Some Remarks on the Formation of the Classical Style: Instrumental Music by Amandus Ivanschiz1 MACIEJ JOCHYMCZYK The Jagiellonian University, Cracow Some Remarks on the Formation of the Classical Style Instrumental Music by Amandus Ivanschiz Musicology Today • Vol. 10 • 2013 DOI: 10.2478/muso-2014-0007 INTRODUCTION their source. From 1755 onward, we have documents of Amandus’ residence in the Mariatrost Monastery near The instrumental works by Amandus Ivanschiz Graz and his musical activity in that place. This is also attracted the interest of musicians and musicologists where he died in 1758, aged barely 314. as early as the 1930s2. Even though several papers and Until recently, mainly on the basis of source dating, one longer (unpublished) dissertation have so far been the end of the composer’s activity was situated in the dedicated to them3, and many of the compositions 1760s, 70s, or even the 1790s5. Even those scholars who appeared in print, our knowledge about this part of the accepted these late dates still saw Ivanschiz as one of composer’s output is still fragmentary and superficial. the precursors of the new style, especially with respect The main reason for this situation is the lack of extensive to the symphony – a view that is also reflected in the source studies. Many of the printed works are random entry for Symphony in The New Grove Dictionary6. The examples, not really representative of their author’s surprisingly early date of his death places his sizeable technique and style, submitted to arrangements (in output, clearly belonging to the early Classical style, in a varying degree), some even wrongly ascribed to Ivanschiz. a new light, transforming our knowledge about stylistic As in this case the biography is vital to a proper changes between the two eras so significantly that many evaluation of the composer’s oeuvre, let us list the key encyclopaedic entries on the music of that time may need facts of his life. Born just before Christmas 1727 in to be thoroughly rewritten. the Austrian town of Wiener Neustadt (the exact date Leaving out the works of doubtful or erroneous is unknown), he was baptised on 24th December and attribution, Ivanschiz’s surviving instrumental oeuvre christened Matthias Leopold. His father came from consists of 20 symphonies and 13 chamber trios preserved the village of Baumgarten (presently in the Austrian in ca 90 copies7 on the territory of Austria, Croatia, the Burgenland) inhabited by the Croatian minority. It was Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, in Wiener Neustadt that on 25th December 1743 the as well as in single manuscripts held in Belgium, Slovenia young Matthias Leopold entered the Order of Saint and Sweden. For the sake of comparison, his vocal- Paul the First Hermit (the Paulines), taking the name of instrumental output comprises ca 50 works (exclusively Amandus, and where he was ordained a priest on 15th of religious character) preserved in more than 200 sources, November 1750. The composer spent the years 1751– and so it is clearly more extensive and better disseminated8. 1754 in Rome as assistant (socius) to Procurator General of the Order to the Holy See. Undoubtedly during his 4 For the details of the composer’s biography and his religious stay in the Eternal City, Ivanschiz had the opportunity works, see: Maciej Jochymczyk, Twórczość religijna o. Amanda Ivanschiza OSPPE [The Religious Music of Father Amandus to become acquainted with the music performed in Italy Ivanschiz OSPPE], doctoral dissertation, The Jagiellonian at that time and learn the most recent trends directly at University, Institute of Musicology, Cracow 2012. 5 Cf. e.g. Lovro Županović, Stoljeća hrvatske glazbe, Zagreb 1980, and the English edition: Id., Centuries of Croatian Music, 1 The author of this article conducted studies on Father Amandus Ivanschiz’s life and work, originally in the context of op. cit., pp. 141–152. his doctoral dissertation dedicated to that composer’s religious 6 Jan Larue, Eugene K. Wolf, Symphony, §I: 18th century, in: music (cf. footnote 4), and currently within a research project The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley which aims at producing a monograph as well as a full thematic Sadie, vol. 24, New York–London 2001. catalogue of Ivanschiz’s works. The project is financed from the 7 Since neither the study of 18th-century music sources nor of National Science Center’s funds awarded on the basis of the Ivanschiz’s instrumental works has been completed yet, these decision number DEC-2011/03/N/HS2/00853. numbers should not be considered as final. 