KiloWattKiloWatt HarmonicsHarmonics <www.w3kwh.com> THE OFFICIAL HOUSE ORGAN OF October 2011 W3KWH: THE STEEL CITY AMATEUR Issue #10 RADIO CLUB, PITTSBURGH, PA. Price: FREE! OFFICER Inside this issue: ELECTIONS THIS Club/Officer Info & Table of Contents: 2 MONTH! SEE PAGES 3 & 4 FOR MORE Business Meeting Minutes: 3 INFORMATION. National News: 5 DX News: 6 HAPPY Local Events/News: 7 HALLOWEEN! Our next meeting date: October 18, 8PM. Come for the meeting, stay for the fine dining and friendly socializing afterwards. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Steel City A.R.C. KiloWatt Harmonics Officers of The Steel City Amateur Radio Club: October 2011 President: Robert Lenfestey, WB3HDI (412)-276-5106 ©2011, The Steel City Amateur Radio Club (SCARC) <[email protected]> Editor: Greg Babin, NB3C: <[email protected]> Vice President: Joe Fenn, WB3AGB (412) 429-9328 ‘KiloWatt Harmonics’ is published monthly for the members <[email protected]> of the Steel City Amateur Radio Club. Treasurer: Walt Adkins, KA3YNO All newsletter contributions are welcome at: (412) 276-0825 <[email protected]> Recording Secretary: Joe Mielnicki, WA3FWA Past issues are available at: <www.w3kwh.com> (412) 922-6340 Reprints/quotes permitted provided credit is given to Corresponding Secretary: Sue Rakiecz, KA3JKS original author and the Steel City Amateur Radio Club. (412) 243-3061 SCARC is a not-for-profit organization as defined under IRS License Trustee: Karl Pastorak, WA3VXJ Rules & Regulations section 501(C)(3). (412) 429-8055 SCARC is an ARRL-affiliated organization. Membership is open to all licensed amateurs & interested persons in the Pittsburgh & metropolitan area. The opinions expressed in KiloWatt Harmonics are not necessarily those of the club, its members, or its Officers. The Steel City Amateur Radio Club (412) 787-0777 2M Repeater: 147.030/147.630MHz (123.0) 70cm Repeater: 444.450/449.450MHz (103.5) WA3TTS Beacon: 144.300MHz (CW) Table of Contents: WA3TTS Beacon: 50.070MHz (CW) WA3TTS Beacon: 1296.269MHz (CW) (See page 7) Youth Rate Proposal…...4 Public Service: Pgh. Great Race…...8 FRONT COVER: An old QSL card from the 1930s I found. PA. QSO Party the N3ZK Way…...9 Appropriate for Halloween, don’t you think? CW from Beyond?......11 BACK COVER: A new HF antenna on the back of my A Tribute to N3ZEL…...11 (very dirty) pickup truck. Malpelo Is. DXpedition Update…...14 features: QCWA Chapter 6 Meeting Report…...15 The Business Meeting is held every third Tuesday of the month @8:00PM. ARRL Atlantic Division Director: VOTE!......16 A Social Night is held every Wednesday night, except for the week of the Public Service: Western Pa. SET…...17 Business Meeting. All Amateurs are welcome to attend. Come join the club! SCARC Needs Your Help…...20 E-Mail an Officer (or Ye Olde Editor) for details. An application is enclosed WACOM Hamfest Flyer…...22 in this newsletter. Business Meeting Minutes…...3 Thanks to the following for your contributions this The Ed Sez…...4 month: ARRL, 425 DX News, Ohio/Penn. DX National News Briefs…...5 Bulletin, CQ Magazine, WA3FWA, W3SVJ, WB3CRC, News from the DX World…...6 KT3L, N3SBF/KB3GMN, K3TUF, W3WN/N3ZK, N3LLR, Local & Repeating Events/Club Roster……7 K3RYA, N3MSE, WB3AGB. QSL Via……13 Propagation Report…...18 ARRL W. Pa. Section News…...19 NEXT ARTICLE DEADLINE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 5:00PM ARRL Atlantic Division News…...20 PUBLICATION DATE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 11:00PM Oct-Nov-Dec Calendar…...21 departments: Membership Application…...23 Please keep me in the loop on local events, ESPECIALLY Public Service events. Remember: Just because you know what’s going on doesn’t mean I know what’s going on. October 2011 2 KiloWatt Harmonics The Steel City A.R.C. The meeng was conducted by the President Bob, WB3HDI at 8 PM with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a Sept. 2011 Meeting Minutes: Business Moment of Silence for our Silent Keys. There were 22 members and 1 guest answering the roll call. The minutes of the August meeng were accepted as published in the September newsleer. The Treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer KA3YNO, Walt and was accepted by the membership. Committee Reports: Clubhouse: WB3HDI Bob discussed the change in the ARRL equipment insurance carrier. WA3VXJ Karl cut the grass. W3SVJ Nate and KA3YNO Walt painted the shed. WA3RVD Mel and WB3HDI Bob retrenched for the cables out to Ten‐Hut. WA3VXJ Karl and K3JHT John are working the kitchen for tonight’s grub. Technical: The 80 meter antenna is unreliable. The 40‐meter antenna will be fixed for the PA QSO Party. WA3VXJ Karl said that the TS‐950 is not working properly again. K3LAB