April 11, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E429 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MR. JARED KING Combat Action Ribbon, two Navy and Marine ship changed hands ten years ago, from Les Corps Commendation Medals, three Navy and Mayfield to Jared Mayfield, Stanley was made HON. ROD BLUM Marine Corps Achievement Medals, two Presi- the store manager because of his increasing OF IOWA dential Unit Citations, a Meritorious Unit Com- dedication to the customers. mendation Medal, the Navy E Ribbon, six Stanley’s aim is to make sure that all cus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Navy Good Conduct Medals, a National De- tomers feel important and that they can get Wednesday, April 11, 2018 fense Medal, an Afghanistan Campaign everything they need in one place, from gaso- Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Medal, a Sea Service Deployment Medal, a line and propane, snacks and drinks, and sim- honor a remarkable young man, Jared John Navy Rifle Expert Medal and a Navy Pistol Ex- ple automotive essentials, to pizza and even King who attained the Eagle Scout Award. Be- pert Medal. hunting and fishing supplies. coming an Eagle Scout, the highest rank in I count it an immense honor to celebrate Stanley is a husband and a father, and the Boy Scouts, has only been accomplished this true American patriot upon his retirement strives to instill hard work in the lives of his by approximately four percent of all Boy from the United States Naval Special Warfare children. His advice to those who want a ca- Scouts. The process requires earning at least Development Group—SEAL Team Six. The reer in business management is to stay in 21 merit badges which takes years to fulfill. people of Leslie County and all of Kentucky school, read more, and always ask questions At the age of 15 and a freshman in high are incredibly proud of our hometown hero, if you don’t know something. school, Mr. King should be proud of his ac- Richard Paul Melton. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing Stanley Davis for his desire to complishment. Receiving his Eagle Scout rank f demonstrates that he is a strong, dedicated, make a difference in his community. and proven leader. With this accomplishment, HUGH BRITTENHAM f it is my hope he will continue to serve as a HONORING THE LIVES AND SERV- role model for younger boy scouts. Thank you HON. FRANCIS ROONEY ICE OF ELWOOD, INDIANA FIRE- to Mr. King for making a positive impact in OF FLORIDA FIGHTERS KYLE HIBST AND northeast Iowa. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DAVID WITTKAMPER f Wednesday, April 11, 2018 TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF U.S. NAVY Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. Mr. HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS OF INDIANA SEAL RICHARD PAUL MELTON Speaker, I rise today to recognize Hugh IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Brittenham, a fine young man from Estero HON. HAROLD ROGERS High School. At the FSU relays, Hugh was Wednesday, April 11, 2018 OF KENTUCKY able to both break his already national record Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, it is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES setting 800-meter event time, and snag an- with a heavy heart that I rise today to honor other national record for the 1,600-meter the lives of two outstanding public servants, Wednesday, April 11, 2018 event. Madison County volunteer firefighters Kyle Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I I congratulate Hugh for his exceptional com- Hibst and David Wittkamper who lost their rise today to pay tribute to an American hero mitment to the Estero running program. I also lives in a plane crash on April 2, 2018. Kyle and one of Eastern Kentucky’s bravest sons, extend my congratulations to Hugh’s family, and David both were active members in their U.S. Navy SEAL Richard Paul Melton, in cele- Estero running coaches Mike Bumpus, Ben community and served as volunteer firefighters bration of his retirement from a valiant 20-year Pignatone, Leigh Williamson, Brian Olitsky and with the Pipe Creek Township. military career. the late former athletic director Jeff Sommer, The Pipe Creek Township Volunteer Fire As a member of the nation’s elite Seal who made the Estero running program into Department was established in 1960 and is lo- Team Six, Paul Melton has served as one of what it is today. cated in Elwood, Indiana. The department is the United States’ highly trained experts in f all-volunteer and provides fire and rescue pro- warfare, special reconnaissance, counterter- tection to more than 4,000 residents of Pipe rorism and national defense. Our Navy SEALs HONORING STANLEY DAVIS Creek Township. As volunteer firefighters, are the most highly esteemed warriors around Kyle and David donated their time to provide the world, known for their unmatched success HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON emergency services for Pipe Creek Township. in covert special operations by sea, air and OF MISSISSIPPI Being a volunteer firefighter is not for the faint land, displaying incredible dedication to our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of heart. Those who answer the call of duty country with every mission and unmatched are motivated by a sense of pride in their Wednesday, April 11, 2018 willpower in enemy territory. community. The dedication and service of vol- Our nation owes this Navy SEAL and his Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- unteer firefighters across Indiana is essential family a great debt of gratitude for their com- er, I rise today to honor a talented and driven to the safety of our communities. bined sacrifice during his brave service over man Mr. Stanley Davis. Mr. Davis has shown A life-long Hoosier, Kyle graduated from the last two decades. He has served five tours what can be done through tenacity, dedication Elwood Community High School in 2005 and in Afghanistan, as well as tours in the Arabian and a desire to serve his community while began a career in public service in 2011, Peninsula, the Horn of Africa and the greater having a successful career. when he joined the Pipe Creek Township Vol- Middle East. While we may never know the Stanley was born and raised in the Brick- unteer Fire Department. In addition to his work gravity of his classified missions and the immi- yard Hill community in Yazoo City, along with at the fire department, Kyle was the owner of nent danger he faced in areas infiltrated with his mother and eight siblings. He attended Anytime Fitness in Elwood and also an area some of the world’s most brutal terrorists, let school in Yazoo City at Main Street Elemen- field manager for U-Haul. Kyle and his wife us never fail to applaud and recognize his un- tary, and Yazoo City Junior High, before grad- Kimberley, were married for four years. Kyle dying determination to defend our freedom uating from Yazoo City High School in 1986. was a beloved husband and a devoted father and protect our allied nations. Stanley Davis, the manager at 49 Exxon who enjoyed spending time outdoors with his Senior Chief Petty Officer Paul Melton is Fuelmart on Jerry Clower Boulevard in Yazoo son, Grayson, and watching Notre Dame Foot- decorated with some of the highest honors be- City, is known for making every customer feel ball. In addition to his wife and son, Kyle is stowed upon any member of the U.S. Armed important. Over the years, the name of the survived by his parents; Frederick and Re- Forces, including: five Bronze Star Medals convenience store changed. It is still com- becca Hibst; his two sisters, Kirsten Hibst and with Combat V, a Purple Heart, a Joint Serv- monly referred to as Mayfield’s or Texaco by Kacie Johns, and many other loving family ice Commendation Medal with Combat V, a many Yazoo residents. When the store owner- members. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Apr 12, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11AP8.001 E11APPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS.
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