.r • 'V*- r \ .. ^ \ V I • P A G E F O R T Y WEDNESDAY, 'JUNE 24, 1970 ittanrliratpr lEaatttng H^araUt A :\ Jfosf Manchester Stores Open Until 9 O^Clock Members of Scandla Lodge, About Town Vasa Order of America, will at­ Some Downtown Shoppers Average Daily Net Prem Run r h , Parents Without Partners, tend Vasa Field Day on Sun­ The Weather Manchester Chapter, will hold day starting at 9:80 a.m. at AN EXOmm PARTY IDGAI For The Week Kkided Vasa Park, South Meriden. To Receive Lucky Bucks June 99, 1970 Fair, unsenaonably oqdI an Informal coffee and conver­ CiMfemar flefc-Up nigtit; low about SS. Ttamorroav sation, at the home of Mrs. Ed­ There will be entertainment, games and dancing. Dinners sunny, low humkUity; Mgh na Geer, 80 W'etherell St. to­ “ Lucky Buck" cards will be tion was the Mystery Shopper. Hem* D«1lv«r*d liH M * of Swedish meatballs and sill distributed to shoppers in the 70a. Saturday’s ouUook-«taudy, night at 8. The meeting is open Next month, the promotion 15,770 herring wlU be served. Hoidogs Downtown business area tomor­ chance o< alwwrara. to interested persons. Hostess wilt focus on the mid-July Side­ in tmd hamburgers will alsO' be row through Saturday, entitling walk Sales. In August, actual- Mancheater— A City of Village Charm asks, to be notified by those available. the card holders to $6 worth of size antique cars will be dis­ planning to attend. retail merchandising. played in the Downtown busi­ i move VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 226 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) The picnic of the Army-Navy GARDET DATERfRS lia MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1970 (Clooelfled Advertising on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS Each card will have on it the ness olstrict. — M»J9U sr M94IU Manchester Jaycees Wives Club Auxiliary scheduled for will hold a board meeting to­ name of one of the 20 partici­ Michael Boyle of the Mary Sunday at the Bolton Lake Hotel pating stores. Shoppers must re­ Lewis Shop is chairman of the night at 8 at the home of Mrs. has been canceled. The group Walter Kupchunas of 260 Gra­ deem their card at the store Events Task Force. Committee will have a picnic Wednesday, ham Rd., South Windsor. named, on one of the three members Include Mrs. Roland OPCN DAILT 9:90 - 9:30 July 1, stariing at 6 p.m. at Lucky Buck Days, or the card Hebert of Lift the Latch Gift U.S. Develops Barry To Bid the home of Mrs. Gertrude M.D, Shuns CLOSED SATURDAYS Manchester's Brotherhood In is not valid. Shop, Mrs. Madeline Matheny Rat Report Triggers Mosher, 176 Benton St. Reser\'a- SUNDAYS 10 AM • 6 PM Action Group will hold an e.\ecu- A”Lucky Buck" man wrlll of Meri-Mads, Russell Potterton tiotis close toturday and may Peace Plan tlve board meeting tonight at 8 circulate on the streeU in the of Potterton’s Inc., and Creigh­ Rosy Future For Congress be made with Mrs. Glen Gris­ BITUMINOUS ■19 at the KofC Home. Downtown area, passing out ton Shoor of Shoor Jewelers. wold of 30 Ridge St. or Mrs. cards on behalf of the Manches­ Call for Food Probe Florence Plitt of 829 Main St. For Mideast To Aid Poor The North Manchester Al- ter Chamber of Commerce HEW Okays Grant DRIVEWAYS In Prim ary WASHINGTON (AP) — A enforcement has been tigtatenod. Anon family group will' meet to­ ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) Downtowm Committee mer- WASHINOTON (AP) — The WASHINQ’TON (AP) -S e cre ­ congressional watchdog report The department said nd meat la night at 8 in the parish house A midweek service of prayer chanU. The value of the cards PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR EARLY — Edward C. Pierce is a B y WILLIAM OOE Department of Health, Educa­ tary of State William p. Rogers charging filthy, rat-ridden now known to be sold from un­ of the Second Congregational and praise wlU be held tonight was set by the co-operating 28 TEARS EXPERIENCE! 2 TEAR GUARANTEE 1 physician who wears blue (Herald Reporter) SUMMER PRINT VOILES tion and Welfare has approved a announced today what he meat-paeklng plants, were al­ sanitary plants. Church. The Thursday group at 7 ;30 at Calvary Church. merchanU, . FREE ESTIMATES . jeans and T-shirt to work. Of Dacron and Cotton. 45'^ wide pastel shades of sum­ grant of $180,772 to help build termed a major now U.S. Mid­ Sen. David M. Barry of Man­ lowed to stay In production by Rlbicoff, who requdsted the will meet at 8 p.m. in the Path­ He says it makes his pa­ mer. Values to $1.69 yd. Priced to Move! Lucky Buck Days is the sec­ east peace Initiative aimed at chester has decided to seek a U.S. Inspectors has brought a OAO report, declared: '"IlieN finders Club at 102 Norman St. First Church of Christ, Scien­ an addition to Norwalk (Cohn.) tients feel more at ease with Ideal for blouses or beachwear. yd. Q / ^ ond In a series of monthly pro­ e.