LINCOLN COUNTY MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 20, 1998 The Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on April 20, 1998 at the Citizens Center, Commissioners Room, 115 West Main Street, Lincolnton, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting at 7:00 PM. The following were present: Louis E. McConnell, Chairman James A. Hallman, Vice Chairman Terry L. Brotherton Larry S. Craig Beth H. Saine Jeffrey Taylor, Assistant County Attorney Richard French, County Manager Stan Kiser, Assistant County Manager Also present were and Amy S. Long, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. CALL TO ORDER Chairman McConnell called the April 20, 1998 meeting to order. INVOCATION Chairman McConnell gave the Invocation ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Chairman McConnell presented the Agenda for the April 20, 1998 Board of Commissioners meeting. AGENDA LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 20, 1998 7:00 PM Call to Order 7:00 PM Invocation 1. 7:00 PM Adoption of Agenda 1 2. 7:00 PM Approval of Minutes - December 30, 1998 - April 6, 1998 3. 7:05 PM Consent Agenda - Tax Requests for Refunds Less than $100—March 1 – 13, 1998 More than $100—March 1 – 13, 1998 - Tax Requests for Releases Less than $100 - February 2 – 27, 1998 More than $100 – February 2 – 27, 1998 Less than $100 – March 1 – 15, 1998 More than $100 – March 1 – 15, 1998 - Budget Adjustments 49 - 50 - Sponsored Group Status Long Shoals Wesleyan Academy - Requests for Water Adjustments 4. 7:10 PM Public Comments 5. 7:25 PM Approval of Phase 1 of the Verdict 6. 7:30 PM Public Hearing – CDBG-ED 7. 7:40 PM Report on YMCA – Pete Acker 8. 7:55 PM North Carolina Department of Transportation Secondary Roads Construction – Tommy Richardson 9. 8:10 PM Auditorium Sound System Report – James Brawley 10. 8:25 PM Right of Way – Doyle Beam Memorial Road 11. 8:35 PM Resolution to Sell Surplus Personal Property 12. 8:40 PM Vacancies 13. 8:45 PM Appointments 14. 8:50 PM Calendar 15. 8:55 PM County Commissioners’ Report 16. 9:05 PM County Manager’s Report 17. 9:15 PM Other Business 18. 9:20 PM Closed Session – Contractual and Personnel 2 Adjourn Commissioner Larry Craig motioned to adopt the agenda for the April 20, 1998 meeting with the following changes: move Item 7—Report on YMCA to Item 3a, due to a scheduling conflict. Seconded by Commissioner James Hallman. Unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman McConnell presented the minutes of the December 30, 1997 and April 6, 1998 Board of Commissioners meeting for approval. Commissioner Larry Craig motioned that the minutes of the December 30, 1997 and April 6, 1998 meetings be approved as presented. Seconded by Commissioner James Hallman. Unanimously approved. