I 30 Cents r•T l n* | 7, 1994 ;«. v ' -<»*$. i -<«r In fe i Sanford Herald Serving Sanford, Lake Mary and Seminole County since 1908 60th Yoar, No. 196 - Sonlofd. Florida NEWS DIGEST Will prayer help kids? Local official: School prayer bill no automatic fix ...................... .......i.... mome that ihcvthey arc naive enough lo believe that an INSIDE at football games, graduations and oilier volun­ act like this will automatically Improve behavior, By VICKI DoSORMIIR tary events under a bill the House passed change student beliefs and Improve morals." □ Sports Horald Stall Wrltor Wednesday. > Strlcklcr believes Ihe schools have on obligation The legislation moved lo the Senate on u!04 l l Three kinds of wins SANFORD — The state House has passed a bill lo achieve those changes through education of that establishes guidelines for school boards that vole. students and their pnrenls. The Oviedo Lions survived. Ihe Lyman The prayer can t promole any religion. II has to "We also have an obligation to leach good Greyhounds romped, and Ihe Lake Brantley want lo allow prayer al school-related events. lie voluntary and students must approve It and citizenship and moral values that are common lo Patriots squeaked by In Seminole Athletlr While one local official Is pleased with the lead It. , all religions." he noted. Conference baseball action Wednesday. decision that would lenve control In Ihe m ailer al "I’m pleased that the legislature has Indicated Ihe local level. II won’t solve all thrlr problems, he The Issue of prayers In schools or al scnooi □Bee Page IB they believe Ihe local bcIiikiI hoards should In­ related activities has been around for many years. Mil VS Involved In ibis." said Seminole County School □ Bee Prayer, Page BA Under the legislation, the school districts would H<>,ml mcmbci Larry Slrlckler. "Bill H concerns □ People lie able to let high school students pray publicly Show ‘Out of This World’ The 2fith annual performance of Ballet Guild of Sanford-Semlnolc Is “Out of "I Ills World. I he Dad makes lively show will spotlight aliens, nostalgia and com edy. □ Bee Page 3 B . a difference BRIEFS School volunteer Lee’s chicken robbed SANFORD - Nearly S 1.700 In cash and true role model change was taken from the manager of Lee s Famous Recipe Country Chicken early lids By JIMSHUPE morning by two masked men. Sanford police Horald C olum nist _________________________ Cmdr. Dennis Whitmire said Ihe iwo men entered the South French Ave restaurant SANFORD — Few renders would quesllou tin- al about I a nt. idler II was dosed. They entered promise i liiit children an- Indeed our mnsi the kitchen area where they confronted manag­ valuable resource lor llioy are our hope ol er Michael John Lat/anleh and forced him Into tomorrow and our promise ol the luiurc A the office where they demanded he open Ihe corollary lo tills N-llcl is ili.it part-ills should l« safe. Whitmire said Lairunich wus uncertain ll Involved lo Ihe education of tln-ir children, for It the pair were armed. The men Imk hags of cash Is tills process iluil prepares children lor their and change totaling $1.0(18. Otic ol ihr men hit luiurc roles flu* m una^ rr on ih r h a rk of ilk* head w ith a When I think ol parental involvement. I change bag before leaving, said Whtimlre. flic envision a continuum, with varying degrees ol blow left u small cut to Lal/anlch s head, be Involvement. On one end. there is a passive type ol involvement lhal simply requires a parent lo said. talk with llu-ir child each evening about their School bus involed In accident school day. This ellorlless act dramatically demonstrates to children tlit- Importance ol There were no students on a school bus when achool and Ihut Ihelr parents are concerned about It smushed Into a car yesterday afternoon. their education. According to |tollcc spokesman Cmdr. Dennis On the oilier end of the parental Involvement Whitmire, it Seminole County public school bus continuum ure those parents who actively was traveling In Ihe left turn lute of Lake Mary Ir t o h iv Involved «l the srlmol level tn lilt? I m u of Boulevard preparing to make a turn onto Tear her Association, the School Advisory Orlando Drive (US. Highway 17 021 when a cur Council, or the Dividends program as a volunteer pulled Into Us path from a store on thatcor,,tr- Many parents air hesitant to Ivcomo Involved Whitmire said I hat Corine Duval. 04. of 1700 M t iiid Photo b» Tommy Vlnconl See Volunteer, Page OA W 10th St. In Sanford, pulled Ik t 1980 Cadillac Dave Hall a»lata student Qre0 Waller with computer work al Lakevlow. from the driveway of Ihe Cumberland Farms Davo Hall assists stuuoni ---------------- store Into the left lurn lane without giving the bus adequate time to slop. T h e 1992 Fort) Inis was driven b> V kkl Lynn Riverboat gambling backers stand alone Green. 