mecocks -- PAGE 8 Free HIV testing: Nursing Center Clinic Call 782-5432 for the next test Testing will be done by a representative of the Ala Dept. of Public Health. Student Health Services is providing Flu Shots to JSU staff and students for $10 Mondays and Wednesdays, 1 30 - 4 30 p.m , Fndays, 8 30 - 11 15 am JSU Jazz Ensembles CD "Noteworthy" is on sale from Dr Chns Culver, trom- bone, In 203 Mason Hall, 782-5883 CDs are $15 each JSU Marching Southerners releases the 1997-98 CD this month. CDs are $15 each Call Ken Bodiford, Director of Bands, 304 Mason Hall, 782-5562 Student TV station begins this month. Volunteers call Lloyd Dobyns at 782-5230. The Spirit Competition is still going. One point per person in your group attend- ing SGA or JSU-sponsored events Come out and show your spint SGA Director of Publicity now taking applications for the 1999-2000 Dlrector of Publicity Requirements Sophomore or higher standing with 2.3 GPA or better. Deadline to apply is March 18,4:30 p.m at the SGA offices the 4th floor of TMB. SGA Golden Apple Award: The SGA is rewarding those professors that contribute highly to JSU in many ways. To normnate your favonte professor, stop by the SGA office to pick up an application form If you'd like to volunteer for the selection com- operung reception, Tuesday, March 2,7 p.m. m the Gallery. hls work and the 'Wycross Press Collaborahons," Wednes more infortnabon, call Steve bucks at 782-5708 or Charle The Center for Cultural Arts in Gadsden features the talent of JSU student Mano Gallardo through March 30 Areception will be Tuesday, March 9 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. For more information contact Heather fickles at 543-2787. International Soccer Exhibition at Dillon Field, Sunday, March 7, at 1 p m. Heritage Exposition at the Anders Roundhouse at 5 p.m. Come see other cultures. International Cinema: "Out of Africa," March 9, l lth floor, Library, 7 p.m. SGA elections, March 9-10, on the 4th floor of TMB from 9 a.m.--4 p.m. Slxt applicants for 35 spots come and vote your favonte ACE Seminars (213 Stphenson Hall): Assertiveness Training--Tuesday, Marc International Wee Attention: Lost THE CHANTICLEER March 4, 1999 Page 3 get tested and treated for breast cancer interested in Arbor Day and Bv Wendy Laminack Referring to Laughlin's commonly By Amy Phillips and Matt Wiram was provided by the News Writer asked question of why she chose Calhoun County Breast Cancer Awareness as her plat- Cooperative Extension "h Alabama alone, there are 600 form, "I think people are interested in What would campus be like Service. According to women who die of breast cancer every knowing a personal story." without trees to both beautify David West, the treeture year," said Miss JSU Amanda "It could happen to anybody," said and % makes sure the trees spread Laughlin, at Monday night's SGA Laughlin, who said one in nine women where would students go to their pollen so that seeds meeting. will have breast cancer in her lifetime. escape the heat of rooms can be made to help trees It's a common problem for women in "If I can get one woman to prevent a of breast cancer with faulty air conditioning? grow. early detection or Helping ensure that trees will "Arbor Day is different women in general be around to provide these from other holidays ease. perform monthly things for future generations because it focuses on the the National Arbor future instead of the past," ular mamm0- Foundation. It sets aside a said Charles Glazner of the then ''I1 know cia1 week each year devote Jacksonville/Calhoun the planting of new trees. County Beautification to ask wives, to the Day Board. Glazner also wants Approximately534,000 cases of breast daughters, mothers, sisters, cousins and pamphlet provided by the woods to the Alabama state tree, the people to become more aware of the cancer are diagnosed every year in the any other women they are close to Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Longleaf Pine. beatification board and that the United States. about breast cancer, and make them Department, Alabama celebrates The Calhoun County Beautification board gives out awards to businesses "Each year, 44,000 women die of aware of the problem. Arbor Day during the last full week Board was in charge of putting on and land owners for their beautifica- breast cancer," to think that seeing a of February to coincide with the best the tree giveaway, and the city of tion efforts. who also says people need to become regularly will prevent breast cancer, tree planting weather. Jacksonville offered the square