E294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2016 shape, while making a series of turns to con- self to her fellow citizens and her constituency tion from the USGS, U.S. Senator BARBARA trol their speed. As students improve, they ski throughout her lifetime, and she is the epitome BOXER’s Women Making History Award, the downhill with their skis parallel. Countless ski- of what it means to be a public servant. Alquist Award from the Earthquake Safety ers, including my sons, have experienced the Mr. Speaker, at this time, I ask you and my Foundation and the Meritorius Service Award joy of alpine skiing because of Hannes’ inno- other distinguished colleagues to join me in from the U.S. Department of the Interior. vative method of instruction. celebrating National Women’s History Month. Dr. Jones lives in Pasadena, with her hus- Hannes dedicated his life to skiing. He con- We are indebted to the many female leaders band Dr. Egill Hauksson, who is a fellow seis- tinued to instruct thousands of pupils until his in public service who work diligently to im- mologist and a Professor at Caltech, and they death in 1955. The Hannes Schneider Meister prove the quality of life for every American, have two children, Sven and Niels. Cup Race, which on March 12, 2016 is cele- and they are worthy of the highest praise. Dr. Lucile M. (Lucy) Jones will leave a sci- brating its 20th anniversary, is staged by the f entific legacy that will be appreciated for gen- New England Ski Museum to honor the legacy erations to come. I ask all Members to join me of Hannes Schneider and the veterans of the TRIBUTE TO DR. LUCILE M. (LUCY) today in honoring her for over three decades 10th Mountain Division. I am proud to partici- JONES of exemplary public service. pate in this year’s event, and to honor the f great achievements of Hannes Schneider. HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF HONORING THE CAROL MOORE OF CALIFORNIA f MEMORIAL JAZZ FESTIVAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Monday, March 14, 2016 HON. JASON SMITH Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF MISSOURI HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY honor Dr. Lucile M. (Lucy) Jones, a pre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF INDIANA eminent leader in the field of seismology, who Monday, March 14, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is retiring from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Monday, March 14, 2016 Dr. Jones received a Bachelor of Arts De- today to honor the outstanding tradition of the Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with gree in Chinese Language and Literature, with Carol Moore Memorial Jazz Festival at Mineral great respect and admiration that I rise to cel- a minor in Physics, graduating Magna Cum Area College in Park Hills, Missouri. This year ebrate National Women’s History Month and Laude from Brown University, and her Doctor commemorates the 30th jazz festival, begun in its 2016 theme, ‘‘Working to Form a More Per- of Philosophy in Geophysics from the Massa- 1987. Music instructor Carol Moore cham- fect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service chusetts Institute of Technology. pioned the festival in its early years and and Government.’’ As we reflect on the strug- Dr. Jones has worked for the US Geological helped it grow to its current prominence. Ms. gles, sacrifices, and successes of women Service for the past thirty-three years. During Moore died of cancer in 2008 and the festival throughout our nation’s history, this year’s her time at the USGS, she has served in var- was renamed in her honor in 2010. In the theme honors the many women who have ious capacities, most recently as Science Ad- years since her death, the jazz festival has helped shape America through governmental visor for Risk Reduction, Natural Hazards Mis- been chaired by MAC faculty members Dr. roles and civil service. During this month and sion. In this position she leads long-term Kevin White, Dan Schunks, and Michael Gold- always, we honor the monumental efforts of science planning for natural hazards research, smith. American women who fought and continue to and directs the Science Application for Risk The festival features a day of jazz perform- fight for gender equality. Women have suc- Reduction (SAFRR) Project, which uses ances by hundreds of students from dozens of ceeded in all areas of society, from medicine USGS science to help communities at risk for schools. This year 42 bands will perform from and science to government and public service, natural disasters. Lucy is also a Visiting Re- districts as far away as Arkansas and Ken- and their contributions have paved the way for search Associate at the prestigious California tucky. This festival not only promotes jazz a better America. Institute of Technology Seismological Labora- music and