
The Sphinx. Vol. 3, No. 14 May 7, 1902 Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, May 7, 1902 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/VLDRVFMTZUMQR8S Based on date of publication, this material is presumed to be in the public domain. For information on re-use, see http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/Copyright The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu ILO — THE Pk? i Ais SPHINX |@ipQosie WmW/A X Ae Mapison, WIs., May 7, 1902 \ KS, ii AG VoL. Ill. No. 14 | he 7) fis HAN | WC Ce (CC SSy KS KOCK === Creag KK | FOGG ESS THE SPHINX Tae A UNANIMOUS DECISION Dress Suit The HAHNEMANN For the affirmative is sure to be given on Cases S THE QUESTION nad Medical omcek “| Nothing More Coliege Vincent Zach’s | WG and Hospital ia aaa WZ of Chicago aoe wr = Continuous course. Terms begin in THE STUDENTS’ TAILOR AW September, January and April. Ste. dents may enter at the beginning of any en tae 9 term, The largest clinics in Chicago, Suits to Order Brown’s with a large hospital under direct a z aie 2 trol. Excellent laboratories. Gradu- weaning #e ete mt gaze ng tows Trunk Facto ry ates of colleges may be admitted to Zz teeing cee Moa ae ee | 118 E. Main St. | vanced standing. Descriptive cata- are ——_T TT lb ne f. deguies sent on-application, Persons ie: Meee ty Maen aera er TELEPHONE 53 terested in medical education should | address The CO-O - See ‘ HENRY S. WILSON, M. D., ni Is the Students’ Busi- | Brown & Nevia oe Gecligtioesi Regi : Dacron een | LIVERY SIDNEY P. RUNDELL All Students’ Supplies. High Class Corner State and Gilman Streets Join the Co-Op and H ATT E R save to yourself the base Airing Chit i! : a AR Cnn ann Madiedn. Wis, Men’s Furnisher book-dealers’ profits. 7 East Main Street. — ee | a ASK FOR prices | | SOD sae sae to Candles | » We can supply you with every- thing needful for a swell spread I ° F. I e ie joer ei pute ee F. W. Curtiss | uriously, with all appointments LAUNDRY of service and setting .............. 108 Findlay & Co. State Street Madison’s Finest Grocers Wisconsin Block Fe Norr—The new flavors in NA- Photographer BISCO eae NW eeEES ae Phone 65 toenail’ hep emcee i THE SPHINX DIRECTORY: . Jewelry.. NBIIDIIISIIIIISIIIIIII9353N ; ‘ | DENTISTS. v | N Ser ling Silver + Novelies ' | & @® Dr. S. H. Case, 302 State St. 5 Y be Bit “ tt a SS »\ Dy s @® Dr. Gro. T. RIcHARDS, y ’ ath SS Diamonds | ; Over Palace of Sweets. g 4 te 5 Ry » Dr. Epwarp A. SMITH, W here ke: SS St Ps Fine Watches, largest assor- | a Wisconsin Building. 3 ” { Go i r Ek ment in the State. Prices errr’ most | $ awe ‘ % g 4] at py) ty Ry Oo h j reasonable. oFraternity andj BES ¥ ‘ i re ae os we . Class Pins. Finest Te line of So= | ; SONS ESTE ENE: Badger is Block . g % i rt sk PP i SOE 2 iby ) ciety Stationery.dGoods sent ) BASHFORD,AYLWARD&SPENSLEY, WY FS 3 oS es = eee ix HDR Owabe 1 e286) 2222 Pay SH 18 » ox ceuaremwonw Pioneer Block. | & 7:6 Be baler 1 BOG (our, I he SS B unde & Upmeyer » a pai Pioneer Block. & y FPR ae. i Cate ae Pabst Bldg Milwaukee, Wis. BE RW aNEY, Y BE tee Geko» . s % 2 a 17-19 Marston Block. % .s Pee , 4 Rorus B. SMITH, % sol) Of ie pe om el hoe ‘ 7-8-9 Marston Block. Y STR eS ee eae HURLEY & REILLY q : Genk Seka Sjeeeeceeeeeeecececececeees: ede. OB M e n 's ——— De ee ae F ° h *Twas a Clammah. ° : urn 1s ers There was a young girl from Savannah, | The Milwaukee Sentinel ‘Who used to bang on the piannah; | 396 E. Watr St.. Milwaukee ; Neighbors Horse cars aod turned icine away, | Leading i Paper of ‘dais Te the Cla eet ah of Hannah’s ee pian- | the Northwest Agents for ee ee qn tes cote rtac ts She es ee E. & W. DRESS SHIRTS es ce és 1 ag See es rere ee eS eS obo arry— “Gee! ut | | dreamed dat I died in the happi- GEM UNION INSTRUMENTS an q est way!” Superior to all others in Finish. OR re] } ay Frayed Fred—‘‘How’s dat?” | Construction, Material and = Hobo Harry——‘'Drowned in | ‘ 7 beer.” —— Tiger. | Vacation Trips rae Smet | | ; Do you expect to treat yourself DR. GEO. T. RICHARDS | “UNION”? PIVOT JOINT. to a vacation trip this summer? DENTIST “ Ifso, write f f Strongest and most Durable Joint made. Ree ia Room 308 Over Palace of Sweets | Warranted to last a Lifetime. WABASH oe eee i | Most Complete Assortment of SUMMER Residence Phone 359 | Drawing # Materials In the West. TOUR BOOK eens giving a great variety of attrac- DR. C. H. SLIGHTAM EUGENE DIETZEN co. tive summer tours, with cost of OCULIST AND AURIST 181 Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. tickets and other valuable infor- Se Bese Gace ee ay mation. Write us about any WISCONSIN BUILDING trip you may have in mind. (Over Palace of Sweets) It's our business to assist those Cudahy Bros. Co. | whr travel. «PURCELL... PACKERS | “| C. S. