The Rama University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2013 Act 1 of 2014 Keyword(s): Board, Society, Hostel, Existing College, Department, Teacher of the University DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. cog TI0715 77cicriTol ..nc) /79.0t10-91 / 2011-13 -tr El‘RZ 1.7742; ff(ri rbT 397 likPrizt ti(etw IRT W*11)T1 affiTEMuT -rout qFft tc. R-p-r—1, tqus (\3-d,i-sitzr arftfkaTii) ettql ‘37, YlOcIP(, 10 ui'-tci4t, 2014 144 20, 1935 Vie5 1-14-9d, A- VF tHcith iti-Flt awl-Fr-1 46/79--1---14-1M-8-2013 clg...q-13,, 10 79-01, 2014 a4f4-4179-r fa- • FTRT Th7 T4ft9T9'Y 31-13).-q 200 M 3TEIR I .1411 fIrMcq \irk SItTh. fat'ElTh, 2013 ER it9-ETh 10 49 -qt, 2014 Th7 3T-ffit tTThzt 331t \JTH Tit7T 3itirP:Fr tiCcqf 2014 ,* X, 14 TiteTurTuf 3T9T2f 5{ 3.1tEfF9T gk1.14c-biRicr ftZTT uilt1r ti \iccti Ithr 2013 (‘37k AtVT 31fIeHtflq \-Litsafr-i-tii 2014). {Tni tPT !War@ 71:137 41(f Wfitff '01-11 \ 1/45CN 1 1Io, wr1-37 gN 'Aickt( crtvr * -m-r'd-a-R- vt, -rzzircr9 14z4E.floi WIRIU ath wfrer -1Thrf* cp 3M 39-Rffkl-ff zrr 34-Tsiiitw- ftisrz4* uri-Teir afftftz-Fr ITITff IPIMS M -C4 ti eir&d. 3-Ti4fta9. CVIR14 V4IC11 t:— 1— C-16 aitt4741 'C I HI nr.INI,itr.3,-k;rtvrmite-ii, 2013 ari6r 5TIkrtT1 7tre; 7P9 710 RPH Vidhai Rama Uni. Vid. 13 Data 2 Hindi 7N-rtET'l 2-•3161 (1 4) TC<4 314- 2•17 31e114ff 9 el. *tiarfttmii - ( Tcftç wr ararzl ffirqfkurez Wr Myr 4-PLErc NO "ft- wr ararti fficrRE/icd4 wa;E:r ft 47 Etrw-H-r al--4:1 611 t ati1-", ath "ura-7-43er4f"m arz01 t 43e1If4D,.cgeND 47 lar-TeErft (Er) TriTr wr aro:pi fatrieru "fk-a-Erw/Mr4Z15T warzi ft9 facii W ErE•44 t z-E7m‘t 33--i-ErPeTffi Lr wrd cr, 4 W E N-qa wfrzr t . M) "fon- wr ward fftt aitwq-4 ffile4 t at17 Ta 3TEE:Rra ath 9-0-itra S-qr g; • (g) m- Tiwt N ffr-dTzi fcifac.pc,“4 N1 frts-q7 Wr flzcif)rdzr W 3TEZITW TIT 4)4-4041 Mapz "Th-Rf iTftti7 arar4 ffirerro-Er wet wrEf trffiEr“ t (w) "ffi- arma 9511E.riere4" ararzi- 46rfavaldo Trr tifqf %LIT ATM- Th•“11 9•ZIT '1 -01 fa Yr4nElleitr r(f ftd-a7 79T MU LItlIRcf t • "44714" Th7 ffr-0:1-4P (z) Ilq or4 f. <11-auierEr W z-rW W (a) "07Q4/ wr arard si-Prffitm 7-4 L cri. E4R,F4 72-Triera, 311aU, tOferr-W 