inspires current jazz students, it The pioneers of the women’s movement tory, a position she has held since 1983. Prior also serves as an effective means to introduce fought for the right to vote for decades. to serving as Science Advisor for Risk Reduc- the community and potential students to the Through their determination, courage, and tion, Dr. Jones created, led and was Chief Sci- college. strong will, the suffragettes proudly witnessed entist for the Multi Hazards Demonstration In addition, the festival brings world class the passage of the nineteenth amendment in Project (MHDP), whose landmark programs in- jazz artists to the area to perform in concert 1920. The tireless efforts of these brave cluded the Great ShakeOut, an emergency with the community’s Kicks Band. These art- women brought more opportunity and demo- public preparedness program which has been ists have included saxophonist ‘‘Blue Lou’’ cratic change. The women’s liberation move- adopted throughout the state of California, and Marini of Blues Brothers fame, Delfeayo ment of the 1960’s and 1970’s helped ensure the Southern California Debris Flow Warning Marsalis of the famed Marsalis musical dy- ´ ´ that women had more say in government System, in partnership with the National nasty, trumpet player Jon Faddis, a protege of while leading the charge against workplace in- Weather Service. Lucy was also a scientist on jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie, and trumpet mas- equality. This helped create better jobs for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Team for ter Doc Severinsen, who performs at the 30th women and promoted fair pay through anti- many years, including serving as Scientist-in- festival. For its impressive tradition and significant discrimination laws. Our nation’s success is Charge for Southern California from 1998 to artistic contributions to the community, it is my dependent upon the knowledge, skills, and ex- 2006. pleasure to congratulate the Carol Moore Me- pertise of women in public service. These In addition to her work with the USGS, Dr. morial Jazz Festival on its 30th celebration strong leaders fight every day for more oppor- Jones is a member of the California Earth- and to recognize all those involved before the tunity and equal rights, and they continue to quake Prediction Evaluation Council, which United States House of Representatives. have a profound impact on our nation. advises the Governor of California. She I would also like to take the time to acknowl- served as seismic safety advisor to Los Ange- f edge the many women who have served, and les Mayor Eric Garcetti, raising awareness HELENDALE LOSES COMMUNITY continue to serve, the people of the First Con- about the city’s need for greater earthquake LEADER gressional District at the local, state, and fed- preparedness. Lucy also served as Commis- eral levels. As a lifelong resident of Northwest sioner on the California Seismic Safety Com- HON. PAUL COOK Indiana, born and raised in the city of Gary, I mission. Author of multiple scientific papers on OF CALIFORNIA would be remiss if I did not pay special tribute seismic research with a primary focus on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to one of Northwest Indiana’s finest citizens earthquake hazard assessment and and my dear friend, the Honorable Earline foreshocks, Dr. Jones has often testified be- Monday, March 14, 2016 Rogers, State Senator for the 3rd District of fore the United States Congress on various Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in the Indiana. Senator Rogers will be retiring from public safety seismic matters. Lucy has been memory of Michael Phillip Gouin, who trag- office at the end of the year after a remarkable the recipient of many awards, including ically passed away on February 16, 2016. Mi- thirty-four years in the state legislature. A Woman of the Year from the California chael’s life was taken by a drunk driver who teacher by trade and a former Gary city coun- Science Center, the Shoemaker Award for struck his motorcycle in Oro Grande, Cali- cil member, Senator Rogers has devoted her- Lifetime Achievement in Science Communica- fornia. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:52 Mar 15, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.002 E14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 14, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E295 Michael was employed by the Helendale Helene has done it all, and I cannot think of remember the sacrifices made by those our Community Services District as a wastewater a more deserving person to be named the country sends into harm’s way. Their courage treatment plant operator. Previously, he 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Grand Marshal. Con- and sacrifice allows us to live in a safer world.
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