also KV\ownas 1R~tlf NOts11:rrER Vol. 8, No . 8 Dec. 6, 1961 Pag e 57 Story Leads Beavers to NCAA Title Why Run? East Lan sing, Mich., Nov . 27 -- The West Coas t, fea­ By Jim Klein turin g top team perfor man ces by Oregon Sta te and San Jose State, Tr ac k Coach, West m ont Colleg e took mo st of the honors at the NCAA cross co unt r y cha mpi onsh ips . Dale Stor y, only 19 years old, won the individua l ti tle and (Ed . Note: Th e auth or was a 1960 U.S. Olympic team al - helpe d the Beavers fro m Or egon State win the te am title. Story, ternat e in the deca thlon.) who ran barefooted despite the 32 -degree te mpera ture, was ti.med in 19: 46 . 6 for the four -mil e co urse , about 18 seconds ove r the These qu est ion s have co me up a co uple of time s thi s year : co ur se mark . A surprise second was Brigham Young's Finn ish "Why run? ", "What am I doin g thi s for ?", ''Why come out her e e very sopho more , Matti Raty , who ra n 19:57 while Au stralian Pat Clo ­ aftern oon and beat out my brains?", "What' s it prove? " Well, these hessy led Houston in an unsu ccess ful defense of its team title by are all good que st ions and s hould be answ e red. placing third in 20: 07. Jeff F ishbac k of San Jose State was fourth Running, in and of it se li, probabl y doesn't pro ve mu ch . The in 20: 09 and Loyola of Chic ago sophomor e To m O'Hara was nex t in mere fact that a man ran a four-minute mil e probabl y won 't coun t for 20:12. much a hundred years fr om now or maybe even tomorrow. RUIUling Ore gon State became the first Pacific Coa st sc hool to win is po ssib ly just as pointless as putting men on the moon, cons truct­ the team champi onship by sc or ing 68 point s whil e San Jose Stat e ing a monu ment, painting a pic ture or some of the other stran ge took second with 81 points. Besides Story, other sco r er s for the things tha t men do . Beavers were Rich Cuddihy in 12th, Bill Boyd in 16th, Clii f Thom - Th ere are man y va luab le by- produ cts to running and train - son in 25th and Jerry Brad y in 51st. ing. It's pos sibl e that the by-products ar e more significant than the Houston was third with 122 points , two less than the num ­ produ ct . First, th ere is physical fitness. You can ar rive at a high ber sco red by Big Eight and Central Coll egia te cha mpion Kansas . state of physical fitness through running and exercising. Fitn ess is ·Houst on' s Al La wrence att empted to defe nd his indi vidu al titl e ce rtainl y in the lim elig ht these days and I think that for a Christian but place d 59th. He has be en bothe r ed all fall with Achill es ten­ a sound body is ce rtainly to be coveted. But fimess isn't a good don trouble . Despi te his ailm ent , he was st ill the four th man on enough exc use to go out and run yourself into the ground for each his team. evening. There must be a bett e r reason than fimess because ther e Danny Metca lf of Okla homa State too k the ea rly lead , clock ­ are many ea sier, les s painful ways of arriving at fitness. The fact ing 4: 55. 5 for th e mile. But then Stor y took over and went on to be ­ is , so me of the world's great es t men, men who have made tre­ come the sec ond Pacific Coast runner eve r to win the indi vidua l mend ous cont ributions to our society, have been men who scorn ed title. Max Truex of Southern California won the titl e in 1957. exercis e in any form. Story' s times at the two and thr ee mil e points wer e 10:04.4 and Could the value in running be in defeating your opponent? 