Doug suggested that the TS‐950 operang posion be swapped with a more reliable radio. Need new coax for some of the buried coax. Contest: 6 ops worked the September VHF/UHF contest yielding 63 QSOs. The PA QSO Party will run on October 8 & 9. AD3Q Bob has ops lined up and funds allocated for this event. Membership: NB3C Greg proposes the dues for a new Youth, and exisng Family and DX to be all the same. This may require a constuon change. Stew pointed out that constuonal changes are very complicated; for one, we would have to deal with the state. Refer this to Ways and Means. Ian Stewart (no call yet) was accepted into the membership. Welcome! Everyone on record received the club newsleer. Nominaons for Officers for 2012 were opened. The nominaons for 2012 officers are as follows: Corresponding Secretary‐ KA3JKS Sue, Recording Secretary‐WA3FWA Joe, Treasurer‐KA3YNO Walt, Vice President‐WB3AGB Joe, President‐WB3HDI Bob and WA3BKD Art. Nominaons will also be accepted at the October Business Meeng. Public Service: KA3MSE Lloyd said the SET drill would occur on Oct. 1st at 9 AM to 12 noon. SCARC was asked to be a relay staon. Ways and Means: WA3FWA Joe will collect any outgoing QSL cards for the buro and run a 50/50 raffle aer the meeng. PC/Web: WA3VXJ Karl reset the router. Volunteer Exams: AD3Q Bob listed N3EQP John, WA3RVD Mel, N3LAB Doug, N3BSF Richie, KJ3D Jim and himself as qualified to administer exams. The exams will be given the 1st Tues. in April, July and Oct. They will also do walk‐ins. Old Business: N3EQP John wants us to give suggesons for library books. NB3C Greg suggested the new ARRL Handbook and the ARRL Antenna book. (Hardcover versions.) Good of the Order: AK3J Stew said that the Somerset County ARC is the PA QSO Party bonus staon. He needs CW ops for that club. WA3FWA Joe displayed an ARRL cerficate for the club’s placement in the Sept. 2010 VHF contest. NB3C Greg said that the Great Race takes place Sept. 25th. W3WTW Tim said that the ½ Marathon took place during the VHF contest. Mel described antenna problems with his neighbors. N3SBF Richie said that the Monessen Hamfest would be held on Oct.9th. Moon to Adjourn: by KA3MSE Lloyd. NOMINATIONS FOR CLUB 50/50 raffle: won by Chuck N3UUZ. OFFICERS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2012 ARE NOW OPEN. IF YOU OR Minutes submied by WA3FWA Joe. SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS INTERESTED IN RUNNING, SHOOT AN E-MAIL TO GREG, NB3C AT: NEXT MEETING: <[email protected]>. YOU CAN OCTOBER 18, 8PM. ALSO SHOW UP AT THE OCTOBER NOVEMBER’S BUSINESS MEETING AND MEETING WILL BE NOMINATE THEM THERE. HELD ON WE WILL VOTE THIS MONTH! NOVEMBER 15. HOPE TO CU THERE! 3 October 2011 The Steel City A.R.C. KiloWatt Harmonics Many thanks to those who came out and participated in the ARRL September VHF QSO Party. Here are the end results: Our youth rate Total QSO count: 63 Total points: 81 discussion Total mults: 37 The Ed Final score: 2997 continues this 6M QSO count: 23 2M QSO count: 22 Sez 222MHz QSO count: 7 month……. 432MHz QSO count: 11 Ops: WB3AGB, N3UUZ, WA3FWA, K3LAB, WA3VXJ, WB3HDI. Well we had a very nice discussion at the last club meeting about the youth membership rate that I am currently proposing. As a matter of fact, after the Is it a contest-winning score? No, but who cares? A good time meeting I sat down and wrote some ideas I came up with in an E-Mail and sent it off was had by all who participated, and that’s what really counts! Don’t to our Prez Bob, WB3HDI. The following are some of my thoughts (and his). Like they forget: Bill, K3RYA is our Contest Coordinator. So, if you wanna work like to say at an official news conference concerning intense negotiations of some a contest that strikes your fancy from the club, let him know. Who sort, (or whatever): “The situation is extremely fluid and can change at any time.” IE: knows; maybe it strikes somebody else’s fancy too, and we can put All ideas are welcome and will be kicked around for discussion amongst the troops. together a team effort from the clubhouse………………. So, here we go…………………. WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBER: That would be Ian Stewart, son of Jim Stewart. Jim was voted in last month, and Ian AGE 17 & YOUNGER: Must be accompanied by an adult club member in good joins our ranks this month. Welcome Ian; we’re glad you decided to standing. If the youth is licensed, the adult does not have to be, but if the join our little troupe! Jim and Ian are call-less at this time, but we’ll youth is unlicensed, the adult must be. Mandatory that the responsible adult do our darnedest to take care of that little discrepancy ASAP.
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