Index Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes. A Arakan National League for Action Committee for Democratic Democracy (ANLD), 21 Education (ACDE), 166–71 Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army AFBC. See South Africa Broadcasting (ARSA), 181 Corporation (AFBC) ARSA. See Arakan Rohingya AFPFL. See Anti-Fascist People’s Salvation Army (ARSA) Freedom League (AFPFL) ASEAN. See Association of Southeast AIBD. See Asia-Pacific Institute for Asian Nations (ASEAN) Broadcasting Development Asian Media Information and (AIBD) Communication Centre (AMIC), AMIC. See Asian Media Information 188–89 and Communication Centre Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting (AMIC) Development (AIBD), 187, 189, Amyotha Hluttaw 192, 206 impeachment process, 139 Asia World, 155, 157, 181n7 and Khin Aung Myint, 132 Association of Southeast Asian ministers of ethnic affairs, 137 Nations (ASEAN) vs. Pyithu Hluttaw, 88, 101, 128–30, Myanmar’s Chairmanship of 153n39 (2015), 90 Speaker and Deputy Speaker of, 102 Myanmar’s membership of, 16 student protests, 170 Aung Gyi, 33 and Thein Nyunt, 204 Aung Kyi, 199–202, 204–5, 207, 208, Amyotha Hluttaw Law, 81, 144 210, 211 ANLD. See Arakan National League Aung Min for Democracy (ANLD) EAOs, meetings with, 169 Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom and Egress, 78–80 League (AFPFL), 9, 221 8888 uprising, 77 anti-government movements, 156 NNEP recommendations, 164 anti-Myitsone movement, 156, 158 Soe Thane and, 85, 87, 91, 162, 198, Arab Spring, 3, 72 211 19-J05730 14 Myanmar’s Political Transition.indd 247 29/8/19 3:53 PM 248 Index student protests, 167, 168, 172 Aye Mauk, 148n12 Thein Sein’s reform programme, 195 Aye Maung, 26, 30, 132, 137 2012 cabinet reshuffle, 84 Aye Myint, 195, 196, 203 Aung San, 219, 226n16 Ayer Shwe Wah Company, 125 Aung San Suu Kyi Ayeyawady division Peace and attack on her convoy, 18 Development Council, 104 Education Promotion and Ayeyawady River Confluence Region Implementation Committee, Hydropower Project (CRHP), 154 165–66 house arrest, 17, 20, 156 B media reporting on, 198 BANCA. See Biodiversity and Nature Myanmar Spring and, 48–55 Conservation Association Myitsone Dam project, 157, 159 (BANCA) National League for Democracy, 6, Bengali population control law, 175 7, 10, 111 Biodiversity and Nature Conservation National Network for Education Association (BANCA), 155, 157 Reform, 162 Blair, Tony, 74 national reconciliation policy, 113 Border and Immigration Control PR system, 135 Command, 181 release from house arrest, 67, 196 Broadcast Law, 194, 211 restriction on her movements, Burma Socialist Programme Party 1996–2001, 16 (BSPP), 8–9, 30, 41, 43, 61, 145 Shwe Mann and, 112, 133, 147, 225, 226n28 C State Law and Order Restoration cabinet committees, 98n77 Council, 13 Canada Broadcasting Corporation Than Shwe and, 14 (CBC), 208 Thein Sein and, 3, 212, 217, 225 CCISD. See Central Committee for Tin Oo and, 21 Implementation of Stability and 2012 by-election, 109 Development in Rakhine State Aung Shwe, 10, 15, 17 (CCISD) Aung Thaung, 28, 39, 44, 141, 189, CDC. See Changjiang Survey, 220, 223 Planning, Design and Research Aung Thein Lin, 132 Co. Aung Thet Mann, 114, 125 ceasefire agreement, 155–56, 160, 173 Aung Toe, 19, 21, 22, 25, 30 CEC. See Central Executive Aung Tun Thet, 72 Committee (CEC) Aungzeya, 