9L61 18~1100 1VNOI8~<1 ~~ICJVW .. KALORI- Message Stick. These are round or flat sticks in which the aborigines MAQI6T cut a series of lines, circles and dots in an endless variety of patterns. The pattern is not a form of writing, but the stick is a symbol QECIONAL possessing significance that is understood by both sender and receiver. Some of the markings may serve as a reminder to the messenger COLLEGE who carries a stick from one local group to another or to another tribe; he delivers the message orally, and the stick is a guarantee that he is telling 1976 the truth. HIS GRACE, DR. GUILFORD YOUNG. D.D. ARCHBISHOP OF HOBART PATRON OF THE COLLEGE Page 2 PRINCIPAL'S REPORT· 1976 me by everyone. but I should like to express particular thanks to the contribution made by Sister Bridgman. of her time, generosity and Knowledge of education in helping to make the school what it is. We are saddened by the fact that Sr. Raphael will be leaving us at the end of this year to take up an appointment as the religious Superior of the community at Terang, Victoria. in 1977. We wish Sister every success in her new appointment and place on record our gratitude for the work that she has done during her time at the College since the commencement of 1972. We shall remember her cheery and friendly personality with gratitude and affection. We also express our farewells and thanks to Frs. McFadyen and Till who will be leaving for University studies to be replaced by two other priests. Mention should also be made of all those people who help behind the scenes with regard to the successful operation of the College and without whom we could not ipal. Father Jago, Principal, and Sister Bridgman, Vice-Princ manage in the way that we do. Our very special thanks are extended to them on this occasion. Once again as we look back on the past year DEVELOPMENTS we do so most appreciative of the blessings that This year we have been able to put into the College has received on its work in that time. effect changes foreshadowed in last year's report. The year commenced with just under 570 particularly with regard to extending the students enrolled. of whom 84 were in Grade 6 metalwork area and moving the woodwork room classes. This year for the first time the boarding to be adjacent to it. Because the woodwork room house was not operating and the drop in the has been moved it wi!l now be possible for the number of boys was covered by the increased room formerly used for woodwork to become enrolments of girls to almost 250 in the College. available for a music and drama area. Work has to enable a changeroom for boys VISITS OF THE ARCHBISHOP been completed and girls to be available and improvements have His Grace, the Archbishop. has maintained been made to the resource rooms in the College. the keen interest that he has always shown in the Because of the restrictions on expansion in activities of the College and this has been education it is hoped that 1977 will be a year of exceedingly appreciated. He was able to be with consolidation. when it will not be necessary to us during the first term and again at the engage in any substantial building programmes. commencement of the third term and it is our very great pleasure to have him as a guest of honour of all those associated on this occasion. On behalf THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT with the College we extend to him our very This year Mr. G. Kramer rejoined the Board sincere thanks and our appreciative prayers. as a representative of the Parents and Friends' THE STAFF Association in the place of Mrs. A. Tammens We were most fortunate this year in having whose time on the Board expired. We are most very few staff changes. Mr. K. Madden joined us grateful for the service that Mrs. Tammens gave at the commencement of the year and after Mrs. as a Board representative and welcome Mr. Dean retired for family reasons from the staff at Kramer as a member once again. having in mind the end of term I. Mrs. I. Lim became the senior the wonderful service he has given to Catholic biology teacher. The successful results that the education in this area. We were saddened in the College has achieved are very much to the credit first half of the year to lose Father J. McMillan. of all the members of the Staff and public S.M .. as a member of the Board because of ill­ recognition must be made of the most generous health but were pleased that his replacement was work carried out by them and the support given to so agreeable in the person of Father J. Ryan. S.M .• Paee3 the present parish priest of Burnie. With the Early in August an outstandingly successful continuing pressures of inflation. the Board has Drama Festival was held with 28 plays being rendered great support to the administration and presented by students fmm Grades 6 to 11 . given the leadership necessary to enable the year Several of these plays were produced by the to conclude satisfactorily from a financial point of students themselves and some were written by view. lt is hoped that with the increased grant students. We were very fortunate in having Mrs. included in the recent State Government budget it Pat Muir to act as the adjudicator of the Festival will be possible for the College to balance its and appreciate the very helpful advice that she books financially for 1976. We should like to was able to give to all those who took part in it. lt express our appreciation to all the members of the concluded with a very successful evening of a Board for the contribution that they have so selection of the best plays in the Burnie Civic willingly made towards the work of the College. Theatre to enable parents to be present and enjoy the good work of the students. ACADEMIC The programmes which have been EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS developed since 1972 are now all operating This year we have been pleased to have a satisfactorily and it gives us considerable pleasure visit from Senator J . Carrick. the Minister for to be able to say that the academic standard of Education in the Australian Government. lt is the school has been very well maintained and the obvious from the Government's attitude that it has 1975 Higher School Certificate Examination been taking stock of the amount of financial results have been as good as we have ever support given to education in this country but at achieved. Certainly the standard of work being the same time it is aware of the particular reached by the students at all levels of their problems that apply to students in Tasmania. education reflects great credit on them and the Certainly there is a need for increased involvement academic standards of the school generally. of parents and the community in education. and while we are fortunate in having the interest that SINGING AND DRAMA we do have on the part of parents in the work This year we were represented once again being carried out by the College. there is a by more than two hundred of our students in the continuing need for an improvement in this area. Burnie Eisteddfod with choirs being prepared by The progress that children make in an educational Mrs. P. Tanner and Mrs. J . Churchili. Sister situation is tremendously dependent upon the Margaret and Father Pidcock. In addition. various concern. support and interest shown by parents verse speaking groups representing most classes and we see time and time again progress being participated together with instrumental groups directly related to the expression of this kind of and soloists who were specially assisted by Mr. & interest. Mrs. Browning. We were very pleased that the Eisteddfod was supported so well. particularly as SPORT it was the first year that it took place in the Burnie This year the students participated in the Civic Centre. lt was a great honour for our swimming and athletics' programmes and students, the Girls' Choir, to be the first carnivals with students from the other performers ever on the stage of the new Burnie independent schools in Tasmania. With both the Town Hall and for the first play ever to be boys and the girls there was an improvement in presented in the Burnie Civic Theatre to have been standards and the results were more satisfactory presented by our Grade 11 students. In the than have been achieved previously. lt is hoped second term Father Pidcock. assisted once again with increased preparation and coaching the by Mr. G. Gregory and Mrs. M. Morse. was standard will continue to improve in the coming responsible for the production and direction of years. lt was particularly pleasing to see the "The Wizard of Oz". The fact that it was seen by increased involvement. especially by the girls. in more than 5000 students and adults is sufficient winter sport. In all about 400 students have been indication of its success. Almost 150 students involved in the sporting programmes during the were involved in the production and it was a year and a tremendous number of teams has been wonderful example of the team work and co­ competing in the various competitions. We have operation which is an indication of the spirit of the been most grateful to all people both in and school.
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