., , , ~ STATION MANACiER JAMIE CiARNER CORE STAFF: Gary Bannister, Carla BE'cker, Dale Blankenship, Daniel Bradac, Jamie Garner, J;Jlie Harris, Asaph Murfin, Nashira Priester and Stu Witmer. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Kathy Cain, Jim Cantu, Margaret Ceis, Ben Dawson, Nancy Keith, Gary Margason, Chuck Reinsch, Lorraine Sakata, Libby Sinclair, Allen Swensson & Mayumi Tsutakawa. GUIDE PRODUCTION: Jim Christie, Dorothy Grupp, Rob Potter. NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TEAM: Julie Creahan, Keith Dublanica, Daniel Stevens. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Doug Honig. VOLUNTEERS Hameed Ahmed, Jim Anderson, Luis Aviado, Brian Ayers, LeRoy Backus,­ Captaln Baltic, Thomas Bannister, Phil Bannon, Bob Baron, Brenda Bauer, Norman Batley, Vanessa Baxter, Bear, Shantha Senegal, Artemia Benitez, David Berger, John Bierlein, Judy Bierman, anal Bilkur, David Bilski, John Bishop, Ed Blackwood, Vivia Boe, Doris Brevoort Louise Bush, Ibrahim Caglayan, Mae Campbell, Charles Canada, Cornell Cebrian, Art Ceniza, Chinese Media Committee, Jeff Christensen, Judith Clark, Kathy Cody, Robin CohenSteve Coleman , Frank Davidson, Daye , Peggy Deleers, Bill Dempsey, Betsy Dennis, KRAB PEOPLE Nancy Donnelly, Tom Eckels, Nnamdi C. Egbukichi, Doug Ekblade, Vilma Fernan­ dez, Dennis Flannigan, Jay Follette, Jeff Follette, Robert Frazier, Dave Gardner, Robert Garfias, Lucy Gibson, STATION NEEDS Stacey Gillard, Fred Gleason , Dick DETAILS Goard, Kim Goodman, Leila Gorbman, Dorothy Grupp, Betty Hanson, Greg THE OFF THE WALL PLAYERS: If you File cabinets - any number of drawers, Harrop , Rose Ann Hill, Jamie Hix, Jim missed them at Bumbershoot. in Septem­ new, used, anything. Call Jamie at Rol t, Doug Honig, Kay Hutchins, Sabah Jabbouri, Sarah Jacobus, John Jay, ber; if you missed them at the Ethnic . ~RAB, 325-5110. Clerr.ent Jiminez, Gretchen Johnston, Cultural Center last. month, you can Sidney Johnston, Kay Joslin, Sinan hear t.hem this month on Punkin Patch, Chairs we are in need of both Karasu, Fred Katz, Lloyd Kautz , Sharon Kaylen, Milo King, Karl Kotas, KRAB­ Monday , January 12, 9-10:30 pm. desk-type chairs, as well as comfor­ ETTES, Frank Krasnowsky, BO~ LaCla ir, table folding chairs for our studios. Henry Lai, Dennis Lam, LeslIe Larson, THE AMERICAN MUSLIM MISSION: This Call Jamie, 325-5110 . Sandra Layman, Kay Lee, Herb Levy, Melvin Lillie, Alan Lindquist, Rosendo month we begin a 10-week series of Luna, Judy Malmgren, Amy M.alter, lectures by Imam Wari th Deen Muhammad You have been very responsive to our Cynthia Markey, Sonny Masso, Daryl Matson, Patti McCreary, Oneal McGowan, Asaph on the American Muslim mission. Each needs listed in the guide for which we Dennis McWilliams, Kristen Means, Tom lecture (which is a nationally produced have been appreciative. Keep it up, Miller, Robert Mittenthal, Bob Newman, Murfin t.ape) will be followed by live discus­ and remember all donatIons to KRAB are Johr. Ochs, Shan Ottey, Halina Pawl, Judlth Pepple, Nancy Reco", Riva sions in the st.udio and phone calls tax deductible. Redswallow, Dean Robertson, Paul will be taken. Tuesdays, 9 pm. Roepke, John Rogers, George Romansic, Chaim Rosemarin, Ken Ross, Roswell, John Saltzgiver, Kevin Saunders, CONSERVATORY THEATRE COMPANY'S RADIO Seattle Chinese Broadcast, Laura DRAMAS: In conjunction with its Siev~~t, Ray Serebrin, Hal Sherlock, Winterfestival, t.he Conservatory Marci e Sillman, Helene Silverman, Michael Slotavitch, Stanford Smith, Theatre Company will be present.ing ~o~~Qret 3plccs, sc~cey, PAul St4obery, three radio dramas on KRAB. "Stormy Rob Stitt, Neil Strassman, Mike Sulli­ Wether: Theat.re and the Depressed van. Kathryn Taylor, 011 ie Taylor, Lois Thetford, John Townes, Patricia Societ.y," an exploratlon of theatre in VanKirk, Ed Van Noland, Randle Victor, the 1930s is the theme of this year's Harry Vye, Judith walcutt, Mary Wanner, Winterfestival and each of the three Tim Weatherly, Pete~ Weismiller, Will dramas presented on KRAB are developed Daniel Dale W~rlev, Gregg Whitcomb, Dave White, Art around issues reflect.ive of this Wicks: Dennis Wilbert, Stuar~ Williams, Bradac Blankenship Hanna Wu, Shanni York, Vicki York. theme. See program notes for specific details. Fri. , Jan . 23, 8: 30 pm , Tues., Jan. 27, 10:00 pm, and Wed., Jan. 28, .' 9: 30 pm. \~'.'" . Gary .•,~... ,~ GIL EVANS: An interview with big band 1-'If ~" .'