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., D en ; St. Louis, Mo. cae SMITE e Seis ee F. A. PALMER, A. G. P. A., Dr. Meng with Dr. Purcell And Dealers in Provisions 97 Adams St., Chicago, Kroncke Building : West corner Capitol Park MILWAUKEE, WIS. R | F. A. AVERBECK, LEADING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. | b THE SPHINX UP TO SNUFF! Nobby y Clothes Er) > a : Za Uys have a OS ke OR a4 tendency | Fh | Ga Sep is IS Ss to‘'make the world seem bright. i | | CC =Zix ey 2) We make piel gr wg? Nobby Je Shoes Clothes That show the art of : Good Shoemaking E. J. Southwick, Her.) ewes ee | eee Ask your dealer for them. ML H, McCARTHY, F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. 4S, Carroll St. | MILWAUKEE. Manufacturers, ’ First National Bank Block PHA aa Madison, Wis. Drugs. Biological and Surgical Instruments, Microscopic Supplies, Toilet Necessaries, Perfumery and Sundries. Standard High Grade Goods at Correct Low Prices. Every Student has a Want. We aim to Supplyit. Take Rocky Mountain Tea. It Moves the World, Makes You Well=-Keeps You Well. Try it. ; Ol CG V h Cater tothe # # # # ; son eernusSsen, « « vu. w. Patronage We do Fine Merchant Tailoring and Carry the Highest Grade of Clothing, Furnishings and Hats. W.J. GAMM, JEWELER, 3 West Main Street. We carry the largest stock of Diamond, and Fine Gold Jewelry, U, W. Stick and Hat Pins; Silver Novelties, Watches, Jewelry, Repairing and Engraving. All work warranted, First e National e Bank, Madison, es Wis. e United States Designated Depository Directors: N. B. Vat. Slyke, President. M. E. Fuller, Vice President. Wayne Ramsay, Cashier. Wn. F. Vilas. James E. Moseley. B. J. Stevens. Frank F. Proudfit. HAIR DRESSING AND SHAMPOOING. STAMPING AND DESIGNING, MRS. L. ESSER, Hair and Fancy Goods Store, 2 S. Carroll St. Yi; FEE yj <= IN \ Lie : lk of) " ip IX a? il Pes 3] = ie ell bie VI] ® : | ie Rs VA P 4 a W i| cea Se “Plaint & Plaintiff.” [From ‘Slaves of Sobriety,” an unwritten Comic Opera. ] Have you ever fell a sighing after aquatic sports? . Have you ever, cully say? Have you heard your heart a ‘crying out for water- ing resorts? I did, the other day. I've thought about Poughkeepsie and our gallant little “eight”, And I’ve longed to dip an oar blade, and share their coming fate, So I joined the blooming squad known to all as “Blackstone's trickies.” Atleast, that’s what they calle us down at Hickey’s. Am I looking kind o'’leary? Do I walk a sort o'weary? Tell me, matey, prithee tell, Are my eyes a’ turning bleary? Am I altogether eerie? Let me linger here a spell. Don’t you ever take the notion you will be a ‘jolly jack” If you find you're thusly haunted, try to take an- other ‘‘tack”. Content yourself with foot-ball, ping-pong and all the rest, Ah; say that loved word jover—for what If want is R-E-S-T. Lor wY% (~~ = SAS OAL | B Fea ‘ol ) Too. 2 Lop Le LORS! IA JY bs Cd Kes (GALT ie IS Y me ? er SS = Qe: hae Kany Nea <P mA. a & & okay aS Sy x <P) y ee Ye a 116 THE SPHINX TSE se nner scare res Oe Se THE SPHINX. Se er Published every Second:Saturday during the Co. ny lege Year by Students of the University of Wis. Cure Entered at ‘the Postoffice at Madison, Wis., as a rr Second-Class Matter, September28, 1901. A, SUBSCRIPTIONS, $1.50 PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES, FIFTEEN CENTS. J ay a ( Ifnot ae paid o bef eetors anaes Ist, st, $2.00 $: per annum 1 (So RETR Single copies on sale at the news stands and Op FN book stores. : oO A <a ievehan aie GEE Rn ice \ ‘p os Address all Communications to the Man’g Editor. 1) Crara T. FROELICH, 02. FLoyp NARAMORE,’04. ~ Nora McCue, 702, L.
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