&H. PAVING CO. getting the Arabs and Israelis senator's demand for a probe of are serious charges against oar- Both groups meet weekly and tist, wrlU have its regular mid­ State Technical College. him. primary for the Democratic motions scheduled by the Dowm- WEST ST., BOLTON MA-sm the Agricultutte Department it­ tain meat packers who provide are open to friends and relatives week testimony meeting tonight The addition will house a book “ to stop shooting and start talk­ He used to have a modem nomination for Congress from town Committee Events Task ing.” self. prepared meat for millions of of a person with a severe at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main store, classrooms, laboratories, office with piped-in music, the First Ddatrict. Force. Last month the . promo- library facilities, and offices. The essence of the still-secret The report by the General Ac­ Americans. .We must find out drinking problem. St. The meeting is open to the where he ran a grow ing $80,- Barry said late , this morning counting Office said unsanitary why the Agriculture Depart­ PRINTED t SOLID TERRYCLOTH public. U.S. plan, it was understood, 000-a-year practice. that he “definitely" intends to was a broadly worded proposal conditions or contaminated- ment Is unable to carry out Its 36” Wide thick and thirsty 100% cotton terry. The now Auditions will be held tonight Now he works In a cramp­ fUe petition forms for a prim­ meat were found in 44 'of 48 Mid­ directives in the supervision and prints of today. Reg. 1.39 yd. <1**^ to Egypt, Jordan and Israel for for experitheatre '70's experi­ The conunlssion on steward­ ed, one-story brick house, ary with the office of the Secre­ western packing plants inspect­ regulation of federlll meat quall- Sew and Oo! With this great buy! a .^cease-fire of at least 90 days tary of State either today or to­ of " ~ ................... yd. " 7 “ mental musical planned for the ship and finance of South United where he. charges according ed last year. Two of the offend­ '.y standards.” during which. U.N. mediator morrow. last week in August. People with Methodist Church will meet to­ to a sliding fee scale that ing plants are now closed and (Jlearly, a fullscale investiga­ ideas and talent in dance and Gunnar Jarring would start ne­ dips as low as $2 for an ot- During a marathon battle for night at 7 ;30 at the church. VALUES in GREAT TASTE featuring PINEHURST gotiations on the basis of these the others have improved sub­ tion of the Department of Agri­ music are encouraged to come 'tee visit. the nomination at the First 2 stantially, the GAO said. culture is called for, RlMcotf nd commitments by the opposing District convention last weekend to the auditions which start at The 40—year-old M.D. gave It blamed continuance of the said. GINGHAM CHECKS This Is the last week of the parties: In Hartford, Barry was among F ^ m Dan River Mills. 36” wide 100% cotton with Dri- the West Side Recreation Center lip his promising elght-year- conditions over a period of Connecticut Eye Bank Fund —Egypt and Jordan would a field of contenders losing en^ The OAO investigators said —Don — - for easy care. Reg. I79c aJL. yd. at 7 :30. old practice two vears ago years on lax inspection and fal­ Drive and members ol Sunset pledge themselves to the princi­ doraement to Sen. Jay W. Jack- they had been told the depart­ Mini Check to One Inch Check. yd. to provide medical care for tering enforcement by the de­ Our Lady of Unity Mothers Rebekah Lodge will be collect­ “FRESHER BY FAR” PRODUCE ple of peace with Israel and .ac­ son of West Hartfrod. ment’s consumer service had neople who could not afford partment’s Consumer and Mar­ ing funds tomorrow night on knowledge her right to exist Jackson was a compromise for years accepted Inadequate Circle will have a poUuck to­ It. keting Seiwlce, which Is respon­ Main St. and at the Manchester FRESH GREEN within secure borders. choice of the party on the 10th sanitation efforts by plant num- night starting at 6:30 at the CALIF. FRESH SWEET CRISP FRESH BRIGHT RED "Poor people,” Pierce ex­ sible for certifying the nation’s Shopping Parkade. Those wish­ —Israel In return would ballot In the second day of the agers, that many of its own In­ home of Mrs.
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