University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of September 2005 Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: A Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California-Davis Armand R. Maggenti University of California, Davis Scott Lyell Gardner University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology Part of the Zoology Commons Maggenti, Mary Ann Basinger; Maggenti, Armand R.; and Gardner, Scott Lyell, "Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: A" (2005). Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology. 16. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology/16 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 2 abdominal filament see cercus A abdominal ganglia (ARTHRO) Ganglia of the ventral nerve cord that innervate the abdomen, each giving off a pair of principal nerves to the muscles of the segment; located between the alimentary canal and the large ventral mus- cles. abactinal a. [L. ab, from; Gr. aktis, ray] (ECHINOD) Of or per- taining to the area of the body without tube feet that nor- abdominal process (ARTHRO: Crustacea) In Branchiopoda, mally does not include the madreporite; not situated on the fingerlike projections on the dorsal surface of the abdomen. ambulacral area; abambulacral. abactinally adv. abdominal somite (ARTHRO: Crustacea) Any single division of abambulacral see abactinal the body between the thorax and telson; a pleomere; a pleonite. A-band That zone of the sarcomere composed of both actin and myosin filaments. abduce v. [L. abducere, to lead away] To draw or conduct away. abapertural a. [L. ab, from; apertura, an opening] (MOLL: Gastropoda) Refers to being away from any shell aperture. abduct v. [L. abducere, to lead away] To draw away from po- sition of median plane or axis. abapical a. [L. ab, from; apex, top] 1. Pertains to the opposite of apical and thus the lower pole of spherical organisms. 2. abductin n. [L. abducere, to lead away] (MOLL: Bivalvia) Rub- (MOLL: Gastropoda) Away from the shell apex toward base ber-like block of protein of the inner hinge ligament of along axis or slightly oblique to it. Pecten. abaxial a. [L. ab, from; axis, axle] Refers to being situated abductor muscle The muscle that draws an appendage or part outside of or directed away from the axis or central line. away from an axis of the body. see adductor muscle. see adaxial. aberrant a. [L. aberrans, wandering] Pertaining to a deviation abbreviate fascia (ARTHRO: Insecta) A fascia extending less from the normal type or form; abnormal; anomalous varia- than half the wing. tions; different. abcauline a. [L. ab, from; caulis, stalk] (CNID: Hydrozoa) Per- abient a. [L. abire, to depart] Avoiding or turning away from a taining to polyps that extend outwards from the common source of stimulation. see adient. stem. see adcauline. abiocoen n. [Gr. a, without; bios, life; koinos, common] The abdomen n. [L. abdomen, belly] 1. (ARTHRO) The posterior of non-living components of an environment. the three main body divisions of insects; not homologous abiogenesis n. [Gr. a, without; bios, life; genesis, beginning] with chelicerate opisthosoma. 2. (ARTHRO: Crustacea) The The theoretical concept that life can arise from non-living trunk somites (with or without limbs) between the thorax matter; spontaneous generation; archebiosis; archegene- and telson; the pleon. sis, archigenesis. see biogenesis, neobiogenesis. abdomere n. [L. abdomen, belly; Gr. meros, part] An abdomi- abiology n. [Gr. a, without; bios, life; logos, discourse] The nal segment. study of inanimate objects; anorganology. abdominal feet see prolegs abiotic a. [Gr. a, without; bios, life] Pertaining to, or charac- terized by the absence of life. 3 Maggenti and Gardner Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 4 abjugal furrow (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) In Acari, the line sepa- abyssal a. [Gr. abyssos, the deep sea] Pertaining to the ocean rating the aspidosoma (prodorsum) and the podosoma of depth beyond the continental shelf; dark area of the ocean mites. below 2,000 meters. ablation n. [L. ablatus, taken away] Removal of a part as by abyssobenthos a. [Gr. abyssos, the deep sea; benthos, depth excision or amputation. of sea] Pertaining to all organsims that are sessile, or creep or crawl over the ocean bottom. aboral a. [L. ab, from; os, mouth] 1. Pertaining to, or situated away from the mouth; surface opposite the mouth. 2. abyssopelagic a. [Gr. abyssos, the deep sea; pelagos, sea] (ECHINOD: Asteroidea) The surface opposite that bearing Pertains to all organisms inhabiting the deep abyssal zone; the mouth and ambulacral grooves; abactinal; apical; dor- they are either active swimmers, or float with the current. sal. see oral. acantha n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine] Spinous process; aboriginal a. [L. aborigineus, ancestral] 1. Of or pertaining to prickle. an aborigine, the first, original. 