FERMENT IN COMMUNIST PARTIES Members Seek Explanation of Stalinism By Farrell Dobbs Stalin’s great service to the revolution was the defeat of trade agreements with capitalist countries but the Com­ At the recent congress of the Soviet Communist Party the political policy of Trotsky that would have brought munist Parties in those countries went right on fighting Nikita Khrushchev admitted that the Moscow Trials of disaster to the Soviet Union.” to overturn capitalist rule. the 1930’s were frame-ups perpetrated by Stalin against Gollan is correct when he says the Russians should talk Stalin subverted these basic tenets of Leninism. As he loyal revolutionists who simply differed with Stalin po­ about Trotsky. But so should the British, Chinese, French, killed off Lenin’s Central Committee he strangled litically. Khrushchev’s new revelations have caused deep Italians, Japanese, so should the Americans and all workers’ democracy within the Communist movement political repercussions within the Communist Parties gen­ revolutionists throughout the world. What was Trotsky’s and within the Soviets. He turned the Communist Parties erally. policy against which Gollan still claims Stalin was right? abroad into diplomatic outposts of the Soviet state, dan­ In Japan angry demands have arisen, particularly When Stalin suppressed Trotsky’s writings was he trying gerously stripping them of their revolutionary vitality. among CP youth, for a full political explanation. Central to murder truth as he murdered Lenin’s trusted co-work­ “De-Stalinization” has not yet corrected these corrup­ Committee members of the Italian CP have voiced the ers through the Moscow Trials? tions of Lenin. need to go deeply into the causes of Stalinism . One of To discuss the political conflict between Stalin and Trotsky fought to continue Lenin’s basic policies. He Stalin’s staunchest defenders, Maurice Thorez, head of the Trotsky is not simply to rehash old fights. At the root sought to keep up to date the application of genuine French CP, today finds it necessary to tip his hat to lies the question of what happened to Leninist policy Marxism-Leninism to the unfolding world revolutionary “ de-Stalinization.” after Lenin died. Important lessons can be learned from struggles. John Gollan, general secretary of the British CP, when the Stalin-Trotsky conflict that w ill benefit revolutionists Communist militants seeking the whole truth owe it confronted at a party rally with the need to say where today. to themselves to break the Stalinist taboo against Trotsky he now stands on past attacks on Leon Trotsky, is quoted Under Lenin’s leadership there was genuine workers’ and to read what he had to say. Let Trotsky speak for as replying: “It is for the Russians to talk about Trotsky democracy in the Communist Parties and the Soviets. Un­ himself through his writings. Let each Communist m ili­ and not us here in Britain. I would say however that der Lenin the Soviet state made diplomatic treaties and tant form his own judgement of Trotsky’s views. THE American Gunboats Threaten Rights o f Dominican People MILITANT By Herman Chauka respondent aptly described as an Published in the interests of the Working People NOV. 29 — The continued pres­ act of “refined gunboat diplo­ ence of U.S. warships o ff the macy” was to bar a return to V o l. 25 - No. 44 M onday, D ecem ber 4, 1961 P rice 10c coast of the Dominican Republic power by the Trujillo family. But while the Dominican workers are the Trujillos have been comfort­ engaged in a general strike to oust ably established in $125-a-day Trujillo’s appointee, President Miami hotel suites for nine days Balaguer, makes clear that Wash­ now and the U.S. warships still Conference Maps Program ington’s intervention is not in­ remain poised off the Dominican tended to bring democracy to that coast. island. The real reason for their pres­ The menace of the Marine-filled ence was blurted out yesterday by To Achieve Left-Wing Unity a Dominican politician who would ships was further emphasized by By Harry Ring Adlai Stevenson’s sudden flight to like nothing better than to be able Trinidad Monday. His object was to go down the line with U.S. policy. NEW YORK — Efforts to Negro emancipation. Two years to pressure Argentine President strengthen the radical movement ago, she ran fo r public office on Frondizi into supporting OAS ac­ When Cuba originally demanded in this country were given a signi­ the Communist ticket in a fight tion for what he described as “the that the UN Security Council ficant boost by a conference held to defend the party’s legal status. security of the continent against brand the Dominican action of the here Nov. 25. The conference was Prior to the conference, Coggins intervention from extra-continen­ U.S. an act of aggression, special dedicated- to forging unity in ac­ sent a telegram to Benjamin J. tal sources.” provisions were made to give tem­ tion of presently divided