6686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. .JULY 31, Ur. .ALLISON. We are not dividing up among States. HOUSE OF REPRESE~'T.ATIVES. 1tlr. JONES, of Florida. But I say, instead of doing two meri­ torious things you only propose to do one. MoNDAY, July 31, 1882. Mr. ALLISON. That is all, because we cannot do two. I should be glad to appropriate $1,000,000 for light-houses; a great many of The House met at eleven o'clock a. m. Prayer by the Chaplain, them are needed ; but we must go along wi~h some sort of de~orw;n Rev. F. D. POWER. iu this business. The Senator from Georgia, [.Mr. BROWN,] rn his The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap­ tluiet, decorous way, asked me bow much thls bill was an increase proved. over the appropriation of last year. I know the significance of that MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. question. When my ft·iend ft·om :Florida. gets on the stump, after we A message from the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of its clerks, an­ finish up this bill, we shall be helcl up and gibbeted by the Senators nounced that that body disagreed to the amendments of the House ou the other side of the Chamber, notably by my friend from Indiana, to the bill (S. No. 1255) to provide for the sale of a part of the reser­ [Mr. VOORHEES.] for having largely increased these appropriations vation of the Omaha tribe of Indians in the State of Nebraska, and over last year. 'They will say, "Look at. the. economy and virtue for other purposes, and asked for a conference on the disa.greeing of the Democratic Congress and compare It with the extravagance votes of the two Houses, and had appointed Mr. SAUNDERS, ~1r. of this Republican Senate;" and thus we shall be held up. DAWES, and 1t1r. PEl'o.'DLETON as managers of said conference on its In order to keep these appropriations down to some reasonable part. sum-the bill is nearly $26,000,000 now-we are providing economi­ It also announced the passage of the following bills and joint reso­ cally for the necessary and essential works, and we are turning over lutions, without amendment: to next year or some reasonable future the things which can be got A bill (H. R. No. 6722) to regulate the carriage of passengers by along without. We have a right t.o ask our friends on the other side sea· of the Chamber to help us in this economy, insteafl of retarding us at A bill (H. R. No. 6677) to regulate immigration; every stacre and step, and then going out and charging us as Repub­ A bill (H. R. No. 4443) to amend sections 3 and 4 of the act of Feb­ licans with being extravagant in these appropriations. ruary 21, 1879, to fix the pay of letter-carriers, and for other pur­ Mr. VOORHEES. I am utterly amazed. I got up to make the poses; most comfortable motion that a man can make iu this body, and that A joint resolution (H. R. No. 274) to continue the provisions of a was to adjourn, and the Senator from Iowa drags me into this matter. joint re olution entitled "A joint resolution to provide temporarily 1\Ir. ALLISON. I withdraw my remarks. for the expenditures of the Government;" Mr. VOORHEES. Itistoo late; it muststand for aminute at any A joint resolution (H. R. No. 270) for the relief of Sarah J. S. rate. The Senator may search my record, whether it is long or short, Garnett, widow of Henry H. Garnett, late minister to Liberia; and conspicuous or the reverse, and he will never find where I attacked A joint resolution (H. R. No. 209) to authorize the President of the the liberal expenditure of public money for objects of this kind­ United States to call an international conference to fix on and rec­ never in the world. ommend for universal adoption a common prime meridian to be used I sympathize with the Senator from Michigan, and I have been in reckoning longitude and regulation of time throughout the world. voting with him, although as a rule I vote with the committee. But It further announced the passage of the following bills and joint I have been voting for the most liberal expenditures of money, and and concurrent resolutions, in which concurrence was requested: I do not expect to attack my own votes when I go before the people. A bill (S. No. 2151) to provide for the publication of the Tenth If I thought the Senator from Iowa could throw more light this Census· · evening on the subject I would be very glad to stay hE~re and bear it A bill (S. No. 1612) to provide for the closing of an alley in square rlone. ·we are