Page 2 Colby Free Press Thursday, April 12, 2012 Area/State Weather Council hears from second firm Briefly From “COUNCIL,” Page 1 Flentje said her company, which she said many qualifi ed resumes she thinks the city Library offers authors is a Kansas-based human resources consult- will received; she said probably 20 to 30. for lunch this week Next, Flentje went through what the fi rm ing fi rm. All of its employees have worked Taylor then asked how many resumes To celebrate National Library Week, believes are basics for the process. She said with or for local governments for 15 to 20 total the city could expect and she said it each lunch hour this week, the Pioneer the city should have a facilitated process years, she said, it has a good network and around 100. Memorial Library has had an author or that gets input from each council member in has reasonably fees. Mayor Gary Adrian asked if the fi rm speaker. The doors open for the last free a one-on-one interview and a 10- to 15-page Councilman Fred Taylor asked if the city would want a job description and things the lunch at 11:45 a.m. Friday. Children’s recruitment profi le with a lot of detail. would be working with Flentje if they chose council would like immediately. Flentje said librarian Judy Kleinsorge and Friends She showed the council a sample of an- her fi rm, and she said it would. yes, but City Manager Carolyn Armstrong board member Ann Miner will speak on other city’s recruitment profi le and how it Councilman Pat Mallory asked what the said the city doesn’t have one. “The Joys of Books,” focusing on “Tol- listed minimum and preferred qualifi ca- fi rm’s fee structure is and Flentje said it de- Adrian suggested that a few council stoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of tions and parameters of compensation, pends on whether the city chooses to use members could come up with ideas for what Magical Reading” by Nina Sankovitch among other things. optional services, but the range is $7,000 to should be in the job description, but Coun- and “My Reading Life” by Pat Conroy. Other basics Flentje mentioned were pre- $13,000 or $14,000. Hutfl es asked if those cilman Omar Weber said that they wouldn’t The library will be closed for refur- paring copy for ads, using a network to en- prices included advertising and she said no, have to do that if they hire a fi rm. bishing from Wednesday through Friday, courage people to apply, agreeing early on that would be the city’s responsibility. The council’s next item of business was May 18. For information, call librarian about base salary and benefi ts, getting ad- Mallory asked what the typical turnaround to make a decision between Peters and the Melanie Wilks at (785) 460-4470. vice about interviewing and doing formal time is, and Flentje said 12 to 14 weeks de- Municipal League, but the members decided background checks. pending on the city’s availability. they wanted time to compare the proposals Heartland students She said skills a candidate needs to have Flentje then asked the council its thoughts and decided to table the decision until the to put on Easter play for this job include interpersonal skills and on employee and citizen involvement. next meeting, which will be Tuesday. Three performances of an Easter pro- hopefully an unblemished record. Councilman Mark Beringer said he wasn’t In other business, the council approved an duction, “Three Days,” will be given at She said that making a mistake can be interested in involving citizens but thought indirect sales agreement with Itron for water the Heartland Christian School gym, costly, so hiring a new manager is probably involving the staff could be a good idea. and electric meter upgrades. Armstrong said 1995 W. Fourth St. The play will begin the most important decision the people on Councilman Mike Hake agreed about staff. Itron is being purchased by Johnson Con- at 7 p.m. tonight and Friday and 4 p.m. the council will make. Councilman Dave Voss asked Flentje how trols, the main contractor for the upgrades. Saturday. Donations will be accepted to help cover production costs. For infor- mation, Deena Bandy at 460-6419. Crowd hears pros, cons of incentives Blood drive coming From “CROWD,” Page 1 downtown Hays. for county government. He de- break a plan is rare. to Community Building National Weather Service Rooks County offi cials, Rocca signed a Neighborhood Revital- “There are many reasons why A Colby community blood drive will Tonight: A 20 percent chance be from noon to 6 p.m. today and 7:45 of showers and thunderstorms program is and how it can help a said, told her that between 1995 ization Plan software program a person would decide to move community. and 1999, before the adoption for the company, said County to Thomas County, or Colby.” a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Commu- before 1 a.m. Partly cloudy, with nity Building. Go to redcrossblood.org a low around 44. Southeast wind Rocca explained that the tax of the plan, 29 new homes were Clerk Shelly Harms. he said. “As it was discussed, rebate program allows the coun- built. With the plan, the number “I’ve seen the program be Thomas County is a thriving or call (800) 733-2767 to schedule an 5 to 10 mph becoming west. appointment. Homemade muffi ns will Friday: Mostly sunny, with a ty to refund the property taxes increased to 44 from 2000 to adopted in other counties,” he and progressive community. paid on the actual value added to 2005 and 38 from 2006 to 2008. said, “and I’m not sure it is the Chances are, new construction be served. For information, call Bev high near 73. West wind 5 to 10 Vaughn at 462-3861. mph becoming south. a property due to improvements In fi ve years and four months best program for all counties. I will continue with or without Friday Night: Partly cloudy, and expansions. Taxes on the since Mitchell County adopted strongly encourage the county (this program).” with a low around 45. South assessed value of the property the plan, she said, 158 projects to carefully look into it before Another point that Juenemann Economic Development wind between 5 and 15 mph. before any improvement would totaling $4.7 million started up. making any decisions.” made was that the program was to meet at 8 a.m. Friday Saturday: Mostly sunny, with continue to be paid, she added. “The tax rebate incentive plan He rebutted Rocca’s state- developed to help blighted ar- The Thomas County Economic De- a high near 71. Breezy, with a She then explained how the will not affect property tax reve- ment that the plan does not af- eas with no new construction. velopment Alliance board will meet at southwest wind 5 to 10 mph in- rebate incentive works. nue,” she said, “and is one of the fect property taxes, saying that Before Thomas County can be 8 a.m. Friday in the meeting room at the creasing to between 20 and 25 “The fi rst year will start with few tools that rural communities the county should plan to give accepted into the program, the county Offi ce Complex, 350 S. Range mph. Winds could gust as high 100 percent of the tax rebate have available to attract housing up about 55 percent of property county would have to declare Ave. For information, call Christy Roc- as 35 mph. given, plus administration fees,” for families and businesses for taxes for all new construction the area as being blighted. ca at 460-4511. Saturday Night: Partly she said, “and (that) will de- job creation.… and improvements on projects “I don’t think Thomas County cloudy and breezy, with a low cline 10 percent each year for 10 “Growth may be measured under the Revitalization Plan, is considered blighted,” he said. Bar to have fund-raising around 44. years. By the eleventh year, the in the improved conditions by including new construction “I disagree,” Rocca replied. poker tourney Saturday Sunday: A 30 percent chance property owner would be paying revitalizing homes and com- which would have taken place “As a whole, northwest Kansas Twisters Bar and Grill, 735 E. Col- of rain and thunderstorms. Partly the full property tax.” mercial properties. Growth may without the incentives. is a blighted area with a shrink- lege Dr., will hold the annual Assault sunny, with a high near 60. Rocca said the property owner not always be in large numbers, To break even over a 10-year ing population. From 2010 to Poker Tournament on Saturday to raise Sunday Night: A slight needs to meet some restrictions but growing wealth or the tax period, he said, the program 2040, the census anticipates a money for Options, a nonprofi t domes- chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, and minimum requirements be- base has to happen if we are to would have to more than double 29.2 percent decrease, while the tic and sexual assault services organiza- with a low around 36. Chance of fore they can be accepted, and provide services as we now have the amount of new construction, rest of the state is expected to tion serving northwest Kansas. Regis- precipitation is 20 percent. any parcel where the owner is them. The alternative would be Juenemann said the Kansas have a 13.5 percent increase.
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