07Err amar 47ic4,4 t Thilwrfiertr, tctifur3It stET c• -q ••rf-4i1cr t (a) "ffilt-a" wr ward tiRffier41: 51,6 ittift t; (a) "zif40-et 47 144)Rr41 15T ffiWzi S 31ftr 114)IYI-4 t • (W) *1).01 cC'r Th-T wq4 1II 3ff?fffiHR:R, 186 4rf 1 4-f1 cAY1•15,1 iict, T114s7 t (a) 1 4R1q4-f't arE0-ter aft far4,4 wr maid rw- fcifatrreltr W wrfr-r: Li1ffiti 44', aTE2TrM'- 347 fffiz•rtil. t ' (E.T) uiwr arard 1-4z4Ruierzi W tt•c im--{t V1,1 t t; (q) a4-4R1 ?Tr IT721-111Th3NfTh-ft3TRJW(24Tfttit Rcrfasirelq fro ramrri 4,4 i 71 1r-T •Th74 S th1Icit S f&i ffi3 -4% ftw s arnrra- s4 gr7r • wm:rw W \i-otr Erw-ffita itw ulitr; , (ET) 'fEcrfatirerm" w -r ararri q137 3 M 30(9 WTfE17iifar LItTht t I 3-0) wrza7 .icci vet tfla.5N1 NIT f IUleU4 Tra (- zcir4thc-H.f. Thcf 7-27:1717 Thar 71"117f11 (2) 1- ycl Vit•itf 1,4-e 1 -Trft37 MTh721 6 I ama Uni. Vitt 13 Da \irk Icit4T 31.RTF4171 41\31C., 10 79.qt, 2014 3 •411* , 7). LW ch e4t1T1 t, 311tftEl9 3TE*9. f1tuciu7-2-1.1tU ftraura-q zm Th7.4* 4ii4f 7.). •YI 3T2117, Q171191. iU (T) 1.9.-d-14 50 kch.4 rireh le4r5T tcul-kcr tr; ut- A fktz th. 4-1 tr V-1 24,000 74. At-eR. gitZTI IT-4-9. fk0T -1= --AA coi-f cr;i-r 50Led7M /114 attR- 1Ik11t. *1 -c 0,i1; (IT) wa (N) -1 -1 IT-4-9 A crwa 014 ait- vtilnz[ieliA 1 wr 141-4 kst 1KR:1 ‘ittr-tr( 7-2.11.ftff Mkt; (17) i- YurasuciLf .3171-9. 3T.RtFT. 5k1 Th9rft TrRml chli 7. thlsrrn fteTur 3th/3TP-It 7r)-4 11-er ittrAl gq rEirrzWr m't 1jPhi T5T1F 3fr 33-4Turcr9T Tift.Tfq 7.21-1ftfl (3.) faYIRalciLf 1011thi 3th 4-4 .afq.RWT. t r&7 tR1i.-1 at)-7 *-211* 61.11M1 3th .t# arevrf jm't 'e7 A“ppr gNr mcr 1/4ytig sf. SITTR 7 .f67. -0) gki Ycl .11c1 Ycl Ic-Hf PA-4RJ M-11 lliIcbk 'EN 7ht Th5t uli * tr1 t fa1t1ld4 AWF9 3T171-1. 3TN4i (2) •I‘r?-1' 'ektk, iii5t fl, 1 31.114RT 31-F -cr ait qTRT 4 1?I fff4fftz tkt chr t, ;kola m-r *14z-uict TITT 'T wtr 6-.Rkc11-411(14 15T37-a-4.4 fmr mAr 4-Ar - 1R5131t jfR4 1.44REalei4 zq1atIMI arg-tz, W 3t17tH-tre-ft l'4gTztr m't 71--4-T21-r cM4 V -t 74. 