Proceedings and Reports 1966 Pre-Primary Convention of California Labor COPE San Francisco, April 8, 1966 CALIFORNIA LABOR COUNCIL ON POLITICAL EDUCATION Thos. L. Pitts, Secretary-Treasurer 995 Market Street, San Francisco 94103 151 Officers of the California Labor Council on Political Education THOS. L. PITTS Executive Secretary-Treasurer ALBIN J. GRUHN President GENERAL VICE PRESIDENT Manuel Dias VICE PRESIDENTS-Geographical District No. 1 District No. 8 Max J. Osslo Thomas A. Small District No. 2 District No. 9 M. R. Callahan A. F. Dougherty Ray S. Mendoza Wm. G. Dowd District No. 3 District No. 10 A. J. Bogdanowicz Robert S. Ash W. J. Bassett Paul L. Jones J. H. Seymour James L. Smith District No. 11 Webb Green Howard Reed District No. 4 District No. 12 G. A. McCulloch Stanley Lathen District No. 5 District No. 13 Wilbur Fillippini Harry Finks District No. 6 District No. 14 H. D. Lackey Harry Hanson District No. 7 District No. 15 C. A. Green Hugh Allen VICE PRESIDENTS-At Large Charles J. Smith Jerome Posner DeWitt Stone E. P. O'Malley Edward T. Shedlock Fred D. Fletcher Herbert Wilson G. J. Conway The Executive Council of the California Labor Council on Political Education is com- posed of the President, the Vice Presidents, and the Secretary-Treasurer. TABLE OF CONTENTS Proceedings of the 1966 Pre-Primary Convention ..- .- . 3-17 Endorsement Recommendations ........................ 11-16 Roll of Delegates .... 18-23 Membership Report . 24-43 Report of the Secretary-Treasurer 44-56 Report of the Auditors . 57-74 PROCEEDINGS of the 1966 PrePfrimary Convention of the California Labor Coundi on Political Education Friday, April 8, 1966 Sheraton-Palace Hotel Market at New Montgomery Streets, San Francisco Call To Order ative, just, compassionate and peaceful society. The 1966 Pre-Primary Convention of "Father of us all, be with us now and the California Labor Council on Political in the days to come. Education was called to order at 10:15 am. in the Grand Ballroom, Sheraton- "Amen." Palace Hotel, San Franciso, California, Welcome To Delegates by Albin J. Gruhn, Presid3nt. and Visitors President Grubn led the delegates in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Albin J. Gruim President Invocation President Albin J. Gruhn welcomed President Gruhn presented Rabbi Saul stressing the E. White, of Congregation Beth Sholom, delegates and visitors. After San Frncisco, who delivered the follow- importance of the 1966 elections and urg- ing invocation: ing delegates to read carefully the report "Our God and Father, Thou who are of Secretary-Treasurer Pitts, he explained the creator of man, the ruler and judge the procedures to be followed in using -of the universe, Thou who revealest Thy- the four microphones in the hall. self in the affairs of state and in the destiny of nations, we ask Thy blessing Walter Davis upon this convention and its delibera- Assistant National Director tions. May the delegates assembled here be mindful of the priceless heritage of AFL-CIO Committee on freedom and justice which has been be- Political Education queathed unto them, and may they con- ADDRESS -tinue to strive with might and under- standing to advance the American dream President Gruhn then introduced Broth- and hope of increased opportunity and er Walter Davis, Assistant National Di- the more abundant life for all Thy chil- rector of the AFL-CIO Committee on dren. Political Education, who addressed the "May we be mindful that unless the delegates. citizens of our country take seriously "Knowing something about COPE con- their responsibility for their involvement ventions and knowing how grim they can in the affairs of government and in elect- get, I am going to beg your indulgence ing to positions of leadership men and and I will try to leaven this with a story. women who are conmmitted to democratic I want you to know it is an anti-Repub- principles and the ideals of a free society, lican story, but I hasten to add that I have we may forfeit a heritage that has been a dispensation from a very good friend long in the making and is precious and of ours to tell the story. This is one that rare. Senator John Sherman Cooper of Ken- "May we go forth from our delibera- tucky told, and he relates that he told it tions strengthened in our determination to the Louisville Chamber of Commerce. to bring to fruition the vision of a cre- And I want you to know that there is a 3a special 'lkicker' on the end fhat you should perception. We only