Nurses Home Urged For Memphis í A Newspaper With A Constructive - Policy 1 S' VOLUME 11, NUMBER 83 ., .-’ -> MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1950 c PRICE FIVE CENTS Douglas School To Celebrate Gave Valuable Aid Annexation To City System Mayor Watkins Overton, Mayor | 7 p. m., with Prof. Blair T Hunt. of Memphis, will officially welcome Principal of Booker T. Washing­ the community of Douglas on its ton High School and General Chair­ conversion from County to City man of Negro Division of City Beau­ proper during a mammoth Mass tiful Commission, and Rev. W. T. med tonight Tuesday, April 11, In Van Hook, President Of the Doug­ the auditorium of Dougas High las-Civic League leading the array School. The Mayor will speak at 8 of marching units, floats and bands p m. of four high schools, Manassa» His address will be proceeded by Hamilton, Booker T. Wahington, Hospital Will Help Relieve Bad Situation Gaston Hospital be continued." • gala celebration such as resident- and Melrose that will follow. In a study of the city's records of this subdivision have never seen One of the most attractive of providing medical care for ite , before—An all Negro parade on all1 will be that of Miss Bronze Queen Recommendations have been made for the construction Negro citizens, Dr. MacLean highly Negro owned property who was selected by the City Beau­ of a new 105-bed Negro hospital and nurses home for 75 stu­ praised the City Administration for, The line of march will start from tiful Commission to reign over llie dents to meet dire needs for more Negro hospital beds as well Its part in reducing the Negro the Chelsea and I C Railroad at activities of Clean-Up, Paint-Up, as training facilities for Negro doctors and nurses. The re­ death rate through Its support ol Fix-Up Week which will be observ­ Julin Gaston Hospital. commendation was made by Dr. Basil C. Maclean, well ed in the city April 10-16. She will "What is even more Important His Honor be the guest of the Douglas Bronze known hospital consultant of Rochester. N. Y. ■ now," he declared, "the City Ad-, Queen,'Miss Cleo Bonds. Tire recommendations are com­ Negro hospital attendants and nur­ ministration has fell for some time To Speak Miss Bronze Queen. Miss Jean posed of a 47-page report to the ses' aides now carried on at the ! that Uie quantity and quality ot i Louise Farris, u student of Booker City Father, Mayor Overtoil and Negro medical and nursing person T. Washington High School, will the City Commisssion on survey uel in the area are quite inade-1 be attended by Princess Royetta composed of Dr. MacLean and his City Beautiful qu.itc." Peyton and Princess Dorothy Mac stuff of the local colored hospital Bailey. needs, having gotten underway De­ cember last. The parade will hive • units of Commission Ch'mn. Assisting in making the survey Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts float.« de- were Dr. George Williams Graham pitting the old and new Douglas and Dr. Lloyd Mussells. and representatives of the Douglas PROF. J. A. HAYES I Called the "Dean of Tennessee It has been estimated that tha Parent Teacher Association and proposed hospital and nursing the Douglas Civic League. Teachers," Prof. J. A Hayes, Prin- ! ripal of Manassas Schooi was re- Jhome would cost “in the neighbor­ The program at the school, other hood of $1.500,000." It was pointed than the principal address by Ma­ -ponsible for the vision and fore­ sight which Prof. Lucky Sharpe has out' that the city and county had yor Overton, will bring greeting; authorized bond issues totalling and expressions from various other I used to build Dougl ?s comniunity and Douglas School. some $751.000 for this type of ser­ To Be Discussed communities and representatives of In 1928 when Prof. Sharpe went vice in 1947; that it was pointed out the City Beautiful Commission that Collins Chapel Connectlonal to teach at Douglas, Prof. Ha.ves which sonsors Clean-Up, Paint-Up. Hospital had raised $282.000 for Senator Lucas Fails Fix-Up Week. was Principal and the two men did many things together to advance building a new Negro hospital. the community. Many of the pro­ Dr MacLean suggested that the To Gef Advocates To new1’Negro hosspltnl to accommo­ jects worked on in future years had ANNOUNCEMENT the format laid while these two 1date an overflow of patients from John Gaston Hospital. Agree To Sidetracking noted educators worked side by side ' STATE EXAMS at Douglas School. A summary of Dr. MacLean's When Prot Hayes was appointed 1recommendations follows: BY LOUS LAUTIF.R "1. It is recommended that the IS MADE to Manassas School in 1929, there WASHINGTON. D. C.