7177 m-r TAR. artR- &PIS cb-11 61,ir 3T't 3rirriTm-Ico) 1.,--icift.qct mnr .C1)-71a. 31-M-Pit cficHttut afrtitTlt (w) ftraff lpicir 441 cr1-t cmdr n1719, 11131aTur aTt? NA-4 3t1.97.1 ftaTur, f4-Pmz tluruccir 41 re9-0T, ftrarr aM t g .9..5k 3M aafa-occt cr4 f4m-r-AZWf 1NI ;rs-R• t iturM fthi ii,watr A 3Thirg-9 mnr tHit- cfre-11; (Tr) 31---Tr1-drq 3TarEF mer trr- cmrti; ath (Er) 71qhf cAcr,,<ur, g-4,iter&T-dr, 3417•31---71-tertr i--c-9-rq licocir mcr.aiitzrr cry•ir —faZ4Vici4 t`r .1- 1-1e1R.qcf .41WILI1 ift, 31.24q1- favq-lraurF-7 mcl -zrflctcii (*) ff4--cr or) sTrgrrall ATrzr-3-wr paR 3T-4g-ft %MT cfroir aM T)T-T 1'67 2.1-r 11,-1 3th 71Tia 4 31-14-1t SRTR. fkfrr- aa4t2rr, (N) VI- i-R•pieirr, fro-c9, 31-PrzrAml QI/Ea , u)cr V nor s, c-cr 1.- R-)cor oltd 1rcbN v-4-449, f4-Rf f .3TRT 1-114zistA ran Riiti, itcfp, 41P1,4, 3r21-sTir, tid1ac61, ca,c1r.( -PoT tell V titru Aro) T+Trit =4-upt tg tritTR ErR397 mn, tritAR. trr titilDcr CPC 312MT ce:ti their 4,141mWmzrA iturnmi cm.ir aM . T9ZfiI ;trH--It cm-11; • (Tr) ftrarael i7-c-qTrff ararrcrel ed-ftra sirg-R1 (at:4R tritd--A) 317. 7uT .t-F-4-1Pcr 4 TraTT 31TiThInvi d, 10 79-01, 2014 (Er) r-fir q, f7t 4IielM 3Mtifftd. ch a1hnii The Wtf 1-gs-t1 (Eh rf ZIT qtarcrf Mel WI 313 tret 3TTETN Lei) +-I ZIT WITT rN .crqt crti t 313 fa PI tt 11(1 g1-1 ct'l1 Mf 91t-d- 3th ITZTiWI WRIT): fak4Thr, Trarzi4th terf&rm nDctratli m-4 crItter -I 1; (z.) faft-a tit 34 4hic ?Tr ar- r faf3EK.rr- 14 u414(-10 m sr, MzuRtricr.ro M 4e14 t,%eiui, 7-fatz Liftefar S164- 19 crrfrir 17337 at— lf-a ce,fet/Trwm-3 3r't3 4-4 313 triqqm,r it144 cr t; (Es) facrfacricnr sir azerf7 ftkm --m Trm vrwzi 47, 3TTS 17' 7 6-31.1q14 WC, I LI ch 31WP5 ZR 1E21TZI5 1:17. 3th 313 31.671E9 TH- tiq \P4R-Pt7 c.m.ir 717 ‘3.-r Tr31141-Rit cr,E; (7) pmfi fla egferm mfrrzt 713 att. r in vf -fr 3tt3 • TR 1-)D-cvti r+--olf 313 V.41c1 LI ZIT' 4ioi Th-PtM ti4 ctIRck4), 17* - ifiditrtZ *11-r.tr, 7-2-11-t t ZIT i*Rtt ar-mfr .7 f fkg-gyr \i•- TR elflIlI; • fth-34t 7 44 vietzr ?Tr 7t3 ifime7 mf4M7-at ZIT 347-2TI ii trf'd - k aft tver74t fgR 134 faciReilerzr 7mTrtd t34-E-m-Ri ir 31-5zrl-Tr \i-rco'r tisvcr crpmr; (z) stzt ath. ftrur 23:11t4-4, •-itrtct, 461-aEriqrzir, ctictti, 347-2.434, 9.414,yeEeHrt, 74tt c•-0- 7'43 '434 ar-- Ut1 Tri 31- 4 Th-1-471 7-21-rcrr 7t3.7g3atur.
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