OREGON STATE LIBRARY Documents Section ■ OCT 26 19!)4sec. 34. >b, P. L. & R. U.S.P OSTAGE r i u OOCUMEN7 Salem, Oregon C Q j^s c n o K WEGON Permit No. 7 COLLECTION STATE OF OREGON Official Voters’ Pamphlet For the Regular General Election November 2, 1954 P Compiled and Distributed by EARL T. NEWBRY Secretary of State MARION COUNTY 28 FOREWORD This pamphlet is printed and distributed as provided for and regulated by the statutes hereinafter referred to, and contains the following material and information: (1) Full texts and ballot titles of (a) proposed constitutional amendments and laws referred to the voters of the state by the 1953 Legislature, and of (b) measures proposed by initiative petition. (Section 255.410, Oregon Revised Statutes.) (2) “Impartial, understandable statements” not exceeding 500 words in length, explaining each proposed measure and its effect, prepared by com­ mittees, two members of each committee being appointed by the Governor (one from among proponents and one from among opponents of the proposal), the third member being designated by these two. (ORS 254.210, 255.460.) _ (3) Arguments of committees of the Legislature supporting legislative proposals. (4) Arguments filed by interested parties advocating or opposing certain of the initiative proposals, space being paid for at the prescribed rate of $400 per page. (ORS 255.450.) (5) A complete list of candidates for national, state and district offices, whose names will appear on the official election ballots. (ORS 255.050.) (6) Statements in behalf of candidates, with portrait cuts, space for which was engaged at the rate of $10 per page for candidates for the Legislature; $50 per page for all other candidates. (ORS 255.250.) The Candidates’ Section of the Pamphlet Starts on Page 29. [ 2 ] BALLOT TITLES OF MEASURES PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO BE VOTED UPON BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE AT LARGE, NOVEMBER 2, 1954, WILL APPEAR UPON THE OFFICIAL BALLOTS IN THE FOLLOWING FORM AND ORDER: ******* m — ........ ...............................................~ Referred to the People by the Legislative Assembly SALARIES OF STATE LEGISLATORS— Purpose: To amend Ore- YES Q •j gon Constitution by giving state legislature power to fix the ' salaries of its members by law. NO Q SUBDIVIDING COUNTIES FOR ELECTING STATE LEGISLA­ TORS—Purpose: To amend Oregon Constitution to authorize YES Q 0 legislature to divide counties having more than one senator or ^ representative into subdistricts for election of senators and NO ^ representatives to state legislature. MENTAL HOSPITAL IN OR NEAR PORTLAND— Purpose: To declare that the domiciliary hospital for the treatment of per- YES Q Q sons afflicted with mental illness of the aged, authorized by w the voters on November 4, 1952, to be located within a 20-mile NO ^ ^ radius of Multnomah County Courthouse, shall care for and ® treat persons afflicted with any mental illness. CONSTITUTIONAL AM EN D M E N TS— HOW PROPOSED BY PEOPLE—Purpose: To amend Oregon Constitution by increas- YES Q A ing from 8% to 10% the number of voters’ signatures required to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot. Percentages NO ^ are based on the number of legal voters who voted for justice of the Supreme Court at last regular election. STATE PROPERTY TAX—Purpose: To amend Oregon Consti­ tution by limiting to 6 mills (plus bonded indebtedness and YES Q C interest thereon) the maximum levy of a state property tax, J unless authorized by the voters, and eliminating the 6% tax NO Q limitation so far as it applies to the state. Proposed by Initiative Petition E stablishing d a y l i g h t s a v i n g t im e —Purpose: To establish daylight saving time in all parts of Oregon within YES ^ C the Pacific time zone. Daylight saving time would become 0 effective every year at 2:00 o’clock A. M. on the last Sunday NO Q in April and would continue until 2:00 o’clock A. M. on the last Sunday in September. Repeals the present law. [See pages 19,20] [See pages 16-18] [See pages 13-15] [See pages 10-12] [See pages 7-9] [See pages 5,6] [ 3 ] 4 Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Laws Submitted to PROHIBITING CERTAIN FISHING IN COASTAL STREAMS— Purpose: To prohibit any person from fishing for salmon or Q trout by any method except hook and line in any coastal stream 7 south of the Columbia River. Ban would also extend in a three- mile radius from mouth of such streams. Imposing penalties. Fish Commission may except Tillamook Bay chum salmon. REPEALING MILK CONTROL LAW— Purpose: To repeal the YES laws which empower the State Board of Agriculture and the 8 Milk Marketing Administrator to regulate the production, dis- NO tribution and sale of milk. f See f pages 26-28] See[ pages 21-251 FULL TEXTS OF THE FOREGOING PROPOSALS, WITH AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE ARGUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN