«. J. 9. I , , . ,~ Ranganathan Series in Library Science, 4- Madru Library Asaociation Publication Series, 26 COLON CLASSIFICATION Some other books by the autho,' Anullarga-suchi-kalpa Classification and communication Classified catalogue code Depth classification Education Jar leisure Elements oj librar_)! classification Fivf laws oj library Science Grantha-adhyayanartha-hai Granthalaya-p7 akr~ya Heading and canons Librar_y development plan Library legislation Literature jor Tltolit(Tates OrganisalioTI of libraries Philvsvphy if lIbrar_y cl ass~'i((jti{ln Proltgomma 10 libra'..)! classijiea/iOlI Public Library proeision and documentation probltrro Rural adult education Social bibliography Social education lie(Tature Union catalogue of teamed periodical publication in South As!a RaIlgallathan Series in Library Science Librar_y movrmenl in india, a symposium, ed by P N Kalu 2 Classified catalogue code with additional rules Jar dictionary calalog ue code, by S R Rauganathan :5 Library administration, by S R Ranganathan 4- ColuTI classification, by S R Ranganathall 5 S'ocial science mtarch and libraries, ed by S R Ranganathan and Girja Kumar 6 Library manual, by S R Ranganathan COLON CLASSIFICATION BY S R RANGANATHAN BASIC CLASSIFICATION ASIA ·PUBLISHINC HOUSE BOMBAY· CALCUTTA· NEW DELHI· MADRAS LONDON· NEW YUHK Shiyali Ramamrita RANGANATHAN (1892) fi'rJt Edition 1933 Suond Edition 1939 Third Edition 1950 Fourth Edition 1952 Fyth Ed,tion 1957 Sixth Edition 1960 Reprinttd 196., (with amendmenrs) 2 :51N3 qN60 U•• I\[r,:;1TY OF A RICULTURAl SClfNca U,~I\[li~1TV lIBH"RY BAN;'\cOkE AcceSS10Il No..." , Ddte .;~~, .::'... t . ~:~:.·.:::.::C~··" PRINTED IN INDI! IIY M. f .. EAPEN AT THE G. L. S. PRESS, BOMBAY, AND PUBLISHED llY P. S. .IAYASINGHE, ASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, BOMBAY To Afy Bdovrd ProjiS50/ EDWARD BRoss CONTENTS Page in/ Page in Page in Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Preface to edition 6 9 Chap 00 Introduction 12 Chap 01 Call Number 1'3 Chap 02 Class Number 1 5 Chap 03 Book Number 1'9 2'3 Chap 04 Collection Number 1'18 Chap 05 Focus and Facet 1'20 Chap 06 Contractions 1'35 Chap 07 Canons of Classification 1'37 Chap 08 Principles and Postulates 1'39 Chap 1 Main Class 1'41 2'4 Chap 2 Common Isolate 1'43 2'5 Chap 3 Time Isolate 1'49 2'7 Chap 4 Space Isolate 1'51 2'8 Chap 5 Language Isolate 1'54 2'26 Chap 6 Phase and Intra-Facet Relation 1'55 2'28 Cllap 7 Classic 1'59 Chap 9.: Generalia l'62 2'29 Chap 92 Library Science 1'64 2'30 Chap B Mathematics l'65 2'31 Chap C Physics 1'70 2'37 Chap D Engineering 1'72 2'40 Chap E Chemistry 1'74 2'46 Chap F Technology 1'77 2'50 Chap G Biology 1'79 2'51 Chap H Geology 1'80 2'53 Chap HZ Mining 1'82 2'56 Chap I Botany 1'83 2'57 Chap J Agriculture 1'84 2'64 7 Page in Page in Page in Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Chap K Zoology 1-86 2-67 Chap KZ Animal Husbandry 1-87 2-79 Chap L Medicine 1-88 2-80 3-3 Chap LZ Pharmacognosy 1-90 2-87 Chap M Useful Arts 1-91 2-88 Chap !::, SpiTituat Exp~rience a.nd Mysticism 1-92 2-90 3-5 Chap N Fine Arts 1-95 2-91 3-7 Chap 0 Literature 1-98 2-94 38 Chap P Linguistics I-lOS 2-95 3-14 Chap Q Religion }-108 2-97 3-22 Chap R Philosophy }-II0 2-100 3-34- Chap S Psychology 1-112 2'103 Chap T Education 1-113 2-105 Chap U Geography 1-114 2-107 Chap V History 1-ll5 2_108 ChapW Political Science 1-117 2-110 Cbap X Economics 1-118 2-111 Chap y Sociology 1-120 2-115 Chap Z Law 1-121 2-118 Index 1-123 2-124 3-54 Schedules of Classics and Sacred Books Part 3 3-1 8 PREFACE TO EDITION 6 The following are the substantial changes introduced in ed 5, and in this edition. Changes 6 to 8 have been made in this edition. The chapters of the Part" Rules" have been re-arranged and partly re-written in this edition. I In view of the re-organisation of th.- constituent states, a brief alter­ native schedule of divisions of India is given in chaptl'r 4 of the Schedules. It will take some years for the formation of thr districts to be finalisrd by the nl'W states. Therefort·, th". drtails of th.. old ,ch.-dul.. ar!' r('taim·d. The new brief schedule is given at the end of the old. 2 Chapter 6 of the Sch",dules is new. It p;iw's th" sch"dules for Phase, Intra-Fac .. !, and Intra-Array Rdat;ons Th .. two laller concepts kad to some economy in thl" kngth of certain kinds of class numbers. 3 Th". canonical divisions of" N Fine Arts" bave b .. en revised. Capitals ar.. used !o df'note them in th... pia".. of numerals. The "'ason for this revision has been explained in th" Annals qf library science, 2, 1955, 102-103. 