Unclogging the Brain Drain Pushing Privacy to the Edge Student in the Spotlight Why do students The recently enacted TerryTerry Billups, 2L, left decide to leave “Do Not Call List” may the gridiron to pursue C-M after being spur future abuses of the paper chase. Instead dubbed the “best and existing technology. of doning the pads, brightest”? Gavel The Gavel suggests the former NFL columnist, Josh Congress should cut player hopes to Dolesh, explores the marketing fi rms off at one day don the issue. the pass. robe. CAREER, PAGE 4 OPINION, PAGE 6 SIDEBAR, PAGE 10 .fanhut.com www www.cardweb.comwww.cardweb.com THE GAVEL VOLUME 52, ISSUE 2 OCTOBER 2003 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LAW Technology Timing of the Fall transformation By Jason Smith Interview Program MANAGING EDITOR The administration at C-M is in the process of upgrading technol- called into question ogy at the law school. However, in By Eric Doeh ment opportunities for students. the process, the school must deal STAFF WRITER In order to meet these goals, with budgetary restraints, imposed Recently, students at Cleve- NALP stresses, as one of its pri- by CSU, as well as professors hin- land-Marshall College of Law, mary principles, that law schools dering technological advances. especially 2Ls, have expressed should dedicate to career planning David Genzen, assistant direc- concerns that the Offi ce of Career and counseling adequate physical tor for academic technology, is in Planning is unable to meet student space, equipment, fi nancial sup- charge of overseeing technology needs with its limited resources. port and staff. initiatives that have been imple- Specifi cally, students have cited Jayne Geneva, director of mented in the past year, as well as the OCP’s inability to begin the career planning at C-M, agrees initiatives planned for the future Fall Interview Program earlier in that her office is limited in re- at C-M. the fall in accordance with other gards to staff and budget. Unlike Genzen said he understands law schools in the region. Case Western Reserve University the need to continue to upgrade The National Association for School of Law’s Offi ce of Career current technology at the law Law Placement (NALP), an orga- Planning, which has a staff of school. “Technology has revolu- nization that sets the principles and six individuals including four tionized the practice of law,” stated standards for law placement and attorneys, C-M’s offi ce has two Genzen. “C-M has recognized the recruitment activities, states that individuals, Geneva and Berna- importance of exposing [students] “[I] would have dissented in Brown.” career planning and counseling dette Salada. As a result, Geneva to the technology used in the of- Lawyer, activist, teacher iting Scholar Lecture entitled are integral parts of the legal edu- said many of the programs and fi ce and the courtroom,” added and writer, Prof. Derrick Bell “Brown v. Board aatt FFifty:ifty: cation. According to NALP, law activities available to students at Genzen. visited C-M on Thurs., Oct. 9. What Are We Doing with schools should strive to meet the CWRU are not available to C-M In addition, Genzen said that Bell, visiting professor at New What We Have Learned?” career planning needs and interest students. CSU just granted C-M’s technol- York University School of Law, Bell was also awarded the fi rst of all students. NALP also says CWRU offers about 40 work- ogy fee request which will be used presented The Seventy-Seventh “Norman Amaker Award.” law schools should work actively shops throughout the year teaching See TECHNOLOGY, page 3 Cleveland-Marshall Fund Vis- Turn to page 2 for more. to develop and maintain employ- See PLANNING, page 4 U SH Pass/fail option leaves few options O O By Mark Merims the pass/fail option is really the not take or a heavier class load, U Outside In 2000, the Academic Stan- “Pass/D+/D/F Option,” according nor will they be penalized with a Y L L dards Committee at C-M imple- to Academic Regulation 4.6. Ac- P instead of an A. D D the mented a pass/fail option for C-M cording to Lifter, the D/D+ grades According to 3L Thomas W W students. The purpose of the op- are to discourage students from Fistek, the CWRU system, rather K K O O N N tion, according to Jean Lifter, as- just “coasting” through class. than the model implemented by classroom... sistant dean of academic affairs, Case Western Reserve Uni- C-M, provides a more positive in- was to relieve some of the pressure versity School of Law’s Option is centive for students exercising the of competing for grades. substantially different from C-M’s. option. “If I take a class pass/fail Sovereignty and the Right to Death: A Conference The policy has been called At the end of the semester, the reg- at [C-M], I have no incentive to Fri.