Cultural Techniques Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real Bernhard Siegert !"#$%&#!'( )* +',--"'* ./$!0",1-*,2$+ Fordham University Press : New York !"#$ Copyright © !"#$ Fordham University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. This publication was supported by the Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie of the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar with funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. IKKM BOOKS, Volume !!. An overview of the whole series can be found at www.ikkm- weimar. de/schriften. Fordham University Press has no responsibility for the per sis tence or accuracy of URLs for external or third- party Internet websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Fordham University Press also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Visit us online at www.fordhampress.com. Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Siegert, Bernhard, author. [Essays. Selections. En glish] Cultural techniques : grids, & lters, doors, and other articulations of the real / Bernhard Siegert ; translated by Geo' rey Winthrop- Young.— First edition. pages cm.— (Meaning systems) (IKKM BOOKS ; Volume !!) Summary: “This volume designates a shift within posthumanistic media studies, that dissolves the concept of media into a network of operations, that reproduce, pro cess and re( ect the distinctions that are fundamental for a given culture, e.g. the anthropological di' erence, the distinctions between natu ral object and cultural sign, noise and information, eye and gaze”— Provided by publisher. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN )*+-"-+!,!--,*$-! (hardback)— ISBN )*+-"-+!,!--,*--) (paper) #. Mass media and culture. I. Winthrop- Young, Geo' rey, #)-"– translator. II. Title. P)..-S$, !"#$ ,"!.!,— dc!, !"#.",+-.- Printed in the United States of America #* #- #$ $ . , ! # First edition Contents List of Illustrations . .ix Ac know ledg ments . xiii Translator’s Note . xv Introduction: Cultural Techniques, or, The End of the Intellectual Postwar in German Media Theory . # #. Cacography or Communication? Cultural Techniques of Sign-Signal Distinction . #) !. Eating Animals—Eating God—Eating Man: Variations on the Last Supper, or, the Cultural Techniques of Communion . .,, ,. Parlêtres: The Cultural Techniques of Anthropological Di' erence . .$, .. Medusas of the Western Paci& c: The Cultural Techniques of Seafaring . -+ $. Pasajeros a Indias: Registers and Biographical Writing as Cultural Techniques of Subject Constitution (Spain, Sixteenth Century) . +! -. (Not) in Place: The Grid, or, Cultural Techniques of Ruling Spaces . )* *. White Spots and Hearts of Darkness: Drafting, Projecting, and Designing as Cultural Techniques . .#!# +. Waterlines: Striated and Smooth Spaces as Techniques of Ship Design . .#.* ). Figures of Self-Reference: A Media Genealogy of the Trompe- l’oeil in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still Life . .#-. #". Door Logic, or, the Materiality of the Symbolic: From Cultural Techniques to Cybernetic Machines . .#)! Notes . !"* Bibliography . .!.# Index . .!-# viii Contents Illustrations #-# Michel Serres’ trivalent model of exchange !# #-! Roman Jakobson’s six basic functions of language !! #-, The Pollak / Virág telegraph: signal, character set, and sample telegram !) !-# Dieric Bouts, Altarpiece of the Holy Sacrament, #.-.–-* ,. !-! Dieric Bouts, central panel of the Altarpiece of the Holy Sacrament (detail) ,$ !-, Master of Mary of Burgundy, The Miraculous Host of Dijon, c. #$"$ ,- ,-# Rock drawing of a goatpen, Mafraq, Jordan, & rst millennium B.C.E. -! ,-! Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air-Pump, #*-+ -$ .-# Shield from the Trobriand Islands ** .-! Designs on the shield interpreted by Edmund Leach *+ $-# Casa de la Contratación passenger list, #$$,–#$$- +, $-! Casa de la Contratación, Seville ++ $-, Libro registro de pasajeros a Indias, #$++ ++ $-. Certi& cate of authenticity, #$-, )$ --# Achieving perspective without the velum, #-## #"# --! Centuriation #". --, Miniature showing uncultivated land between two centuriated colonies #"$ --. Plan of Miletus, attributed to Hippodamus #"- --$ Map of Lima, Peru, #-+* #"+ --- Foundation charter of San Juan de la Frontera (Argentina), #$-! #") --* Map of Teutenango, Mexico, #$+! ##" --+ Plan of Buenos Aires, #$+, ### --) Mathew Carey, “Plat of the Seven Ranges of Townships . ,” #+"" ##, --#" Karl Bührer’s “World Format Scholar’s Library,” #)#! ##- --## Karl Bührer’s “World Format Large Library.” ##* --#! Le Corbusier, project for Montevideo and Sao Paolo, #)!) ##) --#, Ernst Neufert’s railbound slipform house construction machine, #)., #!" *-# Leonardo da Vinci, four studies of swirling water, c. #$#, #!