and If anyone is interested in learning Laughlin said. But it's usually found more educated on the subject. more about the beautification board, Laughlin3schoice of for the by themselves or by their husbands, Last Monday afternoon many orga- supplied all the fliers and tables. Miss Alabama Pageant is personal. and not found by a doctor. nizations helped to kick off Arb-or Girl Scout troops 41 1, 150 and 151 the board meets the first Monday of %s past summer, Laughlin's mother ~t is vital to know how to prevent Day week on the square by giving provided many volunteers. The girls every month in the office of the found a lump in her breast. The test breast cancer, said Laughlin. The best away a variety of trees, posters, and earned a patch and certificate for Calhoun County Cooperative results revealed the lump was not can- way is to become familiar with your pamphlets. All twelve cases of trees their efforts. _ Extension System. For more infor- cereus, but it made her realize a mem- body and be mare of any changes, in were donated by the Alabama A "treeture," who resembles a mation contact David West at 237- her be diag- fmding breast cancer in the Forrest Commission: seven different squirrel, was on hand to get the kids 1621. nosed with breast cancer. early stages, so it can be cured. ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT , JS RIGHT FOR YOU... ( JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY I I usDon't waste your tuition dollars on classes you don't need. I I IW Schedule an appointment to see your academic advisor. I uw Academic Advisement can: I 1111* Put you on the right career track I * Help you choose courses required for your major I * Provide personalized guidance I I ill* Provide advice/counseling when problems arise I 1 IW Schedule an appointment for academic advisement and pre~ I registration for May, Summer & Fall Terms is March 10.19. Declared maiors contact the department of your major 256-782JSUl. Undecided maiors contact: Department of Learning Services -OR- Military Science Basement, Houston Cole Library Rswe Hall 256-782-5570 256-782-5601 making their mark on the future canvas of modem millennium music. When you have a Previously known as Cradle of coattail like Kom Thoms, the band, in between runs to to ride upon I say, the studio, opened for bands like ride on. Just watch Social Distortion, Offspring and Sugar and don't ride too Ray. Around the same era they decid- high. ed to drop Cradle of Thoms for a more Videodrone, a Bakersfield, contemp6rary Videodrone. California-based quintet recently Videodrone is five guys who have signed their self-titled debut album to grown up together and are releasing Kom's label ElernentreeReprise. music that is fueled by aggression and In the works as a band since 1988, intensity. A great CD to spin and let off Videodrone has managed to cut their a little steam. decade of hard work and experience to Currently touring with Kom and now Lunch good use on this eleven track CD. solo Rob Zombie, Videodrone is well There is a great force behind worth checking out for any metal head. Videodrone and they are definitely by Dave Mathews s specials- mm--11-~=-1-11111--II--I-I- Domino 1 1 a.m. 4 p.m. get lost within the music and become a bit mundane and whined, whined poet- JACKSONVILLE LOCATION ONLY Band leader ry nonetheless from a man who never 1 rllllllll Doug Martsch has aspired to be in style, and gets away 0 finally solidified with it. Built to Spill's BTS will musically take you on a rmwii-=I ; MEDIUM 1[-=rjiim-l +@ line-up. The trio ride, a ride that may be interrupted under Martsch's from time to time by some indescrib- command has released its fourth able force telling you most of it has I 1 TOPPING II 1 TOPPIIIG I; 1 TOPPING I id album, "Keep It Like a Secret". been done, way too much. Born out of Boise, Idaho, Martsch The jams will keep your attention but left his temporary home Seattle when every song may not. Seattle became hot, showing his disin- BTS is a righteous band for the right terest in the whole music scene. follower. Most require more from Martsch wanted long drawn-out guitar their music. You may be that person, solos when guitar solos were out. or you may not. Nothing ground Long jams wail from "Keep It Like a breaking. I I Credit Secret," however the vocals seem to by Dave Mathews I EXPIRES: 3125199 1 1 EXPIRES: 3/25/99 1 1 EXPIRES: 3/25/99 1 Cards! 1--1111-111111111-1 LII~~IIIIJ LIIIIIIIIA LIIIIIIIIA playing at Food World, for your shop- Valid at participating stores only.
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