f (a g « t o u r t e e n MONDATf, JANUARV 20, 1968 iMmtrijp0tpr lEuftting M|pral& Artragt Daily Net Frees Run For tlw Week EadMl ' The Weather jM oarjr 18, 1998 Foreeaat of U. S. Weatber B o riM St.'Jude Thaddeus Mothers Cir­ The Mary Wllliama Group of An Important meeting o f the bert Bogll, yit. and Mrs. Stanley About Town cle will meet tdnight at 8:15 at the the Second Congregational Church executive .board of the WSCS of Center Church Sasiela, Mrs. Kenneth Hudson, fel­ 8oow this owntaif, ckaagiag to home of Mrs. Herbert Carvey, 55 will meet at the home of Miss Isa­ the S6uth Methodist Church '^111 lowship committee; Mrs. Kenneth OLLIE'j; 12,628 ntln lato tonight or onriy wednoo- Scarborough Rd. Mrs. .lohn Mc­ bel Massey, 54 Hudson St„ tomor­ be held tonight at 7:30 before the Bird, Mrs. Willisum Vaders, Mrs. ^ , Mamber of the Audit day. Low tonight 82-87. Rain Nelaon Booth of Alr-Kem Serv­ Dermott and Mrs. Harold Dwyer row night at 8' o’clock. regular meeting of the WSCS at 8 Picks Officers Raymond Winter, Mrs. Leon A U TO BODY Boretm et Clrculatlofi ' . a Wednoodsy chwiglag to snow Xnr- ices will speak at the noon meet­ will he co-hostesses. o’clock. Twombly, flower'committee; Rob- : Manche$ter~-^A City of Village Charm rtea, eoMer. High In mM 80s. ing of the Slanchester Association , The topic for. discussion tomor­ ert Russell, Mrs. Ralph Maher, me-1 ir W ELDING ■of Insurance Agents tomorrow at The choir will rehearse tomor­ row by Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston, Allan S. Taylor was elected mod­ morial fund committeei Mrs.'C. B .: row evening at 7:30 p.m. at Zion director of religious education st it AUTO BODY and the Manchester Country Club. Hospital ]5fotes erator of the Cbnter Congrega­ Carlson, Dr. Frank Horton, mis- '■ VOL. LXXVII, NO. 94 )URTEEN PAGES) Lutheran Church. On Wednesday Center Congregational Church, tional Church at the annual meet­ Slonary commltteer Mrs. Robert i FENDER REPAIRS MANCHE.STER, c o n n ., T U E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 l. 1958 (QlassiflM Advertising on Pnge 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS A meeting of the Christian Edu­ evening at 7:30, the Sunday School during her television series, "Your ing held yesterday afternoon,. Wright,' Herbert Kiecolt, music' Child’s Faith,’’ will be "Religion in if COMPLETE CAR cation committee and teachers of teachers will hold their rneeting. Patients Today: 188 ■ Outgoing moderator Atty, Don­ committee. the Home.” She will interview the Buckingham Church School ADM ITTED SATU RD AY: Mrs. ald Riphter presided at the meet­ Rittbard Knight, nominating * PAIN TING Members of Gibbons A.ssembly. three,, guests, Mrs. Clifford O. will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Eileen Dowds, 230 Colonial Rd., ing when parishioners heard re- committee; Theodore Malek, Atty. i lw%ipqirRR asd ENAM EL Catholic Ladies of Columbus, are Simpson. Mrs. Cliarles R. Baxter the church. Candidates for mem­ Rockville; Edward' Dziadul, RFD iw rts of the minister, the Rev. C lif­ Paul Marte, Richard Hurd, pn i-' Blizzard bership in the Church will meet reminded to bring articles for the Jr. and the Rev. R. Russell Peery. 3, Rockville; Mrs. Harriet Clark, ford O. Simpson; the associate 8 Griswold Street auction tomorrow evening follow­ The program will be viewed on dentlal committed; Mr. arid M rs.; with the deacons Thursday eve­ 141 Adams St.; Mrs. Edna Finley, minister, the ReO. R. Russell Charles Gipson, Mr^ and Mrs. Stan­ Tel. MI-9 S025 ning at T;15, and choir practice ing the business meeting at 8:15 W TIC-TV, channel 3, at 2:15 p.m. 14 Drive E; Mrs. Frances Puzzo, Peery t and by Mrs. Hook's K. John­ in the K o f C Home. Miss Helen ley Sasiela, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. •will follow- at 7:30. 224 Charter Oak St.; Mrs. Anna ston, director of religloUs educa­ Carlson, Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald Mc­ Roars h Thomas will ■ serve as auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Earle A. Keith, 351 Wilson, 295 N. Main St.; Benedict tion. W. Center St., and Mr. and Mrs. Clain, religious literature com­ Members of Hose Co., No.* 2, Kaiser, 136 Woodbridge St.; Mrs. The budget, $66,230, for 19PS was mittee; Cheater Bigelow, Howard The anniversary dinner of the John Nesbit, East Hartford, spent Dorothy Blanchard, 237 Center Town Flre-'Department, will meet approved. Other reports of boards, Angeil Jr., social action commit­ Wa-shington School PTA scheduled the weekend in New- York City. St.; Rowland Ro.vee, 126 Falkndr committees and organizations at the firehouse' tonight at 7 They attended the Lawrence W'clk tee; Mrs. Harold Clendaniel, Philip Midw for tomorrow night has been post­ Dr.; Mrs. Hazel Laskowski, West o’clock to proceed from there to within the church were presented Tangerone, publicity committee; poned until next week Tuesday show where they were personal Rd.. Rockville; Floyd Hewitt, RFD in mimeographed form. the Holmes Fiineral Home to pay guests of singer Alice Lon and en­ Mrs. Charles Crockett, Mrs. Harold night. Jan. 28. 