/06 06 2011 / 10 volume 66 History Mystery The Secrets of the Times Change(d) arts page 15 Save Gio's LGBT* club faces financial crunch news page 3 Reasons 4 why sports matter comments page 9 "Adding vocals to this band would be like throwing kitty litter into an already delicious milkshake." ARTS page 12 02 The UniTer OctobeR 6, 2011 www.UniTer.ca LookinG for LiStings? Cover Image CaMPUs & COMMUNItY LISTINGs aND PHOTO BY BRYAN SCOTT Green corridor construction Live music this week: VOLUNtEEr OPPORTUNItIEs PaGE 8 Waster, Socalled MUsIC PaGE 12 See more of Bryan's work at underway at the U of w FILM & LIt PaGE 14 www.winnipeglovehate.com GaLLErIEs & MUsEUMs PaGEs 14 & 15 Learn more about the CaMPUs NEWs page6 and more & tHEATRE, DaNCE & COMEDY PaGE 15 Times Change(d) High .COMMENTS page9 arts pages11,12&13 aWarDs & FINaNCIaL aID PaGE 18 Lonesome Club on page 15 People Worth Reading ABout UNITER STAFF Sharing fruit and promoting healthy living ManaGinG eDitor Sagan Morrow aims to foster community with south Osborne-based pilot project Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Geoffrey Brown [email protected] Clara BUelow » volUNTeer PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Ayame Ulrich » [email protected] cOPy anD styLe eDitor It turns out you can share your fruit and eat it Britt Embry » [email protected] too. Photo eDitor Founded last year as a pilot project in south Dylan Hewlett » [email protected] Osborne, Fruit Share is an organization whose aim is to connect volunteers with homeown- newS assiGnMenT eDitor ers in order to salvage perfectly good fruit that Ethan Cabel » [email protected] would otherwise go to waste. newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor Due to the positive response and high Matt Preprost » [email protected] demand, the project has grown exponentially to include neighbourhoods and people from across arts anD culture eDitor Nicholas Friesen [email protected] the city. » According to Sagan Morrow, co-ordinator of cOMMents eDitor Fruit Share, the most important thing about the Trevor Graumann » [email protected] project is not only rescuing fruit, but fostering a Listings cO-OrDinator sense of community. Kent Davies » [email protected] caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer “the city is so spread out that Vacant it’s a nice way for people to BeaT rePOrTer get to know their neighbours.” Chris Hunter » [email protected] – SaGan MOrrOw, cO-OrDinator, FrUiT Share BeaT rePOrTer Anne Thomas » [email protected] “The city is so spread out that it’s a nice way BeaT rePOrTer for people to get to know their neighbours.” Vacant Fruit Share volunteers go to the homes of reg- culture rePOrTer istered fruit tree owners. The fruit is then picked Aaron Snider » [email protected] and divided into thirds, with a third of the har- vest going to the homeowner, a third to the vol- unteers and a third to a charity of the volunteer’s CoNTrIBUTORS: choice. So far the Fruit Share has donated to 15 orga- Elizabeth Shearer nizations, with Winnipeg Harvest and Siloam Sagan Morrow, co-ordinator of Fruit Share Manitoba, says the organization not only rescues fruit, but fosters a sense Mission being the most popular. of community. aranda adams, Kaeleigh ayre, Morrow was hired as co-ordinator after the clara Buelow, Melanie Dahling, organization received a grant from the Winni- job, with Morrow working evenings and week- When she isn’t working with Fruit Share, Kaitlyn emslie Farrell, adam, peg Foundation. ends to organize the 150 volunteer pickers and Morrow is the executive director of the Food She also arranges workshops for the volun- 200 volunteer homeowners during the harvest Label Movement, an organization in the process Johnston, Derek Loewen, adam teers and homeowners on fruit preserving, dehy- months. of becoming a non-profit that was created in Petrash, Lucas redekop, Sarah drating, and canning with Mary Jane from Mary “It’s been a fantastic experience,” Morrow 2010 with a mission statement to increase aware- reilly, Pamela roz, harrison Jane’s Cooking School. Fruit Share’s blog also said. ness between the consumer and food manufac- hosts a variety of recipes and pictures from dif- Morrow studied at the University of Win- turers. Samphir, elizabeth Shearer, ferent workshops. nipeg, was a frequent Uniter contributor, and To get involved with Fruit Share, visit www. David Skene, Jon Sorokowski The position has been more than a full-time blogs about her passion for healthy living. fruitshare.ca. BY ETHAN CABEL The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the Q: WhAt do you think of the federAL ConServAtiveS’ law And order agendA? hoW University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland WiLL it AffeCt juStiCe in MAnitobA? Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the canadian University Press and campus Plus Media Services. Gabriel Coppers, com- Michael blashko, Michelle hondl, munity member fourth-year student, employee, booster SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND juice PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in “I think it’s a bunch of bull politics and philoso- text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ crap. The system’s down phy “I can’t answer uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for because they let murderers “I’m anti-conservative, political questions submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before out on bail. The three strike anti-tough on crime, because the govern- publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, law needs to come here to anti-more jails and ment doesn’t even six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The Canada. They should change anti-harsher sen- run the country, Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, the law.” tences. They should corporations do.” misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the be focusing more on right to edit for length and/or style. rehabilitation and prevention.” CONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 kyle Manalang, fourth-year Samantha Loftson, thomas Wharton, e-mail: [email protected] student, english employee, Stella’s second-year Web: www.uniter.ca student, politics “If it costs the provinces Cafe and bakery LOCATION » more money, that’s a bad “I think we need to “I think that the Room ORM14 thing because Manitoba is be tougher on crime. federal Conserva- University of Winnipeg already in a lot of debt.” I think we need to tives’ law and order 515 Portage Avenue take more initiative policy is too based Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2e9 and take every crime around punishment. seriously rather than They should focus picking and choosing on prevention.” our battles.” Mouseland Press Board of directors: Michael rac (chair), alex Freedman, Ben wickstrom, Kelly ross, Karmen wells, Peter ives, robert Galston and Sara McGregor. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca OctobeR 6, 2011 The UniTer News Downtown LGBT clubroom facing financial crunch Gio’s club and Bar steps up fundraising efforts aNNe ThomaS its own Love Thy Neighbor fundraiser on BeaT reporTer Sept. 23. Jessica Venom, who hosted the event, said although they are business competitors, the The financial challenges plaguing Gio's Club few gay bars in Winnipeg need all the com- and Bar have reached a critical point, spark- munity support they can get. ing some vigorous fundraising efforts in the “If we were in the same condition, I hope past few weeks to raise $60,000. they'd do the same for us,” Venom said. Gio's is the non-profit clubroom of the On the other hand, much of Gio's falling Oscar Wilde Memorial Society. The commu- attendance has been attributed to the open- nity-owned club has been around since 1982, ing of a new, bigger bar in Winnipeg last serving Winnipeg's lesbian, gay bisexual and year. transgender community. Gio's supports the charity Gio's Cares, “Ultimately, every penny which helps provide food and clothing for we get goes back into the people living with HIV/AIDS, in collabora- community.” tion with organizations such as Nine Circles Community Health Centre, the Health Sci- – DaviD FOx, events cO-OrDinator, ences Centre and Artemis Housing Co-op. GiO'S Club anD Bar Gio's Cares also distributes information on prevention, screening and safer sex. “Fame came out, and it was a flashy new Gio's needs to raise $60,000 in three thing ... and I think their space is ultimately months to keep its doors open. nicer. They do have a good dance floor,” said “We talked to the board and the staff to Fox. whip our butts in gear, and we started this But he doesn't see Gio's as replaceable. massive fundraising ‘Save Gio's’ campaign,” “Fame offers a really great place, great vibe said David Fox, an events co-ordinator at for the weekend, but what about the rest of Gio's. the week?” Fox said. “A lot of people say Gio's Fox said they created new ways for people is kind of like a family. We're all really close- to donate to the club. For example, people knit, and I agree wholeheartedly.” can buy and decorate a brick on Gio's patio According to Fox, the fundraising push has for $100. been successful so far. Obviously, he added, During their “massive” fundraising week- they're not in the clear yet, but he remains end, the club hit capacity on Saturday, Sept.
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