14:53. His time was the third fast est ever run on the cour se. Could set ting yourseli up as th e champion and becoming confid ent Th e team sco res we r e: Oregon State 68, San Jose Sta te 81, and able to take on all comers be the thing to strive for ? This Houston 122, Kansas 124, Iowa 164, Western Michiga n 165 , Sou ­ breaks down pretty fast. Som e of the me n that get more out of thern Illinois 173, Penn Stat e 203, Michi gan Stat e 212, Air Fo r ce comp et ing than anyone else are those who run last or near la s t in 244, Army, 258, Texas A&M 281, Centr al Michi gan 314, Ohi o U. every race they enter. Some of the men who lose more and ar e done 332, Miami (Ohio) 345 , Bowling Green 40 6, Buffal o State 421. more ha rm by competition are those who never taste defeat. A Complete res ults: {numbe r aft er school mdi cates athl ete's man cannot rem a in the champion lorig. Someone who is fast e r or class in sch ool. *= indicates doe s not count in te am sco rin g, was stron ger always comes alon g. Maybe it will take awhile but sooner not pa rt of full te a m. The last figure is the athlet e 's team pla ce .) or lat er that man will come along. Anoth er inter es ting thing about 1. Dale Story, Oregon Stat e , '64 19:46 . 6 1 being a cha mpion is that onc e yo u reach the heights it doesn't seem 2. Matti Raty, Brigham Youn g, '64 * 19: 57 as valuable anymore. It's ju s t another of many little steps with the 3. Pat Clohessy, Houston , '62 20:07 2 champion ship happening to be the top one. 4. Jeff F ishback , San Jose Sta te , '63 20:09 3 Well, wha t is the sense of runnin g? What is the logic of pun­ 5. Tom O'Hara, Loyola (Chic ag o), '64* 20:12 ishing yourseli each evening; of st rivin g to become bett e r, more 6. Charl es Clark, San Jos e State , '62 20:12 4 effici ent, tougher ? The va lu e in it is what you can lear n about your­ 7. Barri e Almond , Houst on, '63 20: 15 5 seli . The va lue is in the position that it puts you in. You are place d 8 . Jim Tu cke r, Iowa, '62 20:20 6 naked before yourseli and yo ur fell ow man . You can give it all you've 9. Daru1y Metcali, Okla . State , '63* 20:21 got or you can give yourseli an excuse and not r ea lly try. You can 10. Gera ld Glyd e , Colo. State , '63* 20:22 make an excuse for not winning or you can admit that .your opponent 11. Don Hancock , Wes tern Mich., '62 20:2 3 7 was a better man on that day . In this sort of situation all kinds of 12 . Ri ch Cuddih y, Oregon S~ate, '63 20 :32 8 qualities co me out ; things tha t you may not ha ve s een in yourse li 13. Jerry Schmidt, Colo. Sta te , '62 * 20:34 befo .re and are hard to look at and acc ept as J?eing you. You ma y 14. Vic Zwolak, Villan ova, '64* 20: 35 see in you rseli a tendency to loaf when the ·going r eally gets tough 15. Ron Davis, San Jose State , '63 20: 36 9 and your body is cry ing for a moment's rest. It is not fun to look _.,16. Bill Boyd, Or egon State, '62 20: 36 10 at a qualit y like thi s , especially when you se e it in yo urseli. You 17 . Deni s Moore, Ab ilen e Christian, '63* 20:38 ma y find your se li talking a gr eat rac e an d yet not r uru1ing one . You 18 . Gerry Young, Mic h. State, '62 20:38 11 see yo urse lf as somew hat of a bag of wind. You may be a chronic 19. Geoff Walker, Houston, '63 20: 4 1 12 excus e maker findin g all so rts of fantasti c reasons for not re ally 20. Bill Dotson, Kansas, '62 20:4 3 13 doing what you know you can do. Ther e a r e dozens of other things (continu ed on pag e 58 , co lumn one ) (continu ed on pag e 60, co lumn one) l Pag e 58 103. Greg Robin son, Houston, '63 22:36 78 N:c . A,A, MEET (con tinu e d from page 57) 104. John Wilson, Air Forc e , '64 22 :37 79 '64 21, .Bill Morgan; San Franci sco St., '62* 20:44 105.
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