7 7 z £ Cadiz ^Printed with Soy Ink] The Hometown Newspaper for Trigg Cr>; ^ Wednesday, January 6,1993 Cadiz, Kentuc Volume 112, No. 1 • 50 cents Trigg County grand jury returns indictm ents The Trigg County grand jury In a separate case, Kendall According to Kentucky State returned indictments on two men Fitzgerald Wilson, 25, of Police reports, the accident on Dec. 30 in Circuit Court. Hopkinsville was charged involving the Lights and Brown Steven D. Brown, 22, of with first-degree rape, first- occurred when Brown, who was Hopkinsville, was charged degree robbery, first-degree eastbound on U.S. 68, dropped with two counts of murder and burglary, two counts of second- off the shoulder, attempted to two counts of first-degree degree burglary, and second- come back on the highway but assault in connection with an degree persistent felony oversteered his pickup truck Oct. 7 auto accident that killed offender stemming from the and hit the Light vehicle Roger Keith Light, his wife rape and robbery of a 90-year- head-on. Brenda Louise Light, and old Cadiz woman on Dec. 26. Roger Light, driver of the seriously injuried their Wilson, who was arrested car, was pronounced dead at the children, Dustin Keith and later during the night of Dec. scene. Brenda Light was LeAmber Shea Light. 26, is being held in Trigg County pronounced dead on arrvival at A warrant was issued for Jail under $100,000 cash bond. Trigg County Hospital. The Brown's arrest. Brown was Pre-trial conferences in both Light children, Brown, and arrested later in the day on cases were scheduled for Jan. 14. Jeffrey M. Burnham, 19, of Dec. 30 and lodged in Trigg Commonwealth Attorney G. Hopkinsville, a passenger in County Jail. Circuit Judge Bill L. Ovey said he anticipates Brown's truck, all were Cunningham set a cash bond of that trials in both cases will be hospitalized for serious $100,000. scheduled in April. injuries. ► Board members take oath; table action on testing policy DAVID B. SNOW (Kentucky Education Reform several professionals to Record Education Editor_______ Act) part of the test," said demonstrate their skills and schools superintendent Jim discuss tire need for education. The Trigg County Board of Wallace, who supported •The board heard Jim Ed­ Education meeting began Mon­ adopting the policy. wards, facilities and programs day night with the swearing in •Davis was selected to serve coordinator, who discussed the of new members Mike Davis as the school board's represen­ projects completed and those to and Charles Terrell by county tative to the Trigg County Lo­ be taken up soon. judge executive Zelner Cossey. cal Planning Committee, which Among those projects com­ Davis and Terrell were consists of 14 parents, instruc­ pleted were the fencing in of elected from Districts 5 and 3, tors and others involved in the Family Resource Center's respectively, in the Nov. 3 Trigg County schools. back yard, the draining and election. cleaning o f the drainage ditch Incumbent board members The planning committee will next to the football field, pro­ Cyndi Mize leads Monique, a 10-month-old Arabian, at her River Bluff Arabians farm in Trigg County, Elizabeth Anderson and George hold an organizational meeting viding central heat and air where she and her husband, Bill, breed purebred Arabian horses. For an inside look at the Mizes and "Skip" Howe were re-elected in on Jan. 14 at 6:30 p.m. conditioning to the adult their business, see the featured story on Page 5. November. The focus of the planning education building, placing a The new board members committee is to do an in-depth sliding gate next to the voca­ officially began their terms at study of the educational pro­ tional education building and midnight Tuesday morning. gram "to arrive at a detailed putting in lighted steps in a Arrests, accident reported ,In other action taken at the plan on the direction we need to parking lot. The Trigg County Sheriff's Moore allegedly went to the served by bench warrants from board meeting Monday night: go over the next five to 10 Among the projects to be Dept, made several arrests this residence of Charles Young of Trigg and Hopkins counties. •The board tabled approval years,” said Wallace. taken on is the handling of week — some originating from Berkley Road in Cadiz. Both warrants were served for of the second reading of the "It's a way of raising a blood pathogens, which will be bench warrants from other Moore, who had been dating Trigg County Schools Testing failure to pay fine and costs. facility plan under KERA,” instructed to bus drivers on Jan. counties — and reported one ac­ Young's daughter, was alleged Policy until the next board The bond for the Hopkins Wallace said, and he added 29. A set of policies and a cident. to have gone up on the house