Vol. 62, No. 3 AUTUMN / WINTER 2018 Ferris selected as Centennial Convention in Roanoke features the new 29th Infantry D-Day Memorial & D-Day witness Bernard Marie Division command sergeant major s the forces of nature converged on boarded the bus to travel to Bedford one A Roanoke on 11 October, so too did had to marvel at the beauty of the Blue RICHMOND, VA – Command Sgt. the members, families and friends of the Ridge Mountains as they provided the back- Maj. Alan M. Ferris has been select- 29th Division Association. The day before, drop for the day’s journey. As the group ed to serve as the new 29th Infantry Hurricane Michael made landfall on the Flor- travelled the 30 miles from the hotel to the D Division command sergeant major, ida panhandle as a Cat- -Day Memorial, PNC Bill according to an announcement egory 4 hurricane with King, Post #64 Com- made Oct. 26, 2018, by Maj. Gen. sustained winds of ap- mander, provided com- Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant proximately 155 mph. mentary about both the General of Virginia. The storm literally de- history and nature of this Ferris succeeds Command Sgt. stroyed the gulf coast area of Virginia. Maj. Ronald L. Smith, Jr. who now town of Mexico City. By One story really reso- serves as the Virginia Army National the 11th the remnants of nated with the group and Guard command sergeant major. the storm were bearing that one involved the Ferris has served as the Virginia down on western Virgin- roots of the 116th Infantry National Guard senior enlisted lead- ia with torrential down- Regiment. Citing BG Ted er since Dec. 1, 2014, in a tradition- pours. For those who Shuey’s book “Ever For- al Guard status, and his effective made the drive south ward,” PNC King recount- date of assignment in the new posi- down Interstate 81, it ed the Battle of Point tion will be Dec. 1, 2018. was a white-knuckler Pleasant which some “Command Sgt. Maj. Ferris has most of the way with consider to be the begin- been my trusted advisor for the last ning of the American flash flooding in the Ro- Monsieur Bernard Marie four years, and his advice and coun- anoke area. The sight of Revolution. The site of the sel have been invaluable as the Vir- the Holiday Inn – Valley View was a very battle was in the western part of the Virginia (Continued on page 25) welcome one after such a harrowing trip. colony near the Ohio River, now West Virgin- Even more so was the hospitality suite. As ia, and part of Dunmore’s War. soon as one entered, the storm and nasty Lord Dunmore was the British colonial Vol. 62, No. 3 ride were forgotten, as the warmth and ca- governor of Virginia and the last royal resi- Autumn / Winter 2018 maraderie were palpable throughout the dent of the Governor’s Palace in Williams- room. As old friends renewed acquaintances burg. The Augusta County Militia, recruited and newcomers introduced, the atmosphere in the Shenandoah Valley, fought the Shaw- raised the spirits and confirmed that this was nee and Mingo tribes. On 10 October 1774 an organization that revered and cherished the Indians under Chief Cornstalk am- its purpose. There was laughter and spirited bushed the militia at Point Pleasant but were conversation with the food that would be soundly defeated and forced to retreat. ever present throughout the weekend avail- The Battle of Point Pleasant predated the able in abundance. PO Frank Shilow was battles at Concord and Lexington that oc- doing a brisk business with everything from curred in April 1775. The Virginia militia books to pins to jackets and hats available played a major role in the Revolution and for purchase. ironically forced Lord Dunmore and the Brit- After an evening of reminiscing and reac- ish troops out of the colony. Thus began the quainting, Friday morning dawned with clear rich history that led to the Stonewall Brigade skies and the blustery winds that always trail and ultimately the 116th Regiment. the hurricanes’ rainstorms. As everyone (Continued on page 11) PAGE 2 TWENTY-NINER NEWSLETTER AUTUMN/WINTER 2018 Meet your new National Commander – J. David Leighton would like to thank you for your vote of place as last year. I am working to sched- I confidence in electing me as National ule the NEC III meeting in Winchester, Commander of such a historical unit. I will Virginia for June 2019. try to uphold the high standards of the The Wreath Laying Ceremony at the commanders before me. