VOL. 2- 0. 8 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA SEPT. 3, 19113 MOSQUITO CONTROL LATIN HARBOR BEAUTY NEW DISPENSARY S·PECIALIST ON DUTY WING WILL OPEN Lt. H. S. Hurlbut Bring-s Ex­ Added Medical and Surgical pert Counsel to USNATB Facilities Made Available, Eradication Campaign Comdr. Duemling Reports Arrival of Lt. H. S. Hurlbut, USNR, entomologist and mosquito The steady expansion of medi­ control specialist, brought expert cal facilities here at the U. S. counsel to he USNATB eradication Naval Amphibious Training Base campaign this week. will be highlighted when the medi­ Dr. Hurlbut has conducted mo~­ quito control and anti-malaria cal staff moves into the new wing campaigns in Puerto Rico and at of the dispensary next week, Guantanamo, Cuba, since entering Comdr. Arnold H. Duemling. Sen­ Navy service in January, 1942. A ior Medical Officer, said today. graduate of Cornell University,; The move, doubling the c3pacity with bachelor of arts degree in of the dispensary and providing 1932, and a Ph.D. in entomology 1 added medical and surgical facili­ in 1940, he was with the TVA in ties, will be made without cere­ the malaria control program at mony, Dr. Duemling said. It will Wilson Dam, Alabama, before increase capacity of the dispensary Pearl Harbor. from 25 to 50 beds. Lt. Comdr. Eli Rubens, who in­ Being established, too, arc the augurated the control program Sick Officer Quarters, to be set some weeks ago, was thanked by up in the J. Eric SchwHtz plac~. Capt. C. Gulbranson, USN, Com­ These will offer facilities for 12 manding Officer, for leadership in officers, and provide a service not pioneering the Base campaign. previously available here. Two Mrs. Hurlbut, now in Washing­ corpsmen will be assigned to the ton, D. C., where she is director cottage SOQ, well located on the of the Officer Service Club, is island and until now used as offi­ joining her husband here next cer quarters. week. The Hurlbuts are from Fill­ Comdr. Duemling also outlined mor~ N. Y. •:• U S N A T B •:· plans to revise the family clinical Bright skies of t hfJ fHtnre lend their rays on the panornma of the service, by establishment of an NAVY RELIEF BRANCH Nal'y of the present WJ a silhouette of the past stands in oblivion. emergency clinic, probably in the On c1 sunny day, U. S. Nm:y PT boats ride veacefnlly at anchor Florida Defense Guard armory, op­ OPENS OFFICE HERE in th e brilliant blue water of a Patia'Yno vort. A sailor lea11,s c;gainst posite the Hotel B'urston. 011 old S1mni~h bl'ilding obove the harbor, looking 011t at the vlacicl A member of the medical staff The Fort Pierce Branch of the SPttinq that is t1111icol of hllin-Amerira becwty svof.5 on the Pacific. will be on duty four afternoons Miami, Fla., Navy Relief Society each week, with a nurse in attend­ has opened an office in Room 218 a nee, to meet emergency needs of of the Burston BOQ this week. Engineers Go 'Amphibious' Army and Navy dependents, Dr. Organization of the Branch was In a message to the personnel of the U. S. Naval Duemling said. Home calls can be completed at a meeting this week. Amphibious Training Base. Col. Leland B. Kuhre. USA, made in urgent cases only, he A member of the staff will be added. on hand in the Burston daily from Commanding Officer of the 1116th Engineer Combat 1200 to 1400 to confer with Navy Group stated: ·:· U 5 N A T B •:• personnel, and dependents seeking "Speaking for the group, I can say that we are all assistance. impressed with the cordial- welcome and very noticeable OUTDOOR PAVILION FOR Capt. C. Gulbranson, Command­ spirit of coo·peration displayed by all base personnel. The ing Officer, has been named presi­ training ahead of us is going to be interesting with NCCS DANCE PROGRAMS dent, and the other officers are: Mrs. C. Gulbranson, vice president; plenty of variety. We are all anxious to go 'amphibious' in a big way with a big splash. Above all, we welcome the · Bernard Tierney, director of Mrs. John G. Farnsworth, execu­ the Fort Pierce branch of NCCS, tive secretary; Mrs. John Doyle, opportunity of getting betler acquainted with our com­ is kee1>ing busy t hese days at recording secretary; Lt. John panion service, the Navy." the 10th Street Club. Under Doyle, treasurer; Mrs. A. J. Daley, his able guidance, work is pro­ assistant executive secretary. NAVY DAY CELEBRATION BAND ENTERTAINS gressing on the 1>lan for an out­ •:• U S N A T B •:• Secretary of the Navy Frank The USNATB Band has been door dance arena._ The