A"$!+ &(Ŋ("Ŋ")! -l;u-v-m7"r;1|uo]u-r_v 37 princetoninstruments.com Envision the Universe with Princeton Instruments Who We Are What We Do Princeton Instruments not only helps astronomers Over the course of six decades, we’ve developed see more of the universe, we help you understand and perfected many vision-expanding technologies more of what you see. for astronomy. Our state-of-the-art cameras, spectrometers, optics, Deeper detector cooling, quicker device readout, and coatings are utilized at leading observatories higher spectral sensitivity over the UV-VIS-NIR- around the world, providing the most innovative SWIR range, back-thinned CMOS and CCD technologies to meet the very latest challenges. sensors, InGaAs focal plane arrays, and aberration- free spectrographs are just a few of our key Whether your work calls for slow-scan imaging that contributions. necessitates hours of integration or for time-resolved photometry that demands blazing fast frame rates, We provide both off-the-shelf and customized Princeton Instruments has the right solution! detectors and coatings for even the most sophisticated astronomical observations. Our innovations do not stop with hardware! Princeton Instruments offers the most comprehensive set of software tools available to the astronomy community. We make integration easy, regardless of installation size or application complexity. princetoninstruments.com 2 3 We Serve You Hundreds of Princeton Instruments cameras are being used by astronomers all over the world to enable varied and novel bm;vঞ]-ঞomvĺ!;1;m|-v|uomolb1-Ѵ7bv1o;ub;v_-;0;;m-v|om7bm]ķ -m7|_;r-1;o=7bv1o;ubvbm1u;-vbm]ĺ We understand the formidable technical requirements of today’s -v|uomol;uvķbm1Ѵ7bm]|_;m;;7|o1oѴѴ;1|ķv|ou;ķ-m7-m-Ѵ; ;moulov-lom|vo=7-|-ĺ ubm1;|ommv|ul;m|vruob7;v-1olrѴ;|;Ѵbm;ro=v1b;mঞC1Ŋ]u-7;1-l;u-vķ vr;1|uol;|;uvķ-m7vo[-u;=ouo0v;u-ঞomv=uol(&(|o")!Ĵ 3 princetoninstruments.com Princeton Instruments 7-m1;7"oѴঞomv=ouv|uomolb1-Ѵ Imaging and Spectroscopy From high-speed imaging to long exposures, ultraviolet to infrared, Princeton Instruments has you covered. Our cameras utilize the most advanced detector cooling technologies, which enable you to stare at the universe for hours, while our fast readout and high frame rates are perfect for time-resolved photometry and speckle imaging. Whatever your application, Princeton Instruments has the right solution! CCD CCD CCD PIXIS SOPHIA BLAZE 5 See page 35 for photo credits. Spectrometers IsoPlane SWIR NIRvana LN SWIR NIRvana BI-sCMOS KURO EMCCD ProEM-HS CCD PyLoN 5 ($ One way in which Princeton Instruments helps keep astronomers at the forefront of discovery is by continually introducing and improving detector and optical technologies. 