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman McConnell presented the Consent Agenda April 20, 1999 for approval. REQUEST FOR REFUNDS PERIOD COVERED March 1 - March 13, 1998 Annuals More Than $100.00 Boggs, Wendell C. & Tana 1997 06540 $243.79 Boggs, Wendell C. & Tana 1996 06540 241.78 Home Federal 1997 0097495 190.02 Pollock, Robert R & Joyce 1996 13907 141.79 MOTOR VEHICLES More Than $100.00 Kentucky Fried Chicken 1997 25325 $116.93 Locklin, Daniel & Flora 1997 19372 126.82 ANNUALS Less Than $100.00 Baxter, Kenneth F. Jr. 1997 00353 $6.54 Engbarth, Erick 1997 0088541 2.13 Gillenwater, Timothy 1997 0120395 42.63 Helton, Daniel E. 1997 0096387 25.85 Howard, David W. 1997 0097274 2.75 Johnson, Sarah C. 1997 30524 6.34 3 Kowaliski, Keith 1997 0100782 1.07 Malcolm, Mark David 1997 0109065 2.22 Muratore, Paul James 1997 0079671 2.12 Nations Bank Mort. 1997 0113570 17.94 Perry, Georgiaetta K. 1997 10720 49.00 Pendleton, Ruby 1997 0061841 1.99 Pollock, Robert & Joyce 1997 13907 3.79 Tate, Steven G. 1997 14081 28.63 Towery, Brad Carroll 1997 0073185 2.00 Whitley, Charles L. W. 1998 0097452 1.22 Wylie, Gary L & Patricia 1997 15889 2.36 MOTOR VEHICLES Less Than $100.00 Baxter, Kenneth F. Jr. 1996 32170 $19.60 Beckett, Karen L. 1997 0119035 1.99 Brice, James Edward 1997 0101848 4.84 Carpenter, David W. 1997 11580 37.32 Clanton, Virginia D. 1997 0111107 16.19 Correll, Steve H. & Vickie B. 1997 21658 5.61 Gibson, Judy D. 1996 0105416 23.09 Harmon, James A. 1997 0084036 1.36 Helms, Brenda S. 1997 0067359 2.53 Huss, James S. 1997 44200 12.85 Jacobs, Katherine B. 1997 0101096 21.74 Keller, Jaime Price 1997 0125914 73.14 Lukowski, Joseph Jr. & Patsy 1997 16583 3.41 McClain, Clara Bostic 1996 0089351 29.24 McGinnis, Ralph 1997 0078588 2.29 Meadows, Roy & Patsy 1997 0108875 6.80 Potts, Karl & Geraldine 1997 28729 38.52 Quesado, Sandra C. 1997 0117859 5.30 Sisk, Katheryn A. 1997 15489 5.39 Trusler, Holly 1997 0114223 24.09 Wright, Marcie E. 1997 0108515 5.13 RELEASES FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 RELEASES MORE THAN $100 -- MOTOR VEHICLES Ashe, Raymond Myles 1997 0093322 105.46 Bare, Carrie Begue 1997 0127123 121.77 Biggerstaff, James Allen 1997 0119944 216.51 Bolt Express LTD 1997 0125285 181.04 Carpenter, Carol Flack 1997 0111787 117.49 Carpenter, Marcella Honor 1997 0077278 130.02 Clark, Susan 1997 41800 131.83 Cook, Chad Christopher 1997 0118687 121.50 Craig, Joel Edward 1997 0073286 112.39 Davis, Steve Arnold 1997 0126460 310.68 Denver Equipment Co. Inc. 1997 0088230 182.67 Fletcher, John A. 1997 0118172 103.29 Frye, Lisa Honeycutt 1997 0119930 188.57 H & W Outdoor Products Inc. 1997 0111961 186.00 Hall, John Milton 1997 0126666 147.74 4 Helms, Randal Edward 1997 0115290 250.80 Henderson, Edward Eugene 1997 0066472 125.87 Hoglund, Rita M. 1997 0104305 152.42 Hoyle, Henry Franklin Jr. 1997 0087861 100.24 Hudson, Jimmy Dean 1997 0124886 116.18 Hunter, Carl Michael 1995/96 0118203 309.45 Jarrett, George William 1997 0127154 222.83 Lewis, Dustin Brent 1997 0125033 116.52 Lynch, Jerry Lane 1997 35982 233.16 Moore, Jack Cathey II 1997 0125973 108.83 Pitman, Joyce Ann 1997 0121385 262.56 Scrhonce, Teresa Buchanan 1997 0081283 153.58 Sloan, Charles Bryant 1997 0120891 304.48 Smith, Johnny Darrell & Joyce 1997 16749 113.16 Southtrust Bank of Alabama 1997 0121690 447.24 Stinnette, Donald Dwight 1997 0126944 101.45 Woodard, James Hayes Jr. 1996 0071264 112.65 World Omni Financial Corp. 1996 0066112 148.54 Yard-Art Inc. 1997 0126235 230.73 RELEASES LESS THAN $100 -- MOTOR VEHICLES Adams, Paul Douglas 1997 30810 41.61 Alliston, Julius B. 1996 05330 51.17 Armstrong, Lanny Lee 1997 0085848 