Chautauqua Chautauqua Week Week Aug. 9 L INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Aug. 9 to 14 LXI. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919. No. 31 COUNTIJY OLtlJ SOCI.XL, AIILLIOR-STin. A good crowd attended the social at Miss Alzlna Stid ot Mason, daugh­ BELL OAK SYRIAN the North Aurelius church last Friday PRESIDENT KEDZIE OF AGR'L COLLEGE ter of George Stid and Corporal Cyrus niglit and all enjoyed the evening of Miller of DansvlUe, were married Sat­ pleasure, provided by the entertain­ urday, July 2Gth, at 7 o'clock at tlie ment committee, Mrs. Letha llerrick home ot the bride's uncle and 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wasper. The bride OPENSJGOST 9TH and Mrs, Ina Norris. Over eight dol- , KKU/illO'S LF'ITKIl. I'AYS Fl-:i/LO\V COUNTKVMAN litr>» liU'o wcro cleared from the sale o( Ico ADDItlOSHiKS .SOCIALIST FANATIC was prettily gowned in white satin. FIVI-: DAYS E.VCiaaJSNT ENTER* TO UO JOIi. cream. The club wishes to thank Mr. AS "l>13AK,FIUKNI)" IN ljF,TTi;il MICHIGAN AGR'L. COLLEGJi: They went Sunday to Jackson where TAINMENT AND INSTIlirCTION. and Mrs. Bruce Ball who so kindly Wltni'lCIt ON S'I'.ATIONIIiKY East Lansing, Mich. tliey will make their future home. OP THI'^ COLLEOK. ICIlis Smitiv Of WehlNifvillu, Sutllcs supervised the games and extend a East Lansing, Mich., Miitum TIIIM Year On HIKII CIIMN Gir- Jjoss or IH25<M»-Sliei'iir Oet» lilvi- cordial invitation to all to another ice "THE IONI> OF ALL WARS." ciiit—Tickets Nun- On S4i3o~- cream social which they plan to give July 28, 1919. duiicu Ity Ai«l Of Dull. lt«l'yM>l* Viillcuii Now SorviiiK Teii Days In Mr, Merlin E. Valleau, Next Sunday evening at the union I'roBiitiii Oivuii III Dot^iil. in the near future. Jail At MuNoii For l{«iiuu'kN Made service at the Baptist church. Dr. W. AgaiiiNt JiidKo €olliiigW(KKl. Dear Sir—I wish to extend to you People In Locke townsliiii and Web- In this hour of trouble my deepest B. Hartzog will speak on the subject, Profiting by past experiences, tho l)ervlllc and vicinity have been arous­ Sit-IN'CH BAaS. personal sympathy. It was with "The End of All Wars." This is a Mason Chautauqua committee decid­ ed during the past week over the Walter Hayner lauded a small Merlin Valleau, the Socialist fanatic great regret tliat I read of your un­ great theme and one In which every­ ed to contract the Redpath Chautau­ burning ot the general store of mouth black bass at Joslin lake last and self-styled candidate for presi­ just treatment, nevertheless you sure­ one is interested. Dr. Hartzog spent qua Co., which is acknowledged the Clvarles Weller at Dell Oak early Sunday measuring twenty-three dent of the United States, who Is now ly must have the satisfaction that we considerable time and effort in the country over to employ only high. Tuesday morning, July 22. It has inches in length and weighing six serving ten days at the county jail in all must suffer someiime for ,our be­ preparation ot this address and he l)een determined that the building pounds. This is the largest bass Mason, Tuesday received a letter liefs and our world work. I have just says that It will pay you well to hear Monday evening the guarantors •was lired by a Syrian, "Mike" Bosum- snared by any Mason llsherman this from Pres. Frank S. Kedzie of the finished studying your book in which it "after your Sunday afternoon auto of tho Chautauqua met and the mers, a Grand Rapids bad man, and season. Michigan Agriculture college. Ked­ there are many truths which, no ride." plans for the ticket-selling cam­ that ho was employed to dotlie job zie in his letter said, "It was with doubt, will be carried out in the near paign were completed. Mason will •l)y another Syrian, David Nemer, great regret I road of your unjust future. be thoroughly canvassed. People wiio liad a store in Bell Oak, The treatment," anji addresses Valleau in 1 sincerely hope, my dear friend, living outside Mason are already nuppositioii is Unit Nemer employed NATION WIDE DRIVE another place in the letter as "My that your work will not be stopped II securing their tickets, expressing Bosummers in order to do away AVitli dear friend." Valleau and his fol­ again by unjust criticisms. If in any llioir coiilidence tliat the coming coiupctition. Nemer is a nephew ot lowers arc greatly elated over the let­ way I can bo of service to you, do n.ot Redpatli program will be the best Ellis Nemer wlio runs a store in Wob- ter and arc reading It to all who will hesitate to call on mo. THURSDAY, AOGDST ] over secured for Mason. If you bervllic!, and it is thought that Kills listen to them. Members ot the Val­ have not yet purchased your leau family were In Mason Tuesday Sincerely yours, AGAIN HELD IN ART/ IIROS. Nemer had luiowlcdgo o£ tlie inten­ U. S. DIOI'T. AiilMCULTUIlF Wll FRANlv S. KKIDZIE, President. tickets, do so early, as the guaran­ tions ot his nephew before the crime TKY TO I'JJIMINATI'; SCKUHS. 