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington We have a lot to accomplish in the up- National Cemetery will be held on June 29, coming year. During the annual confer- 2019 at 12:15. Lunch will be provided ence, several changes to the by-laws were afterwards at Spates Community Center at discussed and approved. When making Fort Myer. changes to by-laws, we want to ensure My plan for next year is to visit as many that the verbiage accurately depicts what Post meetings as possible. I want to offer we are trying to accomplish, while ensur- my support for any needs they may have ing the language protects us and/or other or challenges they may face. Our local individuals. Posts are the backbone of the association I wish to thank everyone for coming to so I want to make sure they are strong. Roanoke for the convention. I think every- The biggest focus for this next year is to one enjoyed seeing our beautiful Blue continue growing the 29th Division Associ- Ridge Mountains. The tour of Black Dog ation. Specifically, we would like to draw Salvage was a real experience. For those in some younger members to allow our who don’t know, Black Dog Salvage has Hospitality Room the place to be. Also efforts to continue. We are not getting any become famous for the television show want to thank other Post 64 members who younger and need these guys to carry on Salvage Dogs on the DIY Network. Check gave a lot of their time as well. the tradition of the 29th. it out sometime. Next year we have another major mile- I plan to visit as many National Guard Our convention was a great success! stone of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Armories as possible to tell our story and As always, that success can only be ac- invasion. I’m so glad many of you had the encourage the troops to join us. I think complished with the help of our ladies. opportunity to visit the D-Day Memorial in when they learn about all we have ac- Many hours are spent planning activities, Bedford, Virginia. This is an experience complished and how we honor those who decorating the tables, and making our you can’t forget and I’m moved with every sacrificed so much, they will see the im- visit. It is a stark reminder of those who portance of carrying on our legacy. I sacrificed for our freedom. challenge each one of you to think of We are planning our next conference to other ways to bring in new members. Vol. 62, No. 3 be held in Virginia Beach and are working Working together, I believe we can grow to finalize the venue. More information to the 29th Division Association to be the Autumn / Winter 2018 come regarding dates and location. best it has ever been. The known office of this publication is: The next National Executive Committee The 29th Division Association, Inc. (NEC II) will be held on Thursday, January J. David Leighton The Twenty-Niner is published by: 24, 2019 in Pikesville, Maryland; same National Commander The 29th Division Association, Inc. P.O. Box 46734 Windsor Mill, MD 21244-0634 Important Notice Third Class postage paid at Baltimore, MD Editor/Publisher — William S. Mund, Jr. We have now decided to offer the Twenty-Niner in electronic format. 443-529-4233 This effort will start with the Spring 2019 edition. [email protected] If you would like to receive a 'pdf' of the Twenty-Niner in the Spring, Asst. Editor/Publisher — Frank Armiger please send an email to: 410-591-9977 [email protected] Bill Held, @ [email protected]. Editor Emeritus — Donald McKee 301-593-4591 Please include your name with your request. [email protected] He is creating an emailing list for this purpose. © Copyright 2018 The 29th Division Association, Inc. This will not affect those of you who wish to keep receiving the printed copy. AUTUMN/WINTER 2018 TWENTY-NINER NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 Donations to the Twenty-Niner Message from the We extend our heartfelt thanks to our membership for their generosity National Finance Officer in contributing to the Twenty-Niner for this Summer issue. From July 1, 2018, through October 31, 2018, these donations totaled $1,005.00. Greetings fellow 29er’s. I am honored to have been elected as the Note our cut-off time. If your contributions did not reach our National National Finance Officer for the 29th Division Association. Unfortunate- Executive Director by October 31, 2018 then it will not be listed until ly, I was unable to attend the 100th Annual Reunion and Convention as the next issue. Donation checks must be made payable to the 29th I was in Albuquerque, NM attending the Retired Army Finance Organi- Division Association. zation reunion which was held at the same time. For a little background I enlisted in Co C, 103rd Medical Battalion in Adler, Eric, Post 94, Son, Wappingers Falls, NY 1971 and transferred to Detachment 2, 28th Finance Company in 1975 In memory of his father Harold Adler, C/116 after beginning my fulltime career with the Guard.
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