meeting, scheduled for Jan. 18. County warrant was set at that "this will be a working handbook on the handling of Trigg County sheriff's of­ and tried to wake young's Uncertainties about the $584.14, and the bond for the committee, not an advisory blood pathogens will be re­ ficials arrested Joshua Samuel daughter up. She woke her fa­ method of testing brought on Trigg County warrant was set at committee." leased soon, Edwards said. Moore, 18, of Canton Heights in ther and pressed charges the motion to table the second $400. •The board approved the Other future projects include Cadiz on Dec. 30 on charges of against Moore. reading, which would make Nicholson was arrested at participation in Partnership in renovations to the Family Re­ alcoholic intoxication, third- Other arrests made by Trigg the policy the official policy of the Cadiz city limits Monday Education with the Tennessee source Center, a facilities degree criminal trespass and County sheriff's officials this the school board. at 8 a.m., and was lodged in the Valley Authority and the Land possession of drug parapherna­ week included: "The law mandates that we Please see Board Please see Arres's Between the Lakes, in which lia . •Gary Dwain Nicholson, 28, gear up for the KERA cont. on page 3 those bodies would volunteer At about 2:34 a.m. on Dec. 30, of Jefferson Street in Cadiz cont. on page 16 Local jailer announces candidacy for re-election News highlights of the past year Tony Holland has announced The Cadiz Record brought its City Council awarded D&D Congressman, beating out August his candidacy for re-election as readers a great deal of news in the Sanitation bid. Carroll Hubbard. Gov. Brereton Jones visited Trigg County jailer. 1992. These are some of the George Radford stepped down Jeff Green was re-elected to Trigg County. He was greeted Holland, 38, of Cadiz has highlights from the past 12 as TCHS basketball coach. the Kentucky Senate. by several people at Sumner's months: served as jailer since July 1985. Trigg County School Board July South Road Market. took steps to appoint Jim He filed his papers on Jan. 4. January Trigg Countians saluted the The Cadiz City Council voted "It have found it challenging Pat King was named citizen Wallace as superintendant. Fourth of July with fireworks to upgrade the city's water to continually meet the re­ of the year. April and activities at both the treatment plant. quirements that the state Well-known Trigg County Trigg Countians Rev. Jimmie Cadiz-Trigg County Recreation Newly-named Trigg County placed on small jails," farmer and prominent cat­ Gibbs and Fred S. Tramel, also Complex and Lake Barkley High School Principal Ed Pos- Holland. known as Freddy the Clown, tleman Cecil Allen, died Jan. 8. State Resort Park. tel was introduced to the The Trigg County Jail has a died. Bill Cunningham took office Lake Barkley State Resort school board. capacity for 22 inmates. John Rufli was appointed as Circuit Court Judge of the Park was named one of the na­ The Calendonia community Before serving the county as head of Lake Barkley. 56th District. tion's best state parks by Money received a dry hydrant system jailer, Holland was a correc­ David Shore was named Billy Hart was named magazine. The resort was sin­ designed to make fire fighting tions officer at the state peni­ fireman of the year. deputy to Mark Lovely. gled out for offering family- easier. tentiary in Eddyville and an Trigg County Hospital board Rotary Auction broke records friendly facilities, high-qual­ September emergency medical technician with 23,000. named Ramey Cunningham as ity activities, and natural First district congressional with the Trigg County Ambu­ Tony Holland hospital administrator. Mike Wright was named beauty and scenery. hopefuls Tom Barlow, Steve lance Service. have two children, Lindsey, 8, February TCHS boys basketball coach. The second phase of the Trigg Hamrick and Marvin Seat par­ Holland and his wife, Pat, and Matthew, 7. WKDZ hired Jimmy Burks as Trigg County Hospital cel­ County Courthouse courtroom ticipated debated in a public the new general manager. ebrated 40 years. renovation was announced. Bids forum. Kentucky Bicentennial May were taken for replacement of Trigg Countians mourned the Commission announced that The Commonwealth cele­ windows and roof repairs. death of William Roy McDon­ Bryan E. Wright was named brated its 200th birthday Several secondary roads in ald, first principal of Trigg commission communication The Validictorian was Leah Trigg County were cited for im­ County High School. officer. Fuller and Edye Fourshee was provements as part of the 1992- Results from a new Kentucky Peggy Say was honored in the the Salutatorian for the class 93 Rural Secondary Program.
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