-Sat., Oct. 17-18 into question by some who be- istrar notifi es the student of the work for an A after I’ve realized Prof. Candice Hoke, Professor of Law lieve other models would provide grade, the student then has three the course is much easier than Must Work and Family Confl ict greater incentives. Currently, a options to choose from: they can expected Wed., Oct. 29 student can only take an elective keep the grade earned, they can At Case, the incentive would not required for graduation on a have their grade reported as P, but be to keep working for the A.” Opening Speaker: The Honorable Louis Stokes pass/fail basis. A maximum of two only if the grade is C or higher or Fistek said he believes this is Terry v. Ohio: A Retrospective classes can be taken pass/fail, but they can elect to receive no credit, one area where C-M is not fi nan- Thurs., Oct. 30 only one at a time. with no record of registration. cially handicapped from making a Before the fourth week of the According to CWRU School change to the better model. R. Kent Newmyer, Professor Emeritus of Law and History John Marshall “in the circumstances which were his” semester, or the last drop date, the of Law Associate Dean of Aca- Gary Williams, assistant Tues., Nov. 18 student must decide if they want a demic Affairs Hiram Chodosh, the dean for student affairs, said he grade or not, and their decision is Pass/No Credit option is intended believes the Pass/D+/D/F op- Professor Stephen J. Werber, Professor of Law fi nal after this date. to encourage greater risk taking tion is a university wide policy. Tort Reform: State and Federal Constitutional Concerns At the end of the semester, a in class selection. Students know However, Williams said he be- Wed., Nov. 19 student may actually receive the they will not be penalized for tak- lieves there may be a movement grade of D or D+. This is because ing a class they ordinarily would to change it. THE GAVELGAVEL Page 2 LawLaw October 2003 Explore Bellʼs comments on Brown ring criticism possibilities By Eric Doeh to racial inequality, are stronger and more in order to deter countries in Africa and STAFF WRITER persistent than the Brown Court anticipated. Asia from aliening themselves with Com- ew York University School Also, there is a dramatic decline today in munism. outside of Law visiting professor racial integrated schools. According to Bell, the dilemma with NDerrick Bell was the guest According to Bell, if the Court knew interest convergence is that it does not of the speaker at The Seventy-Seventh C-M then what is apparent today, the Court would solve racial issues. Instead, some Whites Fund Visiting Scholar program. The have focused more on the equal component view judicial remedies as symbolic ben- event celebrated the fi ftieth anniversary of the “separate but equal” doctrine rather efi ts that lack substance. Whites believe classroom of Brown v. Board of Education, the 1954 than the desegregation schools. that these benefi ts are simply unearned gifts By Steven H. Steinglass U.S. Supreme Court case that ended racial Bell said that today integrated schools for Blacks. With approximately 19 student orga- segregation. are not an option for Blacks and Latinos. Bell said that, as a result, Blacks do nizations now operating within the walls Professor Bell, who has been admit- He said many inner city schools are faced little to critique these judicial remedies and of C-M, there is surely a place for every ted to practice before the Supreme Court, with the problems of limited resources, pov- instead, they accept these gratitudes. Bell student to fi nd a community of interests. was a former law professor at Harvard. erty, inadequate funding and inexperienced said that once the interests of Blacks become If you attended the Oct. 1 Networking Bell left Harvard because of the school’s teachers. Bell said that the triangular model less compelling to policy makers, the judi- Event organized by Assistant Dean Gary reluctance to diversify its faculty. of student, teacher and parent is diffi cult to cial remedy soon wanes, and is subsequently Williams and Administrative Secretary Mi- Before Bell’s lecture, the Midwest maintain because of the many obstacles that replaced by a new interest convergence. chaeline Carrig, you could not have missed People of Color Legal Scholarship exist in the inner city schools. In essence, according to Bell, “Blacks the excitement generated by these service- Conference presented Bell with the fi rst Bell said that the Court’s decision in are not part of the policy making process.” oriented groups of fellow students or failed “Norman Amaker Award” for his dedica- Brown could be best understood as an Rather, Blacks are merely incidental ben- to see how diverse and rich in opportunities tion and devotion to mentoring students interest convergence.
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