USO10925268B1 ( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,925,268 B1 Flasco ( 45 ) Date of Patent : Feb. 23 , 2021 ( 54 ) INSIDE CORNER CUBIC SURFACE 1,591,572 A * 7/1926 Stimson CO3B 11/06 REFLECTOR FISHING LURE 65/362 1,787,733 A * 1/1931 Pagin A01K 85/16 43 / 42.34 ( 71 ) Applicant: Ray D. Flasco , Akron , OH ( US ) 1,822,451 A * 9/1931 Oestnaes CO3B 11/082 249/112 ( 72 ) Inventor: Ray D. Flasco , Akron, OH (US ) 1,906,655 A * 5/1933 Stimson CO3B 11/06 65/362 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this 1,993,868 A 3/1935 Thornberg patent is extended or adjusted under 35 1,997,500 A 4/1935 Swarovski U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 528 days . 2,117,206 A 5/1938 Neff 2,167,149 A * 7/1939 Grote GO2B 5/124 40/582 ( 21 ) Appl. No .: 14 / 657,376 2,192,563 A 3/1940 Starkey 2,241,941 A * 5/1941 Bates A01K 85/16 ( 22 ) Filed : Mar. 13 , 2015 43 / 42.33 2,338,577 A * 1/1944 Divine A01K 85/16 ( 51 ) Int . Ci . 43 / 42.34 A01K 85/01 ( 2006.01 ) ( Continued ) A01K 85/00 ( 2006.01 ) A01K 85/14 ( 2006.01 ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS A01K 85/16 ( 2006.01 ) A01K 85/10 ( 2006.01 ) FR 2427786 Al * 1/1980 A01K 85/10 ( 52 ) U.S. CI . JP 09224529 A 9/1997 A01K 85/16 CPC A01K 85/01 ( 2013.01 ) ; A01K 85/00 ( Continued ) ( 2013.01 ) ; A01K 85/10 ( 2013.01 ) ; A01K 85/14 ( 2013.01 ) ; A01K 85/16 ( 2013.01 ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search Translation of FR 2427786 ( Year: 1980 ) . * CPC A01K 85/00 ; A01K 85/12 ; A01K 85/10 ; A01K 85/01 ; A01K 85/14 ; A01K 85/16 Primary Examiner Darren W Ark USPC 43 / 42.06 , 42.32 , 42.33 , 42.34 , 42.31 ; ( 74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Renner Kenner Greive 359/530 See application file for complete search history . Bobak Taylor & Weber Co. , LPA ( 57 ) ABSTRACT ( 56 ) References Cited Fishing tackle including , weights , sinkers , floats , bobbers, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS soft bait ( plastic and rubber lures) hard bait lures, spinners, spoons and jigs incorporating cubic corner reflector for 153,854 A 8/1874 Skinner enhancing and reflecting fluid pressure waves generated by 341,954 A 5/1886 Skinner 468,361 A 2/1892 Pflueger game fish with the reflected and enhanced pressure waves 1,180,753 A * 4/1916 Zeigler A01K 85/16 attracting the attention of the target fish and enticing it to 142.16 strike at the lure . 1,300,149 A 4/1919 Evans 1,477,864 A 12/1923 Bolton 15 Claims , 8 Drawing Sheets 12 36 48 34 10 14 tea 34b 34a 12 FIG . 3 32 34d 50 46 340 22 2-24 26 30 28 28 18 20 26 US 10,925,268 B1 Page 2 ( 56 ) References Cited 6,643,975 B1 * 11/2003 Edwards A01K 85/14 43 / 42.31 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,877,866 B2 * 4/2005 Nilsen GO2B 5/124 359/529 2,457,358 A * 12/1948 Flaugher A01K 95/00 7,045,278 B2 * 5/2006 Ihara GO2B 5/124 43 / 44.96 216/2 D154,141 S 6/1949 Pilblad 7,621,072 B2 * 11/2009 Brasseur A01K 95/00 2,480,580 A 8/1949 Hopkins A01K 85/14 43 /42.34 43 / 42.45 7,752,801 B2 * 7/2010 Choi A01K 85/01 D161,716 S 1/1951 Starkey 43 /42.34 D162,018 S 2/1951 Finberg 7,793,457 B2 * 9/2010 Hogan A01K 91/04 2,547,240 A 4/1951 Young et al . 43 /42.1 2,657,495 A 11/1953 Eppinger 8,049,846 B2 * 11/2011 Fujiwara GO2F 1/133553 2,736,125 A * 2/1956 Perkins A01K 85/14 349/113 43 / 42.34 8,177,374 B2 * 5/2012 Wu B29D 11/00605 3,133,372 A * 5/1964 Born A01K 85/16 359/530 43 /42.34 8,196,337 B2 * 6/2012 Simmons A01K 85/00 3,143,825 A 8/1964 Borgstrom 43 / 42.32 3,413,750 A * 12/1968 Henry A01K 85/10 8,231,234 B2 * 7/2012 Chapman B29D 11/00605 43 /42.33 359/530 3,494,065 A * 2/1970 Benttinen AO1K 85/16 8,317,341 B2 * 11/2012 Kim GO2B 5/124 43 /42.33 359/529 3,712,706 A * 1/1973 Stamm GO2B 5/124 8,414,135 B2 * 4/2013 Ishii F21V 7/04 359/531 359/530 3,879,883 A * 4/1975 Strader A01K 85/16 