ulf 3telan&js IBrifttooob Serving fhe islands that make Beautiful British Columbia Beautiful Fourteenth Year, No.32 GANGES, British Columbia Thursday, August 16, 1973 $4.00 per year in Canada, 10$ copy Premiere IN A SCENE FROM SUMMER THEATRE'S PLAY DECISION ON FRIDAY Ferry Strike Is Looming At Fulford Ferry employees will settle ands were arranged by individ- the ferry service for next week uals needing the service. Mail when they take a strike vote was brought in by this means as on Friday. If personnel agree well as regular freight deliver- Friday to strike it is likely that the ies. services between the Gulf Isl- On Tuesday there was no ands and Vancouver or Van- clear indication of what the — TWO DAY PLAY couver Island will be out on week end might bring. Saturday, according to the union. Gardner McKay's play, Sea Marks, will be presented at Ferry services to the islands Fulford Hall on Friday and Sat- have been unbroken since 1968 urday evenings. The world except due to storm or mech- Two Fall premiere of this play by an act- anical breakdown. In 1968 or-turned playwright will be the ferries were on strike and tried out with the Salt Spring the islands depended on barg- Fairs In Island audience before its pres- es, taxis, private boats and entation in Los Angeles. aircralt. Hardest hit would be resorts, Playing the lead roles are whose customers would be un- Two Weeks two Hollywood television pers- able >r unwilling to get here onalities, Joshua Bryant and or away again. Prolongued Stage is set for two fall fairs Margot Kidder. strike could bring a stop to in the islands during the cominj Ticket sales showed a keen many island activities. 10 days. interest in the presentation, With a slow down in tourism On Saturday, Aug. 18, according to director and prod- could come a slowdown in con- Mayne Island Fall Fair will be ucer, Stuart Margolin. struction as heavy supplies run opened by T. C. Douglas, MP. It is the kite flown by the short. The member will also open the new Salt Spring Island Summer In 19G8 the Salt Spring new golf course at Mayne. theatre, brain-child of the Hol- Freight Services Ltd. set up a One week later, on August lywood actor who owns a home barge service to Salt Spring Is- 25, Agricultural Minister David on the island. land. Barges to die other isl- Stupich will open the Fenders Fall Fair. Joshua Bryant and Margot Kidder on stage at Fulford Both island fairs are of long standing. The Pe:-der Fall Fair GALIANO was established in 1932 and fell BISHOP TO by the wayside only during the Mrs. Flora Lee Dies At 101 war years. Mayne Fair is a few GALA DAY years older. BE VISITOR Mrs. Flora Margaret Lee, happy, she came over as usual who was spending the summer to spend the summer. 'Galiano Fiesta will be an all- months on the Island with her day attraction at Galiano Island daughter, passed away sudden- Mrs. Lee was born in Old on Saturday when the Lions PARSNIP TREE TO ISLAND ly on Friday, Aug. 10, as she Court, Herefordshire, England, Club stages its first ever. The Bishop Roy Gartrell, of Brit- was being taken to h jspital at on April 6, 1872 and always service club is supported by all ish Columbia will be visiting Ganges. had a keen interest in every- island organizations in the pro- the Salt Spring Island Anglican Mrs. Lee had spent more thing around her. ject. The event will centre on Galiano Lodge and it will Parish on Sunday. He will cel- than 50 years on Galiano. She Funeral was held on Wednes- ebrate services at two island came first in 1935, to a neat include a wide range of enter- day, Aug. 15, at St. Margar- tainments. churches. little home that she built near et s, Galiano, with Rev. O. L. the old Burrill store, and call- Foster officiating. Goodman's Final project of the day will At 9. 30 am, he will take ed it "Activista". part in the services at St. Funeral Home, Ganges, was be a dance in Galiano Hall in Every winter she would go to in charge of arrangements. the evening. George's and at 11.15 he will be the mainland for just a couple at St. Mary's. of mo. iths, and back to the isl- The day starts earlier than and for the remainder of the that. time. Not too long ago, she Before church, he will be moved to Burnaby, to live with FALL FAIR SATURDAY AT MAYNE taking breakfast with members her daughter, Mrs. C. Hawkins, BY CLSIE BROWN of Parish Committee. but this year, feeling well and Plans for Mayne Island's An- ety are busy as beavers. imal Fall