103 Central Committee for Aung Zin, 112, 131–35, 150n70 Implementation of Stability and Australia Broadcasting Corporation Development in Rakhine State (ABC), 208 (CCISD), 180 19-J05730 14 Myanmar’s Political Transition.indd 248 29/8/19 3:53 PM Index 249 Central Executive Committee (CEC), section 15, 150n78 28, 35, 43, 66 section 17, 150n78 CESR. See Comprehensive Education section 18(a), 137 Sector Review (CESR) section 40, 205 Changjiang Survey, Planning, Design section 58, 108 and Research Co. (CDC), 155 section 59(f), 53, 147 Chan Nyein, 162, 163, 165 section 64, 26–29 China Power Investment Cooperation section 73(a), 89 (CPI), 155–56 section 86(b), 112 Chinese companies, 155, 157 section 87(c), 30 Chipwi Nge Hydropower Project, section 105, 29–30, 153n132 154 section 106, 29 Chit Naing, 193, 213n14 section 106(c), 153n138 Citizenship Law of 1982, 179 section 129(b), 112 civil society organizations (CSOs), 48, section 161, 150n78 73, 164 section 200, 57 “Clean Government”, 47, 66, 68–69 section 202, 57–58 Clinton, Hillary, 54 section 203, 58 Committee on National Energy section 224, 58 Policy, 91 section 228, 108, 152n131 Committee Representing the People’s section 228(a), 30–31, 103 Parliament (CRPP), 16 section 232(b), 98n96 Communist Party of Burma, 218 section 232(b)(ii), 58 Comprehensive Education Sector section 232(i), 58 Review (CESR), 160–62 section 232(k), 58 Conseil Superieur Audiovisuel (CSA), section 233, 58 207 section 235(c), 58 constitution, 101, 102 section 262(a)(iv), 137 article 60, 88 section 262(f), 137 legitimacy of the 2008 Constitution, section 320, 135 24–26 section 321, 135 military’s involvement with, 8–9 section 322, 136 1947 constitution, 6, 8, 30, 31n5 section 324, 137 1974 constitution, 6, 30, 31n5, 61 section 327, 135 provisions of the 2008 Constitution, section 334(a), 138 57–58 section 334(a)(5), 141, 152n108 restrictions on executive power of section 445, 148n10 the president, 26–31 Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, section 6(f), 99n97 127, 128, 132, 134–44, 137 section 11(a), 26, 137 functions and duties of, 136 section 12(b), 153n141 impeachment of, 143 19-J05730 14 Myanmar’s Political Transition.indd 249 29/8/19 3:53 PM 250 Index Constitutional Tribunal Law, 135, 143, ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), 147 87, 169, 172 CPI. See China Power Investment Executive Office of the President, Cooperation (CPI) 92–95, 159 CRPP. See Committee Representing Executive Presidency, 26 the People’s Parliament (CRPP) CSA. See Conseil Superieur F Audiovisuel (CSA) FES. See Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung CSOs. See civil society organizations (FES) (CSOs) FESR. See Framework for Economic and Social Reforms (FESR) D Framework for Economic and Social Declaration No. 1/90, SLORC, 7, 10, Reforms (FESR), 72 12, 14 Freedom House, 198 Declaration No. 5/90, SLORC, 10 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), 186–88 Defence Services Academy, 64, 78, 103 Friends for Democracy Group, 132, Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), 149n38 206, 207 democratization process, 1, 2, 24, 47 G “disciplined democracy”, 18, 47 Gambari, Ibrahim, 51 DVB. See Democratic Voice of Burma Gandhi Hall meeting, 7 (DVB) Gomez, Mercel, 187 Government Office, 92–95 E EAOs. See ethnic armed organizations H (EAOs) Hausewedell, Christian, 188 Economic Affairs Committee, 85, 86 Hla Htay Win, 105 Education Bill, 166 Hla Htun, 126, 170 Education Promotion and Hla Maung Shwe, 79 Implementation Committee Hla Tun, 84, 94, 99n115 (EPIC), 161, 164–66 Hluttaw bill committee, 202 Education Promotion Committee of Hluttaw committees, 10, 137–39, 142, the Pyithu Hluttaw, 162 144, 196, 208 Election Commission, 52, 131 Hluttaw Education Committee, 165, Eleven Media Group, 156 166 environmental impact assessment, Hluttaw Laws, 141 155 Hluttaw Legal Affairs and Special EPIC. See Education Promotion and Issues Assessment Committee, Implementation Committee 210 (EPIC) Hluttaw Public Accounts Committee, EPIC National Conference, 166 81 19-J05730 14 Myanmar’s Political Transition.indd 250 29/8/19 3:53 PM Index 251 Hluttaw Public Relations Committee, Khin Htwe Kywe, 132 202 Khin Maung Htay, 187 Hluttaw Rights Committee, 128 Khin Maung Phyu, 33 Htay Oo, 42–43, 66, 79, 217 Khin Maung Swe, 49, 50 Hu Jintao, 156 Khin Nyunt with Aung San Suu Kyi, 13–14, 19 I Operations Department, 93 impeachment, 98n79, 127, 138–43, 219 publishing licences, 185 Information and Public Relations State Law and Order Restoration Department (IPRD), 188 Council, 6, 18, 64 Interim Press Council, 201–6, 209–10 Khin San Ye, 161, 165 International Crisis Group, 1 Khin Shwe, 114 international media organizations, Khin Waing Kyi, 129 198 Khuensai Jaiyen, 218 ARTICLE 19, 201–2, 205, 207 KIO. See Kachin Independence international non-governmental Organization (KIO) organizations, 73 Ko Ko, 105, 167, 168 IPRD. See Information and Public Ko Ko Hlaing, 67, 193 Relations Department (IPRD) Ko Ko Kyaw, 94, 99n115 Ismail, Razali, 17, 19 “Ko Nyi”. See Toe Naing Man kyant-kai-yay (solidarity), 33–34 J Kyaw Hsan Japanese Kansai Electric Power and Aye Myint, disagreement Company (KEPO), 155 between, 196 foreign journalists, 187 K Information and Public Relation “Kabar Makyay”, 107, 120n30 Department, 188 Kachin community, 155 interim press council, 198–99 Kachin Consultative Assembly, 155 media reform, 186, 189, 192, 197 Kachin Independence Organization MOI and MOEP, coordination (KIO), 155–56 meeting between, 156 Khin Aung Myint, 103, 140, 141, 219 Myanmar media reform, 194 clash with Pyithu Hluttaw, 127–29, Myitsone Dam project, 158 139 National Convention Convening joint bill committee, 138 Committee, 19 MOI policies and activities, 189 policy meetings on future media National Convention Convening policy, 193 Committee, 19, 27 Press Scrutiny Division, 195 Shwe Mann and, 52, 85, 113, 118, SPDC development projects, 157 130, 142, 146 timetable for National Convention, Khine Myae, 164 lack of, 21 19-J05730 14 Myanmar’s Political Transition.indd 251 29/8/19 3:53 PM 252 Index transforming state media into Ministry of Education (MOE), 162, public service media, 206 163, 165, 166, 170, 172 Union Solidarity and Development Ministry of Electric Power (MOEP), Association, 66, 67 155–57 Kyaw Min Swe, 203, 211 Ministry of Energy, 91, 164 Kyaw Soe, 33 Ministry of Ethnic Affairs, 59 Kyaw Win, 19, 20 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 186 Kyaw Yin Hlaing, 79 Ministry of Home Affairs, 136–37, Kyaw Zan, 187 172 Kyi Maung, 10, 14 Ministry of Information (MOI) abolition of censorship, 199 L action plan for media reform, 189 law no.
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