27.6 Per Cent First Fivc Months ................. ...... ....... ..............................20 Frisco Hauls 2,243 Cars of Stra\\,berr.ies............ .................................................................................21 L.ocotnotivc Fuel Performance Records ................ ......................................................................24-25 The Pension Roll ..................... ..........................................................................................................26-27 Homemakers' Page ..................................... ............ .............................................................................................28 A Page of Praisr from Frisco Frientlh ............ ..................................................................................29 The Twilight Hour ................... ...... .... ........... ..............................................................................................30 Frisco Babies ................... .. ......................................................................................................................31 Flashes of Merriment ...................................................................................................................................$2 Editorial .........................................................................................................................................................33 The Frisco 3.lechanic......................................................................................................................... 34-42 Group Picture of Veterans' Hrt~nionMembers ................................................................................ 36-37 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER Ttic lrlsco Employes' Magazine Is a monthly publicatlon deleted prlnu~rll~to the interests of the more than 2.5.000 .trtne and rrtilwl clsployeu of the Frisco 1,ineu. It lantains storles. Itern of cnrrent news, persondl notes about ee~ployen and their t:m~llics. articles dealing rllh rariaus phases of rallroad work, poems, cartoons and notices regarding tlw ser~ice. Good clear photographs snlL~ble for reproduction are especially deslred, and a111 be returned only when reauesled. All cartoons and drawings must be In blaclr Indla drawlnc Ink. lmployes are Invited to wrlte artlcles for the macazlne. Contrlbutlons should be type- wltten, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Edltor, Frisco Bnilding. SI Louis. Yo. Distributed free amonp Frlsco Employes. To others, prlce 15 cents n copy: suhncrlptlon rate $1.50 a year. Advertlsln~rates all1 be made known upon appllcntlon. VETERAN EMPLOYES .MEET JUNE 17.11 ESIDENTS of Springfield, ladies' and gentlemen's ta Mo., "Capital City of Fris- yard race, but no serious br! R co Lines." might well have 1500 "Old Timers" Gather were reported. Helen L~R arisen Monday morning, June 17, Joe Ray were acclaimed the - with the call "The Veterans Are in S~rin!?field for 7th Reun- ners with the fol10,ving am, Comlng." ion of vets' Association - second, third and fourth p:. ,Converging on Springfield from in the order named: Wm the north, south, east and west, W.L. Lane Elected President Craig ant1 Mrs. Raymond r on incoming Frisco trains, 1,500 son; MY, and Mrs. G Kin: veteran employes of Frisco Lines, veteran had eaten his fill of the de- and Mr. and Nrs. Sam Kelsey. many of them accompanied by their licious repast, the group picture was J. A. Counts proved that he r wives and children, were arriving for made, ant1 afterwards the different not only efficiently handle the I!. the seventh annual reunion of the divisions got their forces together for tle of a locomotive but that her; Frisco Veteran Employes' Association. separate photos. also excel in the standiug broadj: During the winter months the vets' Then the crowd separated, each to and was awarded first prize fa; "stove-league" in many cities and his favorite sport. The horseshoe jump of 8% feet. Joe Ray, lrav towns along the Frisco had lived pitching games attracted many, the fireman, Springfield, was second again the pleasant two days reunioll dance floor claimed its share, while C. W. Boshe, telegraph operaln: of 1928. Now the 1929 affair was here, the remainder packed the side lines Seligman, third. and the veterans were coming again. where the athletic events were being A tug of war between the men: Of the many meetings each year on staged, under the direction ot "Un- one of the thrilling events. 7 Frisco Lines, the Veterans' Reunioli cle" Charley Baltzell. friends on the sidelines rooting is the prime, all-important affair to In practically all the events, four their respective sides. The tue those men who have served their prizes were awarded. W. 0. Adans, war between the women, wag conlpany for twenty years or more. engineer of Cherryvale, Kans.. car- equally hard fought battle, and R h. .. During those forty-eight hours each ried oft' first honors in the fifty yard bunch of banallas and a box of r3r June in Springfield, they see many dash for
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