-» WEATHER FORECASTS WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT - Fw 26 tmunr ending 6 p m. Thursday: Royal Victoria- prunella. Victoria add vicinity t»i#6l w moder­ I‘ant age*—Vaudeville. ate wlndH, Continued fin#», not much Dominion—Revelation. change in temperature. ^ Variety—Missing. Lower -' Mainland- Light to moderate Romano Ruler of the Road. wind*, confirmed line, not much change in Cohimbta—Rose of Paradise. temperature. Prince*—Red Croae Co. VOL. 53. NO. 32, VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1918 * FOURTEEN PAGES ALLIES BRINGING VICTORY NEAR, SAYS LLOYD GEORGE Guadalajara, Spain REPORTS STATE U BOAT SAILORS Scene of Riots Due GERMAN HOPES VANISH AS ALLIES’ 3213 to High Food Cost v AT WILHELMSHAVEN AND Guadalajara. Spate, Aug. 7.—Setioue POWER GROWS AND WITH ENTENTE outbreaks have occurred here owing to the high cost of trvmg and the poor quality the bread. Shots have been exchanged between the demonstrants FIFTY SUBMARINES DISAPPEARED and the police. RULING SEAS, SAYS LLOYD GEORGE Increasing Losses at Sea Are Said to Have Driven FRENCH GAIN DURING LULL German U Boats Chance Which Enemy Had in March Will Not Present ■* Crews Into Revolt; Twenty-Three Sentenced to to Number of Itself Again; Germans Made Land Attempt Because Death; Wilhelm Abandons Visit to Fleet AS PREPARATIONS FOR NEW - 150 Sent Down U Boats Had Failed; Great Praise for Foch London, Aug. 7.—That Marshal Foch, by his counter-stroke, had London, Aug. 7.—Rumors of a revolt by German sailors at GREAT BATTLE BEING MADE London, Ang. 7.—That 160 Ger­ Wilhelmshaven in protest against continuation of the submarine war driven the enemy back, and although the danger was not over, “he man submarines have been de­ would be a sanguine man on the German General Staff who would arc in circulation, according to a dispatch to The Express from Am­ stroyed, more than half of them in London, Aug. 7.—Artillery duck and patrol actions continue now predict that Germany could obtain a military victory," was a sterdam. It is Reported that propagandists among the men incited along the Vcalc while the Allies and Ormans make ready for future the last year, was a statement statement made by Mr. Lloyd George in the House of Commons to-day sailors about to leave on submarine cruisers to attack their ■'officers operation*. Indications point to a resumption of fighting on thia line made in the House of Commons and surrender their ships, or seek an opportunity to sink them and get in the course of a speech in which he reviewed the war situation. within a few hours. to-day by Mr. Lloyd George. themselves interned in neutral harbors. More than fifty submarines It was to be expected that several days would clapeo before the He characterized Foch’g counter-offensive as "one of the most are said to have disappeared. Allies could be in xha|>e to renew their offensive. Had weather has STRIKE SETTLED . brilliant in the annals of war." Twenty-three of the ringleaders of the revolt are reported to hampered the movement of guns-ttnd reinforcement* as well a* aerial It was too early to say the Germans had been exhausted. The scout work. Rain fell again on the battlefront Tuesday afternoon. Prince Rupert. Aug f.—The strike at have been arrested and sentenced to death. Many others have been the ITince Rupert sawmill has lwen set­ Germans still bad powerful forces in reserve, he pointed out, but it When infantry fighting does reopen- in force it probably will tled through mutual concessions agreéd arrested at Kiel and elsewhere, it is added. to by the company and the men. mark a new phase in the year’s campaign. The Marne pocket haa was not too early to say that the chance which they had on March 21 The t orfegpo«ident-*ho sends the re­ been cleared of the enemy and the would not again present itself. ports admits that the stories are con German (Town Prince defeated Pre­ flirting and the facts are difficult to During the month of July 305,000 mier Clemenceau has stated that the American troop* had been brought ascertain The men behind the move German l«»**es included 35,000 prison­ ment, the account states, are r. VOhl- over, 185,000 of them in British ships. ers and 700 guns. ARMY OF 5,000,000 IS PLAN The American army Itself would soon tionary sailors who for some time have Intense bitterness has marked what be not far short of the German army. been conducting propaganda with the little fighting, there has l»een between The Germans, he declared, had at­ object of stopping the submarine war Moissons and Itheima The American tempted their land offensive l>eeaue# because of the Increased dangers. forces ln-Flsmes and north of the river OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT their submarine offensive had failed. The recent resignation of Admiral von T( have been subjected to heavy bom Sea Power. Holtxendorff as chief of the naval hardmenta. but have held on West of GROWS IN GERMANY Until all the Allied countries were de­ staff is declared to have been con Flumes on Tuesday a German battal ion prepared to attack American bridge feated as sea. Mr. Lloyd George said, nected wit a the scandal. (tei'many never could triumph Troops Landed Saturday; Rev­ builders along the Vesle. The entire STATES CHIEF OF STAFF The Kaiser, it is added, has aban­ In alluding to the subject of pegee, doned ait Intended visit to the fleet at olutionary Party Fighting force was wilted out by American Papers at Last Admit Outlook Mr Lloyd George said that the people Wilhelmshaven this vfeek because of machine gunners. who had made the war were still In the trouble there. Brest-Litovsk Treaty French Report. for Germany Extremo- evidence, ami they could.net have peace Paris. Aug 7—Along the Vesle the Washington, Aug. 7.—In urging enactment of the administra­ so long as they were predominant in French forces continue to repulse Ger tion’s man power bill extending the army draft ages to from eighteen 2_. ly Dark the councils of the enemy Everyone man attacks, especially between to forty-five years, General March, Chief of Staff, told the Senate wanted peace, he added, but it must be W---- _ . Itraisne and Moissons. The, War Office a peace that was Just and durable—one troops landed at Vladivostok at dawn announces that 100 prisoners were Military Committee to-day that the War Department plans an army with power behind it. to-day, aaya a dispatch from that city. captured east of Braienes. of approximately 5,000.000 men. to be raised as soon as possible. Lendon, Aug. 7.—The despondent 6*250,000 Men. They received a friendly recaption. French troops occupied the etathm tone of the latest German press eem Since August, 1914, including thoee at City Salaogne. just west of the l»end General March said the shipment of men overseas would be epn- mente is emphasize* dally in epesial To Abrogate Treaty. already with the colors, Great Britain in the Veste, where it turns northward tinued according to the programme now iu effect for the present. „ dispatches from Holland. A dispatch alone, said thé Prime Minister, had RIOTS IN TORONTO London, Aug. 7.—The Ruasien Social to Join the Aisne. of The Daily Mail from the Hague to­ raised for the army and navy 6.250.00# Revolutionary Party, which is opposing German troops to-day made a local About July 30, General March said, the United States Govern- day quotes an editorial in The Ousael- men. for the most part voluntarily. The the Bolsheviki Government, has sent a | attack against the French positions ment reached a decision to enlarge Its dorff Nachrichten which says that no­ Dominions had contributed 1.000,200 direct appeal to the British Labor Party south of Auberlve, in the Champagne. military programme to carry out thé body looking into the future can see men and India 1,250.000. Instead of Reading Riot Act urging that efforts be made to convene They were repulsed. policies agreed upon at the recent an end to ths war. Mr. Lloyd George praised the work of an International Socialist convention. French troops last night made fur­ Inter-Allied Conference at Paris to the American forces In their lighting in Mayor Calls for Orderly The appeal declares that the Russian ther gains in the Montdldier region. speed up the prosecution of the war ILS.LIGHTSHIP IS "For though It is (rue the end might France, speaking of the “trained skill” come quickly,” it adds, “it could only Revolutionary Party is ready to work Montdldier Region. and bring It to an early conclusion. they had displayed and the “skilled Conduct in unison with the European Socialists Fmm General March’s testimony and be an end of terror, as in Russia^” knowledge in the management of men to re-establish the national power of The étalement reads : ither Information received, the Com­ The Vorwacrte, the Berlin Socialist under trying conditions,”-of which their Russia and to abrogate the ’ shameful “In the region of Montdldier our mittee haa gained the Impression that organ, says that events of recent days officers had given evidence. troops have made some local progress Brest-Litovsk treaty.’’ it is proposed that the youths between j SUNK BY U BOAT at last have shattered the illusion, cre­ Czecho-Slovaks. south of Framieourt and southeast of Toronto, Aug. 7.—Accepting as an. eighteen and twenty years of age shall i ated by inspired optimism, that Ger­ Plot Against Lenine.
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