Fair are being final- Betty Fry reports that a not- ized and the executive and dir- ice about the Fair will be on Building Permits In July ectors of the Agricultural Soci- the ferry bulletin board at Swartz Bay. Construction continued at a NEW INN OPENS The Mayne Queen will ac - They Are Three healthy pace in the electoral cept entries for the Fair from areas of the Capital Regional the Outer Islands all day Frida> District during the month of August 17. They will be look- Champs And July, with permits being issued ed after by some member of for a number of projects whose the Agricultural Society on Are Rewarded total value was estimated at Mayne. Exhibits may be re- $1, 717, 838. turned Saturday and early Sun- Three Salt Spring boys have day. returned from an exciting week Value of islands permits am- end in Portland, Oregon. ounted to a half-million dollars Tommy Douglas, MP, will David Woodley, Mike Roz- officially open the Fair at t nno, and Wayne Reynolds Activity was heaviest in the 1:30 pm. were chosen earlier in the base- Langford Electoral Area, where ball season as part of the Babe building permits valued at An exciting event this year Ruth 13-year-old All-Star Tear $613,184 were issued, as comp- will be the tournament on the of Ladysmith and District. ared with only $211, 916 record- Miniature Golf Course adjacent They then played in the Babe ed there for the same month to the hall. It will also be Ruth Tournament held in Lake last year. officially opened by Mr. Doug- Royal Oak Inn opened last Cowichan, July 1 - 13. July's building permit totals las. Two trophies have been Although unsuccessful in week with an introductory party donated by islanders. for the other electoral areas, The new hotel stands on the their tournament play, the with last year's figures in brack' President, Mrs. Marjorie team managed to defeat the Patricia Bay Highway at Royal ets were: Sooke $219, 992 Oak, opposite the cemetery. Haggart urges all those wishing host Lake Cowichan Team by ($133, 468); Metchosin $104, 95E to enter exhibits at die Fair a close 8-7 game. ($83, 650); Colwood $226, 659 The building is spectacular to fill out their entry forms On August 16-12, the boys ($122, 643); View Royal and among the most attractive and turn them in at the Agri- travelled with the Ladysmith $55, 284 ($5,184); Salt Spring hostelries in the Victoria area. cultural Hall, Wednesday, and District A11-Star Team to Island $296, 266 ($303, 728); One of the principals in the A ,g. 15, and Thursday, Aug. Oregon where they played and the Outer Gulf Islands new venture is former Socred 16, 1 pm - 6 pm. Entries must three exhibition games, win- $201, 498 ($198, 672). provincial candidate in Saan- be at the hall before 10 pm, Jack H. Lamb is shown stand' ning all three games. ich and the Islands, Foster Ish- Friday, Aug. 17 and paintings ing by his parsnip tree. When A return match will be play- Total value of permits issued erwood. before noon the same day. he left a parsnip in the ground ed in Ladysmith on August 18 in July, 197 2 was $1, 059, 261. to go to seed, the St. Mary and 19. For their efforts, Mike Picture by Mary Backlund A general clean-up bee is Lake resident expected a fair- Dave and Wayne were each Building Inspector Nels shows the special christening planned for Monday, Aug. 13. sized plant and some seed. presented with a personalized Vodden has an office in the cake following the hotel des - Anyone interested in helping This is what developed when Court House at Ganaes. wnuld hf. mrvsr fhp narcnin ar**w tr» 11 f*>£>r hiohi Page Two Gulf Islands DRIFTWOOD Thursday, August 16, 1973 BARK OF THE FIR JULY WEDDING FOR SALT SPRING GIRL HARRY'S The bark of Douglas fir is one of the richest sources of Tall standard baskets of sum-, 40ME REPAIRS Flavonoid substitutes, which mer flowers decorated Ganges are believed to have medicinal United Church for a double- MO Years Experience al value in the healing of radi- ringed wedding, July 21, which * General ation burns and frost bites. united Pearl Estelle Haroldine, They also are excellent anti- youngest daughter of Mrs. Chest- * Paints oxidants for preventing fats and oils from turning rancid. er Kaye, to Murray William * Drains Mackey, son of Mrs. R. Kren- The bark has also been used in brink and Harvey Mackey of No Job Too Small soil conditioners and when Victoria. turned into a plastic can be Rev.
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