$ *-! Leonardo, sketches of a female head #!- *-, Leonardo, study of turbulences produced by di' erently shaped objects #!* *-. Leonardo, three studies of water swirls emanating from a concave surface #!* *-$ Leonardo, sketch of water ( owing from a rectangular opening into a bowl, #$"*/") #!+ *-- Kabyle house plan #!) *-* Ebstorf map, thirteenth century #," *-+ Ptolemy’s third projection method #,, *-) Parmigianino, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, #$!. #,. *-#" Masaccio, The Holy Trinity fresco (detail), #.!$–!* #,+ *-## Ra' ael, gridded design drawing for Holy Family with the Pomegranate, c. #$"* #,) *-#! Workshop of Leonardo, contour cartoon for a portrait of a woman in pro& le #." *-#, Ra' ael, perforated cartoon for The Knight’s Dream, c. #$"! #.# *-#. Juan de la Cosa, world map, #$"! #., +-# Fernando Oliveira, drawing of a graminho, c. #$+" #$" +-! Use of the mezzaluna to mark a scale on the graminho #$# +-, Partison with the aid of the graminho and mezzaluna, or brusca #$! +-. Mathew Baker, drawing of a master shipwright at work in his o/ ce, #$+- #$, +-$ Albrecht Dürer, The Draftsman of the Lute, #$!$ #$. x Illustrations +-- Engraving of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, #-)" #$- +-* Anthony Deane, “The ship’s draught completed in every part,” #-*" #$* +-+ Marcellin Du Carla, hypothetical contour map, #*+! #$+ +-) Set of lines used to record the shape of a pi lot boat, c. #)"" #-" +-#" Fredrik Henrik af Chapman, drawing of streamlining around a body in motion, #**$ #-! +-## Norman Bel Geddes, model of streamlined ocean liner, c. #),! #-, )-# Jan van Kessel, Insects on a Stone Slab, undated #-+ )-! Jan van Kessel, Insects and Fruit, c. #-$$ #*" )-, Joris Hoefnagel, Miniature with Snail, c. #$)" #*# )-. Joris Hoefnagel, Still Life with Flowers, a Snail, and Insects, #$+) #*! )-$ Joris Hoefnagel, illumination of a page of Mira calligraphiae monumenta (#$)#–)-) #*. )-- Joris Hoefnagel, illumination of verso of the page of Mira calligraphiae monumenta #*$ )-* Page of the Grimani Breviary #*) )-+ Page of the Imhof Prayer Book, #$## #+# )-) Page with four female saints, from the workshop of the Master of the Lübeck Bible #+! )-#" Master of the Dresden Prayer Book, Virgin and Child Crowned by an Angel #+. )-## Vienna Master of Mary of Burgundy, Adoration of the Magi, c. #.*$–+" #+$ )-#! Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, Flowers in a Glass Vase, c. #-#) #+- )-#, Lieven van Lathem and Nicolaes Spierinc, Christ Being Nailed to the Cross, c. #.*$–+" #++ #"-# Robert Campin, Mérode Triptych, #.!$–!+ #)$ #"-! Robert Campin, Annunciation, c. #.!" #)* #"-, Robert Campin, Mérode Triptych, central and left panel #)* #"-. Jan Steen, The Morning Toilet, #--, !"" #"-$ Van Kennel’s revolving door: “Always Closed,” #)," !"! #"-- Still from David Cronenberg’s Videodrome (Canada, #)+,) !"$ Illustrations xi Ac know ledg ments Earlier versions of chapters #, !, ,, -, *, +, ), and #" and of the introduction have already appeared in print: “Cultural Techniques, or, The End of the Intellectual Postwar in German Media Theory,” trans. Geo' rey Winthrop-Young, Theory, Culture & Society ," no. - (!"#,): .+–-$. “Cacography or Communication? Cultural Techniques in German Media Studies,” trans. Geo' rey Winthrop-Young, Grey Room !) (!""*): !-–.*. “Tier essen—Gott essen—Mensch essen: Variationen des Abendmahls,” in Hendrik Blumentrath et al., eds., Techniken der Übereinkunft: Zur Medialität des Politischen (Berlin: Kadmos, !"")), #.*–-+. “Parlêtres: Zur kulturtechnischen Gabe und Barre der anthropologischen Di' erenz,” in Anne von der Heiden and Joseph Vogl, eds., Politische Zoologie (Berlin and Zu rich: Diaphanes, !""*), !,–,*. “(Nicht) Am Ort: Zum Raster als Kulturtechnik,” Thesis .) (!"",), no. , (proceed- ings of the )th International Bauhaus- Kolloquium, Medium Architektur: Zur Krise der Vermittlung, Gerd Zimmermann, ed., Weimar, !"",), #:)!–#".. “Weisse Flecken und & nstre Herzen: Von der symbolischen Weltordnung zur Weltentwurfsordnung,” in Daniel Gethmann and Susanne Hauser, eds., Kulturtechnik Entwerfen: Praktiken, Konzepte und Medien in Architektur und De- sign Science (Bielefeld: Transkript, !"")), #)–.*. “Wasserlinien: Der gekerbte und der glatte Raum als Agenten der Kon- struktion,” in Jutta Voorhoeve, ed., Welten scha% en: Zeichnen und Schreiben als Verfahren der Konstruktion (Zürich: Diaphanes, !"##), #*–,*. “Latenz der dritten Dimension: Eine Medientheorie
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