BATURDAT, NOVHIW R16,1941 The WeBlitr AT«nc« ffe t Pr«BS Ran Farceast ef D. B» eVaallMr SoieBB War ths Ifenth of Oetohey, Ifli Cloudy aad aeattaaef aeM -thbi ' Vf near alika that tbs local man - 9,7 4 8 aftevaoeai dowdy tsa|gh> aad feared that a mistake would be Local Residents Leaving Vatican “School Work” Taeadoy with rata er mmw toOMf- mad* by the man he entrusted IN SURE MSMbar 5C the Audit illamlj KWtttttg ll^raUi raw, beoemlag rala lato la day. Heard •Along Main Street with his wager, w slSMble on*. Bureau at ctroulstlsas H m tehettor-^A CUy of VlUagm Charm “ Put this on Frimo’s noM,” he To Be Subject MeKINNE?"hoTHm LK «M «to Btlli MmIom nU- said as hla friends Started for the SiHkMltaaMrrinrnorBiiicM And o n Sams o f Manehettor^B Side Sfreefs, Too track.’"There’s an old cow at 100 SoKiJSsL** *t 5 !6 & 6 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR C K ini ! * « e * MMdal flbM Kpprofirl- to one—running out there today, Parents of Lincoln L CIX-, No. 49 ea Fags U| MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1949 to Th^wlvinc wm with more and more television night is toe premier of “ Adam and but forget her. It’s Prlmo,’ remem­ Eve.’ ber. Here I’ve printed it In big let­ School Pupils Are In> sets being instaUed every day and '* '* ” ters on this piece of paper so there our New England scenery being yited to Meeting •■Mtt Ob«to o f NflM* From to* mailbag: will be no mistake." yna Novn/nr fiaop Last Word in Air-Bome Lifeboats O m ai wlU inMi Mee4ay «vMdii( somewhat marred by the forest For me to say that we should Well, folks, you guessed It The Mary OaosaO, Prep, w t S u n . M th W. Smith «f 9 of wire and rods sprouting from be thankful Uvlng in a frM coun­ "Old <3ow" won. Parents of pupils at Oradss 2, S iissiiislrtni aad AnataMeas Pacific Northwest ) Nationalists Report ntuaiit stTMt. Mn. Arc«U* rooftops, toe msnufacturers, quick try unoppressed by tyrants would and 4 St Lincoln Sehool am cor­ Covered Battoaa aad be trite. Many have said that long Ckvwford Mid Mr*. F «lr Brown to latch on to the current taste of "1 come down to town tonight," dially invltsd to attend a prograni BsitMi 0 oImi win pr^de the enterUlnment. toe Great American Public, have before me. I shall u m the term saM Our Farmer Friend, “becauM on Wednesday, No. 80, at sight p. been quietly introducing furnish­ freer than eastern Ekirop* lest toe The lefttohment committee m m - to had to git out Tonight “becaiue m. la Woodruff Hall, Osnter Struggling Against h w are Mrs. Ruth WaddeU, Mrs. ings that wUI lend themselves to cynics criticise toe first sentence. floqk of women flying around my easier "seeing and hearing.’’ We 80 much for what we compara­ Church Partrii House. Front Is Stabilized AVee Wetherel, Mr*. Ruth Bech- houM which X can’t stand. They wlth and MlM Bthel Brslnsrd are even warned that toe shape tively fortunate people should be com* to knit sweaters." This program has bean planned Mr*. S tU lorelan d wUI furnish of rooms In our new homes will thankful for this ’Thanksglvtng. "For the Red CroM?” we ^ In response to Interest on um part be affected by this latest form of What .have the oppressed people at lincoln sdiool parenta. Because Dangers of Floodj the attendance prlae. home ' entertainment. Certainly, qulred. / We Are Wril Equipped to be thankful for? That there Is "Nop*. For tbelrMlves. But they ^ limited seating eapadtjr only some of us have found out to our God in Heaven who will pmfiah * parsnts at toes* tors* gtadss To Do Lawn Grading Mia* Florence Steven*, auparln' sorrow that our present Mating w«m‘t knit much. It’s Justa sxcum. Close to to* oppressors. Also that even to* art Invited tor tola nMstliig. UBdant o f the Deacon*** Hem* la arrangements are Inadequate and Tou SM It has got to^wher* now TrefS Removod 1 4 K n o’Mm Fravideace, will speak at toe most oppressl'v* tyrant can never you dassant call person un­ Senretal teachera will brief usually leave toe host and hostcM talks about toe wotic of the echool, A.LATULIPPBA80N Dead heh i M urray Raps motnlnc eervlce tomorrow In toe either sitting on toe fioor or in kill toe spirit of liberty. God less yoii got a «u»M . They don’t In Wake of Violent North Methodist church. At toe a hallway where It la all but Im­ sometimes works slow making Just stop In noymon.' as follows: 780 Vernon SL TeL 6077 Officials Set to Flee •vtntn^ Mrvlce Mr. and Mrs. Rob- possible to enjoy the evening's many of us impatient, but He Tou mean thcM women are Second Grad* ReddlBg, Miaa Ber­ Wind and Rain Storm; Chinese