14.61 Arrowood, Rosemary Rodriguze 1996 0105510 36.51 Ballard, Daniel Breck 1997 0125146 39.37 Ballard, Tammy Jacqueline 1997 0090451 56.21 Baxter, George E. Sr. 1997 12118 6.00 Beal, Myron James 1997 0067337 11.14 Bronowicz, Richard Norman Jr. 1997 0081442 35.52 Brooks, Timmy Dale 1997 0088060 32.31 Brown, Ronald A. & Pamela J. 1997 30343 26.45 Bullock, Eddie Ray 1997 0113195 21.36 Burgess, Michael Ray 1997 0125649 5.42 Burris, Risden Fuller 1997 0066457 45.43 Burt, Judith C. 1997 0108841 91.85 Butler, Wanda Newton 1997 0090470 13.89 Carpenter, James Christopher 1997 0102603 6.41 Chappell, Larry F. 1997 0117475 68.37 Comarzan, Florica 1997 0124791 30.84 Cooke, Richard Flay 1997 0125955 83.20 Crank, Bessie Ann 1997 0127017 64.72 Crosby, Howard Lee Jr. 1997 0109895 25.61 Crowe, Robert S. & Doris 1997 05130 41.63 Custovic, Hamdija Hamid 1997 0127237 43.11 Davis, Steve Arnold 1997 0126460 79.83 Deaux, Richard Robert-James 1997 0125019 5.08 Dellinger, Gary Gene 1997 0070739 28.88 Dellinger, Harvey Richard 1997 0125072 12.15 Derr, Ada Oliva 1997 0099412 15.09 Devine, Michael Edward 1997 0095503 88.01 Dunston, Thomas Edward 1997 0127135 62.10 Eades Wood Inc. DBA 1997 0065678 39.85 Eaker, Lester Franklin & Doris 1997 05964 60.59 Eggleston, Donald Wayne 1997 0084058 93.76 Emory, Betty Black 1997 0117783 50.54 Ewing, Marcene McDonnell 1997 0101422 41.86 Finger Brothers Inc. 1997 0065001 54.21 Forrester, Betty Dedmon 1997 43912 20.21 5 Franklin, David Solomon 1996 0091853 14.33 Frey, Joseph E. 1997 0082652 6.84 Gold Key Lease Inc. 1997 0110568 68.83 Grigg, Frank A. 1997 32283 8.98 Harris, Richard H. Jr. 1997 14193 43.37 Heavner, Arlene Zurcher 1997 0087696 3.41 Henderson, Angie Annette 1995 0114833 19.37 Henderson, James H. 1997 15109 61.23 Henderson, Lizzie Evans 1996 0072345 6.76 Hernandez, Rene Sanchez 1997 0124762 9.00 Herring, John Thomas jr. 1997 0111862 57.72 Hill, Debra Surratt 1997 0109921 35.03 Horne, Kenneth Wayne 1997 0096991 39.18 Howard, Randy Alexander 1997 0126413 11.94 Hoyle, Leonard Dale 1997 0089935 28.73 Hudson, Mary Shelton 1997 0121519 41.85 Huff, Thomas Edward 1997 0126382 95.86 Hull, Scott Tyrone 1997 0112124 14.80 Hunsberger, Mark David 1997 0112463 72.66 Jackson, Sally Louise 1997 0107930 19.55 Jenks, Chuck Arnold 1995 0072978 16.40 Jiminez, Marlon Fransisco 1997 0125162 6.19 Jones, Richard Lee 1997 0113151 95.62 Kennedy, James Deeter 1997 0075368 32.39 King, Joseph Michael 1997 0112581 32.97 Lail, D. H. 1997 0112300 6.33 Lane, Vicky Martin 1997 0120006 80.55 Lay, Thomas Edward 1997 0096230 14.82 Lee, Alan 1997 0126915 63.54 Leonhardt, Julie Shepherd 1997 0126533 23.31 Locklin, Daniel W. Jr.& Flora 1997 19372 99.93 Love, Jeffery Nathan 1997 0123065 9.60 McCombs, James Alan 1997 0127146 28.92 McCorkle, Edward Eugene 1997 0125092 25.76 McGinnis, Donald Ray & Betty 1997 10225 44.26 McKinney Radiator Service 1997 25572 4.29 McKissick, David Lee 1996 0071434 5.93 Mercer, Eric Blair 1997 0125054 11.18 Miller, John Edward 1997 0087656 20.61 Mirtsching, Richard Howard 1997 0119464 27.10 Mitchell, Charles Edward 1997 0081523 58.44 Mongold, Brenda Joyce 1997 0103351 16.84 Morrison Construction James T.
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