27. of 4424 Radio Ave . Sudani She was not charged In the accident. ... , gambling in I9MI> lint backers say Duval was transported to Central Florida By J. MARK BARFIELD diallers are better now because ol Casinos at a glance Regional Hospital with possiNe Injuries. Sl.c Horald Senior Staff Wrltor_________ _ competition Irom oilier stales and was charged with failure to yctld from an alley plans In open casinos on Indian rlvtrboolt Countltt could thoot* oil or non* TALLAHASSEE - Backers of a Flvt crttino gambling •mtfldnwfll* pro or driveway. reservations powd lor FU-rldaiNovombof ballot Ol Ihotoop lio nt proposed riverboat gambling ven­ Florida Riverboat wants lo eon Florida Rivtrbool New flea market gets go ahead ture al Port of Sanford vowed Proportion 'or LlmitnlCaUnot: • Would logolll* * llmllsd numbor ol duct gambling cruises on the Si • Would authofll* call***! ol Florid** 11 Wednesday not to Join with oilier rlvorbool cotlnot tl^ewide, and no land S A N F O R D — A proposed -tr>H-booth lieu Johns River and possibly Lake lictn-^d gityhound <»'d horn Irstkt *nd bated cotlnot market at 1-4 Industrial Park was given the go gambling proponents because they Monroe from Pori of Sanford. i i alai Ironton*. Ihr»* catlnoi In D*d« County two In Bfowanl County and on* tath support land-based gambling. Dolly Cotlno Action Commillt* ahead by Seminole County planning and zoning County commissioners oppose ihe In Duval Eitambl*. Mnlyborougb. lo«. O r • Would authoril, 10 cotlnot olhoH liond 10 commissioners last night, but Is on hold until Florida Riverboat Corp. attorney *nq«, Point lltoch and Pinollo* counllo*. ond Idea, saying they don’t want nvtrboaf catlnot tUtowidt. with « ilmif ol Lew Oliver said the company would riwrboal gambling In up to llv* oth»r developers study the Impacts of traffic on the gambling in Seminole County l*o p«r county oictpt in County D*ot not support an effort to merge four because II doesn’t III with lla- family (ounttvt County could hJvt up to tour hottl* «nd two pro-gambling petition drives into riv« rb t» Pori mutuol f#Cllltl«ft could hovo ,,Up&Z members voted 4-2 lo ujiprovc Seminole Propo*lllon lo r County C h o lc, C om ing 04 lifestyle here. Florida Ktvcrlioul re­ %iot m ochlnti ond tltdronlc gaming one because the others would allow • Would lot »*tb toady dtcid* wholltor lo Marketplace, located north of the Cracker Barrel sponds by saying gambling's al mjKhinoi. Any city cr county could gambling at major hotels or pari­ hove Ire* Ponding toVnot or cotlnot *1 restaurant now under construction. The ready here. In the form of pari­ tatlno gaming mutuels. Florida Riverboat officials hotel! *1 pan mutuel gambling lacllllitt o r on 2 10,000-hcjuarc*foot open market will include* mutuels and the Lotto. 3,500 parking spaces, according lo plans say land-based gambling leads lo crime and strip Joints. Riverboat Oilier proposals call lor gambling w ill Ik- on the ballot In November. submitted by CMB Development Co. CMB shows W illi supporters like Hllloti Hotel gambling deters impulse gambling at major holds, pari inuiuels such We look forward to working with a Lake Mary address, hut has a Boca Raton Corp. and Mirage Resorts Inc.. "1 and other negatives, tlu-y nay. as Jatalal bullions and restricted lo everybody." executive director telephone number. Company officials could not have a lot of people lhal mailer two locations In the stale, smith Doug Sessions said .it the meeting be reached. Al a Wednesday "casino summit" together." Haiti Patrick Roberta, Florida and Panama City. called by Rep. Al Gutman. R-Mlaml. B y c o m parlH on, Flea W o r Id Is pro-gambling promoters agreed to airman ol Pro|ioslltou for Limited Although ihe group refused lo 300.200-square-fect In size and has J.aOO talk, but not to unite behind one roll A major competing group, which merge, organizers were pleased with C a sin o s parking spaces. of the dice on the November ballot. "Proposition lor Limited Casinos L See Gambling. Page 8 A County Current Planning Director Herb Florida volers rejected casino the results. Hardin said CMB has submitted no plans lo widen the one-lane Hickman Drive entrance lo the Industrial |urk Harden said »\c requestj;d CM B prepare a study of the amount of traffic the Youths ready market will uttract. P&Z commissioners agreed and Hardin said the proposal will not he scheduled for county comlssloncr s review until the study Is submitted and analyzed.
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