see what we want to particularly appreciate. see and we only hear what we want to "It is the story of the fellow who was hear when it comes to the computer. And suffering from a very serious case of ap- the difficulty is that we equate the com- pendicitis and was in very great pain. puter with job losses, and so we kind of And since he was over 65 and was about turn off the intelligence in the process. to collect on Medicare, he decided that he And I think that this is a shame. I think was going to wait until July the 1st to that we cannot afford to indulge our- have his operation. He was not going to selves in this kind of a blind spot. be deterred; he was a very determined "What we need is a real breakthrough guy. on the computer front to prove the valid- ity of our longstanding contention that "So he waited around in very great Labor has a political bloc greater than pain until July the 1st. And he went down anyone had ever reckoned. I think that to the hospital and went in and was met the fact of the matter is that we really by a receptionist who said, 'Do you know, don't know our own strength. And I think t.hings around here have changed some- the conputer process reprersents to us an what. What you will have to do is this: opportunity to come to know really what you go up to the second floor, and up our strength is. there you will find a number of rooms, and they will be labeled for the various "And in relation to that, let me touch things-for brain surgery, heart surgery, briefly on three of the great revolutions appendectomy, and on down the line. that are going on in our country that I And if you pick out the room that applies think relate to the size of our political to you, you go in and they will take care bloc. of you.' "The first one that everybody in Cali- "And he went upstairs, and sure fornia I know is concerned about, one enough, he found the room labeled 'Ap- you are going to be voting on here today, pendectomy,' and he went in. And when is the one-man, one-vote revoluti;on; the he went in he found two more doors. One process by which power has passed from was marked 'Male' and one was marked the rural hands into the urban hands. 'Female.' And he went through the one The difficulty is that this is a creeping nmarked 'Male.' And then he found two type of affair, and because it has hap- more doors, and one was marked 'Over pened on a very slow basis over a num- 65' and the other was marked 'Under ber of years and has not occurred in 65.' And he went through the one marked California as yet, we sometimes don't 'Over 65.' And he found two more doors. really understand the true magnitude of And one was marked 'Republican' and what it means. one was marked 'Democrat.' And he went "But let's presume for just a minute through the one marked 'Republican' and that we had instant reapportionment fell ten floors straight down. an elevator among all of the state legislatures all shaft! across the country, in all fifty of them. And then let's assume that after we had "Now, that is what is known as an in- the instant reapportionment, we had an stant appendectomy. But, as Senator instant election based on those new dis- Cooper tells it, he says he told this story tricts. What would happen? What would to the Louisville Chamber of Commerce be the effect and the impact of this on and he said it went over, as you might the state level and what would be the expect, like a lead balloon. And he finally impact of this on the national level? turned to them and said, 'You know, fel- lows, you may hate it but it's probably "Well, I 'think it is very clear What going to save your life.' would happen at the state level. You are "Well, I am in California to be with going to see it happen here. The power you, of course, but I am also here to kick is going to pass from rural to the urban off a pilot project in data processing with hands. It is going to pass from the con- which National COPE is very concerned. s.ervative to the liberal, more or less. You This is one of the three areas in the will notice that I talk about 'urban' and country where we are conducting an in- 'rural' and 'conservative' and 'liberal,' depth study of how the computer can be ..nd I don't relate to political partY be- election process. cause I don't think that political party used in the designation is necessarily meaningful in "As you know, the business community this uses the computer with great regularity.
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