Index may be subject to amendment regarding formatting changes Argyll and Bute Modified Finalised Draft Local Plan Page No Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Sustainability Checklist 6 Chapter 2 The Settlement Strategy 7 Chapter 3 Planning Areas and Development Control Zones 13 Chapter 4 Development Land Supply 21 Chapter 5 Environment 25 Introduction Environmental Proposals 25 Policy LP ENV 1 Development Impact on the General 27 Environment Policy LP ENV 2 Development Impact on Biodiversity 28 (i.e. biological diversity) Policy LP ENV 3 Development Impact on European and 29 Ramsar Sites Policy LP ENV 4 Management of Sites 29 Policy LP ENV 5 Development Impact on Sites of Special 29 Scientific Interest (SSSIs) Policy LP ENV 6 Development Impact on Habitats and 30 Species Policy LP ENV 7 Development Impact on Trees/Woodland 31 Policy LP ENV 8 Development Impact on on Local Nature 32 Conservation Sites Policy LP ENV 9 Development Impact on National Scenic 32 Areas (NSAs) Policy LP ENV 10 Development Impact on Areas of Panoramic 33 Quality Policy LP ENV 11 Development Impact on Historic Gardens 33 and Designed Landscapes Policy LP ENV 12 Water Quality and Environment 34 Policy LP ENV 13a Development Impact on Listed Buildings 35 Policy LP ENV 13b Demolition of Listed Buildings 35 Policy LP ENV 14 Development in Conservation Areas and 36 Special Built Environment Areas Policy LP ENV 15 Demolition in Conservation Areas 37 Policy LP ENV 16 Development Impact on Scheduled Ancient 37 Monuments Policy LP ENV 17 Development Impact on Sites of 38 Archaeological Importance Policy LP ENV 18 Protection and Enhancement of Buildings 39 Policy LP ENV 19 Development Setting, Layout and Design 39 Policy LP ENV 20 Public Art Policy LP CST 1 Coastal Development on the Developed 41 Coast (Settlements and Countryside Around i Settlements) Policy LP CST 2 Coastal Development on the Undeveloped 42 Coast (Sensitive Countryside Zone) Policy LP CST 3 Coastal Development on the Isolated Coast 42 (Very Sensitive Countryside Zone) Policy LP CST 4 Development Impact on the Natural Foreshore 43 Chapter 6 Economy 45 Introduction Economic Proposals 46 Policy LP BUS 1 Business and Industry Proposals in Existing 47 Settlements Policy LP BUS 2 Business and Industry Proposals in the 48 Countryside Development Control Zones Policy LP BUS 3 Safeguarding Existing Business and Industry 49 Sites Policy LP ADV 1 Advertisements 50 Policy LP TEL 1 Telecommunications 51 Policy LP RET 1 Retail Development in the Towns ± 52 The Sequential Approach Policy LP RET 2 Change of Use to and from Use Class 1 53 (Shops) in the Core Shopping Areas of the Main Town Centres Policy LP RET 3 Retail Development in the Villages and Minor 53 Settlements Policy LP RET 4 Retail Development Within Countryside - 54 Development Control Zones Policy LP RET 5 Change of Use of Shops Outwith Designated 55 Town Centres Policy LP RET 6 Design of Shop Frontages 55 Policy LP BAD 1 Bad Neighbour Development 56 Policy LP BAD 2 Bad Neighbour Development in Reverse 56 Policy LP TOUR 1 Tourist Facilities and Accommodation, including 57 Static and Touring Caravans Policy LP TOUR 2 Safeguarding of Primary Tourist Areas 58 Policy LP AQUA 1 Shell Fish and Fin Fish Farming 58 Policy LP REN 1 Commercial Wind Farm and Wind Turbine 60 Development Policy LP REN 2 Community Wind Farms and Domestic Wind 61 Turbines Policy LP REN 3 Other (Non-Wind) Forms of Renewable Energy 62 Related Development Policy LP MIN 1 Safeguarding of Mineral Resources 63 Policy LP MIN 2 Mineral Extraction 63 ii Chapter 7 Housing 65 Introduction Housing Proposals 66 Policy LP HOU 1 General Housing Development 67 Policy LP HOU 2 Provision of Housing to Meet Local Needs 69 including Affordable Housing Provision Policy LP HOU 3 Special Needs Access Provision in Housing Developments 70 Policy LP HOU 4 Housing Green-Space 70 Policy LP HOU 5 House Extensions 71 Policy LP HOU 6 Residential Caravans and Sites 71 (for Permanent Homes) Chapter 8 Servicing, Transport, Access & Parking Policies 73 Introduction Servicing, Transport, Access & Parking 74 Proposals Policy LP SERV 1 Private Sewage Treatment Plants and 76 Wastewater (i.e. Drainage) Systems Policy LP SERV 2 Incorporation of Natural Features/ 76 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) Policy LP SERV 3 Drainage Impact Assessment (DIA) 77 Policy LP SERV 4 Water Supply 77 Policy LP SERV 5 Waste Related Development and Waste 78 Management in Developments Policy LP SERV 6 Safeguarding of Existing Waste Management 79 Sites Policy LP SERV 7 Contaminated Land 80 Policy LP SERV 8 Flooding and Land Erosion ± The Risk 80 Framework for Development Policy LP SERV 9 Development in the Vicinity of Notifiable 82 Installations Policy LP TRAN 1 Public Access and Rights of Way 83 Policy LP TRAN 2 Development and Public Transport Accessibility 83 Policy LP TRAN 3 Special Needs Access Provision 84 Policy LP TRAN 4 New and Existing, Public Roads and 85 Private Access Regimes Policy LP TRAN 5 Off-Site Highway Improvements 87 Policy LP TRAN 6 Vehicle Parking Provision 87 Policy