People and things dieted in 1 956 by Glauber and Mar­ On people Courant Institute of the University tin which boosts the bremsstrahlung of New York His scientific work near to atomic X-rays. The Max Planck Medal - the highest has had a direct bearing on quan­ The best candidates are platinum- distinction of the German Physical tum chromodynamics, the (so far) 193, holmium-163 and terbium- Society - has been awarded this successful candidate theory of inter- 1 57, while a search could also be year to Kurt Symanzik of the Uni­ quark forces. Symanzik pointed out made for other suitable, and as yet versity of Hamburg andf since the possibility of the existence of undiscovered, electron capture pro­ 1968, a senior staff member at so-called 'asyrpptotically-free' the­ cesses. Such experiments are in DESY. The first medals were given ories, now an integral part of quan­ principle straightforward, using con­ to each other by Max Planck and tum chromodynamics dogma. His ventional electron and photon spec­ Albert Einstein in 1929, and the award work in the sixties on the relation trometers and coincidence techni­ is made to theoreticians continuing between field theory and statistical ques to measure the radiation spec­ in the tradition of Planck mechanics is of great importance trum to a specific final atomic state. Kurt Symanzik obtained his doc­ in present attempts to explain the However a good deal of preparatory torate under Werner Heisenberg in absence of isolated quarks. Also work is required at ISOLDE to per­ Gottingen. As well Hamburg and playing an important role in modern fect the production of the necessary DESY, he has worked at several field theory is the Callan-Symanzik initial samples and techniques re­ important research centres in Eu­ equation, developed independently quired to furnish the required rope and in the USA, including the by Symanzik and by Curtis Callan. beams. Work is beginning straight away to develop these techniques and to measure some new nuclear para­ meters. Once this has been achieved, several experiments could be run in parallel in the attempt to provide a precision result on the neutrino mass. Kurt Symanzik (left) receiving the Max Planck Medal from Horst Rollnick, President of the German Physical Society. (Photo Deutsche Presse-Agentur) CERN Courier, June 1981 209 Yurii Borisovich Rumer Hans Willax an intense spallation neutron source (being concerned with a novel type of accumulator ring at Julich). Hans Willax was highly regarded for his expertise in the field of accelerators, for the originality of his thinking and for his energy and enthusiasm. His great achievements stand as a lasting tribute at the SIN Laboratory. Big projects in Federal Republic of Germany Yurii Borisovich (Georg) Rumer, the Recommendations have been made authorization for several years is oldest scientist at the Novosibirsk by a Committee set up by the Fed­ made in the light of the exploitation Institute for Nuclear Physics, cele­ eral Government, under the Chair­ and upgrading of the PETRA stor­ brated his eightieth birthday on manship of K. Pinkau, to study the age ring at DESY and of the further 28 April. His scientific interests various large projects in fundamen­ time which will be needed to pursue have been mainly concentrated on tal research in which Germany is the development of superconducting the general theory of relativity and involved, including those in the high magnets. quantum chemistry. His early work energy physics and accelerator sec­ The Committee also recom­ on quantum chemistry (particularly tors. mended in principle the construction in collaboration with E. Teller and The Committee recommended of an intense neutron source as G. Weihl) were pioneering and the CERN electron-positron storage proposed by the Karlsruhe/Julich helped form this field of science. ring project, LEP, for approval in collaboration (the SNQ - Spalla- In addition to his scientific achieve­ June 1981 and execution as plan­ tions-Neutronenque/le - project, see ments, his talents and profound ned, expressing the hope that the October 1980 issue, page 299). knowledge have been evident in project would go ahead following Again a delay of several years prior lectures on all fields of theoretical a positive decision from the other to authorization was recommended physics which during half a century CERN Member States. to allow for further studies and to have helped produce several gener­ The Committee recommended, benefit from experience gained in ations of noted scientists. in principle, the DESY electron-pro­ the construction of British and ton colliding beam project, HERA Swiss spallation sources. The pro­ (see May 1980 issue, page 99), but ject is also under examination by Hans Willax did not encourage construction to another Committee. start before 1984 although prelim­ The rapid development of the Hans Willax, who headed the build­ inary studies and planning should SuSe superconducting heavy ion