1~ Per Copy Vol. .• 109, No.. 20 . 6,17-9011 . ~ .. Wednesday, May 14, 1969 Socond clooa poatoB• pold ot Moaon, Mlohlgon, Publhhod woaldy by PANAX CORPORATION, P.O. Box 226., M•.•on, Michigan .48854 Subocrlptlon rotaa In Ingham ond ~djolnlnBcountloa, $5 per your, aloowharo $6. :Race Car Hits Spectators; .·· :·Mason Auto' Dealer is 1\illed .· : ; Tragedy marred the season's opening race of the Cornelius, Jr., Mac Halb~rt,· Dean Pope, Richard Heiland .·· ·'Michigan International Speedway near Jackson Sunday, Leslie Harcus. \vheri a race car vcrred off the track into a line of cars and Surviving are his wife, 3 daughters, Doris and Nancy spectators killing Derwood ·Fletcher, SO, partner and vice at home, Mrs. Raymond (Sharon) Rodocker of Lansing; president of the Bill Richard Inc. Buick and Rambler one son, Glenn L. of Taiwan; 2 grandchildren, his parents dealership of Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fletcher of DeWitt, 2 brothers Bruce '• In addition to Mr. Fletcher's death, 11 other of Bath and Donald of DeWitt. spectators were injured including the victim's wife Lorna 'in the accident. Fltcher and a group of people from Mason attended the race. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher were watching the race from their car parked in the infield when a sports car Finalize Plans driven by Horst. Kwech in the Wolverine Trans-America road race left the road course, slid more than I 00 feet across wet grass and mud, broke through a wooden snow ·For Michigan fence and slammed into parked spectator cars. ' The accident occurred less than one hour into the 4-hour long race. Australian Horst Kwech skidded off the track at 120miles per hour. He was unhurt in the accident. It took about 3 minutes for a physician and Week in Mason Injured, persons are strewn all over the Infield of the Michigan International Speedway near Jackson following the ambulance to arrive and during that time a Clark Lake Final plans were being made this week for the tragic accident Sunday which killed Derwood Fletcher, Mason auto dealer. dentist attempted to offer first aid to some of the observance of Michigan Week which starts next Sunday accident victims. According to reports, Mr. Fletcher and continues through Saturday, May 24. suffered massive chest injuries and died 2 hours after the The big event of the week in Mason will be accident at Foote hospital in Jackson. His wife was Government Day on Monday, May 19, which also is hospitalized with broken ribs, head injuries and leg cuts at Mayor Exchange Day. Supervisors Praise Foote hospital. Mayor Anderson of Gladstone in the upper peninsula Mr. Fletcher was born in Charlotte Michigan on will be Mason's guest for the day. He will be August 12, 1918 and has been a life-long resident of the accompanied by Mrs. Anderson and H.J. Hendrickson, area. He was a member of the Mason Lions club, the Gladstone city manager. Student Majority Westminster Presbyterian church and a WW II veteran Mayor Anderson is serving his first year as mayor of serving with the Navy Seabee's overseas. · Gladstone, although he has served on the city council for Campus rioting and demonstrations consumed much Funeral services were today, May 14, from the 2 years. of the time of the Ingham county board of supervisors Jessen Funeral home of Lansing with the Rev. LeLand Mr. Hendrickson has been employed by the city of Tuesday night at the May meeting. Isslieb officiating. Burial was in the Gresham cemetery of Gladstone for 45 years, the last 25 as city manager. Mayor After lengthy and heated debate the board passed a Eaton county. Pallbearers were Max Glass, Bruce Anderson is employed by the Mead Paper company of resolution commending the majority of students at Gladstone. Michigan state seriously seeking an education and The Gladstone executives will arrive in Lansing condemning those who break the law and violate the sometime Sunday and will spend the night at a motel. On rights of others with violent forms of protest. Contract Negotiations Monday morning they will be given a police escort from The resolution was presented by Supervisor their motel to the Mason city hall where they will be Brentford Giller of Lansing. greeted at 9:30 by Bill Jacobs, mayor pro-tem, Francis The resolution drew much oratory, especially from .... Start Again in Mason Fiedler, Mason's Michigan Week chairman, and members Supervisors David Hollister and Grady Porter of Lansing ~~.' ". The wraps have again been ,put on.Ma~on boprdof of the city council. and Supervisor Tom Helma of East Lansing. ·· · . education· • Mason department of Michigan Education· · Meanwh.ile;. Mayor De Wayne Evans and Mrs. Evans The supervisors room rang with quotes from such association negotiations as of this week. ' and William L. Bopf, Mason city administrator, and Mrs. people as Patrick Henry, Robert