FILED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, ARE SET FORTH ON THE PAGES FOLLOWING. AS INDICATED BY THE MARGINAL REFERENCE OPPOSITE EACH BALLOT TITLE. # the Voters of Oregon, Regular General Election, November 2,1954 5 MEASURE No. 1 SALARIES OF STATE LEGISLATORS Proposed by the Forty-seventh Legislative Assembly by Senate Joint Resolution No. 20, filed in the office of the Secretary of State April 23, 1953, and referred to the people as provided by section 1 of article XVII of the Constitution. > CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT law. For each session of the legislature, they shall also receive the sum of 10 cents Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State for every mile they shall travel in going of Oregon, the House of Representatives to and returning from their place of meet­ jointly concurring: ing. on the most usual route, and no other That section 29, Article IV of the Con­ personal expenses. The presiding officers stitution of the State of Oregon be of the assembly shall, in virtue of their amended to read as follows: office, receive an additional compensation Sec. 29. [The members of the Legis­ eQual to one-third of their annual allow­ lative Assembly shall receive for their ance as members. ] The compensation of services a salary of six hundred dollars the members of the Legislative Assembly (S6C0) per annum, payable as provided by shall be prescribed by law. NOTE—The foregoing is set forth in accordance with section 255.440, Oregon Revised Statutes, which provides that “* * * the text of a proposed amendment to any section of the constitu­ tion shall be printed in the pamphlet so as to indicate by the use of brackets the matter that would be deleted from the existing provision, and by italic type the matter that would be added th e re to ” . BALLOT TITLE SALARIES OF STATE LEGISLATORS—Purpose: To amend Oregon Con- , YES | | stitution by giving state legislature power to fix the salaries of its j ,—. I members by law. | *r u |__| DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this proposed amendment to Section 29, Article IV, Oregon Constitu­ tion, is to allow the compensation of senators and representatives as members of the Legislative Assembly to be fixed from time to time by statute and to remove the present constitutional limitations on such salary. EXPLANATION OF MEASURE No. 1 Salaries of State Legislators The limitations applying to salaries tute for this section the simple word­ and expense accounts of members of ing as follows: the state legislature would be re­ moved from the constitution by ap­ PROPOSED SUBSTITUTION proval of Measure No. 1. The limita­ Section 29—“The compensation of tions now in the constitution are those members of the Legislative Assembly in Section 29 of Article IV, and are as shall be prescribed by law.” follows: This substitution would eliminate the old Section 29 in its entirety, and PRESENT CONSTITUTION would permit the Legislature to fix “ Sec. 29—The members of the Leg­ salaries of members by statute en­ islative Assembly shall receive for acted by the Legislature. Such a stat­ their services a salary of six hundred ute also could permit expense allow­ dollars ($600) per annum, payable as ances up to any limitation contained provided by law. For each session of in the statute. Salary changes would " h e Legislature, they shall also re­ no longer reQuire amendment of the ceive the sum of 10 cents for every constitution but would be accom­ mile they shall travel in going to and plished by act of the legislature. returning from their place of meeting, on the most usual route, and no other C. C. CHAPMAN, Portland personal expenses. The presiding of­ MRS. HARRY R. SWANSON, JR., ficers of the assembly shall, in virtue Astoria of their office, receive an additional JOHN M. SWARTHOUT, Corvallis compensation equal to one-third of their annual allowance as members.” Committee designated pursuant to Measure No. 1 proposes to substi­ ORS 254.210. 6 Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Laws Submitted to ARGUMENT Submitted by the Legislative Committee provided by Senate Joint Resolution No. 20 of the Forty-seventh Legislative Assembly, in favor of MEASURE No. 1 Salaries of State Legislators The people of the State of Oregon want The sum of 10c per mile is paid to each w the best Qualified men and women to Legislator for one, and only one, round represent them in the State Legislature. trip from his home to Salem when the The best way to insure our having true Assembly convenes, no matter how many representation in the Legislature is to trips he may be reQuired to make. He does make possible financially the service of not receive any other expense allowance any person in this State, regardless of his of any kind for rent, cost of living, or any or her economic status.
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