ing of the ring cyclotron at SIN, the begin. It was emphasized that HERA cyclotron, proposed by Munich, was Schweizerisches Institut fur Nu- should be an electron-proton colli­ recommended by the Committee k/earforschung, died on 17 April after sion machine - the electron-positron in line with the Lindenberger report, a severe illness courageously borne. option should not be pursued. The with the proviso that certain con­ He joined SIN in 1959 and devel­ desirability of having a second thriv­ ditions are met and use of the facil­ oped the concept of the ring cyclo­ ing international high energy physics ity by outside groups could be guar­ tron to achieve the high proton Laboratory in Europe in addition to anteed. SuSe is a four sector cyclo­ beam intensities necessary for the CERN was recognized, and the Com­ tron designed to accelerate medium- new generation of meson factories. mittee urged international partici­ heavy ions to 300 MeV per nuc/eon He was Head of the Accelerator pation not only in its use but also (up to sulphur ions) and heavier Department from 1974 and spent in its construction by any means ions up to 25 MeV per nucleon. the past two years working with (financial, personnel or equipment) The Committee did not recom­ the Study Group set up in the Fed­ to ease the burden on the Federal mend the construction of the super­ eral Republic of Germany to develop Republic. The proposal to delay conducting cyclotron proposed by 210 CERN Courier, June 1981 On 30 April a ceremony was held at CERN in memory of Wolfgang Gentner, the scientist from the Federal Republic of Germany who played an important role in the development of CERN. In the front row of the photograph, left to right, are DESY Laboratory Director V. Soergel, Mrs. Gentner, President of CERN Council J. Teillac, and Ms. H. Langevin-Joliot who spoke at the ceremony. (Photo CERN 204.5.81) Julich, was hesitant about the ur­ gency of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (with HASYLAB at DESY and BESSY in Berlin com­ ing into action) and felt that it was too early to pronounce on the rela­ tivists heavy ion proposal from Darmstadt (see October 1980 issue, page 298). In view of the inter­ nationally recognized importance of this project, it is suggested that some preliminary experiments at organized on 2-3 October. be held at the Universite Claude CERN would be helpful to enable Further information from Peter Von Bernard Lyon-l, from 6-10 July. a special committee to arrive at an Handel, DESY, Notkestrasse 85, Further information from Institut early decision. D2000 Hamburg 52, Federal Re­ de Physique Nucleaire, Universite public of Germany. Claude Bernard Lyon-l, 43 boulevard HERA workshop du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Vil- Conference leurbanne-Cedex, France. In view of the HERA electron-proton project, a workshop on physics with The Ninth International Conference electron-proton facilities is being on Atomic Collisions in So/ids will UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA PHYSICS DEPARTMENT and ACCELERATOR TRIUMF BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA THEORIST KMS Fusion, Inc., a leader in laser fusion research for the Department of Energy, has an R. M. PEARCE PROFESSORSHIP opening for an Accelerator Theorist with a strong background in electromagnetic theory Applications are invited for a newly created position in Experi­ to work in the area of Free Electron Lasers. mental Intermediate Energy Physics supported jointly by the The work includes FEL theory, FEL University of Victoria and TRIUMF in memory of the late Dr. R. simulation code development, design of FEL M. Pearce, formerly Chairman of the Physics Department at the amplifiers and design of accelerator, electron University of Victoria and Associate Director of TRIUMF. beam transport, and FEL systems. We are seeking a physicist with an outstanding record of Requirements will be a PhD and United States achievement in Experimental Intermediate Energy Physics who Citizenship. Candidate must be eligible to will actively develop new projects using the facility at TRIUMF. obtain Department of Energy Security The successful candidate, who will be eligible for tenure in one Clearance. Please forward resume to: of the senior professorial ranks at the University of Victoria, will have some teaching responsibilities in the Physics Department Human Resources Department and will be expected to supervise the research of graduate Code 81-003 FEL students. Salary and rank on appointment are negotiable. Letters of application including a curriculum vitae, publication list and the names and addresses of three referees, should be sent as soon as possible to: Dr. J. T. Weaver, Chairman Physics Department University of Victoria P.O. Box 1700 VICTORIA, British Columbia Canada, V8W 2Y2 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F CERN Courier, June 1981 21 1 .
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