Subject index Abducens nerve 3, 4, 11, 92, 93, 95, 147 Basilar sinus 20, 39, 45 Acoustic neuroma 167 Basilar tip 73 Acromegaly 209 Bipolar recording 92 Adenoid cystic carcinomas 181 Blumenbachs clivus 55 Ambient cistern 56 Brainstem 163, 202 Angular artery 95, 96 Bulla ethmoidalis 78 Angular vein 41, 95, 96 By-pass graft 181 Anisocoria 139 Annular tendon 32 Cafe-au-lait spots 140 Annulus of Zinn 29 Caroticoclinoid foramen 108 Ansa cervicalis 97 Carotid artery 118 Anterior basal temporal extradural approach 175 Carotid canal 7 Anterior cardinal veins 39 Carotid collar 10, 11 Anterior cerebral artery 109 Carotid oculomotor membrane 10 Anterior choroidal artery 154 Carotid sulcus 4, 5, 9 Anterior clinoid process (ACP) 3, 7, 11, 66, 77, Carotid-cavernous fistula 15, 36, 127 107, 123, 127, 144 Carotid-dural rings: distal, proximal 10, 11 Anterior communicating artery 55 Carotid-oculomotor space 118 Anterior dural plexus 40, 41 Carotid-ophthalmic aneurysm 67, 72 Anterior dural stem 39, 40 Cavernous sinus 3 Anterior facial vein 41 Cavernous sinus triangles 14 Anterior incisural space 122, 123 Central skull base (CSB) 61 Anterior loop of the ICA 30, 43, 66, 107, 146 Cerebello-pontine angle 92, 157, 166 Anterior petroclinoid – dural fold 4 Cerebral angiography 181 Anterior plexus 39 Cervical ECA 128 Anterior superficial temporal artery 142 Cervical ICA 128 Anterior thalamo-perforating arteries 123 Chiasm 122 Antero-lateral triangle 68 Chiasmatic cistern 123 Anteromedial triangle 66, 108 Chiasmatic pilocytic astrocytoma 80 Apex of the pyramid 70 Chondrosarcoma 181, 186, 207, 215, 216 Arteries of the circle of Willis 201 Chordoma 181, 207, 213, 215 Artery of the inferior cavernous sinus 15, 18 Circular sinus 20, 39, 45 Auriculo-temporal nerve 71 Clinoidal (Dolencs) triangle 14 Clival chordomas 203 Balloon-occlusion testing 181 Clivus 122 Basilar apex aneurysms 122 Collateral circulation 181 Basilar artery bifurcation aneurysms 117, 125 Combined infratentorial supratentorial Basilar artery 53, 73, 80, 122, 123 presigmoid approach 157 W Dolenc / Rogers (eds.) Cavernous Sinus 224 Subject index Combined orbito-zygomatic infratemporal Foramen ovale (FO) 5, 6, 41, 63, 144, 146, 147, 163 approach 157 Foramen rotundum (FR) 5, 6, 63, 64, 146, 147, 163 Common annular tendon 29 Foramen spinosum (FS) 5, 6, 63, 68 Complete ophthalmoplegia 139 Frontal lobe 118 Compound muscle action potentials 91 Frontal sinus 143 Computed tomography (CT) 141 Fronto-temporal approach 137 Conventional angiography 141 Conventional fractionated radiotherapy 207 Galvanic shock 91 Coronary suture line 62 Gamma Knife radiosurgery 187, 211, 217 Corpus callosum 191 Gasserian ganglion 5, 68, 163, 169 Coushings disease 208 Geniculate ganglion 68, 144 Cranial motor nerves 97 Giant non-functioning pituitary tumor 198 Cranio-orbito-zygomatic approach (COZ) 142 Giant pituitary tumor 197, 201 Craniopharyngiomas 80 Glasscocks triangle 144 Cribrioform plate 77 Glenoid fossa 171, 172 CSF leak 194 Glossopharyngeal nerve 97 Greater petrosal (superficial) nerve (GPN) 68, 144, Diabetes insipidus 194 148 Diaphragm sellae 10, 108, 146 Greater sphenoid wing 6 Distal carotid ring 146 Growth hormone (GH) 209 Distal dural ring 123 Distal ring (DR) 66, 108 Hemangioma 186 Dopaminergic drugs 211 Hemangiopericytoma 217 Dorellos canal 13 High-flow CCF 72 Dorellos space 70, 71 Hydroxyapatite cement 147 Dorsal arota 39 Hydroxyurea 141 Dorsal meningeal artery 19 Hypercholesterolemia 181, 193 Dorsal nasal artery 95 Hyperpigmentation 209 Dorsal nasal vein 95 Hyperprolactinemia 80 Dorsum sellae 5, 54, 117, 122, 146 Hypoglossal canal 57 Dumbbell lesion 163 Hypoglossal nerve 97 Duplex Doppler imaging 181 Hypothalamus 202 Dural ring (DR) 114 Inferior hypophyseal artery 19 Electromyography (EMG) 91 Inferior oblique muscle 92–94 Electrophysiological monitoring 92 Inferior ophthalmic vein 20, 43 Embryonic motorchord 213 Inferior petrosal sinus 20, 39, 40, 45 Endovascular thrombolysis 181 Inferior rectus muscle 93, 94 Epidermoid tumors 202 Intraorbital muscles 94 Eustachian tube 69, 72, 78, 147 Infratemporal fossa 163 Evoked potentials 91 Infundibulum 57, 122 Extracranial trigeminal neurinomas 163 Inner auditory canal 70 Intercavernous sinus 11, 20 Facial nerve 92, 97 Interclinoid dural fold 5 Facial veins 20 Internal auditory meatus 56 Falciform ligament 109 Internal carotid artery 3, 5, 199 Faradic shock 91 Internal jugular foramen 39 Foramen lacerum (FL) 13, 19 Internal jugular vein 39 Foramen magnum 55 Infero-lateral trunk (artery) 19 Foramen of Vesalius 41 Interpeduncular cistern 117, 118, 122 Dolenc / Rogers (eds.) Cavernous Sinus W Subject index 225 Interpeduncular fossa 53–55, 118 Middle clinoid process 108 Intracavernous aneurysms 127 Middle cranial fossa zygomatic approach 157 Intracavernous ICA 7, 9, 11–13, 18 Middle dural stem 40 Intraoperative Doppler angiography 181 Middle meningeal artery (MMA) 63, 68, Invasive pituitary tumor 191, 196 144, 172 Middle meningeal veins 20 Jugular bulb 20 Middle plexus 40 Jugular foramen 56 Mifepristone 141 Jugular tubercle 55 Myelencephalon 40 Ki-6 cathepsin B 202 Nasolacrymal duct 78 Ki-67 labeling 202 Nelsons syndrome 208 Neural tube 39 Lacrimal gland 96 Neurinomas 163 Lamina papiracea 78 Neurofibromatosis 140, 164 Lamina terminalis 55 Neurographic methods 91 Lateral rectus muscle 92, 93, 95 No mans land 139 Lateral cavernous artery 147 Lateral opto-carotid recess 77 Oculomotor cistern 11 Lateral palpebral ligament 96 Oculomotor nerve 3, 11, 92–94, 108, 118, Lateral sellar compartment 35, 47, 49 122, 146 Lateral wall of the CS 66 Oculomotor triangle 3, 11, 15, 108, 123 Lemiscal system 91 Old middle dural plexus 40 Lesser sphenoid wing 7, 107 Olfactory fibres 77 Liliequist membrane 53, 123 Ophthalmic artery 18, 30, 107, 108 Lingual muscle 92 Ophthalmic nerve 3, 5, 11–13 Lower sigmoid sinus 45 Ophthalmic segment aneurysms 107, 108 Low-flow CCF 72 Opthalmo-meningeal sinus 40 Optic apparatus 208 Macroadenoma 79, 209 Optic canal 8, 9, 66, 72, 107 Macro-mapping 98 Optic capsule 40 Magnetic resonance angiography 141 Optic chiasm 54 Malignant adenomas 196 Optic nerve (ON) 8, 10, 65, 108 Mammillary bodies 122 Optic nerve sheath 29 Mammillary body 53 Optic strut 8, 9, 12, 18, 66, 72, 107–109, 123, 144 Masseter muscle 92, 97 Opto-carotid recess 82 Mastoid process 171 Opto-carotid space 118 Matrix metalloproteinase-9 immunostaining 202 Orbicular oculi muscle 92, 97 Maxillary nerve 11 Orbicular