-(NNPA)- i was only one choice for the position, City1 of Memphis build a Negro The question of whether fair em­ Announcement has been mode, Prof. Lucky Bharpc, for the right 1hospital unit to accommodate ap­ ployment practice legislation or the that applications are now avail­ man was needed to carry on the 1proximately 105 patients, on a site foreign economic assistance bill is able for State Civil Service Exam­ work that had been outlined by ;adjacent to the John Gaston hos­ to be taken up as soon as the Se­ When one speaks of Douglas las School, people of the communi­ ination to fill State Civil Service pital. to provide adequate hospital nate disposes of the omnibus flood Community,,one immediately thinks ty would vie for prises that were Positions. Application forms must Prof. Hayes. Douglas can never forget Prof 1Interneship and residency training control and rivers and harbors bill of Prof. Lucky Sharpe, Principal contributed by Mr. Elbert J. Curry be filed not later than April 26th. programs- for Negro medical school Hayes and the many fine contribu- 1 MRS. WILLIAM FOWLER will be discussed ’with President of Douglas School since 1929. He of W. C. Curry Corp., well known according to Rev. J. A. McDaniel, graduates, postgraduate refesher Truman the NNPA learned last MAYOR WATKINS OVERTON Lons he made. is the one man known to every re- Healtors who had sold moat of the executive secretary of the Mem­ ’ ________ icourses and hospital facilities for Mrs. William Fowler. Chairman, Thursday. Residents of Douglas will be of­ City Beautiful Commission, who has | rident of the community and there property in the subdivision. phis Urban League, who made the the practicing Negro physicians In Warned of a .storm of protest If ficially welcomed Into the City ot developed a national reputation for is not a family In the subdivision Mrs. Franklin Dw Rooseveyeit announcement. Memphis and Shelby County. FEPC is further postponed, Sena­ Memphis tonight by Mayor Wat­ Japanese Hanged i her successful work in beautifying which doesn't boast of a Douglas visited the School in 1137 and wrote Positions to be filled include; "2. It is recommended that the tor 8cott W. Lucas, of Illinois, the kins Overton when he speaks at Memphis. graduate. about the unusual community pro­ Junior and Senior Typist,- Junior Dean and Faculty of the College Douglas High School at 8 p. m. Majority Leaders, told a group of ad­ ject in her nationally circulated For Killing Flyers of Medicine of the University of But Prof. Sharpe's popularity as The conversion of Douglas from and Senior Stenographers, Tele­ TOKYO, Japan — Seven Ja- ! Working with a white and colored vocates of FEPC legislation that the column, "My Day." phone Operators, vari-type opera­ Tennessee be requested to assume staff. Mrs. Fowler has made Clean- question of which of the two bills a leader in Douglas does not come County to City proper was started panese navymen were hanged Fri- . But citizens of Douglas have had tor, T-Punch operator, Bookeep­ the overall supervision of the staff Up. Paint-Up. Fix-Up Week a Mem­ would be brought up next was so merely because he is Principal of many years ago by Miyor Overton day in Tokyo’s Sugamo prison for their own “Clean Up" Campaign ing machine operator. Tabulating of the interneship and residency phis tradition and takes the great­ , Important tbit it was necessary to •.he school. It comes because he when he was .serving as President killing three American naval flyers ' since 1930, sponsored by the Doug­ machine operator. Supervisor of training programs and of post­ est pride in the fact that Memphis take up with Mr. Truman, the saw years ago the possibilities of of the Board of Education. in a "live" bayonet practice session. jJ las Better Homes Committee. Mrs. machine tabulations. graduate refresher courses for prac- has been named the cleanest, city NNPA learned. making Douglas the "GardenJlpol’ Originally 41 Japanese military Laura R. Tyus assumed leadership His efforts on their behalf have Applications can be secured at ticipating- Negro physicians in the of its size in the United States. FEPC was scheduled sometime, of Memphis, and has worked un­ men were sentenced to the gallows of the Committee in 1936 ud never been forgotten by the thou­ the Memphis Urban League head­ proposed new unit of the John ago to follow the flood control and’ tiringly through the years to make /or the deaths of the three Ameri­ brought it to qualities needed to sands of citizens in Douglas who quarters, 546 Beale Ave. Gaston Hospital. ! rivers and harbors bill, which is it modern and progressive In every cans shot down during the battle boost the organization and Its mem­ will crowd the auditorium for the now unfinished business of the Be- sense.
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