Reds’ Rapid Cure works Justly and thoroughly. Just getting together In a group to Mrs. Mary Oatalaiio, M Henry street, and Mrs. M nrt DeUapwa, tha Goodrich; Social Studlsa In IM- Reds as Top Doometl Capital To> ert Nave vtoo are going to India IS Cottage street, wow canght by a photographer a* they were lesv^ a#ml**lonarles wlU lead the wor- ** some enterprising nianu- Last but not least, we, also, talk?" mary grade, Mlsa AUc* Qonnan; .Damage Already in should remember to be thankful 'FkMMr'ftftnd nodded, lag the Vatlcaa after an aodleaoe with Pope Pins X n .en a recent Aritomftlo in Grades two and morrow; Communists ■Mp period at seven o’clock. Ml** facturer of ladles’ apparel has hit three-month tear of Italy. The women are wearing the traditional Millions of Dollars; Union Enemy O rder Raises Is Probed Emily Smith, leader of Qlrl Scout on toe perfect outfit to wear when to God for His blessings. t ’s about i t X been thlnkln’ three, Mrsi Helen Ener; A Day'In Driven Out of Sub­ friends drop In to witness toe tele­ J. W. Cheney. Altout tola here thing, and It Is sort Ugh-aecked, Mack dreeeeo worn when In the presence o f the Pep Grada Three, Mias EmlUs Bu|be*; T f ^ No. 1, and Scouts of toe The emartly nnlformed men fianklng the exit are members of t . Moving to Eastward troop win Show colored slides tak­ vision show. A dressed up version of curious. I*eople.now can’t come DlonocraUc Classroom living, Mro. As Miracle urb 12 Miles from of toe unglamorous "sleeping paja­ In to tolk a little IwcauM, first -- Ruth EUls; Extracurricular Actlv- Devotes Mucb of His Hopes Again en on their trip to Europe last Officer Jack Cavagnaro eamq tip Mrs. Oatalam and Mrs. DellaFera made the trip with a Pennsyl- ma’’ Is brought forth as a "tele­ they don’t know bow to talk. After tisa, Idlaa Ann DsllaFsra. Seattle, Nov, 28 i— Qty; Government Ex­ summer, and wlU speak on toe with an interesting story abw t the vanU group of toe Sons of Italy In America, which spohMin such Speech at Convention TM* new HfehoaLdeelfiied to ^carried by airplane aad «roMMd by. parachute. In air. ! subject, “Europe As W* Saw I t ’ vision gown.’” Doe* our memory bicycle races on Thanksgiving. they been through the current gos­ Battered and reeling, the Pa; tours every few years. Arthur lUing, superintendent at Itotts, would have come in hwldy during toe search for toe B-28 that crashed near Bermuda recently. Official Invettigation Be­ pects to Move 170 fall or aren’t them toe old famil- Jack was asmgned ^ follow sip. and they wring that out dry schools will be . present as wall as eifle northwest fought today Second Deportation De­ Uar "cocktoO’’ or "lounging" pa­ To Review of CothU Largest aad most eomplejeiy equipped craft of Ita kind, the A-8 Is nearly 80 feet long aad weighs a ton Paul S. Risley, son of Mr. and to* tail-end of toe cyolats during pretty fast they'are simply done. Saul SUvarsteIn o f toe building against the peril of flood in O i ia t e r I and n half. It has a Ibw-cyOnder nsotor and oanles fuel eaengh to cruise 600 miles. It stocks food ing Made by Roman. Miles to Chengtu jamas, put on toe market more Talked out tions Bringing cree Follows Trial of Mr*. Oeorge Risley of 137 High­ years ago than we like to admit, the races. He was to stay be­ eommittoe, who will apeak on to* the wake of a violent wind and clothing for 15 . ____ land street arrived home in time hind toe very la^iiider in a crulMr Second—"our Friend lifted progrsss of to* buildl^ program. Catholic Church in j and bought by foolish gals that had Ten Asiatics for Be­ By Spencer Mcmme for Thaitoaglvlng from Cecil along with Jifiumy Burke’s finger, "you don’t go nowhere now Tour of Italy Climaxed Room mothers, one from each and rain storm that left 14 Philadelphia, Nov. 28—(JV—dO never seen a cocktail or had tmie unleM you go in a bunch. On* wo­ Fill That Tank! R ecovery O f III Man Chungking, Nov. 28.—<;F) Field, Jacksonville, Florida. SU- to lounge, and finally discarded as bulance. On- the second lap of the grade, are InvIUd to attend in or­ known dead as it slugged President Philip Murray, told the ing American Spies man irouldn’t dress up to call on der to become tietter acquainted tioned with toe Ordinance De­ a bad Investment? Furtoerm o^ Senior Fifteen Mile Race on* of halfway across the northern organisational convention o f the Coal^alkout —The Nationalists toiiay partment of the Naval Air Force, becauM all women are not physi­ broke a wheel and turned another on*.
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