present BAND TO PLAY AT EXERCISE Knox has designated October 27 giving noon concerts at the various tennis court ha undergone a The Navy Band will play for the as the annual Navy Day. In a let· camp activities and will continue change of purpose, this area Fort Pierce Aircraft Warning Ser­ ter to Sheldon Clark, president of these programs, Ensign 'vV. Dwight having been resurfaced to be vice at the A WS tower next Mon­ the Navy League of the United Hickerson, Welfare and Recreation day at a Labor Day flag raising States, Secretary Knox designated Officer, announced. The mu icians used for dancing. Renovations exercise. A color guard also will that agency as the official sponsor are conveyed to the activities in a ·on the Club are nearing com· appear at the ceremony. for celebration of the day. truck. pletion. PAGE TWO THE MOCK-UP S·ENEMBER 3, 1943 -UP United States Naval ~mvhibiousl THE MOCK Training Base, Fort Pierce, Fla. _Let's Keep It Free! VOL. 2 SEPTEMBER 3, 1943 NO. 8 THE MOCK-UP, the vublication of the Y· S. N_aval :4mphibious This is America ... a nation built by refugees. For more Training Base, Fort Pierce, Florida, is viiblished Fndau oj eac~ ~~ek than three hundred years_:-since the 'first refugee ship, the and is distributed without charge to the versonnel of all activities. Mayflower, landed at 'Plymouth Rock-the restless peoples COMMANDING OFFICER CAPT. c. GULBRANSON, u. s. Navy of the world who could not live under a tyrant's heel have E OFFICER COMDR. JOHN G. FARNSWORTH, U.S.N.R. E~~TCO~~~~E ADVISOR LT. c. HERSCHEL SCHOOLEY, U.S.N.R. sought our shores. EDITOR LT. (JG) WALTER F. HEALY, U.S.N.R. · 1From all corners of the earth they came ... people of ARTIST ------- ROLF HOLM, PhM.2/c 11 t• f 11 f 'th f 11 lt 11 d'ff t t CORRESPONDENTS-Lt. (jg) Donald E. Kidston, USNR, Fifth Beach a na wns, o a a1 ~· ~ a cu ures-a I eren ' ye Battalion PFC Christopher A. Heil, USA., 1116th Eng. Combat Gr.; all the same, because w1thm each of them burned the love Ensign J'. B. Francis, USNR, Naval 0 Jmbat Demoli.tioh Unit; E.nsign of freedom. J ames L. Farrell, USNR, Boat Camp No. 2; Ben Pope, CSp, Mamten­ ance and Repair; J . E. Ja-ckson,, CSp, Beach Party School; Howard L. This is America ... the nation built by these free men McVitty, Cox., Ship's Co.; PFC Richard F. Mahoney, USA, A1my ... the nation carved out of a wilderness ... the nation that Detachment. · has grown rich, powerful, and strong, the leader and the hope All pictures are official U.S. Navy Photos unle~s otherw!se designated. of the world. The MOCK-UP receives Camp Newspaper Service material. All corres­ pondence, contributbns and matters concer:r:ing th.is. publication should We are the people Hitler would destroy with his phony be addressed to the MOCK-UP, Public Relations Office ,USNATB, Foi·t ideas about a super race. We are the nation that HitlEr Pie1 ·ce, Florida. This paper is printed in the interest of the personnel thought he could divide by group hatreds... We are the and will welcome all contributions and criticisms from members 'bf Base. United States Naval Arnphibioiis Training Base, Fort Pierce, Florida nation he thought would fall into his greedy hands like a big ripe juicy apple. Lt. Rice Praised For But he didn't know you, and he didn't know me, .and he Part in Sicily Campaign didn't know _all of us. Tatlay be can't understand people who value their rights-who know that liberty and freedom is From the Sicily oampaign something a man works for, will fight for, and even die for. comes word of Lt. Henri V. Yes, this is America, the land of opp0rtunities for your Rice, USNR, former Delaware kids and mine. Where they can hitch their wagons to the river pilot of Bridgevi'ile, Del., stars and really go places, where free schools _blanket the and a former officer in charge of a USNATB boat camp. In nation; where they can learn to run a lathe, weld a joint, a recent Philadelphia Inquirer, build a pattern, design a house, till the soil, interpret the Cy Peterm'an, war correspondent law; cure the sick. This is America-where even your boy in Sicily, praised Lt. Rice in an can be president; where a free nation and free enterprise account of successful l a ndin~ op­ assures everyone of ari equal opportunity to grow, to live, erations on the bea,ches there. and to thrive on the freedoms that have made America great. •:• U S N A T B •:• This is America, where you pray to God in your own way 'Your Fame Shall Never ..
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