1,0 visit the prisoner, and a son, a man CROVE IN JtUNICERHllJj. tors are busy mca and you will was committed. Bosummers and the of middle age wearing a long beard, P. S. If It will help your case to thus save them time and effort. younger Nemer were taken before Wilt l(u Fir.st; Campaign To Inipi'ovu long hair and barefooted, came to the publi.sh this letter do so. Clilckon Pic At The Same Old Price Adults tickets lj;2.20; children's NEWS office wltli the letter, a reprint Justice Jtaudabaugh Monday ot this All liive Stock—l*rof'rcs.>sive 1lree<l- Willi Attract Usual Kig Crowd— $1.10. This price Includes war tax. I •wocl{ and their examination was set of whicli appears in tlio adjoining .Fine Program Pieparcil. cr.s Wilil Get liVdcraj |{ccoj;iiition. column. Tickets are now on sale at botli I for ii'riday. Mason lianksand both drug stores. | This is the slogan of a national bet­ Valleau seemed anxious that tills Thursday, August 7, is tlie date of Sheriff Silsby llrst received word ot the big annual Catholic picnic at Artz •the lire wiiilo at tlie carnival in Lan­ tor live-stock crusade, to get actively let ter be given publicity, evidently as­ class talent. The opening day Is set In niotion October 1, tliat is announc­ suming tliat it would be a means of Bros', grove in Bunkerhill, and this sing the evening after it happened. annual event will as usual draw an for Saturday, August 9th, and there He Immediately motored to Bell Oak ed by the United States Department creating public sympathy for his fath­ SOFFEJS.BIG LOSS will be five days of excellent enter­ of Agriculture, working In coopera­ er. In his conversation ho said that immense crowd. Those in charge have and arrested Bosummers who was in­ spared neither time nor work to make tainment. A glance through the pro­ toxicated. After listening to the sus­ tion with the State agricultural col­ conditions were radically wrong in FIRI-; DI<;sTROYS JIARN AND OROrS ON »Y(iRAVIOS FARM. this year's picnic a little bigger and gram given below will best give one picions ot the Bell Oak inhabitants, leges and other agencies interested in this country; that eventually man an Idea ot what is In store. Sunday, live-stock Improvement. The cam­ must accept the laws ot nature and better than those of former years It he returned by way of Wobborvllle, possible. August 10th, there will be no pro­ reaching there about 1;30 Wednesday paign looks forward to the future he said that man should not he con­ MaKoii Fiio Dt'iMii'tiiicnt Makes Quick gram as it is the policy ot the Red- morning. He aroused Kills Nemer, food needs of this country's increas­ fined under any circumstances, either Run To Fai'iii With Clioiiiical The usual array of games and at­ tractions will be there to provide the path people to give their people one •with whom he is well acQuainted, and ing population aud results Xroni long by buildings or clothes. He said that Unginu And Truck. day's rest each week. told him of the arrest, and asked him and careful observation of the live­ Adam and Eve lived an ideal lite and crowd with amusement. Stockbridge to assist in getting a confea^sion from stock Industry in this country, and that people today should follow their A severe loss wa.s sustained by Al- and Leslie will battle for supremacy PROGRAM. Bosummers at the jail in Mason the was planned after extensive consulta­ example. vln Bygraves and his son-in-law, Ar­ on the ball Held. The chicken pies Fii'.st Attei'iiooii, August 0 next afternoon. Nen\or agreed and tion with specialists and breeders. thur Williams, Tuesday, when the will be larger and sweeter than in Introductory exercises. President Kedzie's letter came as former years, and as Fr. O'Brien puts Grand concert, Dunbar Male Quar­ was dn hand early next morning, The plan is to hasten the replacement a distinct surprise to those who were barn and a large portion of this year's thinking the sheriff was not at the of the multitude of scrub domestic harvest was destroyed by fire on the it, "will be sold at the same old tet.
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