4 The schedules for Managrmf'nt and Labour in " X Economics" have b .. en revised. In rrcent years, a considf'rab!e Iitrratun' has grown on these subjf'cts. Their proliff'ration contiml!'s to bt· incrssant. To me,·t th,.ir pressure, a mOf" v,.rsatile scheme has become nt'<.:essary. A dt'tail,.d draft has heen puhlished in the Annal" ~f libra~v "rima, 3, 195G. 33-64, to elicit 'lJgp;('stions. Th,. brief version of it includ,.d in this volume belongs to a rdatively stabk ),.vel . .5 Some substantial additions have b!'cn made in Ih,. s('hedule. for " Z Law". Th"s" have been sug!':('sted by th" work of dassification in progress in th .. Library of the Ministry of La'-\' of tht· (;ovrrnm!'nt of India. 6 This .. <lilion givl'll a selection fmm the sch,.duks for s"cond kve15 of time and space facet., and comrnon en,.rgy isolates. I'or, books appear needing their us,.. 7 In the light of experiencr, th,. subj('ct fae"t has b,.('n brought over from lhl' s('cond to thl' first I.. "", in the second round of tbe main class Education. 71 A short energy schedule has been added to Nuclear Physics and Nuclear l'.nginrtring. 73 To meet existing literary warrant th!' partially comprehensive main class" NZ Language and Literature" has be,.n formf'd. 8 To avoid the usc of Gr.... k ktters in main class''5 with much literary warrant, '1] ( .. tah) r('presenting Mining has b,.en replan'd by HZ and A (Iamda) representing Animal Husbandry has br('n rrplaced by KZ. This change in notation does not disturb the position of the main class!'s. Another change is the omission of the details in the schedules for "J Agriculture". It has been found from experience that these details are seldom needed in the cJassifi<::ation of books. The omission of these details is a part of the contemplated re-organisation of this and the future editions of the Colon classifica­ tion. It is pIOposed to have two stages for it. 9 COLON CLASSJFICATION: RULES The version at stage I will contain only such isolates as are sufficient for the classification of Macro Thought embodied in books, taken in general libraries such as pubic libraries and libraries of schools, colleges, and universities. To make demonst­ ration of application to specialised monographs possible, all the isolates appearing in the earlier editions, except those of Agriculture, have been retained. The version at stage 2 is intended to give the more elaborate schedules necessary for the Depth Classification of Micro Thought embodied in articles in learned periodicals. Minute or depth classification of such articles is nece,sary to enable the library profession to play its role in the development of research. The profession should do intensive Documentation Service to specialist readers. Documentation service is really exhaustive, expeditious, pinpointed, bibliographical service to specialists, with emphasis on nascent micro thought. Such a service needs as its basis the use of depth classification in international abstracting periodicals, in national documentation lists, and in sQecial bibliographies prepared, from time to time, by research libraries. To fit any scheme for documentation service, continuous work is necessary, both in the theory and in the application of classification. It is not practicable to work out all at once full schedules for all the classes. To keep pace with the dynamic development of the universe of knowledge, the schedules will have to be ever-growing. Nor will the development be equal in inten­ sity in all classes. Therefore version 2 will have to be issued in separate fascicules for different classes. In the work being done since 1951 as rapporteur-general to the Committee on the General Theory of Classification of the International Federation for Documentation, considerable experi­ ence is being gained in the requirements of Depth Classification. But there aff~ still many unsolved problems, both in the idea plane and in the notational plane. The schedules will have to he worked out jointly by expert classificationists and experts in the classes concerned. To give an omnibus single volume, embodying all the details for all classes, will he to scare away, from classification, the major­ ity of librarians working in general libraries. It is proposed to publish the depth schedules as separate fascicules of version 2, 10 PREFACE TO EDITION 6 for the use of librarians specialising as documentalists in parti­ cular classes of knowledge.
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