2XUFRUHFDSDELOLWLHVHQFRPSDVVWKHGHVLJQDQGPDQXIDFWXUHRIVFLHQWL¿FJUDGH camera systems, spectrographs, software, optics, and coatings. Expertise gained through decades of experience allows us to offer technological innovations that are reliable as well as remarkable. princetoninstruments.com 6 7 Camera Sensors CCD Ŋv" ubm1;|ommv|ul;m|vo@;uv-v|uomol;uv-ml0;uo= b7;70|_;Ѵ-|;v|=-0ub1-ঞom|;1_moѴo]ķv1b;mঞC1" 7bvঞm1|v;mvouv=uol_b1_|o1_oov;ĺubl-u 1-l;u-vb|_0-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7v;mvouv7;Ѵb;uƖƔѷr;-h |r;vbm1Ѵ7;|_bmm;70-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7 v-m70-1hŊ t-m|l;L1b;m1-m7;uѴou;-7mobv;ķruob7bm]- bѴѴlbm-|;77;;rŊ7;rѴ;ঞom vĺuѴ-|;v|, Ѵ;]bঞl-|;-Ѵ|;um-ঞ;|o 1-l;u-v=ouঞl;Ŋu;voѴ;7 1-l;u-v=;-|u;ľvr;uŊ7;rѴ;|;7Ŀ0-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7 r_o|ol;|u-rrѴb1-ঞomvĺ v;mvouv=ouƕƔѷt-m|l;L1b;m1-|ƐƏƏƏmlĺ m-v")! -l;u-vb|_-mm-v=o1-ѴrѴ-m;-uu-Ő ő-u;-Ѵvo EMCCD Ѵ;1|uomŊlѴঞrѴbm] vb|_0-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7 --bѴ-0Ѵ;ĺm-vbv-Ŋ(1olrom7v;lb1om71|ou|_-| architectures are engineered to address the challenges of ruob7;v;1;ѴѴ;m|r_o|ov;mvbঞb|bm|_;m;-uŊbm=u-u;7ķou Ѵ|u-ŊѴoŊѴb]_|bl-]bm]-rrѴb1-ঞomv-|_b]_vr;;7b|_o| !ķ-m7|_;v_ou|-;Ŋbm=u-u;7ķou")!ķu;]bomvo=|_; |_;v;o=;|;um-Ѵbl-];bm|;mvbC;uvĺ$_;-u;1-r-0Ѵ;o= vr;1|ulĺ vbm]Ѵ;Ŋr_o|om7;|;1ঞomĺ Princeton Instruments has the broadest range of 7;|;1|ou|;1_moѴo]b;v=ou(&(Ŋ|oŊ")!bl-]bm] -m7vr;1|uov1orĺ ™ Advanced New ";v! $;1_moѴo] $_-mhv|ob|vmbt;0bŊ7bu;1ঞom-Ѵ1Ѵo1hbm]-0bѴb|ķ, o@;uv-m;";v!or;u-ঞm]lo7;=ouѴoŊѴb]_| -rrѴb1-ঞomvĺ)b|_";v!ķb|bvmorovvb0Ѵ;|ou-rb7Ѵv_b[|_;1_-u];Őbĺ;ĺķvb]m-Ѵőom|_; b|_o|u;-7bm]o| the data. 1. 8VLQJD¿EHURUPDVNWKHFHQWHUURZVRISL[HOVDUHH[SRVHGOH1. Using a ber or mask, the center rows of DYLQJWKHUHVWRI the CCD dark.pixels Spectral are exposed, data leaving is collected the rest for of theSample CCD (S1), which is then shifted Sample (S1) Sample (S1)up on the CCDdark. Spectraland held data in positionis collected without for Sample reading (S1), out the data. which is then shifted up on the CCD and held in position without reading out the data. 2. A second exposure2. A second is exposure then taken is then as takenReference as (R1) and then the Sample and Sample (S1) Sample (S1)Reference Reference“signals” (R1)are andshifted then down the Sample on the and CCD. Reference (R1) Reference (R1) Reference “signals” are shifted down on the CCD. 3. Sample (S1)3. Sample is re-exposed (S1) is re-exposed and shifted and up.shifted up. Sample (S1 + S2) Sample (S1+S2) Reference (R1) Reference (R1) 4. Reference4. (R1) Reference is re-exposed (S1) is re-exposed and the and process the process is repeated, alternating sample- Sample (S1 + S2) Sample (S1+S2)reference exposuresis repeated, –alternating S1, R1, S2,sample-reference R2, S3, R3, Sn, Rn, etc. – until the desired Reference (R1 + R2) Referenceaccumulations (R1+R2) exposures; are achieved. S1, R1, S2, R2, S3, R3, Sn, Rn, etc., until the desired accummulations are achieved. 5. Sample spectral5. Sample data spectral is accumulated data is accummulated as S1+S2+S3+Sn while reference data is accumulatedas S1+S2+S3+Sn as R1+R2+R3+Rn. while reference Accumulated data is sample and reference data is then read outaccummulated for processing. as R1+R2+R3+Rn. Accummulated sample and reference data is then read out for processing. 7 princetoninstruments.com Patented eXcelon®$;1_moѴo] -|;m|;7;*1;Ѵom|;1_moѴo]=ou v-m7 vķ developed by Princeton Instruments and based on either ® v|-m7-u7|_bmm;70-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7ouv|-m7-u70-1hŊ bѴѴlbm-|;77;;rŊ7;rѴ;ঞom-u1_b|;1|u;vķruob7;v|o vb]mbC1-m|-7-m|-];vĹ Ź b]_;uv;mvbঞb|-1uovv0uo-7;u-;Ѵ;m]|_u-m];|_-m v|-m7-u7|_bmm;70-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7 v-m7v|-m7-u7 0-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;77;;rŊ7;rѴ;ঞom v Ź o;u;|-Ѵombm]=ou;*1;Ѵom|_bmm;70-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7 CCDs (and etaloning almost eliminated for eXcelon 0-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;77;;rŊ7;rѴ;ঞom vő 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 Distance (Pixel) Standard Thinned Back-Illuminated CCD eXcelon Back-Illuminated CCD Improvement in etaloning in eXcelon back-illuminated CCD cameras (right) over standard thinned back-illuminated CCD cameras (left). 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% ciency Effi 50% 40% Quantum 30% 20% 10% 0% 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 Wavelength (nm) Thinned Back-Illuminated CCD with eXcelon Back-Illuminated Deep-Depleǎon CCD with eXcelon Standard Thinned Back-Illuminated CCD Standard Back-Illuminated Deep-Depleǎon CCD With opǎonal UV coaǎng Front-Illuminated CCD princetoninstruments.com 8 9 uorub;|-uu1$;1™ooѴbm]$;1_moѴo] $_;lov|-7-m1;7|_;ulo;Ѵ;1|ub11ooѴbm]|;1_moѴo]--bѴ-0Ѵ;=ouv1b;mঞC1Ŋ]u-7;1-l;u-vķubm1;|om mv|ul;m|vu1$;1v;v1v|olŊ7;vb]m;7;Ѵঞ;u7;b1;vķ-7-m1;7lѴঞŊv|-];|_;ulo;Ѵ;1|ub11ooѴbm]ķ -m7r;ul-m;m|-ѴѴŊl;|-Ѵ&(v;-Ѵv|o-1_b;;mru;1;7;m|;7ķ1om7;mv-ঞomŊ=u;;TRUE -100°C sensor 1ooѴbm]b|_o|Ѵbtb7mb|uo];mĺ ArcTec design advantages: ŹUltra ;L1b;m| Heat Transfer heat exchanger Ź rঞomv-u;--bѴ-0Ѵ;|_-| Ź m-ѴѴŊl;|-Ѵķ _;ul;ঞ1-ѴѴv;-Ѵ;7 cool with air only, liquid vacuum design that is onlyŐ=oub0u-ঞomŊv;mvbঞ; guaranteed for life! -m7|_;ul-ѴѴv;mvbঞ; ;mbuoml;m|vőķ or both. + !