revolu­ Davis, national secretary of the The urgency of this diplomati­ porary UN delegate’s status to Dr. tionary forces, with such action Communist Party, congratulating cally worded demand for support José Bonilla Atiles, a representa­ paving the way for building a new the party on its refusal to register tive of the opposition Dominican of a gang-up against Cuba is par­ Stevenson united party based upon a class- its members with the government ticularly ominous. A reliable re­ National Civic Union. He then struggle program. as demanded by the Justice De­ port from Guatemala indicates the Dominican coast the few miles spoke in support of the U.S. m ili­ tary action. Described as a “conference pre­ partment. He invited Davis to ad­ that operations are under way across to Cuba. liminary to the founding conven­ dress.. the conference. The in v ita ­ there for what may be a care­ Washington’s capacity to engage But when the Security Council tion of a new, American Labor- tion was rejected with a sharp at­ fully faked “Cuban invasion” of in such a reactionary adventure meeting ended yesterday, Dr. Negro Vanguard Party,” the call tack. A statement by the New the country. Such an engineered is demonstrated by the duplicity Bonilla was no longer participat­ for the gathering was issued by York State CP branded the con- “attack” could provide the pretext of its Dominican intervention. The ing. He explained to newsmen: “I spoke the other day while provisional chairman Clarence (Continued on Page 2) for sending the U.S. ships now off original pretext for what one cor- Coggins, a Negro unionist from there was a hope that Balaguer New Jersey. would take a democratic direc­ tion.” But, he added, he now sees Attendance was urged upon all “with alarm that this government groups and individuals who op­ Jail for Those Helping Evicted Farmers is returning to its old tricks.” pose Washington’s anti-Soviet White-supremacist officials of Friends are concerned for Henry Dr. Bonilla disclosed that in drive, support the world-wide Haywood County to see what they might do to help. because no one has seen h im since negotiations for the creation of a anti-imperialist movement, oppose Fayette and Haywood Counties, David Henry, Philadelphia pa­ his arrest. “The jailer knocked me coalition provisional government, the reformist policies of the trade Tennessee, are jailing those who cifist and McCrackin supporter, through the door when I asked Balaguer insisted that the official union bureaucracy, support the come to aid the embattled Negroes permission to visit Henry,” Rev. party of the Trujillo tyranny be of the area. Imprisoned since Oct. was jailed in Brownsville Nov. 14 tiim iuitiiiM iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiim iim iim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiii included in any new government. 29 is Rev. Maurice McCrackin, on a trumped-up speeding charge. Ernest Bromley reports. The National Civic Union, while The government drive to out­ well-known Cincinnati pacifist. law the Communist Party is a bent on “moderating” the popular McCrackin is treasurer of Oper­ struggle against Balaguer, ap­ grave threat to the fight for ation Freedom organized last year parently realizes that the Domini- peace. See editorial, “A Menace to aid tenant farmers and share­ can masses w ill not tolerate con- to Peace,” page 3. croppers evicted in retaliation tinuing power by any part of the against efforts of Negroes to reg­ iiim iiiim iim m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiim iiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiilii old order. ister to vote in the two counties. There is good reason for this Negro rights struggle, favor inde­ Operation Freedom set up Tent sentiment. The people want pendent political action and back City for homeless families, rented democracy and freedom from the civil liberties for all. Special em­ land and made crop loans to per­ long years of U.S. dom ination phasis was placed on the need to secuted Negro farmers. which brought them such terrible resolutely oppose the drive to out­ McCrackin was in Brownsville, poverty and oppression. The ex­ law the Communist Party. Tenn., to settle the year’s crop tent of the exploitation they have More than 50 people partici­ loans and investigate the needs suffered was graphically indicated pated in the conference, some as arising from the impending evic­ by two of the concessions offered individuals, others representing in­ tion of 60 more families in Hay­ by Balaguer in return for an end terested groups. Among the areas wood County. Neither friends nor to the general strike. One was a represented were New York, New newsmen were allowed to attend promise to taxi-drivers to cut the Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, his trial for “loitering.” Upon price of U.S.-provided gasoline Connecticut and Rhode Island.
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