.. leader and pianist Gil Evans, noted for r his unusual sonorities and delicate textures, will air Fri. , Jan 9t.h at 8:30 pm. Jat~ ~,t~~L... SOUTH AFRICA-AZANIA/THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE?: A panel discussion moderated by Daniel Nashira Priester on the issues of the Stevens Dublanica day in sout.hern Africa . Fri . , Jan 23, 2:00 pm. KRABJAZZ: . STACEY'S MOOD: Welcome back Ms . Stacey after a t wo-mont.h h iatus . Find her temporarily l ocat.ed o n Wednes­ RESPONSE days at 10:30 am in January . Doug Honig Dear Sir: Last Saturday at 2:30 PM we heard on your radio station the program of 325-5110 Pakistani and Indian music, "Jhankar". We were delighted to hear that. you will be broadcast.ing t.his program every BOARD MEETING S at.urday . We were equally delighted The next meeting of the Jack Straw and very happy to hear that Mohini Memorial Foundation will be held is to be the site Hameed will be t.he announcer and Tuesday, January 13, at 7:30 pm here at of a highly visible, integrted energy directing this program . All of us who t.he station. The addresss is 2212 S. conservation syst.em this year . With have come to this area from t.he Indo­ Jackson St. (come around the back funding from the Dept. of Energy, we Pakistan subcont.inent know the talent. through the parking lot. for entrance), shall incorporate a solar greenhouse on Mohini Hameed possesses , as she has and the public is invited t.o at.tend . our roof for our studio heat as well as years of experience behind her as one woodstoves for supplemental heat.. We of the most popular radio artist.s [or KRAB WELCOMES NEW MANAGER shall be building recycling trailers, Radio Pakistan. l'le welcome Jamie Garner who began his erecting bicycle racks, and airing tenure as new KRAB station manager the energy programs. From you, the sup­ We are happy that. you are fill ing a first of December. Jamie comes to KRAB porter, we need $$, wood for our big gap by spcnsoring this program, and with eight years of community radio woodstoves, and responsiveness. Tell I am sure like myself hundreds of experience from WXPN in Philadelphia us what you need to find out. It will others will equally appreciate it. where he served as manager for two be a matter of survival in a few Enclosed please find a check for years. Jamie states he is impressed years. We will be looking for some my subscription for membership in with KRAB programming and is excited part-time help for renovation of the KRAB. about developing its potential even building, i.e., exterior insulation and furt.her, and also notes that scenic siding. Qualifications: Interest in Yours truly, Seattle is a pleasant change from the alternative systems, some basic carpen­ Mian H. Anwar, M.D. concrete world of Philadelphia. try, $$! REPLY KEITH @ KRAB. Tacoma PROGRAMS 2:00 MAX RAFFERTY O~ EDUCATION The state Superintendent of Educat ion 1 thursday for California speaking to the King 4 sunda.y Cou n t y You ng Republi c a n Cl u b in 1963 about hi s views on e d u c at i o n wh i ch 6 : 00 EARLY MUSIC compl e me nte d t he ha!d-line, co nse r va­ 8 ' 30 PLEASE SPEAK SLOWLY Ni t h Stu Ni t mer . t i ve Ronald Reagan-he ad e d ticke t o n Ne ws , r e adi ngs a nd g e ne r a l information pre s e nte d i n simplifie d English for a ll . which h e was e l e cte d. 10 : 0 0 MORNING RE ADI NG p eopl e l e arning Eng lish as a secon d Read i ngs f rom Ma rx i s t a n d an a r ch i st 3.: 00 RADIO IMPROVISATIONS languag e . with Dennis McWilli ams , sou r c es wit h Fra nk Kra sno wsky. Laura Si e v e rt, and o th e r gu es t s . 4: 00 YOU GOT A SONG ON YOUR ARM 10:30 KRABJAZZ P o etry f o r children read by po e ts 9:00 TINIG NG PILIPINO News and trad itional and c o nt e mporar y KRAB star t s th e n e w year with Mi ke Carolyn Wright and Jim Snydal. Benson a nd jazz . music for the Filipino c ommunity. In 4: 30 TRUEGRASS Tagalo g. 2 :00 THE HUMAN VOI CE Blue grass with Jami e Hix. J ea n Coc t ea u's play a bo ut a wo man 9 : 30 KRAB MUSI C HALL hav ing he r fi nal t e l epho ne conve rsatio n With J ohn Jay . wi t h t he lover wh o h as f oisaken h e r a s tudy in obsess i o n fir s t performe d in 12 : 00 FAN CY FREE Paris i n 19 30. Jazz with Rand le Victo r. 3:00 STRAIGHT LINE P RESE NTS 4:00 CHUT ZPAH B lack S tud e nt Foru m . Key issues With Cha im Ro s emarin. d i s cu ssed: Health, Education, Foods, and Pol i c e Re lations. 5:00 TURKISH MUSIC With Ono l Bilkur .
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