-m- InGaAs cameras as ;ѴѴ-v"-m7, Ѵ-u];Ŋ=oul-| 1-l;u-v =;-|u;ou-7-m1;7u1$;11ooѴbm]ĺ 9 princetoninstruments.com b]_| b;Ѵ7® "o[-u; &v;7bm1om1;u|b|_oul-m--u7Ŋbmmbm]bl-]bm]-m7vr;1|uov1orbmv|ul;m|vķubm1;|om mv|ul;m|vb]_| b;Ѵ7bv|_;m;0;m1_l-uh=ouv1b;m|b=b1vo=|-u;Ĺ ŹComplete control of Princeton Instruments cameras and spectrometers Źo;u=ѴѵƓŊ0b|vo[-u;r-1h-];bm1Ѵ7;vb1uovo[® ŹbѴ|Ŋbml-|_;m]bm;=ouu;-ѴŊঞl;7-|--m-Ѵvbv Windows®ƐƏvrrou| Źm|;]u-|;7-0( )®Ő-ঞom-Ѵmv|ul;m|vőķ$® Ź Supports Princeton Instruments IntelliCal® wavelength Ő-|_)ouhvőķ-m7|_om®Ő ő-|ol-ঞomvrrou| -m7bm|;mvb|vr;1|u-Ѵ1-Ѵb0u-ঞom Ź"m1_uomb;7b;-ѴѴovtb1h1olr-ubvom|o|_;v-l; Ź ;r;m7-0Ѵ;7-|-bm|;]ub|b--|ol-ঞ1v-bm]|o7bvh region or peak in two or more datasets -m7u;|;mঞomo=0o|_u--m71ouu;1|;77-|- Ź)ouhvv;-lѴ;vvѴbmlѴঞŊv;u=-1bѴbঞ;v0u;l;l0;ubm] Ź rou|v|oou=-oub|;CѴ;=oul-|vķbm1Ѵ7bm] $" ;-1_v;uĽv_-u7-u;-m7vo[-u;1omC]u-ঞomv princetoninstruments.com 10 11 +ouv|uomol 1ovv|;lĹ olrѴ;|;m|;]u-ঞom bѴ|om7;1-7;vo=;r;ub;m1;v;ubm]|_;-v|uomol1ollmb|ķubm1;|ommv|ul;m|v_-v 7;;Ѵor;7om;o=|_;lov|1olru;_;mvb;vo[-u;-m7_-u7-u;;1ovv|;lvĺ !;v|-vvu;7ķ_;|_;ub|Ľv-ruof;1|bmoѴbm]-vbm]Ѵ;1-l;u-ou-1olrѴ;vv|;lbmoѴbm]lѴঞrѴ; |;Ѵ;v1or;vņ1-l;u-vņvr;1|uo]u-r_vķubm1;|ommv|ul;m|vruob7;v|ooѴvu;-7|ovr;;7r|_;ouhĺ PICam:$_;-lѵƓŊ0b|" Maxim DL™:-bl Ő b@u-1ঞom is included for free with all blb|;7ővrrou|bvruob7;7 Princeton Instruments through the ASCOM driver _-u7-u;ĺ LabVIEW/ Linux®: bm|;u=-1;ĺ PICam is also MATLAB/ SDK If you 1olr-ঞ0Ѵ;b|_ ASCOM: Python: v;-0( )ķ or;mŊvou1;bm Astronomy $ķou 7bv|ub0ঞomvĺ Common 0f;1|o7;Ѵ |_omķb]_| b;Ѵ7 Ő"ő l-h;vbm|;]u-ঞom;-vķ compliant drivers allowing you to command are available for easy |_;vo[-u;7bu;1|Ѵ=uol bm|;]u-ঞomĺ _b1_;;uruo]u-loru;=;uĺ 11 princetoninstruments.com "( !+ Our partnership with the astronomy 1ollmb|_-v;m-0Ѵ;7vol;-l-bm] discoveries… princetoninstruments.com 12 13 -l;u-v|olb-ঞom ;1-7;vo=|;1_mb1-Ѵ;r;uঞv;-m7-rrѴb1-ঞom;r;ub;m1;-ѴѴov|o|-bѴou|_;r;u=oul-m1;o= ouv|-m7-u7orঞ1-Ѵ7;|;1ঞomvv|;lv|ol;;|ouvr;1bC1m;;7vĺ b]u;Ɛv_ov-ƓĿ7b-l;|;u-ѴѴŊvhlѴঞvr;1|u-Ѵbl-];u0;o"1b;mঞC1|7ĺb]_v;mvbঞb| -m71ouu;vrom7bm]Ѵ_b]_ѴoŊѴb]_|ŊѴ;;Ѵvr-ঞ-Ѵu;voѴঞomŌѴ;vv|_-m-hbѴol;|;u-|ƐƏƏhl -Ѵঞ|7;Ō-u;-1_b;;70vbm]-=-v|=ņƐĺƑorঞ1-Ѵvv|;l0;o"1b;mঞC1-m7-1v|olb;7 ;uvbomo=ou*"ĹƑƏƓѶv1b;mঞC1Ŋ]u-7;ķ0-1hŊbѴѴlbm-|;7 7;|;1|ouĺ$_;7;vb]m bm1ourou-|;v-C;Ѵ7Y-;mbm]rѴ-moŊ1om;Ѵ;mvbmrѴ-1;o=-v|-m7-u7Y-|bm7oĺ );-Ѵvoo@;u 1v|olb;71o-ঞm]vķ lbuuouvķorঞ1-ѴCѴ|;uvķ -m7orঞ1-Ѵ-vv;l0Ѵb;vĺ Figure 1.
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