4390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 3 March 10, 2005 RECOGNIZING CONTRIBUTION OF for his family and his warm smile. He to particularly thank all of our col- CHRIS LEDOUX TO COUNTRY will be greatly missed by his family, leagues for the work on the bill and, in MUSIC friends and his loyal fans. particular, Senator GRASSLEY, Senator Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous HATCH, Senator SESSIONS, and others ask unanimous consent that the Sen- consent that the resolution be agreed on both sides of the aisle who have ate now proceed to the consideration of to, the preamble be agreed to and the been working on this legislation for, lo, S. Res. 81, which was submitted earlier motion to reconsider be laid upon the these many years—7 or 8 years, I was today. table. told by Senator BIDEN a while ago. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Next week, we will be considering the clerk will report the resolution by objection, it is so ordered. budget resolution. We will have long, title. The resolution (S. Res. 81) was agreed long evening sessions, and many, many The legislative clerk read as follows: to. rollcall votes throughout the week. A resolution (S. Res. 81) recognizing the The preamble was agreed to. I ask, on behalf of myself and the ma- contribution of Chris LeDoux to country The resolution, with its preamble, jority leader, for Senators to make music. reads as follows: themselves available throughout the There being no objection, the Senate S. RES. 81 week. And I particularly want to em- proceeded to consider the resolution. Whereas Chris LeDoux, a former rodeo phasize that next Friday, the end of Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I rise world champion in bareback riding and coun- the week, could be a long day. I want today to pay tribute to the life and try music star, died on March 9, 2005; to let all Members know there is an memory of a great singer/songwriter, Whereas Chris LeDoux was born in Biloxi, overwhelming likelihood that Friday rodeo champion and true cowboy, Chris Mississippi, in 1948; will be a full day. Members should ex- LeDoux. Sadly, Chris passed away on Whereas Chris LeDoux won the Wyoming pect to be here throughout the day State Rodeo Championship in high school, March 9 at the age of 56 in Casper, WY. continued riding in college, earning a rodeo next Friday. We will go up into the Chris was a loyal son, devoted hus- scholarship, and rode professionally, winning evening. It will be an unusual Friday. band and loving father. As a member of the bareback championship at the National We don’t have many of those in the an air force family, Chris lived in many Rodeo Finals; course of a year. But next Friday will places throughout his childhood. He fi- Whereas Chris LeDoux made important be an unusual Friday, and people nally found his home in Wyoming while contributions to the country music commu- should make plans accordingly. a sophomore in high school. In 1972, he nity, through songs such as ‘‘Whatcha Gonna Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, if the married his lovely wife Peggy in Do With a Cowboy’’ and ‘‘Much Too Young to Senator will yield, I would like to say Kaycee, WY, where he eventually built Feel this Damn Old’’; Whereas Chris LeDoux worked with well- on behalf of those who didn’t support his ranch and fathered five wonderful known artists throughout his career, such as the bankruptcy bill that, in all fair- children. Garth Brooks and Charlie Daniels: Now, ness, I think it was a spirited and a Chris was a cowboy through and therefore, be it very positive debate, during the course through. He began riding in junior ro- Resolved, That the Senate— of the debate for over 2 weeks. But that deos when he was only 13. He tried his (1) recognizes the contribution of Chris really boiled down to about 6 or 7 days. hand at several rodeo events, but be- LeDoux to country music; We entertained 30 amendments to the fore too long, it became apparent he (2) has heard with profound sorrow and bankruptcy bill. Not one amendment was best on bareback broncs. After deep regret of the death of Chris LeDoux; and went on extraordinarily long. Members winning the Wyoming State High (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate took a limited amount of time, ex- School Bareback Riding Championship transmit enrolled copies of this resolution to pressed themselves, debated quickly and the National Intercollegiate Bare- the House of Representatives and the family and thoroughly, and voted. back Riding Championship, he joined of Chris LeDoux. I hope that we can continue to follow the rodeo circuit full time. This choice f that model. I think, as I have said, we brought many injuries and tough days got perilously close to debate in the on the road, but all his hard work paid ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2005 U.S. Senate, which hardly ever happens off in December of 1976 when he won around here. I hope that we can con- the world championship title for bare- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tinue along those lines in the future. back bronc riding at the National ask unanimous consent that when the I thank the Senator from Kentucky Rodeo Finals in Oklahoma City. Senate completes is business today, it for yielding. While on the rodeo circuit, Chris adjourn until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, Fri- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if I wrote songs about cowboys and the day, March 11. I further ask unanimous could just say to my friend, I couldn’t rodeo life he was leading. His songs consent that following the prayer and agree more. I think the debate was were filled with both his love of music pledge, the morning hour be deemed handled very nicely. Members got an and his love of the West. In past inter- expired, the Journal of proceedings be opportunity to have their say, to get views, Chris expressed that next to approved to date, the time for the two their votes, and the Senate has done family, freedom was his most valued leaders be reserved, and the Senate itself proud. In spite of the mixed views asset. then begin a period of morning busi- about the outcome, the Senate did Just as he cherished the freedom of ness with Senators permitted to speak itself proud with the first two bills this his western life, Chris was adamant therein for up to 10 minutes each. year, and I hope it is a good recipe for about his musical freedom. He was de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the future. termined to produce music in his own objection, it is so ordered. way rather than be ‘‘owned by a big f f company.’’ By 1989, Chris had released 22 albums, mostly cassette tapes pro- PROGRAM duced by his parents that he sold at Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, for ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. concerts and rodeos. That same year, the benefit of our colleagues, tomorrow TOMORROW Garth Brooks had a hit with, ‘‘Much the Senate will be in a period of morn- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if Too Young,’’ which included a line ing business. As I announced earlier, there is no further business to come be- about ‘‘a worn-out tape of Chris there will be no rollcall votes during fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- LeDoux.’’ Chris soon became the coun- tomorrow’s session. The next vote will sent that the Senate stand in adjourn- try star he was always meant to be. occur Monday afternoon around 5:30 ment under the previous order. Chris LeDoux was not only a world p.m. There being no objection, the Senate, class entertainer, he was a friend. My A few moments ago, we completed at 6:53 p.m., adjourned until Friday, wife Susan fondly recalls his great love action on the bankruptcy bill. I want March 11, 2005, at 9:30 a.m. VerDate Nov 24 2008 15:29 Jan 08, 2009 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR05\S10MR5.003 S10MR5 rmajette on PRODPC74 with BOUND RECORD.
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