Kennedy and various ·.. Chairman of the Mason teachers' group Herbert Bopf will be enjoying the hospitality of Gladstone. They psychology magazines and textbooks to one anonymous Schultz and board .attorney James Maatsch met Monday plan to leave on Sunday for the upper peninsula and will quote, "If the shoe fits, wear it." and decided on 2 meeting dates. The meetings were set for return to Mason sometime Tuesday. , When it came to a vote the resolution passed with Tuesday, May 20, after school and Friday, May 23, after The Gladstone group also will spend Monday night Supervisors Helma, Hollister and Porter voting against it school. It was also decided that the press would not be here and return home Tuesday. and Supervisor Donald Huber making a fast exit out of allowed to sit in on negotiations and that press releases Following the reception at the city hall, Mayor and the meeting room and not casting a vote. Derwood Fletcher would be given out on mutual consent by each side. Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Hendrickson will be guests at a Rumored additional excitement in the form of an coffee hour at the new Dart National bank building at Ash invasion by campus opponents' of the resolution did not and Park streets. materialize. Law officers had been alerted to such a move. This will be followed by a luncheon as guests of Other more mundane board business Tuesday night Nationally Known Murder Trial Sheriff Kenneth L. Preadmore at the Ingham County jail. included raising the fee system used for paying the county After lunch the guests will be taken on a tour of dog warden, hearing Bill Roman review some of the Mason. They will visit Mason's parks, schools, municipal activities of the Tri-County planning commission, facilities and other points of interest in the locality. establishing a new policy for county employes requesting From the tour they will move to the Hall Memorial leaves of absence without pay and approving the court Begins in County Court House library for a reception, certification of more court stenographers. (Continued on page A-3) The board deferred action on the purchase of new Mason, described as "a conununity living on the edge Local police agencies have indicated they expect no tables and chairs for the supervisors and referred to of yesterday," popped into the world of today and all its problems with the trial, which has racial overtones, but Senior Citizens Invited committee a request that members of the county problems with the opening of the Algiers Motel trial that if it should occur they are prepared. To Heritage Day Dinner· intermediate board of education receive the same $40 per Tuesday. "Militants as well as whites should be anxious for a diem pay as that drawn by supervisors. A 14- member jury was selected Tuesday to hear the fair trial, therefore, I do not expect any problems," Mason's senior citizens will be honored on Tuesday A request for additional help in the office of Drain State's first degree murder case against a former Detroit Sheriff Kenneth L. Preadmore, said. "Probably a more as part of the community's celebration of Michigan Commissioner Richard Sode was also referred to policeman involved in the Detroit riots of 1967. pressing problem right now is adequate housing and eating week. Tuesday is Heritage day. committees. Charged with the shotgun murder of 19-year-old facilities for the persons involved in the trial. The trial The Mason Kiwanis and Lions clubs will be the Auburey Pollard in the Algiers motel annex during the could bring from 100 to 150 persons. into town each hosts at a party for all citizens over 65. The affair wiU riots, is Ronald August. day," he said. start at 6 · p.m. with a dinner at the First United Circuit Court Judge William J. Beer of Pontiac Jury members include: Doris Hyatt, Leslie township; Methodist church. During the evening, movies of ruled Tuesday that incriminating statements made by Marian E.. Bennett, city of East Lansing; Linda A. Mason's centennial celebration will be shown. August before he was arrested and accused of the murder Janecke, Locke township; Beatrice Johnson, Ingham Anyone over 65, who would like to attend, is urged Animal Shelter are admissible as evidence. township; Eileen J. Dalton, White Oak township; Barbara to call 676-2791 to make a reservation. Transportation It took less than 2 hours to pick the jury members L. Wonsey, Wheatfield township; Helen C. Bartlett, city of will be arranged for those needing it. which include 13 women and one man. Members of the East Lansing; Noreen Isham, Onondaga township; Helen J. Laws Requested· jury are predominantly from the rural townships. · Foreman, city of Williamston; Mary E. Jolmson, Alaiedon The trial has been recessed for today, May 14, and township; Sandra A.
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