oris muscle 92, 97 Mc Connells capsular arteries 18, 19 Orbital apex 31 Meckels cave 4, 5, 11, 15, 18, 41, 56, 70, 71, Orbital muscle of Muller€ 31 146–148, 157, 163, 169 Orbital vein 41 Medial opto-carotid recess 77 Orbito-meningeal artery 40, 41, 45, 123, 157 Medial rectus muscle 95 Orbito-zygomatic craniotomy 123, 181 Meningohypophyseal trunk 15, 18, 19, 122, 147 Otocyst 39 Mesencephalon 40 Microadenoma 208 Paraclinoid aneurysm 107, 108 Micro-mapping 98 Parasellar ICA 41 Middle cerebellar peduncle 163 Parkinsons triangle 15, 71, 147 Middle cerebral vein 40 Pathological laughter 176 W Dolenc / Rogers (eds.) Cavernous Sinus 226 Subject index Pericavernous venous plexus 5, 6 Radiation therapy 196 Periorbita 62 Radiation-induced optic neruopathy 141 Petro-clival fissure 4, 6 Radiotherapy-induced morbidity 202, 215 Petro-clival triangles 4, 6 Rathkes cleft cyst 80 Petroclival tumor 73 Retrosellar-retroclival-prepontine 80 Petrolingual ligament 5, 127 Retrosigmoid approach 175 Petrosal vein 173 Retrosigmoid-suprameatal approach 157 Petrosphenoid ligament 4, 13 Rostral neural tube 39 Petrous apex 123, 147, 173 Petrous canal 64 Secondary amenorrhea 80 Petrous carotid 69, 72 Sella turcica 5 Petrous pyramid 56 Semicircular canals (superior and posterior) 172 Pharyngeal constrictor muscle 97 Sigmoid sinus 40, 174 Pituitary adenoma 80, 191, 208 Skull base chordoma 207 Pituitary gland 5, 55, 146, 208 Skull base haemangiopericytoma 207 Pituitary stalk 54, 55, 122 Somatosensory evoked potentials 142 Planum sphenoidale 54, 79, 191 Sphenoid emissary vein 41 Posterior cerebral artery 117, 123 Spheno-ethmoid planum 77 Posterior clinoid process (PCP) 4, 67, 84, 107, Sphenoid body 6 108, 117, 122, 146 Sphenoid bone 107 Posterior communicating artery 53, 107 Sphenoid carotid sulcus 123 Posterior dural stem 40 Sphenoid emissari foramen 6 Posterior loop of the ICA 69 Sphenoid ligament 5 Posterior petroclinoid dural fold Sphenoid sinus 54, 66, 77 (Grubers ligament) 4 Sphenoid wing 66 Postoperative pituitary apoplexy 202 Sphenopalatine foramen 78 Preauricular infratemporal approach 157 Sphenoparietal sinus 40, 45 Premordial hind brain channel 39 Spinal accessroy nerve 97 Prepontine cistern 117, 118, 122, 123 Squama 62 Primary head sinus 39, 40 Stereotactic radiosurgery 139, 141, 207 Primary head vein 39, 40 Stilopharyngeal muscle 92, 97 Primary transverse sinus 40 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 127 Primitive capillary plexus 39 Superficial middle cerebral vein 40, 44 Primitive jugular vein 40 Superficial temporal artery 71, 171 Primitive marginal sinus 40 Superficial temporal vein 71 Primitive maxillary vein 40, 41 Superior cerebellar artery 19, 123 Primitive supraorbital vein 41 Superior clivus 146 Prolactinoma 208, 211 Superior hypophyseal arteries 109 Pro-otic sinus 39–41 Superior intercavernous sinus 77 Propofol 181 Superior oblique muscle 12, 92–94 Proton Beam radiotherapy 215 Superior ophthalmic vein 20, 27, 32, 41, 42 Protruberance of the optic nerve 77 Superior orbital fissure (SOF) 3–5, 9, 12, 27, 41, Proximal ring (PR) 66, 108, 127 45, 64, 107, 120, 123, 144, 163 Pterion 62 Superior petrosal sinus 12, 20, 41,
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