1, Rockville. A I’esolution was introduced and By THE AMKK^TED PRESS respects to Rudolph Johnson, whose joyed a pleasant visit with her. Scoville, armed fOrdes committee. brothers are members of the de­ • ADM ITTED YESTERD AY: Mrs. accepted for the formation of a The worst/Wizzard In five! partment. The Sacred Heart Mothers Cir­ Virginia W'egner, Hebron; David committee with the responsibility On U.S. Rocket Bases FUEL years s w ii^ in Kansas and| cle will meet tonight at 8 o'clock The Friendship Circle of the Sal­ Spencer Sr.. 115 Forest St.; Har­ for filling the staff vacancies which at the home of Mrs. Joseph Syl­ vation Army will hold a meeting Missouri loday, halting trans- ■ ry Wells, 17 Davis Ave. Rockville; Rev. R. Russell Peery will be created by the departure of Herald Gets New vester. 43 Scarborough Rd. tonight at 7:45 at the Citadel. The Mr.s. Bertha Russell, 20 Salem Rd.; the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Peery. Their contineitlal road traffic and! fellowship committee will be in *8^ Rene Malre, Glastonbury; Mrs. The Rev. R. Russell Peery, as­ resignations as associate minister Phone Numbers virtually paralyzing Metro-! A cranberry social will be a fea­ charge of the meeting. Hoste.sses Una Clark, 806 Center St.; Mrs. sociate rriinfster of the Center and as organist and choir director, will be Mrs. Svea Gutafson and OIL ptdKan Kansas City. j ture of the weekly meeting of the Marie Fournier. 137 Brookfield St.; Congregational Church, annoupced respectively, were made knowp at /Two deathi were attributed to Dag W eighs Women's League tomorrow at 2 Mrs. Martha Turklngton. The He/ald has in­ Sees Insult Judith Schlchofer, Mansfield De­ bis resignation at the annual meet­ the meeting. The Rev. Mr. Peery RANGE OIL -'the atorm. ♦ p.m. at the Salvation Army Citadel. ____.e pot; William Reichert, 226'4 ing of the church held yesterday has accepted a call to th » South stalled a new and larger The weather bureau In a apeclal '■ Recipes will be distributed, togeth­ The 8th District Fire Depart­ Woodbridge St.; Nicholas Lata, afternoon. Congregational CTiurch in Middle- telephone switchboard bulletin at 11 a.m. (CSTi iaaued: er with sample.s of cranberry pre­ ment will hold a ladies night for East Hartford; Anthony Krawski, town. Arms Talks He has accepted a position as with additional trunk heavy’ anow warninga for north-: And Threat serves and relishes. Mrs. Major members and friends at 7:30 on East Windsor Hill; Eugene Fair- Other Officers minister of the South Congrega­ lined to provide increased east and north central MiasoiirJ John Pickup and Mrs. Elizabeth Feb. 15 at the firehouse. Dinner cloth. 30 N. School St.; Mrs. Besides Taylor, other officers and aoutheast Iowa, forecasting an Wilson will be hostesses. and dancing will be enjoyed. Tick­ Lavinia Brousseau, Bradford, R. I.; tional Church in Middletown, where for the coming year are: Atty. A r­ and faster service. he will take up his duties on April additional four Inchea for an area : In Moscow ets may be obtained from officers Joseph Durcault, East Hartford; thur LeClaire, vice moderator: Miss BOLAND T o Moslems 15. Effective at once our In which deptha already ranged up Tomorrow evening will be "Men’s of the department or from mem­ Edward Bensche, 59 Maple St Ruth Porter, church clerk; Justus new telephone number OIL COMPANY to $4 inches with some drifts of Night at the Community Baptist bers of the committee. Mrs. Peery, who had served Cen­ Paul, church treasurer; Paul .United Nations, X. Y.. Jan. BIRTHS SATU R D AY; A son to ter Church as organist and choir ■will be: ■ aix feet Moscow, Jan. 21 (/P)— The Church. The occasion will be an all- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russell, Co­ Ames, assistant treasurer; Mrs. 369 CENTER 5T. The weather bureau had to go 21 (IP) — Secretary General group meeting of the women's cir­ director since last September, has Mark Hill, Mrs. Draper Benson, Soviet Union warned the na­ Group C of the Center Congre­ lumbia; a daughter to Mr., and also resigned her position. Both Tel. Ml 3-6320 back 27 yeara to find a atorm com- Drg Hammar.skjold indicated cles. A film, entitled "The Broken gational Cliurch will meet tomo;- Mrs. Julius Beer, 14 Talcott Ave., Mrs. George S. Smith, Miss Ger­ Mitchell 3-2711 parabltl to thia one in Kansas C ity,; tions ot the Middle hast to­ Mask," will be shown.
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