V17, N24 Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012 ‘Senator, where did you sleep last night?’ U.S. Sen. As war drums beat, media Dick joins trivial pursuit on Lugar answers Lugar’s residency questions about his By BRIAN A. HOWEY residency INDIANAPOLIS - The lithe, blonde at the reporter from Fox 59 asked what years down- ago might have been the most improbable town question of U.S. Sen. Richard G. Lugar: Marriott “Where did you sleep last night?” in India- He was surrounded by 22 women napolis from Lugar’s Excellence in Public Service on Mon- series. In another age and with another day. (HPI politician, the second question might have Photo by been, “and who did you sleep with?” Brian A. But with war drums beginning to Howey) beat from Tel Aviv to the Persian Gulf and gas prices spiking in historic fashion due to Iran’s intransigence over its burgeoning nuclear program, the Indiana press corps “I slept in this hotel,” Lugar said in the hallway of began a residency trivial pursuit. Waged initially in the the Grand Marriott in downtown Indianapolis, as 575 Re- blogosphere almost a year ago, then by the Indiana Demo- publicans gathered in the nearby luncheon ballroom. cratic Party, and finally with Republican challenger Rich- The remarks came four days before Lugar defends ard Mourdock, the game focuses on the place Lugar calls his candidacy over the residency issue at a 9 a.m. Friday home. Mourdock, himself tripped up months ago by reports Indiana Election Commission hearing. of an improper use of homestead credits, last week held a presser outside of Lugar’s old Indianapolis home, which the Continued on page 4 senator sold after winning his Senate seat in 1976. Rumblings on the ground By RUSS STILWELL BOONVILLE - Sometimes it’s hard to look at raw numbers and predict a scientific numerical outcome. And if you’re talking about political numbers in an unpredictable ‘‘If you’re not against it, you’re political environment, it’s anyone’s guess. Political polling is the science for it.” we most often use, but these polling creatures just don’t capture every- - State Rep. Robert Morris, thing that folks on the ground feel in defending his remarks that their veins and know in their hearts. Welcome to the world of Hoosier the Girl Scouts is a radical, politics and the race for the Indiana liberal organization with House in 2012. ties to Planned Parenthood. Some pundits are already ex- HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 2 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 pounding that a GOP supermajority that would grow into an inferno. This might be in the making. Others are fire would alienate hundreds of thou- predicting that House Democrats will sands of Hoosiers like never before. transgress from political disaster in Did I mention labor union members? 2010 to political catastrophe in No- Teachers? The poor and underprivi- www.HoweyPolitics.com vember. And others are predicting the leged? Women? calamitous doom of B. Patrick Bauer I’m referring not only to some and his House minority leadership. of the more egregious and controver- Howey Politics Add these predictions sial Indiana legislative issues, but also Indiana together, throw in a dozen House those far right issues being tossed is a non-partisan newsletter Democrat retirements coupled with about by those who covet the Republi- based in Indianapolis. It was a Republican gerrymandered political can nomination for president. founded in 1994 in Fort Wayne. map that has a current 60-40 GOP ad- They are pandering to the vantage, and it’s easy to forecast such base and the right of the political elec- doom. But there’s something that’s torate. That leaves the middle, women Brian A. Howey, Publisher just not right in the air, not resonating and the conventional left up for grabs. Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington on the ground, and just isn’t predict- And this is how Democrats have Jack E. Howey, editor able this year. always won in the Hoosier state, both Beverly K. Phillips, associate Make no mistake about it. In- statewide and in legislative districts! diana is a Republican state and state- Despite the GOP gerryman- editor wide voter history is proof when we dering the maps, it would appear to look at races where most folks don’t the most strident political animal that Subscriptions know the candidates and mostly vote there could be enough seats in play $350 annually HPI Weekly the party line. Races like state treasur- before this election season is over to er and state auditor fit the category. cause the Rs more than just a little $550 annually HPI Weekly and House Democrats found it after-dinner heartburn. HPI Daily Wire. challenging to win with good maps John Gregg will be the stron- 'Call 317.627.6746 and it will be far more challenging with gest Democrat candidate for governor