lIIIAT8, F ATH, fl' Ila.. ,. q! Ihu.,h Zt an. Al Ih,ou,,, lU II.W ,0.41, P.OCESS!!D FOOD8, bluo Ilamps yt Ih,.o,h Z~ .Dd Al Ihr.u,b TI nil•• ow, T SUGAR. bo.k r.or .Iam, .~ , ••d ror live pondl H E Ihr.. ,h A.,. 81. 8nOES, alrplan. Ilamp. I, ~ , 3 aad Fair • In book Ibroe .r. ,.... IndelloUol,. OASOLINE, tfl-A CO.pODt , ••d ror alX rallonl each ; B .. ' , B-8, C·, IOWA: Generally fair and eooler • &II' C-I e",o.1 '.041 ,., rlv. ,aUo • • ea.h, PUEL OIL, ,.,10' 0.' Ihr •• ,b lIy. CO.PO"" ,0041 Ib,.o,b DAILY IOWAN, 1D extreme east. AUI· IU I pulo. one couponl tor the HHtJ.46 lea.on , C f MIN aro now lood. La, 1 year'. p.rlod ro.r an' II.. 0 W a t y , • 0 r n n 91 e w • pap. r ~r=====;=======•• = "~p~.n='='=.=p=I'='~A~.~r~,~91~·_=====~======o=========================~====~~========~==~==========~======~============================================~================~==~==========================~====-.~ FIVE CENTS T.a aa.otJlAt'aP ...... IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1945 nm dlCMllAt'U .... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 269 aps, et First asteI o tornie om Nip Army Base UNRULY ITALIAN PRISONERS TAKEN FROM ROME JAIL Germans Granted Jet.Propelied Plane Explodes- ~~~ll« !.i' 1:. Devastating ~ r~""':b~~ ,;« Permission to Form Suffers Blow .. .;,. Major Bong Killed Force Turned Local Unions, Parties BURBANK, Calif. (AP) - Maj, for about 400 feel It was a terri­ Richard Ira Bong, 24-year-old ble sight." Full Freedom Depends American ace fighter pilot of all Other witnesses said the plane Of New Bomb , exploded with a terrillc roar, On'Enemy On Willingness time, was killed yesterday as his beIng diSintegrated as parts were Port of Hiroshima To Build Del.,,)Cracy jet-propelled P-80 plane was dis­ hurled In small bits over a wide integrated by an explosion a few area at a spot within a few mlles Weapon Carries Blow first to Feel Brunt BERLIN (AP) - The United minutes after he leU Lockheed air of the airport. Equivalent to Raid Of Annihilation Pledge States and Britain yesterday gave terminal on a test flight. "A piece fell from the plane," the conquered Germans permission The dauntless young aJrman, saId Mrs. J . B. VlUarlno, who was Of 2,000 Superforts who had 40 Japanese planes to his GUAM, 'l'u sday (AP) - 'rhe to form tree, local trade unions attracted to the plane because It credit, apparently made an at­ seemed to be flying so low, "It W ASHINGT N (AP)-The Uni ted States unleRs hed Mon­ and local political parties, but General Eisenhower warned the tempt to escape through the pilot's might have been the enline Wing. most terrible d strnctive force thl' most teniblc Wf'a POll i n d.ay German people they would get full escape hatch. His parachute had Then the plane starled straight ever harn . d by man-atomic IIl e hi story f WHI', all a touu' freedom only after they proved been partly opened. down and crashed wlth a tre­ energy- i now being lurned on bomb c8l'ryin~ the d stl'lH'tiv therflselves willing to build de­ A Lockheed service mechanic, mendous burst of smoke, Huge the . islands of Japan by United power of 2,000 S up(, l'f'orts t ha t mocracy. Frank Bodenhamer, said Major flames swelled up, plainly visible tates bomb rs, The Japanese Bong radioed the control tower from my house, although It is crashed with annihilating f' or('e "We shall assist you to rebuild face a thr at of utter desolation, as soon as he was in the air, saying about two miles from the scene of 011 8 Japanese 81'111)' bIlSt', Wallh ­ your life on a democra tic basis," and their capitulation may be ington announced. Eisenhower said in a prociama­ he had developed trouble, the crash." "His takeoff was normal," said After returning from overseas gl-eatly speed d up. Official sOlll'res here rrl11flin('d tlon to the Germans. The Ameri­ Bodenhamer, "but I knew there service, the former Poplar, Wis., Exi t enc of th g reat new silent, but S cr tal'), of Wal' can commander demanded, how­ ever, that "there msut be no idle­ was som,ething wrong when 1 saw farm boy was assigned last June weapon was allllounc d p erson­ Stimson declared in Waqhing'lon ness," particularly during and be­ a puff of black smoke just as he to the western district of the air ally by Pr ,id nt Trnman in a that th e bi g ba !'