Gc 942.27019 Aalp v.13 1379144 GENEALOGY COLLECTION 3 1833 00730 5250 HAMPSHIRE PARISH REGISTERS flftarriages. XIII. PHILLIMORES PARISH REGISTER SERIES. VOL. CLXIX. (HANTS, VOL. XJfJ.) (hit hundnd and fifty printed '.tor/ft : Hampshire P arish Registers, flfeavriaQes. Edited by W. P. W. PHILLIMORE. M.A.. B.C.L. AND The Rev. W. E. COLCHESTER, A.K.C., Rector of St. Maurice with St. Mary Calendar and St. Peter Colebrook, and of St. Lawrence, Winchester. V.I3 VOL. XIII. Y>/3 XonDon Issued to the Subscribers by Phillimoke & Co., Ltd., 124, Chancery Lane. 1912. PREFACE The Registers of St. Maurice, Winchester, are among the twenty Parish Registers in the Archdeaconry which date from 1538. From them may be gathered some points of the history, civil and ecclesiastical, of England's first capital city. In William I's time the eastern half of the city was occupied by St. Swithun's Monastery (the Cathedral), the New Minster, Wolvesey Palace, and the King's Palace on the south side. The north was divided into a number of small parishes. 1373144 In 1 1 10 the Monks of the New Minster, which had been founded by King Alfred, removed outside the City, and the site became the parish of St. Maurice, a Norman arch, pre- sumably part of the Minster, being still in the tower of the church. About the fifteenth century, Winchester went through a time of great financial depression and numbers of the small churches fell into ruin. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the parishes of St. Mary, Tanner Street, and St. Pancras, Wongar Street, were joined to St. Maurice, and St. Rumwold to St. Mary Calendar. In 1682 St. George, St. Mary Wode, St. Mary Calendar, St. Peter Colebrook, the churches being in ruins, were united to St. Maurice ; the parish then containing all the north-east part of the City. In 1855 the northern part was separated into a new parish (Holy Trinity). The Registers therefore contain entries for the parishes of St. Maurice (S. M. W.), St. Mary Calendar (S. M. C), and St. Peter Colebrook (S. P. C), and the boundaries of these parishes are clear to this day. The time of the Reformation is marked in the Registers by the change from Latin to English, and the irregularity of the entries, 1553- 1557, having only two or three scattered notices. I'he Great Rebellion is marked by the burial of several soldiers, Bhot at the East Gate, defending the City against the Parliamentarians, and also by some years being omitted, and then a new Register being started, and the Marriage often cried ceremony being mostly civil ; the Banns being from the Butter Cross on market days, and the ceremony being always performed before a Justice of the Peace. The necessity for seeking a magistrate for marriage caused many people from surrounding villages to come to Winchester. These being entered in St. Maurice Registers make those years exceptionally full, and also render them more valuable. Ill the spring of 1665-6 the plague visited Winchester. In March there were twelve Burials, in April six, in May sixteen. The entries become merely names and finally cease e with the words " dyed of y Plague & so did several of those above". The next entry is in August. Five mounds on Magdalen Hill still show where these burials took place. In 1905 a further union of parishes was made, and the Rector of St. Maurice now holds it with St. Lawrence in plurality. W. P. W. P. W. R. C. 124, Chancery Lane, London, January, 191 2. Contents. Parish. Years. Pace. Winchester, St. Maurice 1 538-1837 .. .. 1 Bampsbiw $arialj lUgiattra. Marriages at St. Maurice, Winchester, 1538 to 1837. Note. —Volume I is a volume of paper leaves, presumably the original Register, measuring 12m. by 8^in., which was restored and re- bound in 1908. The first few leaves have been lost. The Baptisms do not commence until 1575. The Marriages begin at folio 23a with the year 1538 and continue to 1643. It also . contains the years 1660-1662. There appear to be no entries for 1644-1652, but those for 1653 onwards will be found in Volume IV. Volume II is of paper, measuring i6in. by 6£in. It is bound in a parchment deed of James I. Some leaves are torn out, some torn in half. It is a copy of Volume I, made by the clerk, Henry Lurkyn, 1645-50. The writing is very clearly legible. Com- mences 1558. Volume III is very badly written on paper, and is bound in vellum. It measures i2in. by 8in. The Marriages for 1662-1665 are on the last two pages. The entries of the other years are interspersed amongst the Baptisms and Burials. Notes and rude verses are written apparently by a careless clerk in vacant spaces. Only thirty-nine pages are filled. Volume IV is a large book of parchment leaves measuring i8in. by 14m., and bound in vellum. The ink is somewhat faded. It commences in 1653 with three columns to the page for Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages. From 1656 to 1659 the Marriages only are written across the page. From 1677 to 1702 in two columns. Volume V is like Volume IV, but has forty-six pages. The title page is torn at the corners, and has notes of the union, by Bishop Morley, of the parishes of St. Maurice, St. Mary Kalendar, St. Peter Colebrook, St. George, St. Ruel and St. Mary Wode. It contains Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages from 1702 to 1736. Hants.