LP TRAN 7 Safeguarding of Airports 88 Policy LP TRAN 8 Piers and Harbours 89 Chapter 9 Recreation and Community Policies 91 Introduction Recreation and Community Proposals 91 Policy LP REC 1 Sport, Leisure and Recreation 92 Policy LP REC 2 Safeguarding of Recreational Land and 93 Important Open Spaces Policy LP COM 1 Community Facility Development 93 Policy LP COM 2 Change of Use of Key Rural Services 94 iii Chapter 10 Planning Gain, Enforcement and Departures 95 Introduction 95 Policy LP PG 1 Planning Gain 96 Policy LP ENF 1 Enforcement Action 96 Policy LP DEP 1 Departures to the Development Plan 97 Chapter 11 Implementation, Resources and Monitoring 99 Sustainability Plan Indicators 100 APPENDIX A Sustainable Siting and Design Principles 103 APPENDIX B Shop Front/Advertising Design Principles 111 APPENDIX C Access and Parking Standards 115 APPENDIX D Definition of Use Classes 119 APPENDIX E Area Capacity Evaluation (ACE) 121 APPENDIX F Allocations, Potential Development Area 125 Schedules and Areas for Action Schedules Glossary 147 iv Chapter 1 ² Introduction The Content of The Argyll and Bute Local Plan 1.1 The Local Plan comprises a Written Statement and 4 proposal map folders arranged as follows: Written Statement (this document): the Written Statement comprises: an introduction, the main business of the plan including the settlement strategy, development land supply proposals; actions to support the plan; the development control policies, plan indicators and appendixes together with a glossary of terms used in the plan. Proposal Map Folders: there are 4 proposal map folders corresponding to the 4 Administrative Areas of Argyll and Bute Council. The proposal maps are arranged by the Planning Areas within each folder and are in 2 main groups. Proposal Maps A: These show the development control zones along with countryside based information, policy constraints, proposals and policies. Proposal Maps B: These show the proposed settlement boundaries, allocations, potential development areas, areas for action, policy constraints, development road action and traffic management action as applicable for each settlement. Rural Constraints Proposals Maps: These show various environmental constraints. Non-Statutory Support Information 1.2 The Local Plan is also to be accompanied by a non-statutory Supplementary Information and Guidance (SIG) document containing: Statistical account of Argyll and Bute. Population and demographic information and analysis based on the 2001 Census and divided into Planning Areas. A technical appendix detailing Local Nature Conservation Sites, listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments etc. Conservation Area Character Statements. Supplementary guidance on the development control policies together with a new Sustainable Design Guide. 1.3 The Local Plan is also accompanied by an Action Plan that provides information on how the plan will be implemented through the Council and our Community Planning Partners, information on Allocations, Areas For Action, Development Road Actions and Traffic management Areas, and provides mini development briefs for Potential Development Areas. 1.4 The area covered by the Argyll and Bute Local Plan is shown on Map 1 over the page. 1 2 National Planning Guidance 1.5 National planning guidance takes the form of the National Planning Framework for Scotland, National Planning Policy Guidelines (NPPGs*), Planning Advice Notes (PANs) and occasional circulars. These provide context and the framework for the approved Argyll and Bute Structure Plan and for the preparation of this Local Plan. They are also a material consideration for development control and the determination of planning applications. *currently in the process of being replaced by Scottish Planning Policy (SPPs). 1.6 SPP 1: The Planning System sets out three primary objectives for the planning system. to set the land use framework for promoting sustainable economic development; to encourage and support regeneration; and to maintain and enhance the quality of the natural heritage and built environment. 1.7 These primary objectives are promoted along with a wider range of objectives under the headings of: sustainable development economic competitiveness social justice environmental quality integrated transport. 1.8 7KHVHJRYHUQPHQWREMHFWLYHVKDYHIUDPHGDQGLQIOXHQFHGWKHµRYHUDOODLPV¶DQGWKHHFRQRPLF social and environmental objectives in the Structure Plan (see paragraph 1.10). The detailed development control policies in this Local Plan are in conformity with national planning guidance but include elements that also address the particular planning circumstances of Argyll and Bute. The Structure Plan and This Local Plan 1.9 The Argyll and Bute Structure Plan provides a strategic land use framework up to 2012, which has guided the preparation of the Argyll and Bute Local Plan. This Local Plan has a 5-year plan-period and is to replace all previous local plans in Argyll and Bute with the exception of the Loch Lomond Local (Subject) Plan 1986.
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