!1' and pOl't of fore the coming winter which, he levelled off in flight. The right technical command. He was a statement issued through the Hiro hima on JaplIll'Rillland wing tipped. The next thing I said, would be a hard one. member of the start assigned to White House at 10 s, 01_, central lea was engulfed in "on impene­ Freedom to engll&'e In political knew the escape hatch came oct the AAF plant representative at war time, yesterday, lie said the trable cloud of dust and smok ." activity and forn. unlons--and also and the plane started to glide and Lockheed aircraft factory. His job first atomic bomb, invented and TolI,o radio yesterday named of press and judicial llberb-tlll then nosed over straight down, A was testing the swl(t new jet­ perfected In the United States, had Ibe place and approximate time WHEN MORE than 2,000 prisoners rlote<l In the Regina CoeU prison In Rome, the italian mJlltary police Is subject to the approval of the column of smoke went into the air propelled "Shooting Stars." been dropped on the Japanese Ibal America's tlrst Ilew atomic had to remove the unruly inmates as hown, The prl son officials were refused Allied aid because military local allied military govemments, army base of Hiroshima 16 hours bomb bit tbe homeland but made authorities said the Incident was a purely domestic affair, Elsellbower stressed_ But he held before. no menllon of the terrific de­ out the prospect that these restric­ drucUon such a bomb would Prosecutor Introduces AI a Glane.- That one bomb carried a wallop tions might be lilted, more violent than 2,000 B-29 Nllt. Eisenhower's proclamation was Superfortresses normally could The Japanese broadcast said Fighters, Bombers Hit ~ Test 01 Atomic' Bomb Caused read in his name over the Ber lin Petai~ LeHer to Hitler hand an enemy city, usln, old DIU only that Hiroshima, the south­ radio . and transmitters in . the type TNT bombs_ western Honshu targ t city of the Todq)i's l American zone, At the same time, Mr_ Truman noted that the atomic bomb, was raided by "u Southern .lap Port, 1 25"0 M-II R d - a sim ilnr proclamation was read Interrupts Defense Japanese rejected the surrender small number" of American B-29'8 Tarum. Left in Flames on behalf of Field Marshal Sir Testimony to Read ultlmotum from Potsdam, :lIld that with incendiaries and explosives remors , or • I e a IUS Bernard L. Montgomery in the Iowan this had been intended to spare at 8:30 n. m. Monday (6:20 p. m. In Greatest Fire Raid British zone, Part of Communication the Japanese people from "utter Sunday, United Stales central wal' LOS ALAMOS, N. M. (AP) - while standing outside the control The relaxation of control was in destruction." time) . That was about the hour By Far East Airforce The l irst man-made atomic explo­ center more than Jive miles from acconl with the policies fOI' the PARIS (AP)- Prosecutor Andre Allies' newest and most detruc­ * * * Now, he sa id, with the new President Truman said the bomb sion, a preview of the deadly de­ a sleel tower where the blast was government of Germany laid down Mornet charged yesterday t.hat live weapon, the atomic bomb, bomb, the Japanese "may expect was dropped. MANILA, Tuesday (AP)-More struction to be rained upon J apan, set off. last week by the Big Three meeL­ Marshal Petain and Hitler ex­ goes into use against Japs. Transmitters on nearby Saipan than 400 fighters and bombers sub­ was set off In ihe New Mexico ing at Potsdam. The ban on po­ a cain of ruin from the air, the Jected the southern Japanese port The test of lhe $2,000,000',000 changed letters three weeks after like of which has never been seen and on Hawaii and in San Fran­ desert July 16 causing earthquake­ experiment OCCUlTed aL 5:30 a. m. litical activties had been relaxed Major BoP' killed as P-80 ex­ or Turumi to the greatest fire raid allied landings in North Africa on this earth." cisco bombarded the Japanese like tremors for a radius of 250 at a remote locntion on the Alamo­ in the Russian zone some weeks plodes during test Lilaht. yet staged by fal' east ai rforces miles. '. The announcement heralded an homeland with broadcasts declar­ gordo, N. M., military reservation, ago. relative to German help lor Sunday, leaving it engulfed in An,lo-Amerlcan victory at a IIOIt ing that thi was the annihilation Scientists and military author­ ]20 miles south of Albuquerque. It Eisenhower ~id that the plans France "to assist her in recon­ 213 &0 receJve degrees in Convo­ smoke biliowmg 12,000 feel high, $2,000,000,000 In one of t~e promised at Potsdam for scorning ities who lay face down nearly 10 had been delayed an hour and a were belnlr annouooed since "our cations tomorrow, ot quering her colonial domains." &-dmm t baHles of tile war-the \he S\lrrender ultimatum.
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