—XIII. B — 2 Hampshire Parish Registers. [1538 Volume VI is of parchment, bound in vellum upon cardboard, measuring nin. by i8in. The writing is clear throughout, and the manuscript is in good condition. The contents are : Baptisms, 1734-1803, pp. i-35b; Baptisms from 1754 to 1771 are omitted here, but are entered in Volume VI ; pp. 36-38 are blank. Marriages, 1735-1754, on pp. 39-43. Burials, 1735-1803, on pp. to are blank. 44 87 ; pp. 45b-47 Volume VII contains Baptisms and Burials only. Volume VIII is a parchment volume of the usual printed forms. Printed " according to Act of Parliament " for " Thomas Lowndes, Bookseller, near Kxeter Exchange, mdccuv." Banns are written on two lines above each entry, but the Marriage entered under it is not always of the same parties. Volume IX is similar to the last, but on paper. A page is inserted at the beginning, " Published by T. Lowndes, London, 1779." It is only half full. Pages are numbered to 15 and entries to 219, after which both are blank. Volume X is the book of printed forms of Marriages, issued under Rose's Act. Volumes XI, XII, XIII, contain Baptisms and Burials. Volume XIV contains Marriages 1813 to 1837. Published by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan "In pursuance of the Act of Parliament, 52 George III, cap. 146. The last 25 pp. are blank. These extracts have been made by the Rev. W. E. Colchester, Rector of St. Maurice, and are now printed under his supervision. Volume I. " Matrimonium erat solemnizatum inter Roger Gurddy et Maria Hamond, xvii die mensis November, Ano Dno milli'mo quingent'imo trecesimo octavo, 1538." Thomas Symson & Katherina Kyng ... 26 Nov. 1538 Henricus Wickham & Elizabet Hyde, erat nupt. ... ... ... ... 6 May 1539 Ricardus Tytheryge & Als. Hall ... Ricardus Kyngsmell & Margeria Hobord ... Thomas Wade & Christina Rygzfull [sic] ... Ricardus Harfelde & Elizabet Stevynes Johannes Huet & Agnes Symnell ... Robertus Cosyn and Alicia Dubber Henricus Benfelde & Cristina Walker Edmundus Walwyn & Elizabeth Nicolson ... Thomas Vryge and Julianna Lerner ... 13 June 1540 Ricardus Eryll & Johana [blank] ... ... Johannes Henstede & Agnes Vyall ... 28 Aug. 1550] St. Maurice, Winchester, Marriage* Edwardus Chalkeret & Alicia Idys 16 May 1543 Georgius Pender & Johana Hatherell 6 Nov, Johannes Towte & Elizabet Coll ... 22 Oct. Ricardus Tycheborne & Anna Knyyte [sic 3 July !542 Johannes Lovat & Elizabet T [illegible] 22 Apr. 1543 Ricardus Myllys & Cristina Hatherell 14 July '544 William Gudwyn & Lucia Watts ... 12 Nov. ,, Thomas Hodson & Phyllyppa Samnell 16 Nov. ,, Stephanus Horrel & Elizabet Kenset 19 Nov. ,, Philippus Raby & Margareta Churcher Last of Jan.,, Randalus & Margeria Power 12 Jan. „ Simon Cole & Alicia Rose 30 Aug. 1556 [Rest of page blank.] Thomas Grene & Elizabeth Hill ... 21 Jan. *545 William Castell & Alicia Bucke ... 13 May 1546 Robertus Savegg & Agnes Smythe 29 June Stephanus Knight & Margeria Cayne 5 J uIy Thomas Chafindelere & Jane Coke 11 Aug. Thomas Baff & Matilda Hall 4 Sept. Ricardus Momford & Johanna Steddham 23 Sept. Henricus Dockery & Jenye Bucklond 3 Oct. Johannes Combe & Elizabeth Smythe 3 Nov. Leonardus Gushon & Agnes Gusher 23 Nov. Thomas Golding & Elizabeth Dewell 25 Nov. 1547 Nicholaus Pynyng & Elizabeth Hawtrell 17 Jan. Johannes Spenser & Ida Fisher ... 16 June 1548 Thomas Lam & Alicia Luke 5 Sept. Johannes Doling & Alicia Browning 23 Apr. Nicholaus Stephins & Elizabeth Haus 29 Apr. Ricardus Hamdon & Anna Farrer... 12 July William Prym & Alicia Wylson ... 19 July Williamus Bayle & Maria Massam 28 Jan. Nicholaus Graveling & Anna Arnold 10 Feb. 1549 Leonardus Haleth & Margeria Crowcher 2 May ,, Thomas Beckham & Jana Toms ... 5 May ,, Stephanus Abraham & Johanna Esetone 25 May ,, Williamus Wallys & Johanna Casbery Last of June,, Georgius Parker & Juliana Bynde... 24 Nov. ,, Robertus Hall & Agnes Rogers ... 23 Jan. ,, Thomas Martyn & Helena Key ... 29 Apr. I550 Hampshire Parish Registers ^550 Gcorgius Neuel & Helena Barfoote ... 8 Johannes Vcrrell & Margareta Scovier Johannes Schepard & Helena Masse Richardus Tyler & and Alicia Marcyer Elisander Norrys & Anna Basket ... Stephanus Harrold & Alicia Scovier W'illiamus Cernes & Maria Storkey Johannes Hitchyns & Ida Harding Johannes Savyer & Johanna Gooter Stephanus Harrold & Margeria Ele... Thomas Clyfton & Ida Angell, copulati sunt vinculo matrimoniali Thomas Pereres & Anna Vyncent... Robertus Wycke & Helena Garret ends.
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