the gerrymandered GOP maps. since Evan Bayh. Remember in 1996 Let’s look at the challenges when the underdog, then Lt. Governor Contact HPI and opportunities for 2012 in the race Frank O’Bannon, coasted to a 52-47% Howey Politics Indiana for the House. My crystal ball isn’t in victory over Steve Goldsmith, the GOP 6255 Evanston Ave. full radar mode just yet, but mark my “anointed one” who was favored to Indianapolis, IN 46220 words that there will be surprises for win? www.howeypolitics.com those who predict House Democrats Hoosiers still like governors will be on the short side of 35 seats in who steer their political vehicles down [email protected] 2012. the middle of the road, like the Gregg 'Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 Sometimes there is a na- campaign. Folks who drive off the 'Washington: 703.248.0909 tional wave or sentiment that carries road on the far right don’t fare too 'Business Office: 317.627.6746 all the way to our state legislative well. And the Pence campaign needs seats. Just look at 2010. If you had an a four-wheel-drive to keep its machine R beside your name, you automatically operational in that off-road, far-right © 2012, Howey Politics Indiana. picked up nearly 10 percentage points. lane. All rights reserved. Photocopy- We all know why. Folks were mad and This statewide campaign will ing, Internet forwarding, fax- they were angry with President Obama have coattails for House Ds in com- ing or reproducing in any form, and the newly passed health care petitive seats. Did I say Southern whole or part, is a violation of reform. They were questioning the Indiana? economy and jobless numbers. They Why did Hoosiers vote for federal law without permission pulled the elephant tail and voted for a “change” and pull the elephant tail from the publisher. v different kind of “change.” in 2010? Did the GOP have better Little did they know that this candidates and issues? No, they had a pulling of the tail would set off a bar- national wave that provided a 10-point rage of change that would spark a fire advantage. HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 3 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012 In one Southern Indiana district the incumbent this group of activists. Their voting percentage will dramati- Democrat had polling numbers of 66% positive name cally increase and the percentage for the GOP will fall off recognition, 66% positive job performance, and single digit considerably. It’s not unlikely that there will be a voting negatives only three weeks before the election. Those are percentage upward of 80 with a nearly identical percentage numbers that most incumbents would be proud of and voting for the Democrat candidate. In some cases they will almost always win with. just be voting against the GOP candidate because of their But the reelect number was under 50%. The divisive positions. voters were prepared to not vote for a Democrat. This Do the math. This translates into raw political happened all over Southern Indiana and the issues were power; political power that is passionate, energized and not local and state issues, they were federal issues. This ready to take back their state. And if you add up the num- incumbent lost, as did virtually all of the Democrat incum- bers, it could be upwards of 50% of the electorate, count- bents in this region. All had similar numbers. The Rs had ing spouses. unprecedentedly built in numbers from a national political The House Democrats have already filed 82 candi- tsunami. dates for the 2012 ballot, far more than in recent memory. Sometimes all the time and money we place in our And 31 Republicans will be facing raucous primaries, many political operations just cannot be overcome when a nation- for the first time. al wave occurs. Look at 1974 and the Watergate elections. And let’s not forget about the “love to hate him and How about 1994 and the Gingrich “Congressional Revolu- hate to love him” Democrat leader that some folks just love tion”? If the national debate on the far right, commonly to demonize. Pat Bauer may be many things to different referred to as the Republican primary season, continues - a people, but he is a workaholic who loves to win. gentle wave could be emerging that just might grow into There is no one who works harder to raise dol- a cyclone of political consequences reminiscent of 2010 in lars for his caucus. There is no one who is more loyal to reverse. his caucus members when an election is on the line. If in Unlike in 2008 when Obama and Clinton were cam- doubt, just ask countless numbers of existing and former paigning for the middle and Reagan Democrats, the 2012 House members who relied on the monies that Bauer re- national GOP contenders are pandering to the far right with lentlessly raised each cycle.
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