2 The earliest publications on this subject include: Vladimír 8 This is a notable fact, as seven of the trios and one symphony Helfert, ‘Průkopnický význam české hudby v 18. Století’, in: Co by Father Amandus are listed in the Breitkopf catalogue (of daly naše země Evropě a lidstvu, Praha 1939, pp. 216–221; 1767) and two of these trios also appear in the Ringmacher Theodora Straková, ‘O neznámém skladateli předklasického catalogue (of 1773), which means that the works were relatively údobí (P. Amandus Ivanschitz a jeho vztah k otázce vývoje easily available in manuscript copies prepared on commission. sonátové formy na naší pudě)’, “Časopis Moravského muzea Cf.: Supplemento II. dei Catalogi delle Sinfonie, Partite, v Brně” XXXIV (1949), pp. 218–231. Ouverture, Soli, Duetti, Trii, Quattri e Concerti per il Violino, Flauto Traverso, Cembalo ed altri Stromenti. Che si trovano in 3 Danilo Pokorn, Amandus Ivančič in njegovo posvetno manoscritto nella Officina Musica di Breitkopf in Lipsia 1767, skladateljsko delo, doctoral dissertation, University of Ljubljana p. 23 (under the name “Ivanschiz”), p. 9 (under the name 1977. 73 Some Remarks on the Formation of the Classical Style Instrumental Music by Amandus Ivanschiz Contemporary music publications do not reflect these the compositions were transposed to other keys. Moreover proportions. The first printed edition of Ivanschiz’s vocal- the manuscripts from D-KA contain two works wrongly instrumental music only appeared in 20139, whereas his attributed to Ivanschiz, most likely composed by Franz instrumental works had become the object of publishers’ Aspelmayr16. The 20th-century editors also introduced interest much earlier. Already in the 1970s, twelve of the some changes in the instrumentation. Even though the symphonies attributed to this composer were printed in preserved sources clearly indicate that the lowest voice in the series Spomenici hrvatske glazbene prošlosti (ed. Lovro the trios was usually performed by the cello (see below) Županović)10, and in the 1980s two other symphonies, and it was not figured in any of the manuscripts, all the edited by Danilo Pokorn, were included in the 14th volume three editions added a fully realised part of basso continuo of the monumental series The Symphony 1720–184011. As (referred to by Danilo Pokorn simply as “cembalo”), these publications were largely based on unique or not without clearly indicating that it comes from the editor. very reliable sources, the editions contain two erroneously In this way, Ivanschiz’s pioneering role in the formation attributed works, while in several other cases the minuet of the classical string trio, the elimination of the continuo was left out of classically constructed four-movement in chamber music and the use of a four-movement symphonies. The chamber string trios, which were symphonic cycle – was effectively concealed by the editors. published in the 1980s in two editions by Danilo Pokorn12 and one by Paul M. Douglas13, were even less fortunate: as many as 6 out of 9 of the printed compositions (the CHAMBER MUSIC17 contents of two volumes14) were based on the sources from the collection of the Margraves of Baden held in the Ivanschiz’s thematic catalogue, which was part of Danilo Badische Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe (D-KA). This was Pokorn’s dissertation, lists four categories of chamber a particularly ill-advised choice, as in the Baden manuscripts music: sonatas, trios, divertimentos and simfonias18. Ivanschiz’s works had been submitted to significant This division, based on the titles in the manuscripts, was modifications. First of all, in most of them the violin part confirmed in Pokorn’s and Douglas’s printed editions19, was entrusted to the transverse flute and adapted to suit which suggests that these are seen as four separate, clearly the scale and possibilities of that instrument15. Some of distinguishable music genres. A comprehensive analysis of the preserved music sources, as well as a comparison of of “Seifferth”); Christian Ulrich Ringmacher, Catalogo de’ soli, the compositions themselves, however, lead to different duetti, trii, quadri, quintetti, partite, de’ concerti e delle sinfonie conclusions. All of Ivanschiz’s chamber music of safe per il cembalo, violino, flauto traverso ed altri stromenti che si trovano in manoscritto nella officina musica di Christiano Ulrico attribution demonstrates clear similarities, especially Ringmacher librario in Berolino, 1773, p. 96. with respect to the scoring and musical form. They are all (with one exception – that of the Trio in F T.F.120) 9 Maciej Jochymczyk (ed.), Amandus Ivanschiz, Missa in C, «Musica Claromontana», vol. 10, Cracow 2013. 10 Lovro Županović (ed.), «Spomenici hrvatske glazbene interference took place, e.g. figurations difficult to perform on prošlosti», vol. 2: Iz renesanse u barok (J. Skjavetić, T. Cecchini, the flute were transposed to the viola part. A. Grgičević, I. Šibenčanin, A. Ivančić), Zagreb 1971; vol. 6: 16 Shelf no. Mus. Hs. 225 and 229. Amando Ivančić, Simfonije I–V, Zagreb 1975; vol. 7: Amando Ivančić, Simfonije VI–XI, Zagreb, 1976. 17 For the purposes of this article, we accept the distinction between chamber and orchestral works within Ivanschiz’s 11 Danilo Pokorn (ed.), Amandus Ivančič, Two Symphonies: instrumental oeuvre. One must be aware, though, that this Them.
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