8,496,339 B2 * 7/2013 Nakajima GO2B 5/0816 43 /42.32 359/530 3,922,065 A * 11/1975 Schultz GO2B 5/124 8,511,840 B2 * 8/2013 Mimura GO2B 5/124 359/514 359/530 3,948,714 A 4/1976 Steiner F21V 7/00 8,668,341 B2 * 3/2014 Caswell GO2B 21/367 156/245 359/530 D242,349 S * 11/1976 Pitrola D22 / 126 8,950,877 B2 * 2/2015 Northey GO2B 5/124 4,037,346 A * 7/1977 Holst A01K 85/12 359/530 43 / 42.14 9,010,945 B2 * 4/2015 Vasylyev B29D 11/00278 4,066,331 A * 1/1978 Lindner GO2B 5/124 359/530 359/514 9,482,795 B2 * 11/2016 Tillotson GO2B 5/122 4,180,936 A * 1/1980 Davis A01K 85/14 2002/0073606 A1 * 6/2002 Mameamskum A01K 85/14 43 /42.5 43 / 42.5 4,189,209 A * 2/1980 Heasley GO2B 5/124 2002/0154408 A1 * 10/2002 Minoura GO2B 5/124 359/530 359/529 4,202,600 A * 5/1980 Burke GO2B 5/124 2002/0157300 A1 * 10/2002 Saul A01K 85/00 359/514 43 / 42.33 4,486,073 A * 12/1984 Boyd E06B 9/386 2003/0074830 A1 * 4/2003 Goeke A01K 85/01 160 / 166.1 43 / 42.39 D282,560 S 2/1986 Korpua 2004/0020101 A1 * 2/2004 Northrop A01K 85/12 4,631,854 A * 12/1986 Rosko A01K 85/00 43 / 42.13 359/546 2005/0088742 A1 * 4,700,504 A 10/1987 Mattison A01K 85/16 4/2005 Fujiwara GO2B 5/124 43 / 17.6 359/530 4,788,788 A * 12/1988 Brockett A01K 97/02 2006/0139754 A1 * 6/2006 Bacon , Jr. GO2B 5/124 43 /44.2 359/530 5,084,996 A 2/1992 Woodruff et al . 2007/0163165 A1 * 7/2007 Castro A01K 85/00 5,117,304 A * 5/1992 Huang CO8G 18/751 43 / 42.06 359/529 2009/0273839 A1 * 11/2009 Henrichs C25D 1/10 5,171,624 A * 12/1992 Walter GO2B 5/124 359/530 359/530 2010/0045576 A1 * 2/2010 Park HOIL 51/5281 5,226,268 A * 7/1993 Sisson , Jr. A01K 85/00 345/76 43 / 42.11 2013/0148201 A1 * 6/2013 Benson B29C 33/3842 5,237,449 A * 8/1993 Nelson GO2B 3/0006 359/530 359/529 2014/0078586 A1 * 3/2014 Spurgeon GO2B 5/124 5,450,235 A * 9/1995 Smith B29C 39/148 359/530 359/529 2015/0049384 A1 * 2/2015 Coggio GO2B 5/124 D376,189 S 12/1996 Thomas 359/530 5,812,315 A * 9/1998 Smith GO2B 5/124 2016/0091639 A1 * 3/2016 Winter GO2B 5/122 359/529 359/529 5,831,767 A * 11/1998 Benson GO2B 5/124 2016/0202398 A1 * 7/2016 Coggio GO2B 5/124 359/529 359/530 5,926,314 A * 7/1999 Smith GO2B 5/124 359/530 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,158,161 A * 12/2000 Rossman A01K 85/16 43 / 42.06 JP 3211458 U 7/2017 6,172,810 B1 * 1/2001 Fleming GO2B 5/124 JP 6429066 B2 * 11/2018 A01K 85/01 359/529 WO WO - 2006112809 Al * 10/2006 A01K 85/01 6,301,823 B1 * 10/2001 Monticello A01K 85/14 43 /42.09 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 1 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 12 26 24 10 14 16 20 18 24 20 0808080 22 24 18 10808080 , 80808 20 FIG . 1 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 2 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 10 14 s 12 FIG . 3 32 Sereng 26 30 28 28 FIG . 2 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 3 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 12 12 12 12 34b 34a 34b 340 340 34a 340 340 FIG . 3 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 4 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 10 14 ?} 34b 34a 34b 34a 32 cro 34d 34d 34b 34b 26 30 28 28 FIG.4 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 5 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 12 36 48 34 34b 34a 34d 50 46 340 22 -24 0800020008 18 20 26 FIG . 5 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 6 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 38 38 24 24 22 22 22 24 22 T ??? ???? ???8o9o9o8 20 FIG . 6 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 7 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 ?10 18 12 24 22 14 20 FIG . 7 U.S. Patent Feb. 23 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 8 US 10,925,268 B1 7}10 12 RUBBER BAITS 38 SPINNERS SPOONS JIGS 40 42 44 12 12 12 FIG .
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