THURSDAY, AUGUST 18; 1M8 The Weather f AdK TWENTY Average Daily Net Preae yaseeast ef C. & Weather BnrsM » Hanrbi^Btpr Smutting For the Week Ended < Angnst 10, 1968 Fair tooigbt. Low SO-56. Sat- oidiqr mostly eoany and a Mt ’Ihe recreatiMi department an'^ Ahen Ctodoury, Windham; Ohris- wainier with tocreaetog eioadi- CiTic Project Due riounoee toe closing on Friday Hospital Notes tlaa Ojala, 2 Harttand Rd.; Et- 13,590 ■ees la the aftemooii. w gh near About Town n i g h t t h e Teen CMiter for toe Bctt WbsWbum, 86 N. Lakewood Howard T. Smith, An­ Blenbcr of the Audit 80. AndovMT la apparently due fo r remainder of toe summer. New DOjvniiD rm sH Purean e< Olrenlatiott 0- programs will be planned and toe ▼Mting boors aia t ts 3 p.m. dover; Mha Angelina DeWuarclo, Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm llw iiiiiii o< lfaunt*ln I<aur«l an unaoheduled civic improve­ renovated during this pe- ; tor sn areas, eocoept mstemlty 53 Birch S t ; Keren Horan, 330 Ohaiitor, 8«r**t A<Jelln^Ihc., y m ment. tocm a Early,thia morning, at about rlod. Ilhe' rbopening- of the Center wbeirs they are S to 4 pm ,, sad Adams St; Rodney Plxlw, East «iar toMi^t at 6:30 for puienta at Hampton; Mira. Rita (Iregory, (Clsesllled OdviirHstof an Page 19) PRICE SEVEN CENTS 6 o’clock, the fire department will be about toe middle of Sep­ SiWi to 8 pjn. and private rooms, tFOURISBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1963 B3aat Hartford Ho^iltal. After tlie tet-ber. Coventry; Alden HSirlatHi, Wap- VOL. LXXXn, NO. 270 alM tmra Win a rehearaal at waa called to extinguiah a blase tm in a small building behind the wbesa they ara 13 a.iB. to 8 pM . p ^ ; Alfred Bdkhic, 30 Ford St.; Um boma a t lira. Paul Fentiman, ’Ihe Olastonbury Antique Show, Vlalton are reqneatod aot to Mra.'Roee P. Sweet Blast Hart­ 200 Obaatar S t, Baat Hartford. Town Hall. The building, how­ ever, waa a complete lose. Fire aponsored by St. Paul’s Men’s Club, aoKdie In patients’ rooms. No more ford; Mra. Laurenza DelMara, 39 Ouaata ara Invited. Haynes St.; Mrs. Irene Soucier, 13 Chief J. Russell Thompson said. will be held on Sept. 8, 9 and 10 than two vUttora at one ttane per Since the uninaured structure at Naubuc Hall on Naubuc Ave., B’ranklin S t, Rockville; Mrs. Ce­ Glastonhiiry. On Sunday, the show patieiit. cilia Blancucci, Blast Hartford; Flame Suicides . ,Oadat Fred Pixon wtU oonduct waa the outhouse for the Town Salvatloa Army open air aervlces Hail, the chief added that the will be from 1 to 10 pjn. and on Mira. Beverty Wheeler, 388 Oak­ Monday and Tuesday, from noon Patleate Today: 218 land St.; Blricfa OMach, Wapping; A . toolght at Main and Biroh Sta. loss will necessitate the Instal­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: lliera wtU be a prayer aervice at lation of new facilities in toe to 10 p.m. Frank DeGlantia, 202 Porter S t; Mrs. 'Viola Armstrong, Phoenix David Guartha, New Mariboro, 7:1B at tba Citadel. Town Hall. St., Vernon; Mra Anna DellaFera, He said toe fire was appar­ A. S C. ■Vincent P. Feshler Jr., Mass.; Suoan TamMing, BBllngton; Bring Curfews 60 Oak St.; Larry Dobson, 36 ently started by a burning cig­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Robin Brennan, 43 Wadsworth Is Ex-Schoolteacher Mary M. Padua, dau^iter Madistm St.; Barbara Stulta, Cov­ arette. Ihe Town Hall waa toe Feshler, 2 Sanford Rd., recently St.; Mra. Lottie Kuezynski and of Mina. PauMne C. Padua, 16 WU- completed technical training for entry; Mra Ruth Luman, Vernon; aon, 110 Walnut St.; Mra, Cath­ IlWM Bt, M attending an InaUtute scene' of a dance for teen-agers Michael Capello Sr., 183 Hilliard last night. administrative specialists at Ama­ erine OXTrowiey and aon, 24 Gerald of BMogy for Secondary School rillo (Tex.) Air Force Base. He St; Susan Bjorkman, 37 Hollietet Dr , Vernon; Mra. Jane Oxtoran BRAZZAVILLE, Congo Re­ Teacliem thia atunmer at Michigan St; Lalla Janaus, East Hartford; Meredith Graduates Sunday has been temporarily assigned to and daughter, 33 Marion Dr.; Mra. public (A P )— ^The Congo re­ To Vietnamese State Untveraity, Eaat Lanahig, Camp Perry, Ohio, as a member Guest Preacher Mrs. Judith Carini, Columbia; Al­ fred Meek, 10 Congreas St.; Suean BbnaUe Klar, BoHon. MMl Jay Paul Boris, son of Mr. and of the Air Force unit providing public’s army today an­ Dr. Karlls Leyaameyer, Euro­ Palmer, Andpver; Mra Edith Al­ DISCHAiRX3ED TODAY: Bid- Mrs. Paul Boris, 271 Henry St., support services for toe National nounced the appointment of pean author, educator, editor and len, 160 Union S t, Rockville; Ehin ward Manter, 372 Parker St SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP)fgovernment use force against has been named to toe dean’s list Rifle and Pistol Matches, and will cv<iT>««a^ and oartoone will be autoority on Ck>mmuniam, w ill Zima, 203 Summit St.; Margaret Alphonse Massamba - Debat them. for scholastic achievement during report to Lnckboume Air Force Ole Miss Is — President Ngo Dinh Diem’s featntad tonight at Center Park at speak Sunday at 9:15 am. at ’Thulin, 61 Bruce Rd.; Anne Camp­ described by friends as a mod­ The Nhatrang demonstration toe past academic year at Prince­ B w , Ohio, upon completion of toe government clamped martial 8:16, ^ponaorad by the recreation Center Oongregrational Church. bell, 20 Griswold St.; Carl R o w ­ erate leftist, to head a provi­ erupted in protest against the sui­ ton Uiriverslty. matches. ’The speaker, now a citicen of law (jn two major Vietnamese cide Thursday of a nun, Dien land, 331 E. Center St. sional government for the toe United States, has lectured BIR’IIHB TODAY: A daughter fbr salad days and picnic days cities today in the wake of an­ Hien, 29. Several thousand Budd­ PENTLAND Congo Republic. hists, reportedly gathered in front on the problems of Communism to Mr. aiMl Mrs. Ronald Gaskell, THE FLORIST 2 0 % of Its other Buddhist suicide by fire to more than 560,000 persons These ]|esh, golden brown chips ere Massamba-Debat, 43, takes over of the railway station. Two hun­ 318 Charter Oak S t ; a daughter '’ Everything In Flowera” — the third this week. dred soldiers drove to the scene since his arrival in toe country in ty Mr. and Mrs. Clalvin Muldoon, gre at w m your fresh sum m er greens from Fulbert Youlou, toe repub 1949. He has spoken at colleges, Centrally Located At and add Just the right, light touch to lie’s only president since it gained Martial law was imposed on the in fire trucks. 12 Cedar S t ; a son to Mr. and 24 BIRCH STREET OXFORD, Miss. (A P )__ H. Wlllls o f classics (Greek central Viet Nam capital of Hue, universities, oonventiona, h igh sandwiches. Taste the delicious dif­ independence hum France three and LaUn). When the. demonstrators refused Mra Gerald Hardy, 74 Avondale 643-4444—648-6247 years ago. But Massamba-Debat where the latest burning occurred to disperse, the troops quickly schools, churches and clube, both Rd.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ference in a truly fresh and crisp The University of Mississippi Dr. Clark In an Interview, said: civic and hatemal. He was a Open 8:30-5:30 was named "chief of govern' ’ early today, and on the coastal scattered them with tear gas. ard Brace, 35 Brooklyn St., Rock­ OioMd ’Then. Nlte* dorlss Aes. — which ends its most diffi­ "M y decision to leave Ole Miss, WILLIAMS personal observer, on events lead­ potato chip, insist on State Line. I city of Nhatrang. where Viet- Roads leading Into the city were ville. Parking Acrosa the Street cult year Sunday with the an InsUtution for which 1 have ing up to toe present International I namese troops quelled a big dem- closed. DISCHARGdSD YBS’TBRDAY: For 100 Cara felt and sUll feel a deep affec­ ' onstration with tear gas crisis. graduation o!f James H. Mere­ tion, stemmed from the serious Lynn Varney, 141 Waronoke Rd.; dith— is losing more than 20 Reliable source.s said U.S. mili­ OIL SERVICE Bom in Liatvla, he Uved In loss of academic freedom to fac­ tary personnel had been restricted] HEATING — AIR CONDITIONING! Russia and saw the Communist per cent of its faculty. ulty and students of the univer­ to their barracks from dusk to revolution in 1917. Afterwards, he Many pirofessors who are leav­ sity and to the breakdown of dawn in both cities, which are USSR Slaps returned to Independent Latvia, ing say the reason is because of moral and professional responsi­ , centers of U.S. military advi.sory 341 BROAD STREET-649 4548 studied in toe English InsUtuti "reocciwing threats of political bility on the part of the univer­ group.s. Interference not conducive to an sity's administrative officers.” at Riga, graduated from toe Uni­ ■it All Vietnamese in Hue except OPfN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 versity of lA tvia in 1934, major­ academic atmosphere.’’ Both Dr. Clark and Dr. Wlllls civil servants and troops were or­ U.S. Views ing in humanities, and received An Associated Press survey have been department heads since The three men heui in connection w.ch K,. a..V.s W-:al tio,n roobery are idenUfied a-s Roger John dered to stay Itxloors. degrees of Ph.C. and PhJMag., There’s a NEW NAME shows that 64 faculty members 1947.
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