2. Native fauna and flora of acanthaceous a. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine] Pertaining to be- a geographic region. ing armed with spines or prickles. abortion n. [L. abortus, premature birth] Arrest or failure of acanthella larva (ACANTHO) Transitional larva developed from development of any entity or normally present part or or- an acanthor after crossing through the gut wall into the gan rendering it unfit for normal function. intermediate host hemocoel; stage between an acanthor abranchiate a. [Gr. a, without; branchia, gills] Pertains to be- and a cystacanth in which the definitive organ systems are ing without gills. developed. abreptor n. [L. ab, from; reptere, to crawl] (ARTHRO: Crusta- acantho- [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine] A prefix meaning spine. cea) The postabdomen of water fleas terminating in two Acanthocephala, acanthocephalans n.; n.pl. [Gr. akantha, claws. thorn, spine; kephale, head] A phylum of parasitic pseu- abscised n. [L. abscissus, cut off] Cut off squarely; with a docoelomate, bilateral animals distinguished by a generally straight margin. eversible proboscis with recurved, sclerotized, retractable hooks; commonly called spiny-headed worms. acantho- abscission n. [L. abscissus, cut off] The separation of parts. cephalous a. absolute a. [L. absolutus, finished, perfect, complete] Any en- acanthocyst n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; kystis, bladder] tity existing in and of itself free from impurities or imper- (NEMER) The stylet apparatus housed in the middle (stylet fections. bulb) portion of the proboscis, including two to several ac- absorption n. [L. ab, from; sorbere, to suck] The passage of cessory stylet pouches containing replacement stylets. water and dissolved substances into a living cell or tissue. acanthodion n.; pl. -dia [Gr. dim. akanthodes, thorn, spine] see adsorption. (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) In Acari, a tarsal seta that contains abterminal a. [L. ab, from; terminus, limit] Passing from the an extension of a sensory basal cell. end toward the center. acanthodrilin set (ANN: Oligochaeta) With reference to male abullate a. [Gr. a, without; L. bulla, bubble] Lacking a bulla. terminalia, having prostatic pores in segments xvii and xix, and male pores in segment xviii, all pores are in seminal abyss n. [Gr. abyssos, the deep sea] Bottomless, sometimes furrows. used to denote very deep. 5 Maggenti and Gardner Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 6 acanthoparia n.; pl. -iae [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; pareion, core of nonlaminated calcite, with sheath laminae usually cheek] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Coleoptera, the lateral spiny strongly deflected toward the zoarial surface as spines; paired region of the paria (epipharynx) in scarabaeoid lar- usually larger than paurostyle. 2. (PORIF) A monactinal spi- vae. cule covered with thorny processes. acanthophore n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; phoreus, bearer] acanthozooid n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; zoon, animal; ei- (NEMER) A conical mass that forms the basis of the median dos, form] (BRYO) A specialized zooid that secretes small stylet. tubules that project as spines above the colony's surface. acanthophorites n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; phoreus, Acari n. [Gr. akari, mite or tick] (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) Sub- bearer] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Diptera, spine bearing plates class of the most diverse and species-rich group of arach- at the tip of the female abdomen used to aid oviposition in nids containing the mites and ticks; formerly the order soil. Acarina. acanthopod n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; pous, foot] (AR- acariasis n. [Gr. akari, mite or tick; -iasis, diseased condition] THRO: Crustacea) A barnacle appendage (cirrus) bearing a (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) Infestation with ticks or mites, or short row of strong sharp spines distally at each articula- any diseased condition resulting therefrom. tion of greater curvature, and few or no spines of lesser Acarina see Acari curvature. see centopod, basipod(ite). acarinarium n.; pl. -aria [Gr. akari, mite or tick; L. -arium, acanthopore n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; poros, passage] place for] 1. (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) Any surface or anatomi- (BRYO) 1. A tubular spine in certain fossils. 2. In Stenolae- cal feature,
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