INDEX TO JOURNALS ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH VOLUME THIRD SESSION, TWENTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA MEANING OF ABBREVIATIONS 1R. - First Reading A. - Assented to 2R. - Second Reading $ - Money Bill R. to C. - Referred to Committee S.P. - Sessional Paper R. to A. - Reported to Assembly WQ - Written Question C. of W. - Committee of the Whole MR - Motion for Return 3R. - Third Reading A ADDRESS IN REPLY TO SPEECH FROM THE THRONE Debated ................................. 24, 32-33, 37, 42, 48-49, 57, 68, 77 Engrossed and presented to the Lieutenant Governor (Motion 13)................................... 78 Proposed (Motion 1) ............................................... 10-12 AMENDMENTS: HOIST, REASONED, RECOMMITTAL, REFERRAL Bills Bill 1, recommittal amendment considered at Third Reading on December 4, 2007, proposed by Mr. Martin — Defeated .................420-422 Bill 43, reasoned amendment considered at Third Reading on June 14, 2007, proposed by Mr. Mason — Defeated .................271-272 Bill 46, referral amendment considered at Second Reading on November 20, 2007, proposed by Mr. Eggen on behalf of Mr. Mason — Debate adjourned .................... 331 Bill 46, referral amendment considered at Second Reading on December 3, 2007, proposed by Mr. Eggen on behalf of Mr. Mason on November 20, 2007 — Defeated .................377-378 1 AMENDMENTS: HOIST, REASONED, RECOMMITTAL, REFERRAL Bill 46, hoist amendment considered at Second Reading on December 3, 2007, proposed by Mr. Elsalhy on behalf of Ms Blakeman — Defeated on division .................377-378 Bill 46, recommittal amendment considered at Third Reading on December 4, 2007, proposed by Mr. MacDonald — Defeated on division .................417-418 Bill 204, hoist amendment considered at Second Reading on April 16, 2007, proposed by Mr. Griffiths — Agreed to on division .................108-110 Bill 205, hoist amendment considered at Second Reading on May 7, 2007, proposed by Mr. Ducharme — Agreed to on division .................162-163 Bill 207, referral amendment considered at Second Reading on May 14, 2007, proposed by Dr. Miller — Defeated .................188-189 Bill 213, referral amendment considered at Second Reading on November 19, 2007, proposed by Mr. Griffiths — Agreed to .................... 325 B BILLS INTRODUCED A numerical listing is provided in Appendix A. GOVERNMENT BILLS Access to the Future Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Rodney) (Bill 13) (c24) 1R. 26; 2R. 89; C. of W. 293-294; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Alberta Corporate Tax Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Rogers) (Bill 36) (c25) 1R. 158-159; 2R. 287; C. of W. 293-294, 303-304; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Alberta Investment Management Corporation Act ($) (Hon. Dr. Oberg) (Bill 22) (cA-26.5) 1R. 54-55; 2R. 82-83, 123; C. of W. 124-125, 129-130; 3R. 130; A. ** Alberta Personal Income Tax Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Rogers) (Bill 35) (c26) 1R. 158-159; 2R. 287; C. of W. 303-304; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Alberta Utilities Commission Act ($) (Hon. Mr. Knight) (Bill 46) (cA-37.2) 1R. 267; 2R. 317, 331, 377-378; C. of W. 378-379, 385-416; 3R. 416, 417-418; A. ***** Animal Health Act (Hon. Mr. Groeneveld) (Bill 32) (cA-40.2) 1R. 131; 2R. 148, 184; C. of W. 228-229; 3R. 260; A. 265-266 *Royal Assent granted March 23, 2007 **Royal Assent granted April 20, 2007 ***Royal Assent granted June 1, 2007 ****Royal Assent granted June 19 2007 2 *****Royal Assent granted December 7, 2007 BILLS INTRODUCED: GOVERNMENT BILLS Appeal Procedures Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Dr. Brown) (Bill 19) (c3) 1R. 39; 2R. 123; C. of W. 129-130; 3R. 130; A. ** Appropriation Act, 2007 ($) (Hon. Mr. Snelgrove) (Bill 43) (c17) 1R. 249; 2R. 259; C. of W. 263; 3R. 271-272; A. **** Appropriation (Interim Supply) Act, 2007 ($) (Hon. Mr. Snelgrove) (Bill 25) (c1) 1R. 50; 2R. 56-57; C. of W. 63-64; 3R. 68; A. * Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2007 ($) (Hon. Mr. Snelgrove) (Bill 20) (c2) 1R. 39; 2R. 56-57; C. of W. 63-64; 3R. 68; A. * Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2007 (No. 2) ($) (Hon. Mr. Snelgrove) (Bill 56) (c27) 1R. 350; 2R. 358; C. of W. 368-369; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Child Care Licensing Act (Hon. Ms Tarchuk) (Bill 4) (cC-10.5) 1R. 16; 2R. 46; C. of W. 63-64; 3R. 78; A. ** Climate Change and Emissions Management Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Renner) (Bill 3) (c4) 1R. 16; 2R. 56-57, 68, 77; C. of W. 89, 92-93, 97-98; 3R. 103, 122-123; A. ** Conflicts of Interest Amendment Act, 2007 (Dr. Brown) (Bill 2) (c28) 1R. 127; 2R. 152, 178-179; R. to C. 217; R. to A. 283; C. of W. 353-354, 358-359; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Corrections Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Johnston) (Bill 