discussing the question of light, but it seems to me 751 in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and for the the better mode would be to adjourn and take this question up to­ relief of the Little Sisters of the Poor; . morrow. "\Ve have been here a long time; it bas been a. hard day's A joint resolution (S. R. No. 74) for printing 5,000 copies of the work, a very full day's work. official report of the Atlanta cotton exposition; and :Mr. ALLISON. I bad hoped that we should be able to dispose of A concurrent resolution that there be printed 7,500 additional that part of the bill relative to light-houses this evening. I did not copies of the report of the Chief Signal Officer for the use of the intend to ask the Senate to stay very much after six o'clock. If it Signal Office. is possible I would rather finish the question of light-houses down HELEN f. SCHOLEFIELD. to ''the Coast and Geodetic Survey." Mr. VOORHEES. We can finish the bill to-morrow. I move that Mr. PRESCOTT. Mr. Speaker, I ask by unanimous consent to the Senate adjourn. take from the Speaker's table for present consideration Senate bill Mr. ALLISON. I ask the Senator from Indiana to yield to me a No. 249, for the relief of Helen M. Scholefield. A House bill of the moment that I may present a matter that I had forgotten. same kind bas been reported favorably. l\!r. VOORHEES. Certainlr. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of illinois. Mr. Speaker, I hope some rule will be adopted regar-:ling unanimous consent, so that all may have LEGISLATIVE, ETC., APPROPRIATIO~ BILL. an opportunity to ask for it. 1\fr. PRESCOTT. What does the gentleman suggest'f ::\Ir. ALLISON submitted the following conference report: Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. That the rule be that each mem­ The committee of conference on the disa!ITeeing votes of the two Houses on the ber in the order in which his name appears on the roll shall be per­ amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. :R. No. 6244) making appropriations for In the legislative executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the year mitted to ask for one unanimous consent. that way every mem­ ending June 30, 1883, and for other purposes, having met, after full and free con· ber will have an opportunity, and we will a void the ill-feeling growing ference have been unable to agree. up by reason of special recognitions. W . B. ALLISO:N, The SPEAKER. The Chair will be glad to have some rule adopted II. L. DAWES, H. G. DAVIS, in reference to the matter. Managers on the part of the Senate. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. Then I move, Mr. Speaker, that J. G. CANNON, the roll be called, and that each member, as his name is called, be FRANK HISUOCK, allowed to ask one unanimous consent. J.D. C. ATKINS, The SPEAKER. That can only be adopted by unanimous consent. Managers on the part of the H ouse. 1\Ir. O'NEILL. It will take four years to get through the roll. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on concurring in Mr. HOLMAN. I object. the report. Mr. PRESCOTT. I hope the gentleman will not object to my case. The report was concurred in. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. I think the gentleman had better Mr. ALLISON. I move that another committee be appointed, as wait until the States are called for the introduction of bills. req nested by the House. Mr. PRESCOTT. This is in reference to a poor widow and has The motion was agreed to. been reported favorably. The PRESIDENT p1·o ternpoTe having been, by unanin10us consent, The SPEAKER. Objection is made. authorized to appoint the conferees on the part of the Senate, Mr. PUBLIC BUILDING AT MONROE, LOUISIA.1 A.. ALLISON, .Mr. DAWES, and Mr. DAVIS of \Vest Virginia, were ap­ 1\fr. KING, by unanimous consent, was granted leave to print some pointed. remarks in the REcoRD in relation to a public building at Monroe, .:\IESSAGE FROM TilE HOUSE. Louisiana. [See Appendix.] A message from t.he House ofRepre~entatives, by Mr: :McPHER o ... , EXPLA.i.~ATIO~. its Clerk, announced that the Honse had passed the bill (S. No. 997) fr. HISCOCK. I am requested to announce that 1\Ir. McCooK for the relief of Ella. Carroll, formerly Ella Long. was paired on the river and harbor appropriation bill on Tuesday The message also announced that the House bad. passed the bill last, but by an oversight the pair was not announced. Mr.
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