
Laptops FOR DUMmIES‰ by Dan Gookin Laptops FOR DUMmIES‰ Laptops FOR DUMmIES‰ by Dan Gookin Laptops For Dummies® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permit- ted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. 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Library of Congress Control Number: 2004115690 ISBN: 0-7645-7555-4 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1B/RU/RS/QU/IN About the Author This is Dan Gookin’s 98th book on personal computers and technology. For over 20 years, Dan has been writing about technology, contributing articles to numerous high-tech magazines, and appearing on TV, radio, and other media. Dan combines his love of writing with his interest in technology to create books that are informative, entertaining, and yet not boring. Having sold more than 14 million titles translated into over 30 languages, Dan can attest that his method of crafting computer tomes does seem to work. Perhaps his most famous title is the original DOS For Dummies, published in 1991. It became the world’s fastest-selling computer book, at one time moving more copies per week than the New York Times #1 bestseller (though as a ref- erence, it could not be listed on the NYT Bestseller list). From that book spawned the entire line of For Dummies books, which remains a publishing phenomenon to this day. Dan’s most recent titles include PCs For Dummies, 9th Edition; Buying a Computer For Dummies, 2004 Edition; Troubleshooting Your PC For Dummies; Dan Gookin’s Naked Windows XP; and Power Office. He publishes a free weekly computer newsletter, the “Weekly Wambooli Salad,” full of tips, how- tos, and computer news. He also maintains the vast and helpful Web page, www.wambooli.com. Dan holds a degree in Communications/Visual Arts from the University of California, San Diego. Presently he lives in the Pacific Northwest, where he enjoys spending time with his four boys in the gentle woods of Idaho. Publisher’s Acknowledgments We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/. Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: Acquisitions, Editorial, and Composition Media Development Project Coordinator: Adrienne Martinez Project Editor: Paul Levesque Layout and Graphics: Andrea Dahl, Carl Byers, Acquisitions Editor: Greg Croy Lauren Goddard, Joyce Haughey, Copy Editor: Jean Rogers Stephanie D. Jumper, Jacque Roth, Heather Ryan, Julie Trippetti Technical Editor: Mark Chambers Proofreaders: Rob Springer, Editorial Manager: Kevin Kirschner Carl William Pierce, TECHBOOKS Media Development Manager: Production Services Laura VanWinkle Indexer: TECHBOOKS Production Services Media Development Supervisor: Richard Graves Editorial Assistant: Amanda Foxworth Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com) Publishing and Editorial for Technology Dummies Richard Swadley, Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Andy Cummings, Vice President and Publisher Mary Bednarek, Executive Acquisitions Director Mary C. Corder, Editorial Director Publishing for Consumer Dummies Diane Graves Steele, Vice President and Publisher Joyce Pepple, Acquisitions Director Composition Services Gerry Fahey, Vice President of Production Services Debbie Stailey, Director of Composition Services Contents at a Glance Introduction .................................................................1 Part I: Choosing a Laptop Just for You ...........................5 Chapter 1: Sometimes You Can Take It with You ...........................................................7 Chapter 2: Buying a Laptop Just for You ......................................................................21 Part II: I Have My Laptop, Now What? .......................33 Chapter 3: Out of the Box and into Your Lap ...............................................................35 Chapter 4: Laptop Goes On, Laptop Goes Off ..............................................................43 Chapter 5: Basic Laptop Hardware Tour ......................................................................65 Chapter 6: Windows and Your Laptop Software ..........................................................87 Chapter 7: Expanding Your Laptop’s Universe ..........................................................113 Chapter 8: Power Management Madness ...................................................................133 Part III: Between Your Laptop and the World .............147 Chapter 9: All That Networking Nonsense .................................................................149 Chapter 10: Laptop to Internet, Hello? .......................................................................169 Chapter 11: A Very Merry Modem ...............................................................................181 Chapter 12: Online Security .........................................................................................201 Chapter 13: Handy Web Browsing and E-Mail Tips ...................................................213 Chapter 14: The Desktop-Laptop Connection ...........................................................225 Part IV: On the Road Again ......................................239 Chapter 15: Before You Hit the Road ..........................................................................241 Chapter 16: The Road Warrior (Or Computing in the Strangest of Places) ...........251 Chapter 17: Laptop Security ........................................................................................257 Chapter 18: Giving a Presentation ...............................................................................269 Part V: Troubleshooting ............................................275 Chapter 19: Major Trouble and General Solutions ....................................................277 Chapter 20: Upgrading Your Laptop ...........................................................................289 Part VI: The Part of Tens ..........................................295 Chapter 21: Ten Battery Tips and Tricks ....................................................................297 Chapter 22: Ten Handy Laptop Accessories ..............................................................305 Chapter 23: Ten Things to Throw in Your Laptop Case ...........................................311 Index .......................................................................317 Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................1 About This Book ..............................................................................................1
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