52) (c29) 1R. 340; 2R. 360, 379; C. of W. 419-420; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** County of Westlock Water Authorization Act (Hon. Mr. Renner) (Bill 54) (cC-29.5) 1R. 340; 2R. 353; C. of W. 378-379; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Disaster Services Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Prins) (Bill 30) (c12) 1R. 90; 2R. 260; C. of W. 263; 3R. 264; A. 265-266 East Central Regional Water Authorization Act (Mr. Hayden) (Bill 55) (cE-0.2) 1R. 340; 2R. 353; C. of W. 378-379; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Emblems of Alberta Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Goudreau) (Bill 27) (c5) 1R. 90; 2R. 103; C. of W. 129-130; 3R. 130; A. ** Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Dunford) (Bill 39) (c13) 1R. 204; 2R. 218, 230; C. of W. 230; 3R. 260; A. 265-266 Farm Implement Amendment Act, 2007 (Rev. Abbott) (Bill 29) (c14) 1R. 90; 2R. 218, 230; C. of W. 230; 3R. 260; A. 265-266 Government Organization Amendment Act, 2007 (Ms DeLong) (Bill 38) (c30) 1R. 158-159; 2R. 294; C. of W. 358-359, 419-420, 423; 3R. 423; A. ***** Health Facilities Accountability Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 48) (c31) 1R. 306; 2R. 367, 379; C. of W. 419-420; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** *Royal Assent granted March 23, 2007 **Royal Assent granted April 20, 2007 ***Royal Assent granted June 1, 2007 ****Royal Assent granted June 19 2007 3 *****Royal Assent granted December 7, 2007 BILLS INTRODUCED: GOVERNMENT BILLS Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Hancock) (Bill 41) (c32) 1R. 256-257; R. to C. 256-257; R. to A. 283; 2R. 308, 337; C. of W. 419-420; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (No. 2) (Mrs. Jablonski) (Bill 50) (c33) 1R. 333; 2R. 353; C. of W. 419-420; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Rodney) (Bill 5) (c18) 1R. 16; 2R. 68; C. of W. 124-125; 3R. 272; A. **** Horned Cattle Purchases Act Repeal Act (Mr. Mitzel) (Bill 10) (c19) 1R. 26; 2R. 82-83; C. of W. 92-93; 3R. 272; A. **** Income and Employment Supports Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Ms Evans) (Bill 12) (c20) 1R. 26; 2R. 82-83, 89; C. of W. 92-93; 3R. 272; A. **** Insurance Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Rodney) (Bill 42) 1R. 256-257; Not proceeded with Judicature Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Stevens) (Bill 18) (c21) 1R. 39; 2R. 98; C. of W. 264, 272; 3R. 272; A. **** Limitation Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Dr. Brown) (Bill 17) (c22) 1R. 39; 2R. 98; C. of W. 264; 3R. 272; A. **** Livestock Commerce and Animal Inspection Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Mitzel) (Bill 47) (c34) 1R. 310; 2R. 379; C. of W. 419-420; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Lobbyists Act (Hon. Mr. Stelmach) (Bill 1) (cL-20.5) 1R. 10; 2R. 56-57, 58, 64, 68; R. to C. 213; R. to A. 283; C. of W. 308, 317-319, 337-338, 352-353; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Mental Health Amendment Act, 2007 (Rev. Abbott) (Bill 31) (c35) 1R. 111; 2R. 148, 184; R. to C. 224; R. to A. 283; C. of W. 368-369, 369-370, 419-420; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Stevens) (Bill 44) (c15) 1R. 249; 2R. 259; C. of W. 263; 3R. 264; A. 265-266 Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (No. 2) (Hon. Mr. Stevens) (Bill 57) (c36) 1R. 371; 2R. 416, 420; C. of W. 423; 3R. 423; A. ***** Municipal Government Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Danyluk) (Bill 26) (c16) 1R. 80; 2R. 197, 213; C. of W. 228-229; 3R. 260; A. 265-266 Pandemic Response Statutes Amendment Act, 2007 (Mrs. Jablonski) (Bill 14) (c23) 1R. 26; 2R. 88, 89; C. of W. 272; 3R. 272; A. **** Personal Directives Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mrs. Ady) (Bill 40) (c37) 1R. 204; 2R. 294; C. of W. 337-338; 3R. 420-422; A. ***** Police Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Lindsay) (Bill 16) (c6) 1R. 39; 2R. 78, 89; C. of W. 92-93, 97-98; 3R. 130; A. ** Post-secondary Learning Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Dunford) (Bill 6) (c7) 1R. 16; 2R. 82-83; C. of W. 92-93; 3R. 130; A. ** *Royal Assent granted March 23, 2007 **Royal Assent granted April 20, 2007 ***Royal Assent granted June 1, 2007 ****Royal Assent granted June 19 2007 4 *****Royal Assent granted December 7, 2007 BILLS INTRODUCED: GOVERNMENT BILLS Private Vocational Schools Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Webber) (Bill 7) (c38) 1R. 16; 2R. 78, 89; C. of W. 287; 3R. 303; A. ***** Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Amendment Act, 2007 (Mrs. Forsyth) (Bill 15) (c8) 1R. 26; 2R. 92; C. of W. 129-130; 3R. 130; A. ** Provincial Court Amendment Act, 2007 (Hon. Mr. Stevens) (Bill 28) (c9) 1R. 90; 2R. 102; C. of W. 124-125; 3R. 130; A. ** Real Estate Amendment Act, 2007 (Mr. Rogers) (Bill 24) (c39) 1R. 54-55; 2R.
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